Ejemplo n.º 1
/* --4-- Hang the robot from the ceiling. Send a desired hip
 * angle to the robot on ID_CTRL_TEST_R0, and the hip motor
 * will produce the torque to cancel out the effect of the
 * spring at that angle. If the hip is set to track cancel the
 * measured state (not the target state), then you can use
 * R1 and R2 to send kp and kd gains respectively.
 * --> In flight mode, gravity compensation is disabled, since
 * it is not clear where the reaction torque is coming from.   */
void test_hipCompensation_flight() {
	float target = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R0);
	float kp = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R1);
	float kd = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R2);
	trackRel_hip(target, kp, kd);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/***************** ENTRY-POINT FUNCTION CALL  *****************************
 *                                                                        *
void mb_estimator_update(void) {
	clear_UI_LED();  // Clears all LEDs that had been active on the previous cycle

		// Initialize the filter coefficients:

		// Reset the joint angle rate filters
		setFilterData(&FD_UI_ANG_RATE_X, ID_UI_ANG_RATE_X);

		// Reset the contact sensor filters

		// Steering motor stuff:

		// Robot orientation estimation
		getIntegralRateGyro();   // Run integral to log the current state of the rate gyro

		// Set "once per step" variables:
		STATE_lastStepLength = 0.0;    // Initialize to zero, for lack of a better plan
		STATE_lastStepTimeSec = STATE_t;  //  cpu clock time at last heel strike.
		STATE_lastStepDuration = 0.0;  // Duration of the last step (seconds)

		STATE_lastEstTime = 0.001 * mb_io_get_float(ID_TIMESTAMP);
		// Remember that we've initialized everything properly

	STATE_t = 0.001 * mb_io_get_float(ID_TIMESTAMP); // Robot Time (converted to seconds)
	runAllFilters();// Run the butterworth filters:
	updateEnergyUsage(); // Must come after sendTotalPower()

	// Update the state variables:  (absolute orientation and rate)

	// Update controller parameters from LabVIEW

	// Check if the robot fell down

	STATE_lastEstTime = STATE_t; // Update previous estimation time.
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* --18-- Gives the user direct control over motor command current
 * from LabVIEW, bypassing high-level motor control code.
 * Use Carefully!
 * ID_CTRL_TEST_R0 == outer ankle command current
 * ID_CTRL_TEST_R1 == inner ankle command current
 * ID_CTRL_TEST_R2 == hip joint command current          */
void debug_directCurrentControl(void) {
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFO_COMMAND_CURRENT, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R0));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFO_STIFFNESS, 0.0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFO_DAMPNESS, 0.0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFI_COMMAND_CURRENT, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R1));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFI_STIFFNESS, 0.0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCFI_DAMPNESS, 0.0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCH_COMMAND_CURRENT, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R2));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCH_STIFFNESS, 0.0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCH_DAMPNESS, 0.0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* This function sums up the power used by all boards and sends it out as a single
 * data value to LabVIEW */
void sendTotalPower(void) {
	float power;

	// Read CAN bus:
	POWER_MCH = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCH_BATT_POWER);
	POWER_MCFO = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFO_BATT_POWER);
	POWER_MCFI = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFI_BATT_POWER);
	POWER_OVERHEAD = mb_io_get_float(ID_CSR_MCU_POWER);

	// Accumulate power use and send out
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_TOTAL_BATT_POWER, power);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Updates the robot's state.
 * Joint angles are read directly from the sensors
 * Robot angle (th0) is updated by runIntegral_outerLegAngle
 * Joint rates (dth0, dqh, dq0, dq1) are computed by butterworth filters and updated there. */
void updateRobotState(void) {

	// Read the joint angles of the robot
	STATE_qh = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCH_ANGLE); // hip angle - between legs
	STATE_q0 = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFO_RIGHT_ANKLE_ANGLE);  // outer ankle angle
	STATE_q1 = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFI_MID_ANKLE_ANGLE);  // inner ankle angle

	// Compute the absolute orientation of the robot's feet and legs
	STATE_th1 = STATE_qh + STATE_th0; // absolute orientation of inner legs
	STATE_phi0 = PARAM_Phi0 + STATE_th0 - STATE_q0;  // absolute orientation of outer feet
	STATE_phi1 = PARAM_Phi1  + STATE_qh + STATE_th0 - STATE_q1; // absolute orientation of inner feet
	STATE_dth1 = STATE_dqh + STATE_dth0;  // absolute orientation rate of inner legs
	STATE_dphi0 = STATE_dth0 - STATE_dq0;  // absolute orientation rate of outer feet
	STATE_dphi1 = STATE_dqh + STATE_dth0 - STATE_dq1; // absolute orientation rate of inner feet

	// Send back across network of data logging and diagnostics:
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_TH1, STATE_th1);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_PHI0, STATE_phi0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_PHI1, STATE_phi1);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_DTH1, STATE_dth1);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_DPHI0, STATE_dphi0);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_DPHI1, STATE_dphi1);

	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_STATE_CONTACTMODE, STATE_contactMode); // contact mode (e.g. flying, s0...)
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_UI_FSM_MODE, UI_FSM_MODE); // mb_controller FSM (e.g. StandBy, WalkCtrl,...)
	mb_io_set_float(ID_OPTIM_FSM_MODE, OPTIMIZE_FSM_MODE); // optimizeGait FSM (e.g. INIT, TRIAL,...)

	// Figure out the contact mode:
	if (STATE_c0 && !STATE_c1) { // Single stance outer
		STATE_contactMode = CONTACT_S0;
	} else if (!STATE_c0 && STATE_c1) { // single stance inner
		STATE_contactMode = CONTACT_S1;
	} else if (STATE_c0 && STATE_c1) { // double stance
		STATE_contactMode = CONTACT_DS;
	} else {                           // Flight
		STATE_contactMode = CONTACT_FL;
		resetRobotOrientation();  // use imu sensor fusion to reset the robot orientation

	// Do a bit of harder math to figure out the horizontal component of the CoM motion

	// Send tracking errors:    (computed in motorControl.c)
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_MOTOR_QH_ERR, MOTOR_qh_trackErr);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_MOTOR_Q0_ERR, MOTOR_q0_trackErr);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_MOTOR_Q1_ERR, MOTOR_q1_trackErr);

Ejemplo n.º 6
/* --8-- Robot is standing in single stance on the inner feet.
 * The outer legs should track a linear function of the inner
 * leg angle, with the constant offset being set by R0 and the
 * linear gain being set by R1. */
void test_hipScissorTrack_inner() {
	float kp_hip = 14.0;
	float kd_hip = 2.0;
	float kp_ank = 7.0;
	float kd_ank = 1.0;
	float offset, rate;

	offset = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R0);
	rate = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R1);

	trackRel_ankOut(0.2, kp_ank, kd_ank);
	trackAbs_ankInn(0.0, kp_ank, kd_ank);
	trackScissor_hip(rate, offset, kp_hip, kd_hip);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Computes the change in the angle of the outer legs of the robot
 * that is expected due to the integral of the IMU rate signal over
 * the last time step */
float getIntegralRateGyro(void) {
	static float dth0_last = 0.0;
	float dth0_gyro = mb_io_get_float(ID_UI_ANG_RATE_X);
	float trapz = 0.5 * CLOCK_CYCLE_DURATION * (dth0_last + dth0_gyro);  // Trapazoid integration
	dth0_last = dth0_gyro;
	return trapz;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Initializes the filter to a single value. */
void setFilterData(FilterData * FD, CAN_ID canId) {
	float z = mb_io_get_float(canId);  // Value of the data
	FD->z0 = z;
	FD->z1 = z;
	FD->z2 = z;
	FD->y0 = z;
	FD->y1 = z;
	FD->y2 = z;
	FD->canId = canId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Sets the estimate for the step length and the stance leg angle, assuming that the robot
 * is in double stance. This is designed to be called once per step, by the walking finite
 * state machine. Returns the step length. Posts other data as STATE variables and to CAN
 * bus.*/
float computeHeelStrikeGeometry(void) {

	float Slope = 0.0;  // Assume flat ground for now
	float x, y; // scalar distances, in coordinate system aligned with outer legs

	float Phi0 = PARAM_Phi0;
	float Phi1 = PARAM_Phi1;
	float l = PARAM_l;
	float d = PARAM_d;
	float qh, q0, q1; // robot joint angles
	float stepLength, stepAngle;
	qh = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCH_ANGLE); // hip angle - between legs
	q0 = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFO_RIGHT_ANKLE_ANGLE);  // outer ankle angle
	q1 = mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFI_MID_ANKLE_ANGLE);  // inner ankle angle

	/* Ranger geometry:
	 * [x;y] = vector from outer foot virtual center to the inner foot
	 * virtual center, in a frame that is rotated such that qr = 0
	 * These functions were determined using computer math. The code can
	 * be found in:
	 * templates/Estimator/legAngleEstimator/Derive_Eqns.m
	x = l * Sin(qh) - d * Sin(Phi1 - q1 + qh) + d * Sin(Phi0 - q0);
	y = l + d * Cos(Phi1 - q1 + qh) - l * Cos(qh) - d * Cos(Phi0 - q0);

	stepLength = Sqrt(x * x + y * y);  // Distance between two contact points
	stepAngle = -(Atan(y / x) + Slope);   // angle of the outer legs

	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_LAST_STEP_LENGTH, stepLength);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_LAST_STEP_ANGLE, stepAngle);

	STATE_lastStepLength = stepLength;

	heelStrikeGyroReset(stepAngle);  // Reset the gyro estiamte for angles at heel-strike
	return stepLength;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* --14-- Put the robot in double stance, and set the ID_CTRL_TEST_R0 to be a
 * value between 0.0 (no push-off) and 1.0 (maximum push-off). The robot
 * will then alternate between push-off and stance hold on the outer feet,
 * waiting 4.0 seconds between each change. The inner feet remain in stance
 * hold the entire time, and the hip just (weakly) holds a constant angle */
void test_pushOff_inner(void) {
	float kp_hip = 10;  // weak gains on the hip
	float kd_hip = 0.5;
	float qh_hold = 0.3;  // hold this angle
	float period = 8.0; // 4 seconds push, 4 seconds hold
	float modeSignal;  // -1.0 for push, 1.0 for hold
	float push;  // Amplitude of the push-off feed-forward term, from labVIEW
	float time = getTime();

	push = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R0);
	modeSignal = SquareWave(time, period, -1.0, 1.0);
	if (modeSignal < 0.0) {
	} else {

	trackRel_hip(qh_hold, kp_hip, kd_hip);
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Entry-point function for all unit tests */
void runUnitTest(void) {

	int testId = (int) (mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_UNIT_TEST_ID));

	switch (testId) {

	/**** Ranger Math ****/
	case 1: test_waveFunctions(); break;
	case 21: test_linInterpVar(); break;

	/**** Low-Level Motor Control ****/
	case 2: test_trackAbs_ankle(); break;
	case 3: test_trackRel_ankle(); break;
	case 4: test_hipCompensation_flight(); break;
	case 5: test_hipCompensation_outer(); break;
	case 6: test_hipCompensation_inner(); break;
	case 7: test_hipScissorTrack_outer(); break;
	case 8: test_hipScissorTrack_inner(); break;

	/**** High-Level Motor Control ****/
	case 9: test_flipUpDownHold_outer(); break;
	case 10: test_flipUpDownHold_inner(); break;
	case 11: test_hipGlide_outer(); break;
	case 12: test_hipGlide_inner(); break;
	case 13: test_pushOff_outer(); break;
	case 14: test_pushOff_inner(); break;
	case 15: test_hipHold(); break;

	/**** Walking Controller ****/
	case 16: walkControl_test(); break; // Calls a function in walkControl.c

	/**** Estimation ****/
	case 17: test_doubleStanceContact();  break;

	/**** Debugging ****/
	case 18: debug_directCurrentControl();  break;
	case 19: debug_singleStanceOuter();  break;
	case 20: debug_steeringMotors(); break;

Ejemplo n.º 12
/* Updates the Butterworth filter based on new sensor data. The filter runs
 * with a period of 1ms, so that it can handle asynchronous data.
 * @param canId = the CAN ID for the data channel of interest
 * @return y = the filtered data at the current time step
float runFilter(FilterCoeff * FC, FilterData * FD) {

	float z = mb_io_get_float(FD->canId);

	// Update sensor history:
	FD->z2 = FD->z1;
	FD->z1 = FD->z0;
	FD->z0 = z;
	// Update estimate history:
	FD->y2 = FD->y1;
	FD->y1 = FD->y0;
	// Compute new estimate:
	FD->y0 =
	    (FC->b0) * (FD->z0) +
	    (FC->b1) * (FD->z1) +
	    (FC->b2) * (FD->z2) -
	    (FC->a1) * (FD->y1) -
	    (FC->a2) * (FD->y2);

	return (FD->y0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Updates any controller parameters that are set from LabVIEW */
void updateParameters(void) {
	LABVIEW_HIP_KP = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_HIP_KP);  // hip pd controller p gain
	LABVIEW_HIP_KD = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_HIP_KD);  // hip pd controller d gain
	LABVIEW_ANK_PUSH_KP = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_PUSH_KP);  // push-off ankle p gain
	LABVIEW_ANK_PUSH_KD = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_PUSH_KD);  // push-off ankle d gain
	LABVIEW_ANK_STANCE_KP = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_STANCE_KP);  // ankle pd controller p gain when foot on ground.
	LABVIEW_ANK_STANCE_KD = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_STANCE_KD);  // ankle pd controller d gain when foot on ground.
	LABVIEW_ANK_SWING_KP = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_SWING_KP);  // ankle pd controller p gain when foot in air.
	LABVIEW_ANK_SWING_KD = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_ANK_SWING_KD);  // ankle pd controller d gain when foot in air.
	LABVIEW_WALK_ANK_PUSH = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_WALK_ANK_PUSH); // magnitude of the push-off during walking  normalized to be on the range 0 to 1
	LABVIEW_WALK_CRIT_STEP_LENGTH = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_WALK_CRIT_STEP_LENGTH); // the critical ankle joint separation when push-off should occur
	LABVIEW_GAIT_USE_CTRL_DATA = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_WALK_USE_CTRL_DATA) > 0.5;  // True if walking controller should use off-line generated gait data.
	FSM_LED_FLAG = mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_FSM_LED) > 0.5;  // True if FSM LEDs should be turned on
Ejemplo n.º 14
/*Simple function to return the robot time in seconds */
float getTime() {
	return 0.001 * mb_io_get_float(ID_TIMESTAMP);
Ejemplo n.º 15
/* --20-- Lets the user directly control the inputs to the steering
 * motor controller at a low level */
void debug_steeringMotors(void) {
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCSI_COMMAND_CURRENT, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R0));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCSI_STIFFNESS, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R1));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_MCSI_DAMPNESS, mb_io_get_float(ID_CTRL_TEST_R2));
Ejemplo n.º 16
float get_io_float(unsigned short data_id)
  return mb_io_get_float(data_id); 
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* Accumulate (integrate) current signals to the motors for push-off
 * exit conditions. Implemented using Euler's method. */
void accumulatePushOffCurrent(void) {
	WalkFsm_ankOutPushInt += CLOCK_CYCLE_DURATION * Abs(mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFO_MOTOR_CURRENT));
	WalkFsm_ankInnPushInt += CLOCK_CYCLE_DURATION * Abs(mb_io_get_float(ID_MCFI_MOTOR_CURRENT));
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_OUT_PUSH_ACCUMULATED, WalkFsm_ankOutPushInt);
	mb_io_set_float(ID_EST_INN_PUSH_ACCUMULATED, WalkFsm_ankInnPushInt);