SoundSlider::SoundSlider( QWidget *_parent, int _i_step, char *psz_colors, int max ) : QAbstractSlider( _parent ) { f_step = (float)(_i_step * 10000) / (float)((max - SOUNDMIN) * AOUT_VOLUME_DEFAULT); setRange( SOUNDMIN, max); setMouseTracking( true ); isSliding = false; b_mouseOutside = true; b_isMuted = false; pixOutside = QPixmap( ":/toolbar/volslide-outside" ); const QPixmap temp( ":/toolbar/volslide-inside" ); const QBitmap mask( temp.createHeuristicMask() ); setFixedSize( pixOutside.size() ); pixGradient = QPixmap( mask.size() ); pixGradient2 = QPixmap( mask.size() ); /* Gradient building from the preferences */ QLinearGradient gradient( paddingL, 2, WLENGTH + paddingL , 2 ); QLinearGradient gradient2( paddingL, 2, WLENGTH + paddingL , 2 ); QStringList colorList = qfu( psz_colors ).split( ";" ); free( psz_colors ); /* Fill with 255 if the list is too short */ if( colorList.count() < 12 ) for( int i = colorList.count(); i < 12; i++) colorList.append( "255" ); background = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window ); foreground = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ); foreground.setHsv( foreground.hue(), ( background.saturation() + foreground.saturation() ) / 2, ( background.value() + foreground.value() ) / 2 ); textfont.setPixelSize( 9 ); textrect.setRect( 0, 0, 34, 15 ); /* Regular colors */ #define c(i) #define add_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \ gradient.setColorAt( range, QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) ) ); /* Desaturated colors */ #define desaturate(c) c->setHsvF( c->hueF(), 0.2 , 0.5, 1.0 ) #define add_desaturated_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \ foo = new QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) );\ desaturate( foo ); gradient.setColorAt( range, *foo );\ delete foo; /* combine the two helpers */ #define add_colors( gradient1, gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 )\ add_color( gradient1, range, c1, c2, c3 ); \ add_desaturated_color( gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 ); float f_mid_point = ( 100.0 / maximum() ); QColor * foo; add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 0.0, 0, 1, 2 ); add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point - 0.05, 3, 4, 5 ); add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point + 0.05, 6, 7, 8 ); add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 1.0, 9, 10, 11 ); painter.begin( &pixGradient ); painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); painter.setBrush( gradient ); painter.drawRect( pixGradient.rect() ); painter.end(); painter.begin( &pixGradient2 ); painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); painter.setBrush( gradient2 ); painter.drawRect( pixGradient2.rect() ); painter.end(); pixGradient.setMask( mask ); pixGradient2.setMask( mask ); }
int maximum(int a,int b) { return maximum(a,b,0,0,N); }
int ACE_Stats::print_summary (const u_int precision, const ACE_UINT32 scale_factor, FILE *file) const { ACE_TCHAR mean_string [128]; ACE_TCHAR std_dev_string [128]; ACE_TCHAR min_string [128]; ACE_TCHAR max_string [128]; int success = 0; for (int tmp_precision = precision; ! overflow_ && ! success && tmp_precision >= 0; --tmp_precision) { // Build a format string, in case the C library doesn't support %*u. ACE_TCHAR format[32]; if (tmp_precision == 0) ACE_OS::sprintf (format, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%%%d"), tmp_precision); else ACE_OS::sprintf (format, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%%d.%%0%du"), tmp_precision); ACE_Stats_Value u (tmp_precision); ((ACE_Stats *) this)->mean (u, scale_factor); ACE_OS::sprintf (mean_string, format, u.whole (), u.fractional ()); ACE_Stats_Value sd (tmp_precision); if (((ACE_Stats *) this)->std_dev (sd, scale_factor)) { success = 0; continue; } else { success = 1; } ACE_OS::sprintf (std_dev_string, format, sd.whole (), sd.fractional ()); ACE_Stats_Value minimum (tmp_precision), maximum (tmp_precision); if (min_ != 0) { const ACE_UINT64 m (min_); quotient (m, scale_factor, minimum); } if (max_ != 0) { const ACE_UINT64 m (max_); quotient (m, scale_factor, maximum); } ACE_OS::sprintf (min_string, format, minimum.whole (), minimum.fractional ()); ACE_OS::sprintf (max_string, format, maximum.whole (), maximum.fractional ()); } if (success == 1) { ACE_OS::fprintf (file, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("samples: %u (%s - %s); mean: ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%s; std dev: %s\n"), samples (), min_string, max_string, mean_string, std_dev_string); return 0; } else { #if !defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE) ACE_OS::fprintf (file, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE_Stats::print_summary: OVERFLOW: %s\n"), ACE_OS::strerror (overflow_)); #else // WinCE doesn't have strerror ;( ACE_OS::fprintf (file, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE_Stats::print_summary: OVERFLOW\n")); #endif /* ACE_HAS_WINCE */ return -1; } }
void sort_web_statistics() { int NWeb, NType, Ns, i=0, j=0, k=0, l=0; int *dm_bin_int, *cum_dm_bin_int; double w_gas, w_dm; double dmMax, dmMin, *dm_bin, *dm_bin_e; double *dm_bin_T, *dm_bin_alpha, *dm_bin_gas; double *delta_dm, *alpha_dm, *p_alpha_dm; double *delta_gas, *T_gas, *alpha_gas, *p_alpha_gas; double *delta_tot, *alpha_tot, *p_alpha_tot; double *param; NWeb = Settings.c_web_size; w_gas = 0.046 / 0.27; w_dm = 1 - w_gas; Ns = 5; // Do a general statistics of the eigenvalue-types eigenvalue_statistics(); // Now sort statistics per node type // i = 0 is the global statistics for(i=0; i<5; i++) { k = 0; l = 0; NType = WebInfoDm.N[i]; fprintf(stderr, "Found %d nodes of type %d.\n", NType, i); dm_bin = malloc((BIN_SIZE+1)*sizeof(double)); dm_bin_e = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(double)); dm_bin_T = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(double)); dm_bin_alpha = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(double)); dm_bin_gas = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(double)); dm_bin_int = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(int)); cum_dm_bin_int = malloc((BIN_SIZE)*sizeof(int)); fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %.2f MB for type analysis...", (double) Ns*NType*sizeof(double)/1024/1024); alpha_dm = malloc(NType * sizeof(double)); delta_dm = malloc(NType * sizeof(double)); delta_gas = malloc(NType * sizeof(double)); delta_tot = malloc(NType * sizeof(double)); T_gas = malloc(NType * sizeof(double)); fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); param = malloc(2 * sizeof(double)); # pragma omp parallel for \ private(k, j) \ shared(i, alpha_dm, delta_dm, delta_gas, delta_tot) \ shared(TWeb, VWeb, NWeb, w_dm, w_gas, T_gas, WebInfoDm) for(j=0; j<NType; j++) { if(i == 0) { delta_dm[j] = VWeb[j].dens; #ifdef GAS delta_gas[j] = TWeb[j].dens; delta_tot[j] = w_gas * TWeb[j].dens + w_dm * VWeb[j].dens; T_gas[j] = u2TK(TWeb[j].temp); #endif if(delta_dm[j]!=0.0) alpha_dm[j] = T_gas[j] / delta_dm[j]; } else { k = WebInfoDm.ids[i-1][j]; delta_dm[j] = VWeb[k].dens; #ifdef GAS delta_gas[j] = TWeb[k].dens; delta_tot[j] = w_gas * TWeb[k].dens + w_dm * VWeb[k].dens; T_gas[j] = u2TK(TWeb[k].temp); #endif if(delta_dm[j]!=0.0) alpha_dm[j] = T_gas[j] / delta_dm[j]; } } // Now bin into histograms dmMin = F_MIN * nonzero_minimum(delta_dm, NType); dmMax = F_MAX * maximum(delta_dm, NType); //fprintf(stderr, "min=%f, max=%f, dm[1]=%f\n", dmMin, dmMax, delta_dm[1]); dm_bin = log_stepper(dmMin, dmMax, BIN_SIZE+1); lin_bin(delta_dm, dm_bin, BIN_SIZE+1, NType, dm_bin_int); cum_bin(dm_bin_int, cum_dm_bin_int, BIN_SIZE); average_bin(delta_dm, T_gas, dm_bin, dm_bin_T, dm_bin_e, BIN_SIZE+1, NType); average_bin(delta_dm, alpha_dm, dm_bin, dm_bin_alpha, dm_bin_e, BIN_SIZE+1, NType); average_bin(delta_dm, delta_gas, dm_bin, dm_bin_gas, dm_bin_e, BIN_SIZE+1, NType); param[0] = 1.; param[1] = average(T_gas, BIN_SIZE); param = best_fit_power_law(delta_gas, T_gas, dm_bin_e, BIN_SIZE, param); fprintf(stderr, "Best Fit PowerLaw a=%f, A=%f\n", param[0], param[1]); WebInfoDm.a[i] = param[0]; WebInfoDm.A[i] = param[1]; for(j=0; j<BIN_SIZE; j++) { //fprintf(stderr, "%d) dm[%d]=%f, T_bin[%d]=%f\n", i, j, dm_bin[j], j, dm_bin_T[j]); //fprintf(stderr, "%d) dm[%d]=%f, alpha_bin[%d]=%f\n", i, j, dm_bin[j], j, dm_bin_alpha[j]); //fprintf(stderr, "%d) dm[%d]=%f, gas_bin[%d]=%f\n", i, j, dm_bin[j], j, dm_bin_gas[j]); // Overdensity values[i][j] = 0.5 * (dm_bin[j] + dm_bin[j+1]); WebInfoDm.N_dm[i][j] = dm_bin_int[j]; WebInfoDm.N_dm_cum[i][j] = cum_dm_bin_int[j]; WebInfoDm.delta_gas[i][j] = dm_bin_gas[j]; WebInfoDm.T_vs_delta[i][j] = dm_bin_T[j]; } free(delta_gas); free(delta_tot); free(delta_dm); free(alpha_dm); free(T_gas); free(dm_bin); free(dm_bin_e); free(dm_bin_T); free(dm_bin_int); free(dm_bin_gas); free(dm_bin_alpha); } }
int main(int argc , char*argv[]) { clrscr(); couleur("30;47"); printf("+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"); printf("|");couleur("0"); couleur("42");printf(" ");couleur("0"); couleur("30;47"); printf("|\n"); printf("+");couleur("0"); couleur("30;42");printf(" Bienvenue sur le projet de complexite ");couleur("0"); couleur("30;47"); printf("+\n"); printf("|");couleur("0"); couleur("42");printf(" ");couleur("0"); couleur("30;47"); printf("|\n"); printf("+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n\n\n");couleur("0"); if(argc<2) { couleur("31");printf("pas d'option spe \n");couleur("0"); } else { couleur("32");printf("Ouverture fichier :''");couleur("0"); couleur("31");printf("%s",argv[1]);couleur("0"); couleur("32");printf("''");couleur("0"); couleur("32;5");printf("Appuyez sur entrée\n");couleur("0"); getchar(); FILE *fp; int i; fp=NULL; if( (fp=fopen(argv[1],"r")) ) // on regarde si le fichier existe { //fp=fopen(argv[1],"r"); parser(fp,&gl,&gm); //parser le fichier fclose(fp); printf("CALCUL MAXIMUM \n"); i=maximum(&gl); printf("sortie MAX\n"); for(i=0;i<gl.n;i++) // efface le graph { supprimer_liste(&gl.a[i]); } } else { couleur("31");printf("le fichier demandé: ''");couleur("0"); couleur("31;47;5");printf("%s",argv[1]);couleur("0"); couleur("31");printf("'' n'existe pas \n");couleur("0"); } } return 0; }