Ejemplo n.º 1
static mcxstatus pars_realloc
(  stream_state* iface
,  dim n_needed
   {  dim n_alloc = MCX_MAX(n_needed+8, iface->pars_n_alloc * 1.2)
   ;  mclpAR* p

   ;  if (n_needed <= iface->pars_n_alloc)
      {  if (n_needed > iface->pars_n_used)
         iface->pars_n_used = n_needed
      ;  return STATUS_OK
   ;  }

      =  mcxNRealloc
         (  iface->pars
         ,  n_alloc
         ,  iface->pars_n_alloc
         ,  sizeof p[0]
         ,  my_par_init_v
         ,  RETURN_ON_FAIL
;if(DEBUG3)fprintf(stderr, "realloc pars %lu (requested = %lu)\n", (ulong) n_alloc, (ulong) n_needed)
   ;  if (!p)
      {  mcxErr(module, "failure allocing p array (%lu units)", (ulong) n_alloc)
      ;  return STATUS_FAIL
   ;  }

      iface->pars = p
   ;  iface->pars_n_used  = n_needed
   ;  iface->pars_n_alloc = n_alloc
   ;  return STATUS_OK
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 2
mcxstatus mclpARextend
(  mclpAR*  ar
,  long     idx
,  double   val
   {  mclp* ivp = NULL
   ;  if (ar->n_ivps >= ar->n_alloc)
      {  long n_new_alloc = 4 + 1.22 * ar->n_alloc
      ;  if
         (! (  ar->ivps
            =  mcxNRealloc
               (  ar->ivps
               ,  n_new_alloc
               ,  ar->n_alloc
               ,  sizeof(mclp)
               ,  mclpInit_v
               ,  RETURN_ON_FAIL
         )  )  )
         return STATUS_FAIL
      ;  ar->n_alloc = n_new_alloc
   ;  }

      ivp = ar->ivps + ar->n_ivps
   ;  ivp->val =  val
   ;  ivp->idx =  idx

   ;  if (ar->n_ivps && ivp[-1].idx >= idx)
      {  if (ivp[-1].idx > idx)
      ;  else
         BIT_OFF(ar->sorted, MCLPAR_UNIQUE)
   ;  }

   ;  return STATUS_OK
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 3
mclpAR* mclpARensure
(  mclpAR* mclpar
,  dim     sz
   {  if (!mclpar && !(mclpar =  mclpARinit(NULL)))
      return NULL

   ;  if (sz > mclpar->n_alloc)
      {  if (!( mclpar->ivps
            =  mcxNRealloc
               (  mclpar->ivps
               ,  sz
               ,  mclpar->n_alloc
               ,  sizeof(mclp)
               ,  mclpInit_v
               ,  RETURN_ON_FAIL
            ) )
         return NULL
      ;  mclpar->n_alloc = sz
   ;  }

      return mclpar
;  }
Ejemplo n.º 4
static dim do_a_file
(  aggr** collectpp
,  const char* fname
,  dim collect_n
   {  mcxIO* xf = mcxIOnew(fname, "r")
   ;  mcxTing* buf = mcxTingEmpty(NULL, 100)
   ;  mcxTing* lbl = mcxTingEmpty(NULL, 100)
   ;  mcxstatus status = STATUS_OK
   ;  aggr* collect = *collectpp
   ;  dim ct = 0, collect_alloc = 0

   ;  if (!collect_n)
         collect_alloc = 100
      ,  collect = mcxNAlloc(collect_alloc, sizeof collect[0], NULL, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  mcxIOopen(xf, EXIT_ON_FAIL)

   ;  while (STATUS_OK == (status = mcxIOreadLine(xf, buf, MCX_READLINE_CHOMP)))
      {  double val
      ;  const char* tabchar = NULL
      ;  mcxbool get_header = collect_g != 'p' && !ct ? TRUE : FALSE

      ;  mcxTingEnsure(lbl, buf->len)

               /* if header_g && !ct && !paste create/check label */
               /* body of this while loop does too many things, refactor */
      ;  if (collect_g == 'p' || get_header)
         {  if (!(tabchar = strchr(buf->str, '\t')))
            mcxDie(1, me, "paste error at line %d file %s (no tab)", (int) xf->lc, fname)
         ;  mcxTingNWrite(lbl, buf->str, tabchar - buf->str)
      ;  }
         {  if (2 != sscanf(buf->str, "%s%lg", lbl->str, &val))
            mcxDie(1, me, "parse error at line %d file %s", (int) xf->lc, fname)
         ;  lbl->len = strlen(lbl->str)
      ;  }

         if (!collect_n)
         {  if (ct >= collect_alloc)
            {  dim collect_realloc = collect_alloc * 1.44
            ;  collect = mcxNRealloc(collect, collect_realloc, collect_alloc, sizeof collect[0], NULL, EXIT_ON_FAIL)
            ;  collect_alloc = collect_realloc
         ;  }
            collect[ct].label = mcxTingStr(lbl)
         ;  collect[ct].val = collect_g == 'p' || get_header ? 0.0 : val
         ;  collect[ct].columns
            =      collect_g == 'p' || get_header
                ?  mcxTingNew(tabchar + (get_header ? 1 : 0))
                :  NULL
      ;  }
         {  if (ct >= collect_n)
            mcxDie(1, me, "additional lines in file %s", fname)
         ;  if (strcmp(collect[ct].label, lbl->str))
            (  1
            ,  me
            ,  "label conflict %s/%s at line %d in file %s"
            ,  collect[ct].label
            ,  lbl->str
            ,  (int) xf->lc, fname
         ;  if (get_header)            /* only need to check identity */
            {  if (strcmp(tabchar+1, collect[ct].columns->str))
               mcxDie(1, me, "different columns <%s> and <%s>", collect[ct].columns->str, tabchar+1)
         ;  }
            else if (collect_g == 'p')          /* tack it on */
            mcxTingNAppend(collect[ct].columns, tabchar, buf->len - lbl->len)
         ;  else
            collect[ct].val += val 
      ;  }
   ;  }

      if (collect_n)
      {  if (ct != collect_n)
         mcxDie(1, me, "not enough lines in file %s", fname)
   ;  }
      {  if (!ct)
         mcxDie(1, me, "empty file(s)")
      ;  *collectpp = collect
   ;  }

   ;  return ct
;  }