void load_engine(int engine_id){
    if (-1!=cur_engine){
    max_engines[engine_id] = max_load(max_files[engine_id],"*");
    cur_engine = engine_id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 bool LSH_DFE::prepare_max_file(){
     cout<<"----------loading DFE----------"<<endl;
     mf = LSH_init();
     bool check = check_parameters();
         return false;
     me = max_load(mf, "*");
     cout<<"----------loading DFE finished----------"<<endl;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
unsigned int simplex(const int m, const int n, lp_t * p) {
    // init DFE
    max_file_t * maxfile = Simplex_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");
	// align for streaming
	int align_m, align_n;
	lp_t * align_p = copy_aligned(m, n, p, &align_m, &align_n);
	if (trace > 0) printf("aligned: %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", m, n, align_m, align_n);
	// reserve buffers
	lp_t * pivcol = (lp_t *) malloc(align_m * sizeof(lp_t));
	lp_t * pivrow = (lp_t *) malloc(align_n * sizeof(lp_t));
	// Simplex action to call DFE
	Simplex_actions_t act;
	act.param_m = align_m;
	act.param_n = align_n;
	act.instream_pivcol = pivcol;
	act.instream_pivrow = pivrow;
	act.instream_x = align_p;
	act.outstream_y = align_p;
	// main loop
	unsigned int count = 0;
	while (count < max_iterations || max_iterations == 0) {
		// column
		int col = pivot_rule == 0 ? find_pivot_column_first(align_n, align_p) : find_pivot_column_max(align_n, align_p);
		if (col < 0) break;	// optimum found
		// row
		int row = find_pivot_row(align_m, align_n, align_p, col);
		if (row < 0) { align_p[0] = NAN; break; }	// unbounded
		// pivoting
		lp_t pivot = align_p[row * align_n + col];
		if (trace > 0) printf("%d: pivoting on %d, %d: %"lp_t_fmt1"\n", count, row, col, pivot);
		// store pivcol & pivrow for DFE streaming
		for (int i = 0; i < align_m; i++) pivcol[i] = align_p[i * align_n + col];
		for (int j = 0; j < align_n; j++) pivrow[j] = align_p[row * align_n + j];
		// call DFE for pivoting
		act.param_row = row;
		act.param_col = col;
		act.param_pivot = 1 / pivot;
		Simplex_run(engine, &act);
        // tracing
		if (trace >= 9) write_bg(stdout, m, n, p);
		if (trace >= 2) print_obj(n, p);
        if (trace >= 3) print_bounds(m, n, p);
	// unload DFE
	// free buffers
	p[0] = align_p[0];
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4) {
		printf("Syntax: %s <TOP local IP> <BOT local IP> <forward IP>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	struct in_addr top_ip;
	struct in_addr bot_ip;
	struct in_addr fwd_ip;
	struct in_addr netmask;

	inet_aton(argv[1], &top_ip);
	inet_aton(argv[2], &bot_ip);
	inet_aton(argv[3], &fwd_ip);
	inet_aton("", &netmask);

	uint16_t port = 7653;

	printf("EthFwd: TOP IP '%s', BOT IP '%s', Forward IP '%s', port %u\n", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], port);

	max_file_t *maxfile = EthFwd_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &top_ip, &netmask);
	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &bot_ip, &netmask);

	struct ether_addr local_mac2, remote_mac2;
	max_arp_lookup_entry(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &fwd_ip, &remote_mac2);
	max_eth_get_default_mac_address(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &local_mac2);

	uint64_t localMac = 0, forwardMac = 0;
	memcpy(&localMac, &local_mac2, 6);
	memcpy(&forwardMac, &remote_mac2, 6);

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *action = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "localIp", bot_ip.s_addr);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "forwardIp", fwd_ip.s_addr);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "localMac", localMac);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "forwardMac", forwardMac);
	max_set_uint64t(action, "fwdKernel", "port", port);
	max_run(engine, action);

	printf("JDFE Running.\n");


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(void)
	printf("Loading image from '%s'\n", in_filename);
	uint8_t *in_data;
	uint64_t width, height;
	loadImage(in_filename, &in_data, &width, &height);

	uint64_t data_size = width * height * 3;
	uint8_t *out_data = malloc(data_size);
	printf("Configuring DFE with full bitstream\n");

	max_file_t *maxfile = PRImageFilter_init();
	max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	printf("Running DFE\n");
	PRImageFilter_actions_t myaction = { data_size, in_data, out_data };
	PRImageFilter_run(engine, &myaction);

	printf("Partially reconfiguring DFE\n");
	max_reconfig_partial_bitstream(engine, "EdgeLaplaceKernel");
	max_reconfig_partial_bitstream(engine, "ThresholdKernel");

	printf("Running DFE\n");
	myaction.instream_input = out_data;
	PRImageFilter_run(engine, &myaction);


	printf("Saving image to '%s'\n", out_filename);
	writeImage(out_filename, out_data, width, height);

	printf("Checking result against '%s'\n", golden_filename);
	int ret = checkResult(out_data);
	if (!ret)
		printf("Result correct\n");
		printf("Result incorrect\n");


	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 *	Constructor takes a string where a plan is contained and a pointer to a domain object, parses the plan and sets up unrolled arrays for streaming to DFE
AirfoilDFEInterface::AirfoilDFEInterface(std::string planfile, AirfoilDFEDomain * domain_) {

	domain = domain_;

	nEdgeComputeDFE = (*domain).nedgecomputedfe;
	nCellComputeDFE = (*domain).ncellcomputedfe;

	maxfile = airfoildfe_init();
	engine = max_load(maxfile,"*");

	memAddresses = (int * ) malloc(sizeof(int)*(MEM_ADDRESS_ITEMS+1));


	int cumulativeAddress = 0;
	memAddresses[adtDx] = cumulativeAddress*burstSize;
	int floatBits = max_get_constant_uint64t(maxfile,"floatBits");
	int adtDxBursts = getNBursts(floatBits, nCellComputeDFE*12);
	cumulativeAddress += adtDxBursts;

	memAddresses[resReadOnly] = cumulativeAddress*burstSize;
	int resReadOnlyBursts = getNBursts(resReadOnlyBits, nEdgeComputeDFE);
	cumulativeAddress += resReadOnlyBursts;

	memAddresses[q] = cumulativeAddress*burstSize;
	int qBursts = getNBursts(floatBits, nCellComputeDFE*4);
	cumulativeAddress += qBursts;

	memAddresses[qold] = cumulativeAddress*burstSize;
	cumulativeAddress += qBursts;

	memAddresses[MEM_ADDRESS_ITEMS] = cumulativeAddress*burstSize;

	qpadtPortWidth = max_get_constant_uint64t(maxfile, "qpadtPortPCIeWidthInBytes");
	printf("Generated lmem addresses, sizes:\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < MEM_ADDRESS_ITEMS; i++) printf("%d,%d\n",memAddresses[i], memAddresses[i+1]- memAddresses[i]);
int main(void)
	const int no = 50;
	const int k = 2;
	const int row = 24;
	const int col = 24;
	const int batch_size = 384;

	int z2_offset = 0;
	int z2_size = no*row*col*batch_size*sizeof(real);
	int sel_offset = z2_offset+z2_size;
	int sel_size = no*row*col*batch_size/8;
	int z_offset = sel_offset+sel_size;
	int z_size = no*row*col/k/k*batch_size*sizeof(real);
	int a_offset = z_offset+z_size;
	int a_size = no*row*col/k/k*batch_size*sizeof(real);

	real* z2 = (real*)malloc(z2_size);
	uchar* sel = (uchar*)malloc(sel_size);
	real* z = (real*)malloc(z_size);
	real* a = (real*)malloc(a_size);

	max_file_t *maxfile = CNN_FW_MaxPool_V0_DP_L0_0_init();
	max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	printf("Writing to LMem.\n");
	max_actions_t* act = max_actions_init(maxfile, "writeLMem");
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "offset", z2_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "size", z2_size);
	max_queue_input(act, "cpu_to_lmem_at_cpu", z2, z2_size);
	max_run(engine, act);

	printf("Running on DFE.\n");
	act = max_actions_init(maxfile, "default");
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "no", no);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "z2_offset", z2_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "sel_offset", sel_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "z_offset", z_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "a_offset", a_offset);
	max_run(engine, act);

	printf("Reading from LMemBytes.\n");
	act = max_actions_init(maxfile, "readLMemBytes");
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "offset", sel_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "size", sel_size);
	max_queue_output(act, "lmem_to_cpu_at_cpu", sel, sel_size);
	max_run(engine, act);

	printf("Reading from LMem.\n");
	act = max_actions_init(maxfile, "readLMem");
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "offset", z_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "size", z_size);
	max_queue_output(act, "lmem_to_cpu_at_cpu", z, z_size);
	max_run(engine, act);

	printf("Reading from LMem.\n");
	act = max_actions_init(maxfile, "readLMem");
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "offset", a_offset);
	max_set_param_uint64t(act, "size", a_size);
	max_queue_output(act, "lmem_to_cpu_at_cpu", a, a_size);
	max_run(engine, act);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main()
  const int padH = Top_pad;
  const int padW = Top_pad;
  const int kH = Top_k;
  const int kW = Top_k;
  const int stride = Top_stride;

  int inH = 7;//get_min_in(padH,kH,stride);
  int inW = 7;//get_min_in(padW,kW,stride);
  const int NY = inH+2*padH;
  const int NX = inW+2*padW;

  const float kernel[kH*kW] = {0,1,0,1,2,1,0,1,0};
  int paddedH = inH+2*padH;
  int paddedW = inW+2*padW;
  int outH = 1+(paddedH-kH)/stride;
  int outW = 1+(paddedW-kW)/stride;
  uint32_t inSizeBytes = adjust(inH * inW*sizeof(float),384);
  uint32_t outSizeBytes = adjust(outH * outW*sizeof(float),384);
  uint32_t inAddr = 0;
  uint32_t outAddr = inAddr + inSizeBytes;

  if ((paddedH-kH)%stride || (paddedW-kW)%stride) {
  float *dataIn = malloc(inSizeBytes);
  float *dataOut = malloc(outSizeBytes);
  float *expectedOut = malloc(outSizeBytes);
  uint32_t *debug = malloc(outSizeBytes);
  if ( (paddedH-kH)%stride !=0 ||
       (paddedW-kW)%stride !=0 ) {
    printf("Constants are not compatible!!\n");

  int nxMax = Top_nxMax;
  if (NX > nxMax) {
    printf("2D filter with maximum size nxMax=%d can not process data with nx=%d\n",nxMax,NX);
  generateInputData(dataIn, inH, inW);

  LineBufferCPU(inH,inW,padH,padW,kH,kW,stride,kernel,dataIn, expectedOut);
  print_2d_data(dataIn, "INPUT DATA", inH, inW);
  print_2d_data(expectedOut, "BEFORE: EXPECTED DATA", outH, outW);
  max_file_t *maxfile = Top_init();
  max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, "local:*");
  Top_writeLMem_actions_t write;
  write.param_size = inSizeBytes;
  write.param_start = inAddr;
  write.instream_fromcpu = dataIn;

  Top_actions_t lb;
  lb.param_NX = NX;
  lb.param_inH = inH;
  lb.param_inW = inW;
  lb.param_inBytes = inSizeBytes;
  lb.param_inAddr = inAddr;
  lb.param_outBytes = outSizeBytes;
  lb.param_outAddr = outAddr;

  printf("BEFORE run\n"); 
  printf("AFTER run\n"); 
  Top_readLMem_actions_t read;
  read.param_size = outSizeBytes;
  read.param_start = outAddr;
  read.outstream_tocpu = dataOut;

  printf("AFTER read\n"); 

  print_2d_data(dataOut, "OUTPUT DATA", outH, outW);
  print_2d_data(expectedOut, "EXPECTED DATA", outH, outW);

  int status = check(outW*outH, dataOut, expectedOut);

  if (status)
    printf("Test failed.\n");
    printf("Test passed OK!\n");


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 3) {
		printf("Usage: %s <dfe_ip> <netmask>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	uint16_t Nsockets = 1;
	const int port = 80;
	struct in_addr dfe_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip);
	struct in_addr netmask;
	inet_aton(argv[2], &netmask);

	// initialization files for crcIndex table, generated by init_code
	char fileCrcIndex1[] = "./results/romCrcIndex1_init.html";
	char fileCrcIndex2[] = "./results/romCrcIndex2_init.html";

	// LMEM initialization file location, generated by init_code
	char fileLmem[] = "./results/lmem_generated_file.html";

	uint64_t *arrCrc1;
	uint64_t *arrCrc2;
	long Lcrc;

	FILE *fpCrc1 = fopen(fileCrcIndex1, "rb");
	FILE *fpCrc2 = fopen(fileCrcIndex2, "rb");
	FILE *fpLmem = fopen(fileLmem, "rb");

	if (!(fpCrc1 && fpCrc2 && fpLmem)) {
		printf("Error with file\n");

	// obtain file size
	fseek(fpCrc1, 0, SEEK_END);
	Lcrc = ftell(fpCrc1);

	fillRomCrcIndex(fpCrc1, &arrCrc1, Lcrc);
	fillRomCrcIndex(fpCrc2, &arrCrc2, Lcrc);

	printf("Preparing for init() and max_load()\n");
	max_file_t *maxfile = httpserver_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);

	int romDepthCrc = Lcrc / 8;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < romDepthCrc; i++) {
		max_set_mem_uint64t(actions, "CrcIndexTable", "romCrcIndex1", i, arrCrc1[i]);
		max_set_mem_uint64t(actions, "CrcIndexTable", "romCrcIndex2", i, arrCrc2[i]);

	max_run(engine, actions);

	long L;
	size_t result;
	uint64_t* arrLmem;

	// obtain file size
	fseek(fpLmem, 0, SEEK_END);
	L = ftell(fpLmem);

	double diff = ceil(L / 8.0) - L / 8.0; // NULL character padding

	if (diff != 0) {
		L = (int) ceil(L / 8.0) * 8;

	// allocate memory to contain the whole file
	size_t Nelem = sizeof(uint64_t) * (L / 8);
	arrLmem = (uint64_t*) malloc(Nelem);

	result = fread(arrLmem, 1, L, fpLmem); 

	int romDepth = L / 8;

	int burstLengthInBytes = max_get_burst_size(maxfile, "cmd_tolmem");
	inline int max(int a, int b) {
		return a > b ? a : b;

	const int size = romDepth;
	int sizeBytes = size * sizeof(uint64_t);
	uint64_t *inData; 

	printf("Writing to DFE memory.\n");
	inData = arrLmem;

	writeDataToLMem(inData, size, sizeBytes, burstLengthInBytes, engine, maxfile);

	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask);

	//all sockets MUST be created before first call to max_tcp_connect or max_tcp_listen
	max_tcp_socket_t *(dfe_socket[Nsockets]);
	uint16_t socketNumber[Nsockets];

	for (int i = 0; i < Nsockets; i++) {
		//dfe_socket[i] = max_tcp_create_socket(engine, "tcp_ISCA_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1");
		dfe_socket[i] = max_tcp_create_socket_with_number(engine, "tcp_ISCA_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1", i);
		socketNumber[i] = max_tcp_get_socket_number(dfe_socket[i]);
		printf("Socket %d was assigned socket number %u\n", i, socketNumber[i]);

	for (int i = 0; i < Nsockets; i++) {
		max_tcp_listen(dfe_socket[i], port + i);
		max_tcp_await_state(dfe_socket[i], MAX_TCP_STATE_LISTEN, NULL);

	printf("CPU code: Total %u socket(s), listening on the port(s) %u-%u\n\n", Nsockets, port, port + Nsockets - 1);

	void *read_ptr;
	uint8_t *read_buffer;
	max_llstream_t *read_llstream;
	uint64_t *byteNumber;
	printf("CPU code: Setting up 'toCpuByteNumber' stream.\n");
	int Nslots_byteNumber = 512;
	size_t tCBN_buffer_size = Nslots_byteNumber * 16;
	posix_memalign((void *) &read_buffer, 4096, tCBN_buffer_size);
	read_llstream = max_llstream_setup(engine, "toCpuFileSizeBytes", Nslots_byteNumber, 16, read_buffer);

	uint8_t *read_buffer_socket;
	max_llstream_t *read_llstream_socket;
	printf("CPU code: Setting up 'toCpuSocketNumber' stream.\n");
	int Nslots_socketNumber = 512;
	size_t tCSB_buffer_size = Nslots_socketNumber * 16;
	posix_memalign((void *) &read_buffer_socket, 4096, tCSB_buffer_size);
	read_llstream_socket = max_llstream_setup(engine, "toCpuSocketNumber", Nslots_socketNumber, 16, read_buffer_socket);
	void *read_ptr_socket_slot;

	uint16_t ti = 10;
	while(ti > 0)
		printf("CPU code: time=%u, waiting file size and socket numbers stream data to be sent to CPU\n", ti);


	uint64_t num_rx_bytes;
	uint64_t num_tx_bytes;
	uint8_t session_id;
	while (1) {

		//part 1: first wait to receive LengthBytes number

		printf("CPU code: PART 1 - waiting to receive LengthBytes number\n");

		int FoundByteNumber = 0;
		while (FoundByteNumber != 1) //first wait to receive LengthBytes number

			for (int i = 0; i < Nsockets; i++) {
				max_tcp_get_num_bytes_received(dfe_socket[i], &num_rx_bytes);
				max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted(dfe_socket[i], &num_tx_bytes, &session_id);
				printf("CPU code: waiting, time=%u, port=%u, socket=%i, max_tcp_get_num_bytes_received=%llu, max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted=%llu\n", ti, port + i, i, (long long unsigned int) num_rx_bytes, (long long unsigned int) num_tx_bytes);

			uint8_t ii = max_llstream_read(read_llstream, 1, &read_ptr);
			if (ii) {
				byteNumber = (uint64_t*) read_ptr;
				printf("CPU code: number of slots found to contain new data=%u,  fileSizeBytes=%u\n", ii, (unsigned int) *byteNumber);
				max_llstream_read_discard(read_llstream, 1);
				FoundByteNumber = 1;

		//part 2: receive total number of data transfered

		printf("CPU code: PART 2 - receive socket number\n");
		while (max_llstream_read(read_llstream_socket, 1, &read_ptr_socket_slot) == 0)

		uint16_t socket_returned = (uint16_t) *((uint16_t*) read_ptr_socket_slot); //event->socketID;
		unsigned int fileBytes = (unsigned int) *byteNumber;

		printf("CPU code: fileBytes=%u, socket_returned=%u\n", fileBytes, socket_returned);

		ti = 0;
		while (1) {
				for (int i = 0; i < Nsockets; i++)
					max_tcp_get_num_bytes_received(dfe_socket[i], &num_rx_bytes);
					max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted(dfe_socket[i], &num_tx_bytes, &session_id);
					printf("CPU code: time=%i, port=%u, socket=%i, max_tcp_get_num_bytes_received=%llu, max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted=%llu\n", ti, port + i, i, (long long unsigned int) num_rx_bytes, (long long unsigned int) num_tx_bytes);

				max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted(dfe_socket[socket_returned], &num_tx_bytes, &session_id);
				printf("CPU code: fileSizeBytes=%u, socketReturned=%u, num_tx_bytes=%llu\n", fileBytes, socket_returned, (long long unsigned int) num_tx_bytes);


			//printf("CPU code: While LOOP, socket_returned=%u, fileBytes=%u, num_tx_bytes(max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted)=%llu\n", socket_returned, fileBytes, (long long unsigned int) num_tx_bytes);
			if (num_tx_bytes == fileBytes) {
				printf("CPU code: MATCH num_tx_bytes==fileBytes, socket_returned=%u, fileBytes=%u, num_tx_bytes(max_tcp_get_num_bytes_transmitted)=%llu\n", socket_returned, fileBytes, (long long unsigned int) num_tx_bytes);
				printf("CPU code: Closing socket=%u\n", socket_returned);
					//max_tcp_close_mode_t close_mode=MAX_TCP_CLOSE_ABORT_RESET;

				printf("CPU code: Waiting for MAX_TCP_STATE_CLOSED\n");
				max_tcp_await_state(dfe_socket[socket_returned], MAX_TCP_STATE_CLOSED, NULL);

				printf("CPU code: Set LISTEN state\n");
				max_tcp_listen(dfe_socket[socket_returned], port);

				printf("CPU code: Waiting for MAX_TCP_STATE_LISTEN\n");
				max_tcp_await_state(dfe_socket[socket_returned], MAX_TCP_STATE_LISTEN, NULL);

				printf("CPU code: Again opened socket=%u\n", socket_returned);

				printf("\nCPU code: State of rx/tx after socket closing\n");



	for (int i = 0; i < Nsockets; i++) {


	printf("The end\n");

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 10
unsigned int simplex(const int m, const int n, lp_t * p) {
    // init DFE
    max_file_t * maxfile = Simplex_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");
	// align for streaming
	int align_m, align_n;
	lp_t * align_p = copy_aligned(m, n, p, &align_m, &align_n);
	if (trace > 0) printf("aligned: %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", m, n, align_m, align_n);
	// reserve buffers
	lp_t * c = malloc(align_n * sizeof(lp_t));
	lp_t * ratio = malloc(align_m * sizeof(lp_t));
	lp_t * pivcol = malloc(align_m * sizeof(lp_t));
	lp_t * pivrow = malloc(align_n * sizeof(lp_t));
	// init buffers: c, ratio, pivcol, pivrow
	for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) c[j] = p[j];
	uint64_t col = find_pivot_column_max(n, c);
	for (int i = 0; i < align_m; ++i) {
		pivcol[i] = align_p[i * align_n + col];
		ratio[i] = align_p[i * align_n] / pivcol[i];
	int row = find_pivot_row(m, ratio);
	for (int i = 0; i < align_n; i++) pivrow[i] = align_p[row * align_n + i];
	// write LP to LMem
    Simplex_writeLMem_actions_t writeact;
    writeact.param_address = 0;
    writeact.param_count = align_m * align_n;
    writeact.instream_tolmem = align_p;
    Simplex_writeLMem_run(engine, &writeact);
	// simplex action to call DFE
	Simplex_actions_t act;
	act.param_m = align_m;
	act.param_n = align_n;
	act.instream_pivcol = pivcol;
	act.instream_pivrow = pivrow;
	act.outscalar_MaxKernel_maxcol_out = &col;
	act.outstream_ratio_out = ratio;
	act.outstream_pivcol_out = pivcol;
	act.outstream_c_out = c;
	// main loop
	unsigned int count = 0;
	while (count < max_iterations || max_iterations == 0) {
		// read pivot row from lmem
	    Simplex_readLMem_actions_t readact;
	    readact.param_address = row * align_n;
	    readact.param_count = align_n;
	    readact.outstream_fromlmem = pivrow;
	    Simplex_readLMem_run(engine, &readact);
	    // pivoting,max,filter
		lp_t pivot = pivrow[col];
	    if (trace > 0) printf("%u: pivoting on %d, %lu: %g\n", count, row, col, pivot);
	    act.param_pivot = 1 / pivot;
	    act.param_col = col;
	    act.param_row = row;
		Simplex_run(engine, &act);
		ratio[0] = -1;
		pivcol[0] = c[col];
	    //if (trace >= 9) write_bg(stdout, m, n, p);
		if (col <= 0) break; // optimum found
		// row
		row = find_pivot_row(m, ratio);
		if (row < 0) { p[0] = NAN; break; }	// unbounded
	// unload DFE
	// return results (TODO: copy full lp from lmem to p)
	p[0] = c[0];
	// free buffers
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 11
main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    if(argc != 4) 
        printf("Usage: %s <dfe_ip> <cpu_ip> <netmask>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    struct in_addr dfe_ip;
    inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip);
    struct in_addr cpu_ip;
    inet_aton(argv[2], &cpu_ip);
    struct in_addr netmask;
    inet_aton(argv[3], &netmask);
    const int port = 5008;
    /* Create DFE Socket, then listen */
    max_file_t *maxfile = FieldAccumulatorTCP_init();
    max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");
    max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_CH2_SFP1, &dfe_ip, &netmask);
    max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udp_ch2_sfp1");
    max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, port);
    max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &cpu_ip, port);
    int cpu_socket = create_cpu_udp_socket(&cpu_ip, &dfe_ip, port);
    FILE *stream = fopen("source_data1.csv", "r");
    char line[BUFFERSIZE];

   // char *to_be_free = line;

    /* Ignore Header File */
    fgets(line, BUFFERSIZE, stream);

    while (fgets(line, BUFFERSIZE, stream))
    	struct input_data data;
    	printf("\n Instrument id = %d \n level = %d \n side = %d \n Quantity = %d \n Price = %d",data.instrument_id,data.level,data.side,data.quantity,data.price);
    	calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data);

//    /* Set Value A */
//    data.instrument_id = 0;
//    data.level         = 0;
//    data.side          = 0;
//    data.quantity      = 5;
//    data.price         = 10;
//    calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data);
//    /* Set B*/
//    data.instrument_id = 1;
//    data.level         = 0;
//    data.side          = 1;
//    data.quantity      = 3;
//    data.price         = 4;
//    calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data);
//    /* Hold */
//    data.instrument_id = 1;
//    data.level         = 0;
//    data.side          = 1;
//    data.quantity      = 5;
//    data.price         = 6;
//    calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data);
//    /* Set AB */
//    data.instrument_id = 2;
//    data.level         = 0;
//    data.side          = 1;
//    data.quantity      = 7;
//    data.price         = 8;
//    calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	max_file_t *maxfile = Gap_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *action = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	max_run(engine, action);

	size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 4096;
	void *inBuffer = NULL;
	void *outBuffer = NULL;
	if (posix_memalign(&inBuffer, 4096, bufferSize)) {
		err(1, "Couldn't allocation input buffer");
	if (posix_memalign(&outBuffer, 4096, bufferSize)) {
		err(1, "Couldn't allocation output buffer");
	max_framed_stream_t *inFrame = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "src", inBuffer, bufferSize, 2048-16);
	max_framed_stream_t *outFrame = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "dst", outBuffer, bufferSize, -1);

	// Now, stream in some frames and see what happens.

	for (size_t i=0 ; i < 8; i++) {
		void *f;
		while (max_framed_stream_write_acquire(inFrame, 1, &f) != 1) usleep(10);

		uint8_t *inputData = f;

		 * Request a gap every other packet
		inputData[20] = i % 2 == 1 ? 'G' : 'N';

		size_t frameSize = 60;
		printf("Sending frame %zd\n", i);
		max_framed_stream_write(inFrame, 1, &frameSize);

		void *oFrame;
		size_t oFrameSize;
		while (max_framed_stream_read(outFrame, 1, &oFrame, &oFrameSize) != 1) usleep(10);

		printf("Got frame %zd - %zd bytes (Expecting %zd)\n", i, oFrameSize, frameSize);

		dump(oFrame, oFrameSize);

		max_framed_stream_discard(outFrame, 1);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if(argc < 3) {
		printf("Usage: $0 dfe_ip cpu_ip\n");
		return 1;

	struct in_addr dfe_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip);
	struct in_addr cpu_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[2], &cpu_ip);
	struct in_addr netmask;
	inet_aton("", &netmask);
	const int port = 5007;

	max_file_t *maxfile = Tracker_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	char regName[32];
	for (int i=0; i < 1024; i++) {
		sprintf(regName, "filter_%d", i);
		if (i == 150) {
			max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0xCC /* a value to match... */);
		} else {
			max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0x4D1B /* or any value you want */);
	max_run(engine, actions);

	void *buffer;
	size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 512;
	posix_memalign(&buffer, 4096, bufferSize);

	max_framed_stream_t *toCpu = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "toCPU", buffer, bufferSize, -1);

	 * This executable both creates a normal Linux UDP socket as well as a DFE UDP Socket.
	 * We then exchange data between the two.

	// DFE Socket
	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask);
	max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udpTopPort1");
	max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, port);
	max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &cpu_ip, port);

	// Linux Socket
	int cpu_socket = create_cpu_udp_socket(&cpu_ip, &dfe_ip, port);

	printf("Sending test frame...\n");

	printf("Waiting for kernel response...\n"); fflush(stdout);

	void *f;
	size_t fsz;
	size_t numMessageRx = 0;
	uint8_t received_data[512];
	while (numMessageRx < NUM_MESSAGES_EXPECTED) {
		if (max_framed_stream_read(toCpu, 1, &f, &fsz) == 1) {
			printf("CPU: Got output frame - size %zd - NumMsg = %zd!\n", fsz, numMessageRx); // Frame size would be rounded up to the next 8 bytes.

			memcpy(received_data, f, fsz);
			max_framed_stream_discard(toCpu, 1);
		} else 	usleep(10);


	printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if(argc < 3) {
		printf("Usage: $0 dfe_ip remote_ip\n");
		return 1;

	struct in_addr dfe_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip);
	struct in_addr remote_ip;
	inet_aton(argv[2], &remote_ip);
	struct in_addr netmask;
	inet_aton("", &netmask);
	const int in_port = 2000;
	const int out_port = 2000;

//	struct in_addr mcastaddr;
//	inet_aton("", &mcastaddr);

	max_file_t *maxfile = SignExtWithPatternMatching_init();
	max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);

	max_run(engine, actions);

	void *buffer;
	size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 512;
	posix_memalign(&buffer, 4096, bufferSize);

	max_framed_stream_t *toCpu = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "toCPU", buffer, bufferSize, -1);

	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask);
	max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udpTopPort1");
//	max_ip_multicast_join_group(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &mcastaddr);
//	max_udp_bind_ip(dfe_socket, &mcastaddr, in_port);
	max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, in_port);
	max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &remote_ip, out_port);

	printf("Listening on %s in_port %d\n", argv[1], in_port);

	printf("Waiting for kernel response...\n"); fflush(stdout);

	void *f;
	size_t fsz;
	size_t numMessageRx = 0;
	while (1) {
		if (max_framed_stream_read(toCpu, 1, &f, &fsz) == 1) {

			printf("CPU: Got output frame %zd - size %zd bytes\n", numMessageRx, fsz);

			uint64_t *w = f;
			for (size_t i=0; i < 3; i++) {
				printf("Frame [%zd] Word[%zd]: 0x%lx\n", numMessageRx, i, w[i]);

			max_framed_stream_discard(toCpu, 1);
		} else 	usleep(10);

//	max_ip_multicast_leave_group(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &mcastaddr);

	printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if(argc != 4) {
		printf("Usage: %s <topIp>:<topNetmask> <botIp>:<botNetmask> <remoteIp>:<remotePort>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;

	char top_ip_str[16];
	char top_netmask_str[16];
	char bot_ip_str[16];
	char bot_netmask_str[16];
	char remote_ip_str[16];
	uint remote_port;

	if (sscanf(argv[1], "%15[0-9.]:%15[0-9.]", top_ip_str, top_netmask_str) != 2) {
		printf("Failed to parse top port IP and netmask");
		return 1;

	if (sscanf(argv[2], "%15[0-9.]:%15[0-9.]", bot_ip_str, bot_netmask_str) != 2) {
		printf("Failed to parse bot port IP and netmask");
		return 1;

	if (sscanf(argv[3], "%15[0-9.]:%u", remote_ip_str, &remote_port) != 2) {
		printf("Failed to parse remote IP and port");
		return 1;

	struct in_addr top_ip      = { inet_addr(top_ip_str) };
	struct in_addr top_netmask = { inet_addr(top_netmask_str) };
	struct in_addr bot_ip      = { inet_addr(bot_ip_str) };
	struct in_addr bot_netmask = { inet_addr(bot_netmask_str) };
	struct in_addr remote_ip   = { inet_addr(remote_ip_str) };

	max_file_t*   maxfile = CmeTrading_init();
	max_engine_t* engine  = max_load(maxfile, "*");

	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &top_ip, &top_netmask);
	max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_BOT_10G_PORT1, &bot_ip, &bot_netmask);

	max_cme_mdp_handle_t* mdp;
	if (max_cme_mdp_open_handler(engine, &mdp, "md", "templates_FixBinary.xml", "config.xml")) {
		printf("Failed to open market data handler.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_mdp_get_error_trace(mdp));
		return 1;

	max_cme_ilink_handle_t* ilink;
	// The NULL arguments here are the iLink output folders. Passing NULL disables iLink logging and session persistence.
	if (max_cme_ilink_open_handler(&ilink, engine, "orderEntry", NULL, NULL)) {
		printf("Failed to open iLink handler.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_ilink_get_error_trace(ilink));
		return 1;

	struct timeval timeout = {5, 0}; // 5 seconds
	max_cme_ilink_session_t* session = max_cme_ilink_session_connect(ilink, &remote_ip, remote_port, &timeout);
	if (!session) {
		printf("Failed to connect iLink session.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_ilink_get_error_trace(ilink));
		return 1;

	const char* session_id    = "ABC";
	const char* sender_sub_id = "subID";
	const char* firm_id       = "123";
	const char* location_id   = "GB";
	const char* password      = "******";
	const int   heartbeat_interval = 30;

	if (max_cme_ilink_session_login(
		printf("Failed to login iLink session.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_ilink_get_error_trace(ilink));
		return 1;

	// allow iLink to send some orders from the hardware
	if (max_cme_ilink_alloc_orders(session, 512)) {
		printf("Failed to alloc orders.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_ilink_get_error_trace(ilink));
		return 1;

	const uint channel_id   = 342;
	const uint security_id  = 295722;
	const uint market_depth = 10;

	const max_cme_mdp_channel_t* channel = max_cme_mdp_get_channel_by_id(mdp, channel_id);
	if (!channel) {
		printf("Failed to find channel with id '%d'.\nError trace: %s\n", channel_id, max_cme_mdp_get_error_trace(mdp));
		return 1;

	max_cme_mdp_instrument_t* instrument = max_cme_mdp_new_instrument(mdp, channel, security_id, market_depth);
	if (!instrument) {
		printf("Failed to create new instrument.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_mdp_get_error_trace(mdp));
		return 1;

	if (max_cme_mdp_add_instrument(mdp, instrument) < 0) {
		printf("Failed to add instrument.\nError trace: %s\n", max_cme_mdp_get_error_trace(mdp));
		return 1;

	// Don't wait for iLink events here as market data events might pile up.
	struct timeval no_wait = {0};

	while (1) {
		int activity = 0;

		max_cme_mdp_event_t* md_event;
		while (max_cme_mdp_get_next_event(mdp, &md_event) == 1) {
			activity = 1;

		max_cme_ilink_session_event_t session_event;
		while (max_cme_ilink_get_next_session_event(session, &session_event, &no_wait) == 1) {
			activity = 1;

		max_cme_ilink_order_event_t order_event;
		while (max_cme_ilink_get_next_order_event(session, &order_event, &no_wait) == 1) {
			activity = 1;

		if (!activity)

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	(void) argc;
	(void) argv;
	max_file_t *maxfile = INIT_NAME();
	if(!maxfile) {
		printf("Failed to init MAX file\n");
		return -1;

	max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true);

	const char *device_name = "*";
	printf("Opening device: %s\n", device_name);

	max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, device_name);
	if(!engine) {
		printf("Failed to open Max device\n");


	 * SLiC is so shit, that if we don't run an empty action, no debug outputs will be generated.
	max_actions_t *action = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	max_run(engine, action);

	single_entry_t *outputData = calloc(MAX_DEPTH, sizeof(single_entry_t));

	void *configWordBuffer = NULL;
	posix_memalign(&configWordBuffer, 4096, 512 * sizeof(configWord_t));
	max_llstream_t *configWordStream = max_llstream_setup(engine, "configWord", 512, sizeof(configWord_t), configWordBuffer);

	uint64_t configBase = 0;
	printf("Sending config word...\n");
	void *configWordSlot;
	while (max_llstream_write_acquire(configWordStream, 1, &configWordSlot) != 1) usleep(10);
	configWord_t *configWord = configWordSlot;
	configWord->wordCount = MAX_DEPTH;
	configWord->base = configBase;
	max_llstream_write(configWordStream, 1);


	printf("Streaming 'read_fifo'...\n"); fflush(stdout);
	action = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL);
	max_queue_output(action, "read_fifo", outputData, sizeof(single_entry_t) * MAX_DEPTH);
	max_run(engine, action);

	printf("Comparing...\n"); fflush(stdout);
	uint8_t fail = 0;
	for (size_t entryIx=0; entryIx < MAX_DEPTH; entryIx++) {
		uint64_t *output = (uint64_t *)outputData[entryIx].data;
		size_t quadsPerEntry = sizeof(single_entry_t) / sizeof(uint64_t);

		uint64_t expected = (configBase + entryIx);
		if (expected != output[0]) {
			fail = 1;
			printf("[Entry: %zd, Quad: %zd] Mismatch: input 0x%lx, output 0x%lx\n", entryIx, 0L, expected, output[0]);
		for (size_t q = 1; !fail && q < quadsPerEntry; q++) {
			if (0 != output[q]) {
				fail = 1;
				printf("[Entry: %zd, Quad: %zd] Mismatch: input 0x%lx, output 0x%lx\n", entryIx, q, 0L, output[q]);

	printf("%s\n", fail ? "FAILED!" : "Success");
	return fail;