Ejemplo n.º 1
void test_for_cycles
(  mclx* mx
   {  mclx* tp = mclxTranspose(mx)
   ;  mclv* fwd = mclxColSizes(mx, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
   ;  mclv* bwd = mclxColSizes(tp, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
   ;  dim i, n_cycle = 0

   ;  for (i=0;i<bwd->n_ivps;i++)
      {  ofs level_up = fire_node(mx, i, NULL)
      ;  ofs level_dn = fire_node(tp, i, NULL)
      ;  if (level_up < 0 || level_dn < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, " [%lu cycle]", (ulong) i)
         ,  n_cycle++
   ;  }

      if (n_cycle)
      fputc('\n', stderr)
   ;  mclvFree(&bwd)
   ;  mclvFree(&fwd)
   ;  mclxFree(&tp)
   ;  fprintf
      (  stderr
      ,  "file with %lu edges has %d cycles\n"
      ,  (ulong) mclxNrofEntries(mx)
      ,  (int) n_cycle
   ;  exit(n_cycle ? 1 : 0)
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void vary_threshold
(  mcxIO* xf
,  FILE*  fp
,  int vary_a
,  int vary_z
,  int vary_s
,  int vary_n
,  unsigned mode
   {  dim cor_i = 0, j
   ;  int step

   ;  mclx* mx
   ;  unsigned long noe
   ;  pval*  allvals
   ;  dim  n_allvals = 0
   ;  double sum_vals = 0.0

   ;  mx = mclxRead(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
   ;  mcxIOclose(xf)

   ;  if (transform)
      mclgTFexec(mx, transform)

   ;  noe = mclxNrofEntries(mx)
   ;  allvals = mcxAlloc(noe * sizeof allvals[0], EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  if (!weight_scale)
      {  if (mode == 'c')
         weight_scale = 1.0
      ;  else
         weight_scale = vary_n
   ;  }

      n_allvals = get_n_sort_allvals(mx, allvals, noe, &sum_vals, FALSE)

   ;  if (mode == 'c')
      {  double smallest = n_allvals ? allvals[n_allvals-1] : -DBL_MAX
      ;  if (vary_a * 1.0 / vary_n < smallest)
         {  while (vary_a * 1.0 / vary_n < smallest)
         ;  vary_a--
      ;  }
         (  me
         ,  "smallest correlation is %.2f, using starting point %.2f"
         ,  smallest
         ,  vary_a * 1.0 / vary_n
   ;  }

      if (output_flags & OUTPUT_TABLE)
;fprintf(fp, "L\tD\tR\tS\tcce\tEWmean\tEWmed\tEWiqr\tNDmean\tNDmed\tNDiqr\tCCF\t%s\n", mode == 'k' ? "kNN" : mode == 'l' ? "N" : "Cutoff")
;}    else
      {  if (output_flags & OUTPUT_KEY)
;fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;fprintf(fp, " L       Percentage of nodes in the largest component\n")
;fprintf(fp, " D       Percentage of nodes in components of size at most %d [-div option]\n", (int) divide_g)
;fprintf(fp, " R       Percentage of nodes not in L or D: 100 - L -D\n")
;fprintf(fp, " S       Percentage of nodes that are singletons\n")
;fprintf(fp, " cce     Expected size of component, nodewise [ sum(sz^2) / sum^2(sz) ]\n")
;fprintf(fp, "*EW      Edge weight traits (mean, median and IQR, all scaled!)\n")
;fprintf(fp, "            Scaling is used to avoid printing of fractional parts throughout.\n")
;fprintf(fp, "            The scaling factor is %.2f [-report-scale option]\n", weight_scale)
;fprintf(fp, " ND      Node degree traits [mean, median and IQR]\n")
;fprintf(fp, " CCF     Clustering coefficient %s\n", compute_flags & COMPUTE_CLCF ? "(not computed; use --clcf to include this)" : "")
;fprintf(fp, " eff     Induced component efficiency %s\n", compute_flags & COMPUTE_EFF ? "(not computed; use --eff to include this)" : "")

;if (mode == 'c')
 fprintf(fp, "Cutoff   The threshold used.\n")
;else if (mode == 't')
 fprintf(fp, "*Cutoff  The threshold with scale factor %.2f and fractional parts removed\n", weight_scale)
;else if (mode == 'k')
 fprintf(fp, "k-NN     The knn parameter\n")
;else if (mode == 'l')
 fprintf(fp, "N        The knn parameter (merge mode)\n")
;else if (mode == 'n')
 fprintf(fp, "ceil     The ceil parameter\n")
;fprintf(fp, "Total number of nodes: %lu\n", (ulong) N_COLS(mx))
 fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;fprintf(fp, "  L   D   R   S     cce *EWmean  *EWmed *EWiqr NDmean  NDmed  NDiqr CCF  eff %6s \n", mode == 'k' ? "k-NN" : mode == 'l' ? "N" : mode == 'n' ? "Ceil" : "Cutoff")
;fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;     }

      for (step = vary_a; step <= vary_z; step += vary_s)
      {  double cutoff = step * 1.0 / vary_n
      ;  double eff = -1.0
      ;  mclv* nnodes = mclvCanonical(NULL, N_COLS(mx), 0.0)
      ;  mclv* degree = mclvCanonical(NULL, N_COLS(mx), 0.0)
      ;  dim i, n_sample = 0
      ;  double cor, y_prev, iqr = 0.0
      ;  mclx* cc = NULL, *res = NULL
      ;  mclv* sz, *ccsz = NULL
      ;  int step2 = vary_z + vary_a - step

      ;  sum_vals = 0.0
      ;  if (mode == 't' || mode == 'c')
            mclxSelectValues(mx, &cutoff, NULL, MCLX_EQT_GQ)
         ,  res = mx
      ;  else if (mode == 'k')
         {  res = rebase_g ? mclxCopy(mx) : mx
         ;  mclxKNNdispatch(res, step2, n_thread_l, 1)
      ;  }
         else if (mode == 'l')
         {  res = mx
         ;  mclxKNNdispatch(res, step2, n_thread_l, 0)
      ;  }
         else if (mode == 'n')
         {  res = rebase_g ? mclxCopy(mx) : mx
         ;  mclv* cv = mclgCeilNB(res, step2, NULL, NULL, NULL)
         ;  mclvFree(&cv)
      ;  }

         sz = mclxColSizes(res, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
      ;  mclvSortDescVal(sz)

      ;  cc = clmUGraphComponents(res, NULL)     /* fixme: user has to specify -tf '#max()' if graph is directed */
      ;  if (cc)
         {  ccsz = mclxColSizes(cc, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
         ;  if (compute_flags & COMPUTE_EFF)
            {  clmPerformanceTable pftable
            ;  clmPerformance(mx, cc, &pftable)
            ;  eff = pftable.efficiency
         ;  }

         if (mode == 't' || mode == 'c')
         {  for
            ;  n_allvals > 0 && allvals[n_allvals-1] < cutoff
            ;  n_allvals--
         ;  sum_vals = 0.0
         ;  for (i=0;i<n_allvals;i++)
            sum_vals += allvals[i]
      ;  }
         else if (mode == 'k' || mode == 'n' || mode == 'l')
         {  n_allvals = get_n_sort_allvals(res, allvals, noe, &sum_vals, FALSE)
      ;  }

         levels[cor_i].sim_median=  mcxMedian(allvals, n_allvals, sizeof allvals[0], pval_get_double, &iqr)
      ;  levels[cor_i].sim_iqr   =  iqr
      ;  levels[cor_i].sim_mean  =  n_allvals ? sum_vals / n_allvals : 0.0

      ;  levels[cor_i].nb_median =  mcxMedian(sz->ivps, sz->n_ivps, sizeof sz->ivps[0], ivp_get_double, &iqr)
      ;  levels[cor_i].nb_iqr    =  iqr
      ;  levels[cor_i].nb_mean   =  mclvSum(sz) / N_COLS(res)
      ;  levels[cor_i].cc_exp    =  cc ? mclvPowSum(ccsz, 2.0) / N_COLS(res) : 0
      ;  levels[cor_i].nb_sum    =  mclxNrofEntries(res)

      ;  if (compute_flags & COMPUTE_CLCF)
         {  mclv* clcf = mclgCLCFdispatch(res, n_thread_l)
         ;  levels[cor_i].clcf   =  mclvSum(clcf) / N_COLS(mx)
         ;  mclvFree(&clcf)
      ;  }
         levels[cor_i].clcf = 0.0

      ;  levels[cor_i].threshold =  mode == 'k' || mode == 'l' || mode == 'n' ? step2 : cutoff
      ;  levels[cor_i].bigsize   =  cc ? cc->cols[0].n_ivps : 0
      ;  levels[cor_i].n_single  =  0
      ;  levels[cor_i].n_edge    =  n_allvals
      ;  levels[cor_i].n_lq      =  0

      ;  if (cc)
         for (i=0;i<N_COLS(cc);i++)
         {  dim n = cc->cols[N_COLS(cc)-1-i].n_ivps
         ;  if (n == 1)
         ;  if (n <= divide_g)
            levels[cor_i].n_lq += n
         ;  else
      ;  }

         if (levels[cor_i].bigsize <= divide_g)
         levels[cor_i].bigsize = 0

      ;  y_prev = sz->ivps[0].val

                  /* wiki says:
                     A scale-free network is a network whose degree distribution follows a power
                     law, at least asymptotically. That is, the fraction P(k) of nodes in the
                     network having k connections to other nodes goes for large values of k as P(k)
                     ~ k^−g where g is a constant whose value is typically in the range 2<g<3,
                     although occasionally it may lie outside these bounds.
      ;  for (i=1;i<sz->n_ivps;i++)
         {  double y = sz->ivps[i].val
         ;  if (y > y_prev - 0.5)
            continue                                              /* same as node degree seen last */
         ;  nnodes->ivps[n_sample].val = log( (i*1.0) / (1.0*N_COLS(res)))    /* x = #nodes >= k, as fraction   */
         ;  degree->ivps[n_sample].val = log(y_prev ? y_prev : 1)            /* y = k = degree of node         */
         ;  n_sample++
;if(0)fprintf(stderr, "k=%.0f\tn=%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\n", (double) y_prev, (int) i, (double) nnodes->ivps[n_sample-1].val, (double) degree->ivps[n_sample-1].val)
         ;  y_prev = y
      ;  }
         nnodes->ivps[n_sample].val = 0
      ;  nnodes->ivps[n_sample++].val = log(y_prev ? y_prev : 1)
;if(0){fprintf(stderr, "k=%.0f\tn=%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\n", (double) sz->ivps[sz->n_ivps-1].val, (int) N_COLS(res), (double) nnodes->ivps[n_sample-1].val, (double) degree->ivps[n_sample-1].val)

      ;  mclvResize(nnodes, n_sample)
      ;  mclvResize(degree, n_sample)
      ;  cor = pearson(nnodes, degree, n_sample)

      ;  levels[cor_i].degree_cor =  cor * cor

;if(0)fprintf(stdout, "cor at cutoff %.2f %.3f\n\n", cutoff, levels[cor_i-1].degree_cor)
      ;  mclvFree(&nnodes)
      ;  mclvFree(&degree)
      ;  mclvFree(&sz)
      ;  mclvFree(&ccsz)
      ;  mclxFree(&cc)

;  if(output_flags & OUTPUT_TABLE)
   {  fprintf
      (  fp
      ,  "%lu\t%lu\t%lu\t%lu\t%lu"

      ,  (ulong) levels[cor_i].bigsize
      ,  (ulong) levels[cor_i].n_lq
      ,  (ulong) N_COLS(mx) - levels[cor_i].bigsize - levels[cor_i].n_lq
      ,  (ulong) levels[cor_i].n_single
      ,  (ulong) levels[cor_i].cc_exp

      ,  (double) levels[cor_i].sim_mean
      ,  (double) levels[cor_i].sim_median
      ,  (double) levels[cor_i].sim_iqr

      ,  (double) levels[cor_i].nb_mean
      ,  (ulong) levels[cor_i].nb_median
      ,  (double) levels[cor_i].nb_iqr

   ;  if (compute_flags & COMPUTE_CLCF) fprintf(fp, "\t%6g", levels[cor_i].clcf)   ;  else fputs("\tNA", fp)
   ;  if (eff >= 0.0) fprintf(fp, "\t%4g", eff)              ;  else fputs("\tNA", fp)

   ;  fprintf(fp, "\t%6g", (double) levels[cor_i].threshold)
   ;  fputc('\n', fp)
;  }
   {  fprintf
      (  fp
      ,  "%3d %3d %3d %3d %7d "
         "%7.0f %7.0f %6.0f"
         "%6.1f %6.0f %6.0f"

      ,  0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + (100.0 * levels[cor_i].bigsize) / N_COLS(mx))
      ,  0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + (100.0 * levels[cor_i].n_lq) / N_COLS(mx))
      ,  0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + (100.0 * (N_COLS(mx) - levels[cor_i].bigsize - levels[cor_i].n_lq)) / N_COLS(mx))
      ,  0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + (100.0 * levels[cor_i].n_single) / N_COLS(mx))
      ,  0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + levels[cor_i].cc_exp)

      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].sim_mean   * weight_scale)
      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].sim_median * weight_scale)
      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].sim_iqr    * weight_scale)

      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].nb_mean                 )
      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].nb_median + 0.5         )
      ,  0 ? 1.0 : (double) (levels[cor_i].nb_iqr + 0.5            )

   ;  if (compute_flags & COMPUTE_CLCF)
      fprintf(fp, " %3d", 0 ? 1 : (int) (0.5 + (100.0 * levels[cor_i].clcf)))
   ;  else
      fputs("   -", fp)

   ;  if (eff >= 0.0)
      fprintf(fp, "  %3d", (int) (0.5 + 1000 * eff))
   ;  else
      fputs("    -", fp)

   ;  if (mode == 'c')
      fprintf(fp, "%8.2f\n", (double) levels[cor_i].threshold)
   ;  else if (mode == 't')
      fprintf(fp, "%8.0f\n", (double) levels[cor_i].threshold  * weight_scale)
   ;  else if (mode == 'k' || mode == 'n' || mode == 'l')
      fprintf(fp, "%8.0f\n", (double) levels[cor_i].threshold)
 ; }

      ;  cor_i++
      ;  if (res != mx)
   ;  }

   if (!(output_flags & OUTPUT_TABLE))
   {  if (weefreemen)
fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;fprintf(fp, "The graph below plots the R^2 squared value for the fit of a log-log plot of\n")
;fprintf(fp, "<node degree k> versus <#nodes with degree >= k>, for the network resulting\n")
;fprintf(fp, "from applying a particular %s cutoff.\n", mode == 'c' ? "correlation" : "similarity")
;fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
   ;  for (j=0;j<cor_i;j++)
      {  dim jj
      ;  for (jj=30;jj<=100;jj++)
         {  char c = ' '
         ;  if (jj * 0.01 < levels[j].degree_cor && (jj+1.0) * 0.01 > levels[j].degree_cor)
            c = 'X'
         ;  else if (jj % 5 == 0)
            c = '|'
         ;  fputc(c, fp)
      ;  }
         if (mode == 'c')
         fprintf(fp, "%8.2f\n", (double) levels[j].threshold)
      ;  else
         fprintf(fp, "%8.0f\n", (double) levels[j].threshold * weight_scale)
   ;  }

 fprintf(fp, "|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|--------\n")
;fprintf(fp, "| R^2   0.4       0.5       0.6       0.7       0.8       0.9    |  1.0    -o)\n")
;fprintf(fp, "+----+----+----+----+----+---------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+    /\\\\\n")
;fprintf(fp, "| 2 4 6 8   2 4 6 8 | 2 4 6 8 | 2 4 6 8 | 2 4 6 8 | 2 4 6 8 | 2 4 6 8 |   _\\_/\n")
;fprintf(fp, "+----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----|----+----+--------\n")
;     }
      fprintf(fp, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;  }

   ;  mcxFree(allvals)
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 3
void get_attr
(  mclx* mx
,  mclTab* tab
,  mcxIO* xfattr
   {  mclx* tp = mclxTranspose(mx)
   ;  mclx* G  = mclxAdd(mx, tp)
   ;  mclv* fwd = mclxColSizes(mx, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
   ;  mclv* bwd = mclxColSizes(tp, MCL_VECTOR_COMPLETE)
   ;  mclx* cc = clmComponents(G, NULL)
   ;  mclx* node2cc = mclxTranspose(cc)
   ;  dim i, n_cycle = 0

   ;  fprintf(xfattr->fp, "node\tup\tdown\tnparent\tnchild\tndag\n")

   ;  for (i=0;i<bwd->n_ivps;i++)
      {  mclv* seenpp1 = NULL, *seenpp2 = NULL

      ;  ofs level_up = fire_node(mx, i, &seenpp1)
      ;  ofs level_dn = fire_node(tp, i, &seenpp2)
      ;  ofs ccidx = node2cc->cols[i].ivps[0].idx
      ;  dim ccsize = cc->cols[ccidx].n_ivps

      ;  mclvFree(&seenpp1)
      ;  mclvFree(&seenpp2)

      ;  if ((i+1) % 500 == 0)
         fputc('.', stderr)
      ;  if (tab)
         {  const char* label = mclTabGet(tab, mx->cols[i].vid, NULL)
         ;  fputs(label, xfattr->fp)
         ;  fputc('\t', xfattr->fp)
      ;  }
         (  xfattr->fp
         ,  "%lu\t"
         ,  (ulong) mx->cols[i].vid

      ;  fprintf
         (  xfattr->fp
         ,  "%ld\t%ld\t%lu\t%lu\t%lu\n"
         ,  (long) level_up
         ,  (long) level_dn
         ,  (ulong) fwd->ivps[i].val
         ,  (ulong) bwd->ivps[i].val
         ,  (ulong) ccsize

      ;  if (level_up < 0 || level_dn < 0)
            fputc('.', stderr)
         ,  n_cycle++
   ;  }

      if (n_cycle)
      fputc('\n', stderr)
   ;  mclvFree(&bwd)
   ;  mclvFree(&fwd)
   ;  mclxFree(&tp)
;  }