Ejemplo n.º 1
int mb_put_comment(int verbose, void *mbio_ptr, char *comment, int *error)
  static char rcs_id[]="$Id $";
	char	*function_name = "mb_put_comment";
	int	status;
	struct mb_io_struct *mb_io_ptr;
	int	time_i[7] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	double	time_d = 0.0;
	double	navlon = 0.0;
	double	navlat = 0.0;
	double	speed = 0.0;
	double	heading = 0.0;
	int	i;

	/* print input debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> called\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Revision id: %s\n",rcs_id);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Input arguments:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       verbose:    %d\n",verbose);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       mb_ptr:     %p\n",(void *)mbio_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       comment:    %s\n",comment);

	/* get mbio descriptor */
	mb_io_ptr = (struct mb_io_struct *) mbio_ptr;

	/* insert comment using mb_insert */
	for (i=0;i<7;i++)
	    time_i[i] = 0;
	time_d = 0.0;
	navlon = 0.0;
	status = mb_insert(verbose,mbio_ptr,mb_io_ptr->store_data,

	/* write the data */
	status = mb_write_ping(verbose,mbio_ptr,mb_io_ptr->store_data,error);

	/* print output debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> completed\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Revision id: %s\n",rcs_id);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return value:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       error:      %d\n",*error);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return status:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       status:  %d\n",status);

	/* return status */
Ejemplo n.º 2
int mb_put_all(int verbose, void *mbio_ptr, void *store_ptr,
		int usevalues, int kind, 
		int time_i[7], double time_d,
		double navlon, double navlat, 
		double speed, double heading,
		int nbath, int namp, int nss,
		char *beamflag, double *bath, double *amp, 
		double *bathacrosstrack, double *bathalongtrack,
		double *ss, double *ssacrosstrack, double *ssalongtrack,
		char *comment, int *error)
	char	*function_name = "mb_put_all";
	int	status = MB_SUCCESS;
	struct mb_io_struct *mb_io_ptr;
	int	i;

	/* print input debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> called\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Input arguments:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       verbose:    %d\n",verbose);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       mbio_ptr:   %lu\n",(size_t)mbio_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       store_ptr:  %lu\n",(size_t)store_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       usevalues:  %d\n",usevalues);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       kind:       %d\n",kind);
	if (verbose >= 2 && usevalues == MB_YES && kind != MB_DATA_COMMENT)
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[0]:  %d\n",time_i[0]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[1]:  %d\n",time_i[1]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[2]:  %d\n",time_i[2]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[3]:  %d\n",time_i[3]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[4]:  %d\n",time_i[4]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[5]:  %d\n",time_i[5]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_i[6]:  %d\n",time_i[6]);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       time_d:     %f\n",time_d);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       navlon:     %f\n",navlon);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       navlat:     %f\n",navlat);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       speed:      %f\n",speed);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       heading:    %f\n",heading);
	if (verbose >= 2 && usevalues == MB_YES && kind == MB_DATA_DATA)
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       nbath:      %d\n",nbath);
		if (verbose >= 3 && nbath > 0)
		  fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       beam  flag  bath  crosstrack alongtrack\n");
		  for (i=0;i<nbath;i++)
		    fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       %4d   %3d   %f    %f     %f\n",
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       namp:       %d\n",namp);
		if (verbose >= 3 && namp > 0)
		  fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       beam    amp  crosstrack alongtrack\n");
		  for (i=0;i<namp;i++)
		    fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       %4d   %f    %f     %f\n",
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       nss:        %d\n",nss);
		if (verbose >= 3 && nss > 0)
		  fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       pixel sidescan crosstrack alongtrack\n");
		  for (i=0;i<nss;i++)
		    fprintf(stderr,"dbg3       %4d   %f    %f     %f\n",
	if (verbose >= 2 && usevalues == MB_YES && kind == MB_DATA_COMMENT)
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       comment:    %s\n",comment);

	/* get mbio descriptor */
	mb_io_ptr = (struct mb_io_struct *) mbio_ptr;

	/* insert values into structure if requested */
	if (usevalues == MB_YES)
		status = mb_insert(verbose,mbio_ptr,store_ptr,

	/* write the data */
	status = mb_write_ping(verbose,mbio_ptr,store_ptr,error);

	/* increment counters */
	if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
		if (kind == MB_DATA_DATA)
		else if (kind == MB_DATA_NAV)
		else if (kind == MB_DATA_COMMENT)

	/* print output debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> completed\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return value:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       error:      %d\n",*error);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return status:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       status:  %d\n",status);

	/* return status */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int process_output(int verbose, mbdefaults *mbdflts, options *opts,
	mb_path ifile, counts *recs, int *error)
	char *function_name = "scan_input_heights";
	int status = MB_SUCCESS;
	int i;
	void *imbio_ptr = NULL;
	double btime_d, etime_d;
	int beams_bath_alloc, beams_amp_alloc, pixels_ss_alloc;
	void *ombio_ptr[SWPLS_MAX_TXERS];
	struct mb_io_struct *imb_io_ptr = NULL;
	void *istore_ptr = NULL;
	int ofile_init[SWPLS_MAX_TXERS];
	mb_path ofile[SWPLS_MAX_TXERS];
	struct mbsys_swathplus_struct *istore = NULL;

	/* print input debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "\ndbg2  function <%s> called\n", function_name);
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2  Revision id: %s\n", rcs_id);
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2  Input arguments:\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2       verbose:    %d\n", verbose);
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2       options:    %p\n", (void *)opts);

	/* open the input file */
	if ((status =
		mb_read_init(opts->verbose, ifile, opts->format, mbdflts->pings_get,
			mbdflts->lonflip, mbdflts->bounds, mbdflts->btime_i,
			mbdflts->speedmin, mbdflts->timegap, &imbio_ptr, &btime_d, &etime_d,
			&beams_bath_alloc, &beams_amp_alloc, &pixels_ss_alloc,
			error)) != MB_SUCCESS)
		char message[MAX_ERROR_STRING] = {0};
		sprintf(message, "Swath File <%s> not initialized for reading\n",
		error_exit(opts->verbose, *error, "mb_read_init", message);
	/* get mbio and data structure descriptors */
	imb_io_ptr = (struct mb_io_struct *)imbio_ptr;
	istore_ptr = imb_io_ptr->store_data;
	/* set the projection for nav data */
	if (opts->projection_set == MB_YES)
		mb_proj_init(opts->verbose, opts->proj4command, &(imb_io_ptr->pjptr), error);
		strncpy(imb_io_ptr->projection_id, opts->proj4command, MB_NAME_LENGTH);
		imb_io_ptr->projection_initialized = MB_YES;		
	/* setup the output filename(s) for writing */
	status = set_outfile_names(opts->verbose, ofile, ifile, &opts->basename,
		opts->ofile_set, opts->split_txers, error);
	for (i = 0; i < SWPLS_MAX_TXERS; i++)
		ombio_ptr[i] = NULL;
		ofile_init[i] = MB_NO;

	/* start looping over data records */
	while (*error <= MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR)
		int kind = MB_DATA_NONE;

		/* read the next record */
		status =
			mb_read_ping(opts->verbose, imbio_ptr, istore_ptr, &kind, error);

		/* some nonfatal errors do not matter */
		if ((*error < MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR) && (MB_ERROR_UNINTELLIGIBLE < *error))
			error = MB_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
			status = MB_SUCCESS;

		istore = (struct mbsys_swathplus_struct *)istore_ptr;

		if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
			status = count_record(opts->verbose, recs, istore, error);

		if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (opts->print_ascii == MB_YES))
			status = print_latest_record(opts->verbose, istore, error);

		/* process the sxp ping data to file */
		if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (istore->kind == MB_DATA_DATA) &&
			((istore->type == SWPLS_ID_PROCESSED_PING) ||
			(istore->type == SWPLS_ID_PROCESSED_PING2)))
			int obeams_bath, obeams_amp, opixels_ss;
			struct mb_io_struct *omb_io_ptr = NULL;
			void *ostore_ptr = NULL;
			struct mbsys_swathplus_struct *ostore = NULL;
			int txno = 0;
			int txidx = 0;

			if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (opts->flip_rejected == MB_YES))
				status = flip_sample_flags(opts->verbose, &(istore->sxp_ping),

			if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (opts->remove_rejected == MB_YES))
				status = remove_rejected_samps(opts->verbose,
					&(istore->sxp_ping), error);

			if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (opts->copy_rawamp == MB_YES))
				status = copy_rawamp(opts->verbose, &(istore->sxp_ping), error);

			if ((status == MB_SUCCESS) && (opts->write_output == MB_YES))
				/* select the output file based on the txer channel */
				status = ping_txno(opts->verbose, istore, &txno, error);
				txidx = (opts->split_txers == MB_YES) ? txno - 1 : 0;

				/* initialize the output file if necessary */
				if (ofile_init[txidx] == MB_NO)
					status = mb_write_init(opts->verbose, ofile[txidx], opts->format, 
						&ombio_ptr[txidx],  &obeams_bath,
						&obeams_amp, &opixels_ss, error);
					if (status != MB_SUCCESS)
						char message[MAX_ERROR_STRING] = {0};
						sprintf(message, "SWATHplus file <%s> not initialized for writing.\n",
						error_exit(verbose, *error, "mb_write_init", message);

					if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
						ofile_init[txidx] = MB_YES;

				/* assign output pointers based on txer channel */
				omb_io_ptr = (struct mb_io_struct *)ombio_ptr[txidx];
				ostore_ptr = omb_io_ptr->store_data;
				ostore = (struct mbsys_swathplus_struct *)ostore_ptr;

				/* copy the ping from istore to ostore */
				if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
					status = mbsys_swathplus_copy(opts->verbose, imbio_ptr,
						istore_ptr, ostore_ptr,

				/* write the ping to file */
				if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
					ostore->kind = MB_DATA_DATA;
					ostore->type = SWPLS_ID_PROCESSED_PING2;
					status = mb_write_ping(opts->verbose, ombio_ptr[txidx],
						ostore, error);

				/* check for error writing here */
				if (status != MB_SUCCESS)
					char message[MAX_ERROR_STRING] = {0};
					sprintf(message, "Data not written to file <%s>\n",
					error_exit(opts->verbose, *error, "mb_write_ping", message);
				}		/* end write sxp data to file */
			}		/* end processing sxp data */
		}		/* end looping over all records in file */

	/* close the files */
	status = mb_close(opts->verbose, &imbio_ptr, error);
	for (i = 0; i < SWPLS_MAX_TXERS; i++)
		if (ofile_init[i] == MB_YES)
			status = mb_close(opts->verbose, &ombio_ptr[i], error);
			ofile_init[i] = MB_NO;

	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "\ndbg2  function <%s> completed\n", function_name);
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2  Return values:\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2        error:     %d\n", *error);
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2  Return status:\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "dbg2       status:     %d\n", status);

	return (status);
} /* process_output */
Ejemplo n.º 4
int mb_buffer_dump(int verbose, void *buff_ptr, void *mbio_ptr, void *ombio_ptr,
		    int nhold, int *ndump, int *nbuff, int *error)
	char	*function_name = "mb_buffer_dump";
	int	status = MB_SUCCESS;
	struct mb_buffer_struct *buff;
	struct mb_io_struct *mb_io_ptr;

	int	i;

	/* print input debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> called\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Revision id: %s\n",rcs_id);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Input arguments:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       verbose:    %d\n",verbose);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       buff_ptr:   %p\n",(void *)buff_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       mb_ptr:     %p\n",(void *)mbio_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       omb_ptr:    %p\n",(void *)ombio_ptr);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       nhold:      %d\n",nhold);

	/* get buffer structure */
	buff = (struct mb_buffer_struct *) buff_ptr;

	/* get mbio descriptor */
	mb_io_ptr = (struct mb_io_struct *) mbio_ptr;

	/* figure out how much to dump */
	*ndump = buff->nbuffer - nhold;
	if (buff->nbuffer <= 0)
		status = MB_FAILURE;
		*ndump = 0;
	else if (*ndump <= 0)
		status = MB_FAILURE;
		*ndump = 0;

	/* print debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 4)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Buffer list in MBIO function <%s>\n",
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       nbuffer:     %d\n",buff->nbuffer);
		for (i=0;i<buff->nbuffer;i++)
			fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       i:%d  kind:%d  ptr:%p\n",
			i,buff->buffer_kind[i],(void *)buff->buffer[i]);

	/* dump records from buffer */
	if (status == MB_SUCCESS)
		for (i=0;i<*ndump;i++)
			/* print debug statements */
			if (verbose >= 4)
				fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Dumping record in MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       record:      %d\n",i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       ptr:         %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       kind:        %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[i]);

			/* only write out data if output defined */
			if (ombio_ptr != NULL)
				status = mb_write_ping(verbose,ombio_ptr,buff->buffer[i],error);

			/* print debug statements */
			if (verbose >= 4)
				fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Deallocating record in MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       record:      %d\n",i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       ptr:         %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       kind:        %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[i]);

			status = mb_deall(verbose,mbio_ptr,
			buff->buffer[i] = NULL;

			/* print debug statements */
			if (verbose >= 4)
				fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Done dumping record in MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       record:      %d\n",i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       ptr:         %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       kind:        %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[i]);
		for (i=0;i<nhold;i++)
			/* print debug statements */
			if (verbose >= 4)
				fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Moving buffer record in MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old:         %d\n",*ndump + i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new:         %d\n",i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old ptr:     %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[*ndump + i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new ptr:     %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old kind:    %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[*ndump + i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new kind:    %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[i]);

			buff->buffer[i] =
				buff->buffer[*ndump + i];
			buff->buffer_kind[i] =
				buff->buffer_kind[*ndump + i];
			buff->buffer[*ndump + i] = NULL;
			buff->buffer_kind[*ndump + i] = 0;

			/* print debug statements */
			if (verbose >= 4)
				fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Done moving buffer record in MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old:         %d\n",*ndump + i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new:         %d\n",i);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old ptr:     %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[*ndump + i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new ptr:     %p\n",(void *)buff->buffer[i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       old kind:    %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[*ndump + i]);
				fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       new kind:    %d\n",buff->buffer_kind[i]);
		buff->nbuffer = buff->nbuffer - *ndump;

	/* print debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 4)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg4  Buffer list at end of MBIO function <%s>\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       nbuffer:     %d\n",buff->nbuffer);
		for (i=0;i<buff->nbuffer;i++)
			fprintf(stderr,"dbg4       i:%d  kind:%d  ptr:%p\n",
			i,buff->buffer_kind[i],(void *)buff->buffer[i]);

	/* set return value */
	*nbuff = buff->nbuffer;

	/* print output debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(stderr,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> completed\n",function_name);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Revision id: %s\n",rcs_id);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return values:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       ndump:      %d\n",*ndump);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       nbuff:      %d\n",*nbuff);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       error:      %d\n",*error);
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2  Return status:\n");
		fprintf(stderr,"dbg2       status:  %d\n",status);

	/* return status */