Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Cross three 4x1 vectors */
void matrix_cross4(const double *u, const double *v, const double *w, double *x) 
    double sub1[9] = 
	{ u[1], u[2], u[3],
	  v[1], v[2], v[3],
	  w[1], w[2], w[3] };
    double sub2[9] = 
	{ u[0], u[2], u[3],
	  v[0], v[2], v[3],
	  w[0], w[2], w[3] };

    double sub3[9] = 
	{ u[0], u[1], u[3],
	  v[0], v[1], v[3],
	  w[0], w[1], w[3] };

    double sub4[9] = 
	{ u[0], u[1], u[2],
	  v[0], v[1], v[2],
	  w[0], w[1], w[2] };

    double det1 = matrix_determinant3(sub1);
    double det2 = matrix_determinant3(sub2);
    double det3 = matrix_determinant3(sub3);
    double det4 = matrix_determinant3(sub4);

    x[0] = det1;
    x[1] = det2;
    x[2] = det3;
    x[3] = det4;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Align two sets of points with a 3D rotation */
double align_3D_rotation(int n, v3_t *r_pts, v3_t *l_pts, double *R)
    double A[9];
    double U[9], S[3], V[9], VT[9], RT[9];
    int i;
    double error;

#if 0
    if (n > 3) {
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            printf("%0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", 
                   Vx(r_pts[i]), Vy(r_pts[i]), Vz(r_pts[i]));
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            printf("%0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", 
                   Vx(l_pts[i]), Vy(l_pts[i]), Vz(l_pts[i]));                

    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
	A[i] = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double *a = l_pts[i].p, *b = r_pts[i].p;
	// matrix_product(3, 1, 1, 3, l_pts[i].p, r_pts[i].p, tensor);
        A[0] += a[0] * b[0];
        A[1] += a[0] * b[1];
        A[2] += a[0] * b[2];

        A[3] += a[1] * b[0];
        A[4] += a[1] * b[1];
        A[5] += a[1] * b[2];

        A[6] += a[2] * b[0];
        A[7] += a[2] * b[1];
        A[8] += a[2] * b[2];

    // dgesvd_driver(3, 3, A, U, S, VT);
    // printf("svd:\n");
    // matrix_print(3, 3, A);
    svd(3, 3, 1, 1, 1.0e-12, 1.0e-12, A, S, U, V, VT);
    // printf("U:\n");
    // matrix_print(3, 3, U);
    // printf("VT:\n");
    // matrix_print(3, 3, VT);
    // printf("S:\n");
    // matrix_print(3, 3, S);

    matrix_product33(U, VT, RT);
    matrix_transpose(3, 3, RT, R);

    // printf("R:\n");
    // matrix_print(3, 3, R);

    if (matrix_determinant3(R) < 0.0) {
        /* We're dealing with a reflection */
        double tmp[9];
        double reflectZ[9] = { 1.0, 0.0,  0.0,
                               0.0, 1.0,  0.0, 
                               0.0, 0.0, -1.0 };

        matrix_product33(U, reflectZ, tmp);
        matrix_product33(tmp, VT, RT);
        matrix_transpose(3, 3, RT, R);

    /* Compute error */
    error = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	double rot[3];
	double diff[3];
	double dist;
	matrix_product331(R, l_pts[i].p, rot);
	matrix_diff(3, 1, 3, 1, rot, r_pts[i].p, diff);
	dist = matrix_norm(3, 1, diff);

        // printf("d[%d] = %0.6f\n", i, dist);
	error += dist;

    return error / n;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Computes the closed-form least-squares solution to a rigid
 * body alignment.
 * n: the number of points
 * right_pts: Target set of n points 
 * left_pts:  Source set of n points */
double align_horn_3D(int n, v3_t *right_pts, v3_t *left_pts, int scale_xform, 
		     double *Tout) {
    int i;
    v3_t right_centroid = v3_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    v3_t left_centroid = v3_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    double M[3][3] = { { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, }, 
                       { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, },
		       { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, } };
    double MT[3][3];
    double MTM[3][3];
    double eval[3], sqrteval_inv[3];
    double evec[3][3], evec_tmp[3][3];
    double Sinv[3][3], U[3][3];
    double Tcenter[4][4] = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
			     { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
			     { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
			     { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } };

    double Ttmp[4][4];
    double T[16], R[16];

    double sum_num, sum_den, scale, RMS_sum;

    int perm[3];

    /* Compute the centroid of both point sets */
    right_centroid = v3_mean(n, right_pts);
    left_centroid  = v3_mean(n, left_pts);

    /* Compute the scale */
    sum_num = sum_den = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        v3_t r = v3_sub(right_centroid, right_pts[i]);
        v3_t l = v3_sub(left_centroid, left_pts[i]);
	sum_num += v3_magsq(r);
	sum_den += v3_magsq(l);

    scale = sqrt(sum_num / sum_den);

    /* Fill in the matrix M */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        v3_t r = v3_sub(right_centroid, right_pts[i]);
        v3_t l = v3_sub(left_centroid, left_pts[i]);

	M[0][0] += Vx(r) * Vx(l);
	M[0][1] += Vx(r) * Vy(l);
	M[0][2] += Vx(r) * Vz(l);

	M[1][0] += Vy(r) * Vx(l);
	M[1][1] += Vy(r) * Vy(l);
	M[1][2] += Vy(r) * Vz(l);

	M[2][0] += Vz(r) * Vx(l);
	M[2][1] += Vz(r) * Vy(l);
	M[2][2] += Vz(r) * Vz(l);

    /* Compute MTM */
    matrix_transpose(3, 3, (double *)M, (double *)MT);
    matrix_product(3, 3, 3, 3, (double *)MT, (double *)M, (double *)MTM);

    /* Calculate Sinv, the inverse of the square root of MTM */
    dgeev_driver(3, (double *)MTM, (double *)evec, eval);

    /* Sort the eigenvalues */
    qsort_perm(3, eval, perm);
    memcpy(evec_tmp[0], evec[perm[0]], sizeof(double) * 3);
    memcpy(evec_tmp[1], evec[perm[1]], sizeof(double) * 3);
    memcpy(evec_tmp[2], evec[perm[2]], sizeof(double) * 3);
    memcpy(evec, evec_tmp, sizeof(double) * 9);

    sqrteval_inv[0] = 1.0 / sqrt(eval[0]);
    sqrteval_inv[1] = 1.0 / sqrt(eval[1]);

    if (eval[2] < 1.0e-8 * eval[0]) {
        sqrteval_inv[2] = 0.0;
    } else {
        sqrteval_inv[2] = 1.0 / sqrt(eval[2]);

    Sinv[0][0] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][0] * evec[0][0] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][0] * evec[1][0] + 
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][0] * evec[2][0];
    Sinv[0][1] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][0] * evec[0][1] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][0] * evec[1][1] + 
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][0] * evec[2][1];
    Sinv[0][2] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][0] * evec[0][2] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][0] * evec[1][2] + 
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][0] * evec[2][2];

    Sinv[1][0] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][1] * evec[0][0] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][1] * evec[1][0] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][1] * evec[2][0];
    Sinv[1][1] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][1] * evec[0][1] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][1] * evec[1][1] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][1] * evec[2][1];
    Sinv[1][2] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][1] * evec[0][2] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][1] * evec[1][2] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][1] * evec[2][2];
    Sinv[2][0] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][2] * evec[0][0] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][2] * evec[1][0] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][2] * evec[2][0];
    Sinv[2][1] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][2] * evec[0][1] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][2] * evec[1][1] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][2] * evec[2][1];
    Sinv[2][2] = 
        sqrteval_inv[0] * evec[0][2] * evec[0][2] +
        sqrteval_inv[1] * evec[1][2] * evec[1][2] +
        sqrteval_inv[2] * evec[2][2] * evec[2][2];

    /* U = M * Sinv */
    matrix_product(3, 3, 3, 3, (double *)M, (double *)Sinv, (double *)U);

    if (eval[2] < 1.0e-8 * eval[0]) {    
        double u3u3[9], Utmp[9];
        matrix_transpose_product2(3, 1, 3, 1, evec[2], evec[2], u3u3);

        matrix_sum(3, 3, 3, 3, (double *) U, u3u3, Utmp);
        if (matrix_determinant3(Utmp) < 0.0) {
            printf("[align_horn_3D] Recomputing matrix...\n");
            matrix_diff(3, 3, 3, 3, (double *) U, u3u3, Utmp);

        memcpy(U, Utmp, 9 * sizeof(double));
    /* Fill in the rotation matrix */
    R[0]  = U[0][0]; R[1]  = U[0][1]; R[2]  = U[0][2]; R[3]  = 0.0;
    R[4]  = U[1][0]; R[5]  = U[1][1]; R[6]  = U[1][2]; R[7]  = 0.0;
    R[8]  = U[2][0]; R[9]  = U[2][1]; R[10] = U[2][2]; R[11] = 0.0;
    R[12] = 0.0;     R[13] = 0.0;     R[14] = 0.0;     R[15] = 1.0;
    /* Fill in the translation matrix */
    matrix_ident(4, T);
    T[3]  = Vx(right_centroid);
    T[7]  = Vy(right_centroid);
    T[11] = Vz(right_centroid);

    if (scale_xform == 0)
	scale = 1.0;

    Tcenter[0][0] = scale;
    Tcenter[1][1] = scale;
    Tcenter[2][2] = scale;
    Tcenter[0][3] = -scale * Vx(left_centroid);
    Tcenter[1][3] = -scale * Vy(left_centroid);
    Tcenter[2][3] = -scale * Vz(left_centroid);

    matrix_product(4, 4, 4, 4, T, R, (double *) Ttmp);
    matrix_product(4, 4, 4, 4, (double *)Ttmp, (double *)Tcenter, Tout);

#if 0
    T[2] = Vx(v3_sub(right_centroid, left_centroid));
    T[5] = Vy(v3_sub(right_centroid, left_centroid));
    T[8] = Vz(v3_sub(right_centroid, left_centroid));

    /* Now compute the RMS error between the points */
    RMS_sum = 0.0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	double left[4] = { Vx(left_pts[i]), 
			   Vz(left_pts[i]), 1.0 };
	double left_prime[3];
	double dx, dy, dz;

	matrix_product(4, 4, 4, 1, Tout, left, left_prime);

	dx = left_prime[0] - Vx(right_pts[i]);
	dy = left_prime[1] - Vy(right_pts[i]);
	dz = left_prime[2] - Vz(right_pts[i]);

	RMS_sum += dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
#if 0
        v3_t r = v3_sub(right_centroid, right_pts[i]);
        v3_t l = v3_sub(left_centroid, left_pts[i]);
	v3_t resid;

	/* Rotate, scale l */
	v3_t Rl, SRl;

	Vx(Rl) = R[0] * Vx(l) + R[1] * Vy(l) + R[2] * Vz(l);
	Vy(Rl) = R[3] * Vx(l) + R[4] * Vy(l) + R[5] * Vz(l);
	Vz(Rl) = R[6] * Vx(l) + R[7] * Vy(l) + R[8] * Vz(l);

	SRl = v3_scale(scale, Rl);
	resid = v3_sub(r, SRl);
	RMS_sum += v3_magsq(resid);
    return sqrt(RMS_sum / n);