Ejemplo n.º 1
Adaptivity::uniformRefine(MooseMesh *mesh)
  mooseAssert(mesh, "Mesh pointer must not be NULL");

  // NOTE: we are using a separate object here, since adaptivity may not be on, but we need to be able to do refinements
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(*mesh);
  unsigned int level = mesh->uniformRefineLevel();
Ejemplo n.º 2
MooseApp::meshOnly(std::string mesh_file_name)
   * These actions should be the minimum set necessary to generate and output
   * a Mesh.

  // uniform refinement
  MooseMesh * mesh = _action_warehouse.mesh();
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh->getMesh());

  // If no argument specified or if the argument following --mesh-only starts
  // with a dash, try to build an output filename based on the input mesh filename.
  if (mesh_file_name.empty() || (mesh_file_name.find('-') == 0))
    mesh_file_name = _parser.getFileName();
    size_t pos = mesh_file_name.find_last_of('.');

    // Default to writing out an ExodusII mesh base on the input filename.
    mesh_file_name = mesh_file_name.substr(0, pos) + "_in.e";

  // If we're writing an Exodus file, write the Mesh using its logical
  // element dimension rather than the spatial dimension, unless it's
  // a 1D Mesh.  One reason to prefer this approach is that sidesets
  // are displayed incorrectly for 2D triangular elements in both
  // Paraview and Cubit if num_dim==3 in the Exodus file. We do the
  // same thing in MOOSE's Exodus Output object, so we are mimicking
  // that behavior here.
  if (mesh_file_name.find(".e") + 2 == mesh_file_name.size())
    ExodusII_IO exio(mesh->getMesh());
    if (mesh->getMesh().mesh_dimension() != 1)

    // Just write the file using the name requested by the user.

  // Since we are not going to create a problem the mesh
  // will not get cleaned up, so we'll do it here
  delete mesh;
  delete _action_warehouse.displacedMesh();
Ejemplo n.º 3
Adaptivity::uniformRefine(unsigned int level)
  // NOTE: we are using a separate object here, since adaptivity may not be on, but we need to be able to do refinements
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(_mesh);
  MeshRefinement displaced_mesh_refinement(_displaced_problem ? _displaced_problem->mesh() : _mesh);

  // we have to go step by step so EquationSystems::reinit() won't freak out
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < level; i++)
    // See comment above about why refining the displaced mesh is potentially unsafe.
    if (_displaced_problem)


    if (_displaced_problem)
Ejemplo n.º 4
MooseApp::meshOnly(std::string mesh_file_name)
   * These actions should be the minimum set necessary to generate and output
   * a Mesh.

  // uniform refinement
  MooseMesh * mesh = _action_warehouse.mesh();
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh->getMesh());

  // If no argument specified or if the argument following --mesh-only starts
  // with a dash, try to build an output filename based on the input mesh filename.
  if (mesh_file_name.empty() || (mesh_file_name.find('-') == 0))
    mesh_file_name = _parser.getFileName();
    size_t pos = mesh_file_name.find_last_of('.');

    // Default to writing out an ExodusII mesh base on the input filename.
    mesh_file_name = mesh_file_name.substr(0,pos) + "_in.e";


  // Since we are not going to create a problem the mesh
  // will not get cleaned up, so we'll do it here
  delete mesh;
  delete _action_warehouse.displacedMesh();

Ejemplo n.º 5
// The main program
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Initialize libMesh
    LibMeshInit init(argc, argv);

    // Parameters
    GetPot infile("fem_system_params.in");
    const Real global_tolerance          = infile("global_tolerance", 0.);
    const unsigned int nelem_target      = infile("n_elements", 400);
    const bool transient                 = infile("transient", true);
    const Real deltat                    = infile("deltat", 0.005);
    unsigned int n_timesteps             = infile("n_timesteps", 1);
    //const unsigned int coarsegridsize    = infile("coarsegridsize", 1);
    const unsigned int coarserefinements = infile("coarserefinements", 0);
    const unsigned int max_adaptivesteps = infile("max_adaptivesteps", 10);
    //const unsigned int dim               = 2;

    const unsigned int write_interval    = infile("write_interval", 5);

    // Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
    // across the default MPI communicator.
    Mesh mesh(init.comm());
    GetPot infileForMesh("convdiff_mprime.in");
    std::string find_mesh_here = infileForMesh("mesh","psiLF_mesh.xda");

    std::cout << "Read in mesh from: " << find_mesh_here << "\n\n";

    // And an object to refine it
    MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);
    mesh_refinement.coarsen_by_parents() = true;
    mesh_refinement.absolute_global_tolerance() = global_tolerance;
    mesh_refinement.nelem_target() = nelem_target;
    mesh_refinement.refine_fraction() = 0.3;
    mesh_refinement.coarsen_fraction() = 0.3;
    mesh_refinement.coarsen_threshold() = 0.1;


    // Print information about the mesh to the screen.

    // Create an equation systems object.
    EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);

    // Name system
    ConvDiff_MprimeSys & system =

    // Steady-state problem
    system.time_solver =
        AutoPtr<TimeSolver>(new SteadySolver(system));

    // Sanity check that we are indeed solving a steady problem
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_timesteps, 1);

    // Read in all the equation systems data from the LF solve (system, solutions, rhs, etc)
    std::string find_psiLF_here = infileForMesh("psiLF_file","psiLF.xda");
    std::cout << "Looking for psiLF at: " << find_psiLF_here << "\n\n";

    equation_systems.read(find_psiLF_here, READ,
                          EquationSystems::READ_HEADER |
                          EquationSystems::READ_DATA |

    // Check that the norm of the solution read in is what we expect it to be
    Real readin_L2 = system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, L2);
    std::cout << "Read in solution norm: "<< readin_L2 << std::endl << std::endl;

    //equation_systems.write("right_back_out.xda", WRITE, EquationSystems::WRITE_DATA |
    //		 EquationSystems::WRITE_ADDITIONAL_DATA);
    //GMVIO(equation_systems.get_mesh()).write_equation_systems(std::string("right_back_out.gmv"), equation_systems);

    // Initialize the system
    //equation_systems.init ();  //already initialized by read-in

    // And the nonlinear solver options
    NewtonSolver *solver = new NewtonSolver(system);
    system.time_solver->diff_solver() = AutoPtr<DiffSolver>(solver);
    solver->quiet = infile("solver_quiet", true);
    solver->verbose = !solver->quiet;
    solver->max_nonlinear_iterations =
        infile("max_nonlinear_iterations", 15);
    solver->relative_step_tolerance =
        infile("relative_step_tolerance", 1.e-3);
    solver->relative_residual_tolerance =
        infile("relative_residual_tolerance", 0.0);
    solver->absolute_residual_tolerance =
        infile("absolute_residual_tolerance", 0.0);

    // And the linear solver options
    solver->max_linear_iterations =
        infile("max_linear_iterations", 50000);
    solver->initial_linear_tolerance =
        infile("initial_linear_tolerance", 1.e-3);

    // Print information about the system to the screen.

    // Now we begin the timestep loop to compute the time-accurate
    // solution of the equations...not that this is transient, but eh, why not...
    for (unsigned int t_step=0; t_step != n_timesteps; ++t_step)
        // A pretty update message
        std::cout << "\n\nSolving time step " << t_step << ", time = "
                  << system.time << std::endl;

        // Adaptively solve the timestep
        unsigned int a_step = 0;
        for (; a_step != max_adaptivesteps; ++a_step)
        {   // VESTIGIAL for now ('vestigial' eh ? ;) )

            std::cout << "\n\n I should be skipped what are you doing here lalalalalalala *!**!*!*!*!*!* \n\n";

            ErrorVector error;
            AutoPtr<ErrorEstimator> error_estimator;

            // To solve to a tolerance in this problem we
            // need a better estimator than Kelly
            if (global_tolerance != 0.)
                // We can't adapt to both a tolerance and a mesh
                // size at once
                libmesh_assert_equal_to (nelem_target, 0);

                UniformRefinementEstimator *u =
                    new UniformRefinementEstimator;

                // The lid-driven cavity problem isn't in H1, so
                // lets estimate L2 error
                u->error_norm = L2;

                // If we aren't adapting to a tolerance we need a
                // target mesh size
                libmesh_assert_greater (nelem_target, 0);

                // Kelly is a lousy estimator to use for a problem
                // not in H1 - if we were doing more than a few
                // timesteps we'd need to turn off or limit the
                // maximum level of our adaptivity eventually
                error_estimator.reset(new KellyErrorEstimator);

            // Calculate error
            std::vector<Real> weights(9,1.0);  // based on u, v, p, c, their adjoints, and source parameter

            // Keep the same default norm type.
            norms(1, error_estimator->error_norm.type(0));
            error_estimator->error_norm = SystemNorm(norms, weights);

            error_estimator->estimate_error(system, error);

            // Print out status at each adaptive step.
            Real global_error = error.l2_norm();
            std::cout << "Adaptive step " << a_step << ": " << std::endl;
            if (global_tolerance != 0.)
                std::cout << "Global_error = " << global_error
                          << std::endl;
            if (global_tolerance != 0.)
                std::cout << "Worst element error = " << error.maximum()
                          << ", mean = " << error.mean() << std::endl;

            if (global_tolerance != 0.)
                // If we've reached our desired tolerance, we
                // don't need any more adaptive steps
                if (global_error < global_tolerance)
                // If flag_elements_by_nelem_target returns true, this
                // should be our last adaptive step.
                if (mesh_refinement.flag_elements_by_nelem_target(error))
                    a_step = max_adaptivesteps;

            // Carry out the adaptive mesh refinement/coarsening

            std::cout << "Refined mesh to "
                      << mesh.n_active_elem()
                      << " active elements and "
                      << equation_systems.n_active_dofs()
                      << " active dofs." << std::endl;
        } // End loop over adaptive steps

        // Do one last solve if necessary
        if (a_step == max_adaptivesteps)
            QoISet qois;
            std::vector<unsigned int> qoi_indices;


            qois.set_weight(0, 1.0);

            system.assemble_qoi_sides = true; //QoI doesn't involve sides

            std::cout << "\n~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ adjoint solve start ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~\n" << std::endl;
            std::pair<unsigned int, Real> adjsolve = system.adjoint_solve();
            std::cout << "number of iterations to solve adjoint: " << adjsolve.first << std::endl;
            std::cout << "final residual of adjoint solve: " << adjsolve.second << std::endl;
            std::cout << "\n~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ adjoint solve end ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~" << std::endl;

            NumericVector<Number> &dual_solution = system.get_adjoint_solution(0);
            NumericVector<Number> &primal_solution = *system.solution;

                                             1, /* This number indicates how many time steps
	                                       are being written to the file */

            system.assemble(); //overwrite residual read in from psiLF solve

            // The total error estimate
            system.postprocess(); //to compute M_HF(psiLF) and M_LF(psiLF) terms
            Real QoI_error_estimate = (-0.5*(system.rhs)->dot(dual_solution)) + system.get_MHF_psiLF() - system.get_MLF_psiLF();
            std::cout << "\n\n 0.5*M'_HF(psiLF)(superadj): " << std::setprecision(17) << 0.5*(system.rhs)->dot(dual_solution) << "\n";
            std::cout << " M_HF(psiLF): " << std::setprecision(17) << system.get_MHF_psiLF() << "\n";
            std::cout << " M_LF(psiLF): " << std::setprecision(17) << system.get_MLF_psiLF() << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n\n Residual L2 norm: " << system.calculate_norm(*system.rhs, L2) << "\n";
            std::cout << " Residual discrete L2 norm: " << system.calculate_norm(*system.rhs, DISCRETE_L2) << "\n";
            std::cout << " Super-adjoint L2 norm: " << system.calculate_norm(dual_solution, L2) << "\n";
            std::cout << " Super-adjoint discrete L2 norm: " << system.calculate_norm(dual_solution, DISCRETE_L2) << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n\n QoI error estimate: " << std::setprecision(17) << QoI_error_estimate << "\n\n";

            std::cout << "\n------------ herp derp ------------" << std::endl;

            AutoPtr<NumericVector<Number> > adjresid = system.solution->clone();
            SparseMatrix<Number>& adjmat = *system.matrix;
            //std::cout << "******************** matrix-superadj product (libmesh) ************************" << std::endl;
            adjresid->add(-1.0, system.get_adjoint_rhs(0));
            //std::cout << "******************** superadjoint system residual (libmesh) ***********************" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "\n\nadjoint system residual (discrete L2): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,DISCRETE_L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, all): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 0): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,0,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 1): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,1,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 2): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,2,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 3): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,3,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 4): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,4,L2) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "adjoint system residual (L2, 5): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid,5,L2) << std::endl;
            	AutoPtr<NumericVector<Number> > sadj_matlab = system.solution->clone();
            	AutoPtr<NumericVector<Number> > adjresid_matlab = system.solution->clone();
            	if(FILE *fp=fopen("superadj_matlab.txt","r")){
              	Real value;
              	int counter = 0;
              	int flag = 1;
              	while(flag != -1){
              		flag = fscanf(fp,"%lf",&value);
              		if(flag != -1){
            				sadj_matlab->set(counter, value);
            				counter += 1;
            	//std::cout << "******************** matrix-superadj product (matlab) ***********************" << std::endl;
            	adjresid_matlab->add(-1.0, system.get_adjoint_rhs(0));
            	//std::cout << "******************** superadjoint system residual (matlab) ***********************" << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "\n\nmatlab import adjoint system residual (discrete L2): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_matlab,DISCRETE_L2) << "\n" << std::endl;
            	AutoPtr<NumericVector<Number> > sadj_fwd_hack = system.solution->clone();
            	AutoPtr<NumericVector<Number> > adjresid_fwd_hack = system.solution->clone();
            	if(FILE *fp=fopen("superadj_forward_hack.txt","r")){
              	Real value;
              	int counter = 0;
              	int flag = 1;
              	while(flag != -1){
              		flag = fscanf(fp,"%lf",&value);
              		if(flag != -1){
            				sadj_fwd_hack->set(counter, value);
            				counter += 1;
            	//std::cout << "******************** matrix-superadj product (fwd_hack) ***********************" << std::endl;
            	adjresid_fwd_hack->add(-1.0, system.get_adjoint_rhs(0));
            	//std::cout << "******************** superadjoint system residual (fwd_hack) ***********************" << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "\n\nfwd_hack import adjoint system residual (discrete L2): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,DISCRETE_L2) << "\n" << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 0): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,0,L2) << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 1): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,1,L2) << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 2): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,2,L2) << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 3): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,3,L2) << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 4): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,4,L2) << std::endl;
            	std::cout << "fwd_hack adjoint system residual (L2, 5): " << system.calculate_norm(*adjresid_fwd_hack,5,L2) << std::endl;
            //std::cout << "************************ system.matrix ***********************" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "\n------------ herp derp ------------" << std::endl;

            // The cell wise breakdown
            ErrorVector cell_wise_error;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (system.rhs)->size() ; i++)
                if(i < system.get_mesh().n_elem())
                    cell_wise_error[i] = fabs(-0.5*((system.rhs)->el(i) * dual_solution(i))
                                              + system.get_MHF_psiLF(i) - system.get_MLF_psiLF(i));
                    cell_wise_error[i] = fabs(-0.5*((system.rhs)->el(i) * dual_solution(i)));

                /*csv from 'save data' from gmv output gives a few values at each node point (value
                for every element that shares that node), yet paraview display only seems to show one
                of them -> the value in an element is given at each of the nodes that it has, hence the
                repetition; what is displayed in paraview is each element's value; even though MHF_psiLF
                and MLF_psiLF are stored by element this seems to give elemental contributions that
                agree with if we had taken the superadj-residual dot product by integrating over elements*/

                /*at higher mesh resolutions and lower k, weird-looking artifacts start to appear and
                it no longer agrees with output from manual integration of superadj-residual...*/
            // Plot it
            std::ostringstream error_gmv;
            error_gmv << "error.gmv";
            cell_wise_error.plot_error(error_gmv.str(), equation_systems.get_mesh());

            //alternate element-wise breakdown, outputed as values matched to element centroids; for matlab plotz
            std::cout << "\n\n -0.5*M'_HF(psiLF)(superadj): " << std::setprecision(17) << system.get_half_adj_weighted_resid() << "\n";

            std::string write_error_here = infileForMesh("error_est_output_file", "error_est_breakdown.dat");
            std::ofstream output(write_error_here);
            for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < system.get_mesh().n_elem(); i++) {
                Point elem_cent = system.get_mesh().elem(i)->centroid();
                if(output.is_open()) {
                    output << elem_cent(0) << " " << elem_cent(1) << " "
                           << fabs(system.get_half_adj_weighted_resid(i) + system.get_MHF_psiLF(i) - system.get_MLF_psiLF(i)) << "\n";

        } // End if at max adaptive steps

        // Write out this timestep if we're requested to
        if ((t_step+1)%write_interval == 0)
            std::ostringstream file_name;
                // We write the file in the ExodusII format.
                file_name << "out_"
                          << std::setw(3)
                          << std::setfill('0')
                          << std::right
                          << t_step+1
                          << ".e";
            			//this should write out the primal which should be the same as what's read in...
            							                        1, //number of time steps written to file
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API

    // All done.
    return 0;

} //end main
Ejemplo n.º 6
  // Perform the mesh cloning, if needed
  if (_change_position || _oversample)

  // Re-position the oversampled mesh
  if (_change_position)
    for (MeshBase::node_iterator nd = _mesh_ptr->getMesh().nodes_begin(); nd != _mesh_ptr->getMesh().nodes_end(); ++nd)
      *(*nd) += _position;

  // Perform the mesh refinement
  if (_oversample)
    MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(_mesh_ptr->getMesh());

  // Create the new EquationSystems
  _es_ptr = new EquationSystems(_mesh_ptr->getMesh());

  // Reference the system from which we are copying
  EquationSystems & source_es = _problem_ptr->es();

  // Initialize the _mesh_functions vector
  unsigned int num_systems = source_es.n_systems();

  // Loop over the number of systems
  for (unsigned int sys_num = 0; sys_num < num_systems; sys_num++)
    // Reference to the current system
    System & source_sys = source_es.get_system(sys_num);

    // Add the system to the new EquationsSystems
    ExplicitSystem & dest_sys = _es_ptr->add_system<ExplicitSystem>(source_sys.name());

    // Loop through the variables in the System
    unsigned int num_vars = source_sys.n_vars();
    if (num_vars > 0)
      _serialized_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(_communicator);
      _serialized_solution->init(source_sys.n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);

      // Need to pull down a full copy of this vector on every processor so we can get values in parallel

      // Add the variables to the system... simultaneously creating MeshFunctions for them.
      for (unsigned int var_num = 0; var_num < num_vars; var_num++)
        // Add the variable, allow for first and second lagrange
        const FEType & fe_type = source_sys.variable_type(var_num);
        FEType second(SECOND, LAGRANGE);
        if (fe_type == second)
          dest_sys.add_variable(source_sys.variable_name(var_num), second);
          dest_sys.add_variable(source_sys.variable_name(var_num), FEType());

  // Initialize the newly created EquationSystem
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AdjointRefinementEstimator::estimate_error (const System & _system,
                                                 ErrorVector & error_per_cell,
                                                 const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector,
                                                 bool /*estimate_parent_error*/)
  // We have to break the rules here, because we can't refine a const System
  System & system = const_cast<System &>(_system);

  // An EquationSystems reference will be convenient.
  EquationSystems & es = system.get_equation_systems();

  // The current mesh
  MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh();

  // Get coarse grid adjoint solutions.  This should be a relatively
  // quick (especially with preconditioner reuse) way to get a good
  // initial guess for the fine grid adjoint solutions.  More
  // importantly, subtracting off a coarse adjoint approximation gives
  // us better local error indication, and subtracting off *some* lift
  // function is necessary for correctness if we have heterogeneous
  // adjoint Dirichlet conditions.

  // Solve the adjoint problem(s) on the coarse FE space
  // Only if the user didn't already solve it for us
  if (!system.is_adjoint_already_solved())

  // Loop over all the adjoint problems and, if any have heterogenous
  // Dirichlet conditions, get the corresponding coarse lift
  // function(s)
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      // Skip this QoI if it is not in the QoI Set or if there are no
      // heterogeneous Dirichlet boundaries for it
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j) &&
          std::ostringstream liftfunc_name;
          liftfunc_name << "adjoint_lift_function" << j;
          NumericVector<Number> & liftvec =

            (system, &liftvec, true);

  // We'll want to back up all coarse grid vectors
  std::map<std::string, NumericVector<Number> *> coarse_vectors;
  for (System::vectors_iterator vec = system.vectors_begin(); vec !=
         system.vectors_end(); ++vec)
      // The (string) name of this vector
      const std::string & var_name = vec->first;

      coarse_vectors[var_name] = vec->second->clone().release();
  // Back up the coarse solution and coarse local solution
  NumericVector<Number> * coarse_solution =
  NumericVector<Number> * coarse_local_solution =

  // And we'll need to temporarily change solution projection settings
  bool old_projection_setting;
  old_projection_setting = system.project_solution_on_reinit();

  // Make sure the solution is projected when we refine the mesh
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = true;

  // And it'll be best to avoid any repartitioning
  UniquePtr<Partitioner> old_partitioner(mesh.partitioner().release());

  // And we can't allow any renumbering
  const bool old_renumbering_setting = mesh.allow_renumbering();

  // Use a non-standard solution vector if necessary
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number> * newsol =
        const_cast<NumericVector<Number> *> (solution_vector);

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialized to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id(), 0.);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // n_coarse_elem is only used in an assertion later so
  // avoid declaring it unless asserts are active.
  const dof_id_type n_coarse_elem = mesh.n_elem();

  // Uniformly refine the mesh
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);

  libmesh_assert (number_h_refinements > 0 || number_p_refinements > 0);

  // FIXME: this may break if there is more than one System
  // on this mesh but estimate_error was still called instead of
  // estimate_errors
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_h_refinements; ++i)

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_p_refinements; ++i)

  // Copy the projected coarse grid solutions, which will be
  // overwritten by solve()
  std::vector<NumericVector<Number> *> coarse_adjoints;
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          NumericVector<Number> * coarse_adjoint =

          // Can do "fast" init since we're overwriting this in a sec
                               /* fast = */ true);

          *coarse_adjoint = system.get_adjoint_solution(j);

        coarse_adjoints.push_back(static_cast<NumericVector<Number> *>(libmesh_nullptr));

  // Rebuild the rhs with the projected primal solution
  (dynamic_cast<ImplicitSystem &>(system)).assembly(true, false);
  NumericVector<Number> & projected_residual = (dynamic_cast<ExplicitSystem &>(system)).get_vector("RHS Vector");

  // Solve the adjoint problem(s) on the refined FE space

  // Now that we have the refined adjoint solution and the projected primal solution,
  // we first compute the global QoI error estimate

  // Resize the computed_global_QoI_errors vector to hold the error estimates for each QoI

  // Loop over all the adjoint solutions and get the QoI error
  // contributions from all of them.  While we're looping anyway we'll
  // pull off the coarse adjoints
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      // Skip this QoI if not in the QoI Set
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          // If the adjoint solution has heterogeneous dirichlet
          // values, then to get a proper error estimate here we need
          // to subtract off a coarse grid lift function.  In any case
          // we can get a better error estimate by separating off a
          // coarse representation of the adjoint solution, so we'll
          // use that for our lift function.
          system.get_adjoint_solution(j) -= *coarse_adjoints[j];

          computed_global_QoI_errors[j] = projected_residual.dot(system.get_adjoint_solution(j));

  // Done with the global error estimates, now construct the element wise error indicators

  // We ought to account for 'spill-over' effects while computing the
  // element error indicators This happens because the same dof is
  // shared by multiple elements, one way of mitigating this is to
  // scale the contribution from each dof by the number of elements it
  // belongs to We first obtain the number of elements each node
  // belongs to

  // A map that relates a node id to an int that will tell us how many elements it is a node of
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_MAP<dof_id_type, unsigned int>shared_element_count;

  // To fill this map, we will loop over elements, and then in each element, we will loop
  // over the nodes each element contains, and then query it for the number of coarse
  // grid elements it was a node of

  // Keep track of which nodes we have already dealt with
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_SET<dof_id_type> processed_node_ids;

  // We will be iterating over all the active elements in the fine mesh that live on
  // this processor
    MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

    // Start loop over elems
    for(; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        // Pointer to this element
        const Elem * elem = *elem_it;

        // Loop over the nodes in the element
        for(unsigned int n=0; n != elem->n_nodes(); ++n)
            // Get a reference to the current node
            const Node & node = elem->node_ref(n);

            // Get the id of this node
            dof_id_type node_id = node.id();

            // If we havent already processed this node, do so now
            if(processed_node_ids.find(node_id) == processed_node_ids.end())
                // Declare a neighbor_set to be filled by the find_point_neighbors
                std::set<const Elem *> fine_grid_neighbor_set;

                // Call find_point_neighbors to fill the neighbor_set
                elem->find_point_neighbors(node, fine_grid_neighbor_set);

                // A vector to hold the coarse grid parents neighbors
                std::vector<dof_id_type> coarse_grid_neighbors;

                // Iterators over the fine grid neighbors set
                std::set<const Elem *>::iterator fine_neighbor_it = fine_grid_neighbor_set.begin();
                const std::set<const Elem *>::iterator fine_neighbor_end = fine_grid_neighbor_set.end();

                // Loop over all the fine neighbors of this node
                for(; fine_neighbor_it != fine_neighbor_end ; ++fine_neighbor_it)
                    // Pointer to the current fine neighbor element
                    const Elem * fine_elem = *fine_neighbor_it;

                    // Find the element id for the corresponding coarse grid element
                    const Elem * coarse_elem = fine_elem;
                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j != number_h_refinements; ++j)
                        libmesh_assert (coarse_elem->parent());

                        coarse_elem = coarse_elem->parent();

                    // Loop over the existing coarse neighbors and check if this one is
                    // already in there
                    const dof_id_type coarse_id = coarse_elem->id();
                    std::size_t j = 0;
                    for (; j != coarse_grid_neighbors.size(); j++)
                        // If the set already contains this element break out of the loop
                        if(coarse_grid_neighbors[j] == coarse_id)

                    // If we didn't leave the loop even at the last element,
                    // this is a new neighbour, put in the coarse_grid_neighbor_set
                    if(j == coarse_grid_neighbors.size())

                  } // End loop over fine neighbors

                // Set the shared_neighbour index for this node to the
                // size of the coarse grid neighbor set
                shared_element_count[node_id] =
                  cast_int<unsigned int>(coarse_grid_neighbors.size());

                // Add this node to processed_node_ids vector

              } // End if not processed node

          } // End loop over nodes

      }  // End loop over elems

  // Get a DoF map, will be used to get the nodal dof_indices for each element
  DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // The global DOF indices, we will use these later on when we compute the element wise indicators
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  // Localize the global rhs and adjoint solution vectors (which might be shared on multiple processsors) onto a
  // local ghosted vector, this ensures each processor has all the dof_indices to compute an error indicator for
  // an element it owns
  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > localized_projected_residual = NumericVector<Number>::build(system.comm());
  localized_projected_residual->init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs(), system.get_dof_map().get_send_list(), false, GHOSTED);
  projected_residual.localize(*localized_projected_residual, system.get_dof_map().get_send_list());

  // Each adjoint solution will also require ghosting; for efficiency we'll reuse the same memory
  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > localized_adjoint_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(system.comm());
  localized_adjoint_solution->init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs(), system.get_dof_map().get_send_list(), false, GHOSTED);

  // We will loop over each adjoint solution, localize that adjoint
  // solution and then loop over local elements
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != system.qoi.size(); i++)
      // Skip this QoI if not in the QoI Set
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(i))
          // Get the weight for the current QoI
          Real error_weight = _qoi_set.weight(i);

          (system.get_adjoint_solution(i)).localize(*localized_adjoint_solution, system.get_dof_map().get_send_list());

          // Loop over elements
          MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
          const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

          for(; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
              // Pointer to the element
              const Elem * elem = *elem_it;

              // Go up number_h_refinements levels up to find the coarse parent
              const Elem * coarse = elem;

              for (unsigned int j = 0; j != number_h_refinements; ++j)
                  libmesh_assert (coarse->parent());

                  coarse = coarse->parent();

              const dof_id_type e_id = coarse->id();

              // Get the local to global degree of freedom maps for this element
              dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

              // We will have to manually do the dot products.
              Number local_contribution = 0.;

              for (unsigned int j=0; j != dof_indices.size(); j++)
                  // The contribution to the error indicator for this element from the current QoI
                  local_contribution += (*localized_projected_residual)(dof_indices[j]) * (*localized_adjoint_solution)(dof_indices[j]);

              // Multiply by the error weight for this QoI
              local_contribution *= error_weight;

              // FIXME: we're throwing away information in the
              // --enable-complex case
              error_per_cell[e_id] += static_cast<ErrorVectorReal>

            } // End loop over elements

        } // End if belong to QoI set

    } // End loop over QoIs

  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          delete coarse_adjoints[j];

  // Don't bother projecting the solution; we'll restore from backup
  // after coarsening
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = false;

  // Uniformly coarsen the mesh, without projecting the solution
  libmesh_assert (number_h_refinements > 0 || number_p_refinements > 0);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_h_refinements; ++i)
      // FIXME - should the reinits here be necessary? - RHS

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_p_refinements; ++i)

  // We should be back where we started
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_coarse_elem, mesh.n_elem());

  // Restore old solutions and clean up the heap
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = old_projection_setting;

  // Restore the coarse solution vectors and delete their copies
  *system.solution = *coarse_solution;
  delete coarse_solution;
  *system.current_local_solution = *coarse_local_solution;
  delete coarse_local_solution;

  for (System::vectors_iterator vec = system.vectors_begin(); vec !=
         system.vectors_end(); ++vec)
      // The (string) name of this vector
      const std::string & var_name = vec->first;

      // If it's a vector we already had (and not a newly created
      // vector like an adjoint rhs), we need to restore it.
      std::map<std::string, NumericVector<Number> *>::iterator it =
      if (it != coarse_vectors.end())
          NumericVector<Number> * coarsevec = it->second;
          system.get_vector(var_name) = *coarsevec;

          delete coarsevec;

  // Restore old partitioner and renumbering settings

  // Fiinally sum the vector of estimated error values.
  this->reduce_error(error_per_cell, system.comm());

  // We don't take a square root here; this is a goal-oriented
  // estimate not a Hilbert norm estimate.
} // end estimate_error function
Ejemplo n.º 8
// The main program.
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  // Skip adaptive examples on a non-adaptive libMesh build
  libmesh_example_assert(false, "--enable-amr");
  // Skip this 2D example if libMesh was compiled as 1D-only.
  libmesh_example_assert(2 <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D support");

  // Initialize libMesh.
  LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);

  std::cout << "Started " << argv[0] << std::endl;

  // Make sure the general input file exists, and parse it
    std::ifstream i("general.in");
    if (!i)
        std::cerr << '[' << init.comm().rank()
                  << "] Can't find general.in; exiting early."
                  << std::endl;
  GetPot infile("general.in");

  // Read in parameters from the input file
  FEMParameters param;

  // Create a mesh with the given dimension, distributed
  // across the default MPI communicator.
  Mesh mesh(init.comm(), param.dimension);

  // And an object to refine it
  AutoPtr<MeshRefinement> mesh_refinement(new MeshRefinement(mesh));

  // And an EquationSystems to run on it
  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);

  std::cout << "Building mesh" << std::endl;

  // Build a unit square
  ElemType elemtype;

  if (param.elementtype == "tri" ||
      param.elementtype == "unstructured")
    elemtype = TRI3;
    elemtype = QUAD4;

    (mesh, param.coarsegridx, param.coarsegridy,
     param.domain_xmin, param.domain_xmin + param.domain_edge_width,
     param.domain_ymin, param.domain_ymin + param.domain_edge_length,

  std::cout << "Building system" << std::endl;

  HeatSystem &system = equation_systems.add_system<HeatSystem> ("HeatSystem");

  set_system_parameters(system, param);

  std::cout << "Initializing systems" << std::endl;

  // Initialize the system
  equation_systems.init ();

  // Refine the grid again if requested
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != param.extrarefinements; ++i)

  std::cout<<"Setting primal initial conditions"<<std::endl;


  system.project_solution(initial_value, initial_grad,

  // Output the H1 norm of the initial conditions
  libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl<<std::endl;

  // Add an adjoint vector, this will be computed after the forward
  // time stepping is complete
  // Tell the library not to save adjoint solutions during the forward
  // solve
  // Tell the library not to project this vector, and hence, memory
  // solution history to not save it.
  // Make this vector ghosted so we can localize it to each element
  // later.
  const std::string & adjoint_solution_name = "adjoint_solution0";
  system.add_vector("adjoint_solution0", false, GHOSTED);

  // Close up any resources initial.C needed

  // Plot the initial conditions
  write_output(equation_systems, 0, "primal");

  // Print information about the mesh and system to the screen.

  // In optimized mode we catch any solver errors, so that we can
  // write the proper footers before closing.  In debug mode we just
  // let the exception throw so that gdb can grab it.
#ifdef NDEBUG
      // Now we begin the timestep loop to compute the time-accurate
      // solution of the equations.
      for (unsigned int t_step=param.initial_timestep;
           t_step != param.initial_timestep + param.n_timesteps; ++t_step)
          // A pretty update message
          std::cout << " Solving time step " << t_step << ", time = "
                    << system.time << std::endl;

          // Solve the forward problem at time t, to obtain the solution at time t + dt

          // Output the H1 norm of the computed solution
          libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time + system.deltat<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl;

          // Advance to the next timestep in a transient problem
          std::cout<<"Advancing timestep"<<std::endl<<std::endl;

          // Write out this timestep
          write_output(equation_systems, t_step+1, "primal");
      // End timestep loop

      ///////////////// Now for the Adjoint Solution //////////////////////////////////////

      // Now we will solve the backwards in time adjoint problem
      std::cout << std::endl << "Solving the adjoint problem" << std::endl;

      // We need to tell the library that it needs to project the adjoint, so
      // MemorySolutionHistory knows it has to save it

      // Tell the library to project the adjoint vector, and hence, memory solution history to
      // save it
      system.set_vector_preservation(adjoint_solution_name, true);

      std::cout << "Setting adjoint initial conditions Z("<<system.time<<")"<<std::endl;

      // Need to call adjoint_advance_timestep once for the initial condition setup
      std::cout<<"Retrieving solutions at time t="<<system.time<<std::endl;

      // Output the H1 norm of the retrieved solutions (u^i and u^i+1)
      libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time + system.deltat<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl;

      libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution"), 0, H1) << std::endl;

      // The first thing we have to do is to apply the adjoint initial
      // condition. The user should supply these. Here they are specified
      // in the functions adjoint_initial_value and adjoint_initial_gradient
      system.project_vector(adjoint_initial_value, adjoint_initial_grad, equation_systems.parameters, system.get_adjoint_solution(0));

      // Since we have specified an adjoint solution for the current time (T), set the adjoint_already_solved boolean to true, so we dont solve unneccesarily in the adjoint sensitivity method

      libMesh::out << "|Z(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(system.get_adjoint_solution(), 0, H1) << std::endl<<std::endl;

      write_output(equation_systems, param.n_timesteps, "dual");

      // Now that the adjoint initial condition is set, we will start the
      // backwards in time adjoint integration

      // For loop stepping backwards in time
      for (unsigned int t_step=param.initial_timestep;
           t_step != param.initial_timestep + param.n_timesteps; ++t_step)
          //A pretty update message
          std::cout << " Solving adjoint time step " << t_step << ", time = "
                    << system.time << std::endl;

          // The adjoint_advance_timestep
          // function calls the retrieve function of the memory_solution_history
          // class via the memory_solution_history object we declared earlier.
          // The retrieve function sets the system primal vectors to their values
          // at the current timestep
          std::cout<<"Retrieving solutions at time t="<<system.time<<std::endl;

          // Output the H1 norm of the retrieved solution
          libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time + system.deltat << ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl;

          libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution"), 0, H1) << std::endl;



          // Now that we have solved the adjoint, set the adjoint_already_solved boolean to true, so we dont solve unneccesarily in the error estimator

          libMesh::out << "|Z(" <<system.time<< ")|= "<< system.calculate_norm(system.get_adjoint_solution(), 0, H1) << std::endl << std::endl;

          // Get a pointer to the primal solution vector
          NumericVector<Number> &primal_solution = *system.solution;

          // Get a pointer to the solution vector of the adjoint problem for QoI 0
          NumericVector<Number> &dual_solution_0 = system.get_adjoint_solution(0);

          // Swap the primal and dual solutions so we can write out the adjoint solution

          write_output(equation_systems, param.n_timesteps - (t_step + 1), "dual");

          // Swap back
      // End adjoint timestep loop

      // Now that we have computed both the primal and adjoint solutions, we compute the sensitivties to the parameter p
      // dQ/dp = partialQ/partialp - partialR/partialp
      // partialQ/partialp = (Q(p+dp) - Q(p-dp))/(2*dp), this is not supported by the library yet
      // partialR/partialp = (R(u,z;p+dp) - R(u,z;p-dp))/(2*dp), where
      // R(u,z;p+dp) = int_{0}^{T} f(z;p+dp) - <partialu/partialt, z>(p+dp) - <g(u),z>(p+dp)
      // To do this we need to step forward in time, and compute the perturbed R at each time step and accumulate it
      // Then once all time steps are over, we can compute (R(u,z;p+dp) - R(u,z;p-dp))/(2*dp)

      // Now we begin the timestep loop to compute the time-accurate
      // adjoint sensitivities
      for (unsigned int t_step=param.initial_timestep;
           t_step != param.initial_timestep + param.n_timesteps; ++t_step)
          // A pretty update message
          std::cout << "Retrieving " << t_step << ", time = "
                    << system.time << std::endl;

          // Retrieve the primal and adjoint solutions at the current timestep

          libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time + system.deltat << ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl;

          libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution"), 0, H1) << std::endl;

          libMesh::out << "|Z(" <<system.time<< ")|= "<< system.calculate_norm(system.get_adjoint_solution(0), 0, H1) << std::endl << std::endl;

          // Call the postprocess function which we have overloaded to compute
          // accumulate the perturbed residuals

          // Move the system time forward (retrieve_timestep does not do this)
          system.time += system.deltat;

      // A pretty update message
      std::cout << "Retrieving " << " final time = "
                << system.time << std::endl;

      // Retrieve the primal and adjoint solutions at the current timestep

      libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time + system.deltat << ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, H1) << std::endl;

      libMesh::out << "|U(" <<system.time<< ")|= " << system.calculate_norm(system.get_vector("_old_nonlinear_solution"), 0, H1) << std::endl;

      libMesh::out << "|Z(" <<system.time<< ")|= "<< system.calculate_norm(system.get_adjoint_solution(0), 0, H1) << std::endl<<std::endl;

      // Call the postprocess function which we have overloaded to compute
      // accumulate the perturbed residuals

      // Now that we computed the accumulated, perturbed residuals, we can compute the
      // approximate sensitivity
      Number sensitivity_0_0 = (dynamic_cast<HeatSystem&>(system)).compute_final_sensitivity();

      // Print it out
      std::cout<<"Sensitivity of QoI 0 w.r.t parameter 0 is: " << sensitivity_0_0 << std::endl;

#ifdef NDEBUG
  catch (...)
      std::cerr << '[' << mesh.processor_id()
                << "] Caught exception; exiting early." << std::endl;

  std::cerr << '[' << mesh.processor_id()
            << "] Completing output." << std::endl;

  // All done.
  return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 9
  // Have MOOSE construct the correct libMesh::Mesh object using Mesh block and CLI parameters.
  auto mesh = _mesh->buildMeshBaseObject();

  const Sphere sphere(_center, _radius);

  // icosahedron points (using golden ratio rectangle construction)
  const Real phi = (1.0 + std::sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0;
  const Real X = std::sqrt(1.0 / (phi * phi + 1.0));
  const Real Z = X * phi;
  const Point vdata[12] = {{-X, 0.0, Z},
                           {X, 0.0, Z},
                           {-X, 0.0, -Z},
                           {X, 0.0, -Z},
                           {0.0, Z, X},
                           {0.0, Z, -X},
                           {0.0, -Z, X},
                           {0.0, -Z, -X},
                           {Z, X, 0.0},
                           {-Z, X, 0.0},
                           {Z, -X, 0.0},
                           {-Z, -X, 0.0}};
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
    mesh->add_point(vdata[i] * _radius + _center, i);

  // icosahedron faces
  const unsigned int tindices[20][3] = {{0, 4, 1},  {0, 9, 4},  {9, 5, 4},  {4, 5, 8},  {4, 8, 1},
                                        {8, 10, 1}, {8, 3, 10}, {5, 3, 8},  {5, 2, 3},  {2, 7, 3},
                                        {7, 10, 3}, {7, 6, 10}, {7, 11, 6}, {11, 0, 6}, {0, 1, 6},
                                        {6, 1, 10}, {9, 0, 11}, {9, 11, 2}, {9, 2, 5},  {7, 2, 11}};
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
    Elem * elem = mesh->add_elem(new Tri3);
    elem->set_node(0) = mesh->node_ptr(tindices[i][0]);
    elem->set_node(1) = mesh->node_ptr(tindices[i][1]);
    elem->set_node(2) = mesh->node_ptr(tindices[i][2]);

  // we need to prepare distributed meshes before using refinement
  if (!mesh->is_replicated())
    mesh->prepare_for_use(/*skip_renumber =*/false);

  // Now we have the beginnings of a sphere.
  // Add some more elements by doing uniform refinements and
  // popping nodes to the boundary.
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(*mesh);

  // Loop over the elements, refine, pop nodes to boundary.
  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < _depth; ++r)

    auto it = mesh->active_nodes_begin();
    const auto end = mesh->active_nodes_end();

    for (; it != end; ++it)
      Node & node = **it;
      node = sphere.closest_point(node);

  // Flatten the AMR mesh to get rid of inactive elements

  return dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshBase>(mesh);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  void MeshBuilder::do_mesh_refinement_from_input( const GetPot& input,
                                                   const libMesh::Parallel::Communicator &comm,
                                                   libMesh::UnstructuredMesh& mesh ) const
    std::string redistribution_function_string =
      input("Mesh/Redistribution/function", std::string("0"));
    this->deprecated_option<std::string>( input, "mesh-options/redistribute", "Mesh/Redistribution/function", "0", redistribution_function_string );

    if (redistribution_function_string != "0")

          (mesh, redistribution_function);

        // Redistribution can create distortions *within* second-order
        // elements, which can then be magnified by refinement.  Let's
        // undistort everything by converting to first order and back
        // if necessary.

        // FIXME - this only works for meshes with uniform geometry
        // order equal to FIRST or (full-order) SECOND.

        const libMesh::Elem *elem = *mesh.elements_begin();

        if (elem->default_order() != libMesh::FIRST)

    bool allow_remote_elem_deletion = input("Mesh/Refinement/allow_remote_elem_deletion", true);
    if (allow_remote_elem_deletion == false)

    bool allow_renumbering = input("Mesh/Refinement/allow_renumbering", true);
    if (allow_renumbering == false)

    bool disable_partitioning = input("Mesh/Refinement/disable_partitioning", false);
    if (disable_partitioning == true)
      mesh.partitioner() = nullptr;

    int uniformly_refine = input("Mesh/Refinement/uniformly_refine", 0);
    this->deprecated_option( input, "mesh-options/uniformly_refine", "Mesh/Refinement/uniformly_refine", 0, uniformly_refine );

    if( uniformly_refine > 0 )

    std::string h_refinement_function_string =
      input("Mesh/Refinement/locally_h_refine", std::string("0"));
    this->deprecated_option<std::string>( input, "mesh-options/locally_h_refine", "Mesh/Refinement/locally_h_refine", "0", h_refinement_function_string );

    if (h_refinement_function_string != "0")

        libMesh::MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);

        libMesh::dof_id_type found_refinements = 0;
        do {
          found_refinements = 0;
          unsigned int max_level_refining = 0;

          libMesh::MeshBase::element_iterator elem_it =
          libMesh::MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end =
          for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
              libMesh::Elem *elem = *elem_it;

              const libMesh::Real refinement_val =

              const unsigned int n_refinements = refinement_val > 0 ?
                refinement_val : 0;

              if (elem->level() - uniformly_refine < n_refinements)
                  max_level_refining = std::max(max_level_refining,


          if (found_refinements)
              std::cout << "Found up to " << found_refinements <<
                " elements to refine on each processor," << std::endl;
              std::cout << "with max level " << max_level_refining << std::endl;

              if( input.have_variable("restart-options/restart_file") )
                  std::cout << "Warning: it is known that locally_h_refine is broken when restarting." << std::endl
                            << "         and multiple refinement passes are done. We are forcibly" << std::endl
                            << "         limiting the refinement to one pass until this issue is resolved." << std::endl;

        } while(found_refinements);


Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char** argv){

  //initialize libMesh
  LibMeshInit init(argc, argv);
  GetPot infile("fem_system_params.in");
  const bool transient                  = infile("transient", true);
  const Real deltat                     = infile("deltat", 0.005);
  unsigned int n_timesteps              = infile("n_timesteps", 20);
  const int nx                          = infile("nx",100);
  const int ny                          = infile("ny",100);
  const int nz                          = infile("nz",100);
  //const unsigned int dim                = 3;
  const unsigned int max_r_steps        = infile("max_r_steps", 3);
  const unsigned int max_r_level        = infile("max_r_level", 3);
  const Real refine_percentage          = infile("refine_percentage", 0.1);
  const Real coarsen_percentage         = infile("coarsen_percentage", 0.0);
  const std::string indicator_type      = infile("indicator_type", "kelly");
  const bool write_error                = infile("write_error",false);
  const bool flag_by_elem_frac          = infile("flag_by_elem_frac",true);
  const unsigned int write_interval    = infile("write_interval", 5);

  // Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
  // across the default MPI communicator.
  Mesh mesh(init.comm());
  //create mesh
  unsigned int dim;
  if(nz == 0){ //to check if oscillations happen in 2D as well...
    dim = 2;
    MeshTools::Generation::build_square(mesh, nx, ny, 497150.0, 501750.0, 537350.0, 540650.0, QUAD9);
    dim = 3;
                                      nx, ny, nz, 
                                      497150.0, 501750.0, 
                                      537350.0, 540650.0, 
                                      0.0, 100.0, 
  // Print information about the mesh to the screen.
  // Create an equation systems object.
  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);
  //name system
  ContamTransSysInv & system = 
  //solve as steady or transient
    //system.time_solver = AutoPtr<TimeSolver>(new EulerSolver(system)); //backward Euler
    system.time_solver = AutoPtr<TimeSolver>(new SteadySolver(system));
    std::cout << "\n\nAaahhh transience not yet available!\n" << std::endl;
    n_timesteps = 1;
    system.time_solver = AutoPtr<TimeSolver>(new SteadySolver(system));
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_timesteps, 1); //this doesn't seem to work?
  // Initialize the system
  equation_systems.init ();
  //initial conditions
  system.project_solution(initial_value, initial_grad,

  // Set the time stepping options...
  system.deltat = deltat;
  //...and the nonlinear solver options...
  NewtonSolver *solver = new NewtonSolver(system); 
  system.time_solver->diff_solver() = AutoPtr<DiffSolver>(solver); 
  solver->quiet = infile("solver_quiet", true);
  solver->verbose = !solver->quiet;
  solver->max_nonlinear_iterations =
    infile("max_nonlinear_iterations", 15);
  solver->relative_step_tolerance =
    infile("relative_step_tolerance", 1.e-3);
  solver->relative_residual_tolerance =
    infile("relative_residual_tolerance", 0.0);
  solver->absolute_residual_tolerance =
    infile("absolute_residual_tolerance", 0.0);

  // And the linear solver options
  solver->max_linear_iterations           = infile("max_linear_iterations", 10000);
  solver->initial_linear_tolerance        = infile("initial_linear_tolerance",1.e-13);
  solver->minimum_linear_tolerance        = infile("minimum_linear_tolerance",1.e-13);
  solver->linear_tolerance_multiplier     = infile("linear_tolerance_multiplier",1.e-3);
  // Mesh Refinement object - to test effect of constant refined mesh (not refined at every timestep)
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);
  mesh_refinement.refine_fraction() = refine_percentage;
  mesh_refinement.coarsen_fraction() = coarsen_percentage;
  mesh_refinement.max_h_level() = max_r_level;

  // Print information about the system to the screen.
  ExodusII_IO exodusIO = ExodusII_IO(mesh); //for writing multiple timesteps to one file
  for (unsigned int r_step=0; r_step<max_r_steps; r_step++)
      std::cout << "\nBeginning Solve " << r_step+1 << std::endl;
      for (unsigned int t_step=0; t_step != n_timesteps; ++t_step)
          std::cout << "\n\nSolving time step " << t_step << ", time = "
                    << system.time << std::endl;
          // Advance to the next timestep in a transient problem
      } //end stepping through time loop
      std::cout << "\n  Refining the mesh..." << std::endl;
      // The \p ErrorVector is a particular \p StatisticsVector
      // for computing error information on a finite element mesh.
      ErrorVector error;
      if (indicator_type == "patch")
          // The patch recovery estimator should give a
          // good estimate of the solution interpolation
          // error.
          PatchRecoveryErrorEstimator error_estimator;
          error_estimator.set_patch_reuse(false); //anisotropy trips up reuse
          error_estimator.estimate_error (system, error);
      else if (indicator_type == "kelly")

          // The Kelly error estimator is based on
          // an error bound for the Poisson problem
          // on linear elements, but is useful for
          // driving adaptive refinement in many problems
          KellyErrorEstimator error_estimator;

          error_estimator.estimate_error (system, error);
      // Write out the error distribution
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << r_step;
        std::string error_output = "error_"+ss.str()+".e";
        std::string error_output = "error_"+ss.str()+".gmv";
        error.plot_error( error_output, mesh );
      // This takes the error in \p error and decides which elements
      // will be coarsened or refined. 
        mesh_refinement.flag_elements_by_error_fraction (error);
      // This call actually refines and coarsens the flagged
      // elements.
      // This call reinitializes the \p EquationSystems object for
      // the newly refined mesh.  One of the steps in the
      // reinitialization is projecting the \p solution,
      // \p old_solution, etc... vectors from the old mesh to
      // the current one.
      equation_systems.reinit ();
      std::cout << "System has: " << equation_systems.n_active_dofs()
                << " degrees of freedom."
                << std::endl;

    } //end refinement loop
  //use that final refinement
  for (unsigned int t_step=0; t_step != n_timesteps; ++t_step)
      std::cout << "\n\nSolving time step " << t_step << ", time = "
                << system.time << std::endl;
      Number QoI_computed = system.get_QoI_value("computed", 0);
      std::cout<< "Computed QoI is " << std::setprecision(17) << QoI_computed << std::endl;
      // Advance to the next timestep in a transient problem

    } //end stepping through time loop
  for (unsigned int t_step=0; t_step != n_timesteps; ++t_step)
      // Write out this timestep if we're requested to
      if ((t_step+1)%write_interval == 0)
          std::ostringstream ex_file_name;
          std::ostringstream tplot_file_name;

          // We write the file in the ExodusII format.
          //ex_file_name << "out_"
          //            << std::setw(3)
          //            << std::setfill('0')
          //            << std::right
          //            << t_step+1
          //            << ".e";
          tplot_file_name << "out_"
                      << std::setw(3)
                      << std::setfill('0')
                      << std::right
                      << t_step+1
                      << ".plt";

          //                                 equation_systems,
          //                                 1, /* This number indicates how many time steps
          //                                       are being written to the file */
          //                                 system.time);
          exodusIO.write_timestep("output.exo", equation_systems, t_step+1, system.time); //outputs all timesteps in one file
          TecplotIO(mesh).write_equation_systems(tplot_file_name.str(), equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API     

  // All done.
  return 0;
} //end main
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char** argv){

	//initialize libMesh
	LibMeshInit init(argc, argv);
	GetPot infile("fem_system_params.in");
  const Real global_tolerance          = infile("global_tolerance", 0.);
  const unsigned int nelem_target      = infile("n_elements", 400);
  const bool transient                 = infile("transient", true);
  const Real deltat                    = infile("deltat", 0.005);
  unsigned int n_timesteps             = infile("n_timesteps", 1);
  //const unsigned int coarsegridsize    = infile("coarsegridsize", 1);
  const unsigned int coarserefinements = infile("coarserefinements", 0);
  const unsigned int max_adaptivesteps = infile("max_adaptivesteps", 10);
  //const unsigned int dim               = 2;
  const unsigned int write_interval    = infile("write_interval", 5);

  // Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
  // across the default MPI communicator.
  Mesh mesh(init.comm());
  GetPot infileForMesh("diff_convdiff_mprime.in");
  std::string find_mesh_here = infileForMesh("divided_mesh","meep.exo");

  // And an object to refine it
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);
  mesh_refinement.coarsen_by_parents() = true;
  mesh_refinement.absolute_global_tolerance() = global_tolerance;
  mesh_refinement.nelem_target() = nelem_target;
  mesh_refinement.refine_fraction() = 0.3;
  mesh_refinement.coarsen_fraction() = 0.3;
  mesh_refinement.coarsen_threshold() = 0.1;

  // Print information about the mesh to the screen.

  // Create an equation systems object.
  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);
  //name system
  Diff_ConvDiff_MprimeSys & system = 
  //steady-state problem	
 	system.time_solver =
    AutoPtr<TimeSolver>(new SteadySolver(system));
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_timesteps, 1);
 	//std::string find_psiLF_here = "psiHF_1D_fused.xda";
  //equation_systems.read(find_psiLF_here, READ,
  //  EquationSystems::READ_HEADER |
  //  EquationSystems::READ_DATA |
  //  EquationSystems::READ_ADDITIONAL_DATA);
  //std::cout << "\n\n" << "DEBUG reading in " << find_psiLF_here << "\n\n";
  //Real readin_L2 = system.calculate_norm(*system.solution, 0, L2);  
  //std::cout << "Read in solution norm: "<< readin_L2 << std::endl << std::endl;
  //GMVIO(equation_systems.get_mesh()).write_equation_systems(std::string("right_back_out.gmv"), equation_systems);
  // Initialize the system
  equation_systems.init ();

  // Set the time stepping options
  system.deltat = deltat; //this is ignored for SteadySolver...right?

  // And the nonlinear solver options
  NewtonSolver *solver = new NewtonSolver(system); 
  system.time_solver->diff_solver() = AutoPtr<DiffSolver>(solver); 
  solver->quiet = infile("solver_quiet", true);
  solver->verbose = !solver->quiet;
  solver->max_nonlinear_iterations =
    infile("max_nonlinear_iterations", 15);
  solver->relative_step_tolerance =
    infile("relative_step_tolerance", 1.e-3);
  solver->relative_residual_tolerance =
    infile("relative_residual_tolerance", 0.0);
  solver->absolute_residual_tolerance =
    infile("absolute_residual_tolerance", 0.0);

  // And the linear solver options
  solver->max_linear_iterations =
    infile("max_linear_iterations", 50000);
  solver->initial_linear_tolerance =
    infile("initial_linear_tolerance", 1.e-3);
  //system.project_solution(initial_value, initial_grad, equation_systems.parameters);
  //GMVIO(equation_systems.get_mesh()).write_equation_systems(std::string("psiHF_readin_1d.gmv"), equation_systems);
	//equation_systems.write("psiLF_1D_fused.xda", WRITE, EquationSystems::WRITE_DATA | 
  //             EquationSystems::WRITE_ADDITIONAL_DATA);

  // Print information about the system to the screen.
  //std::cout << "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; //DEBUG
  //system.assemble(); //DEBUG
  //std::cout << "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; //DEBUG
  //equation_systems.write("rhs.xda", WRITE, EquationSystems::WRITE_DATA | //DEBUG
  //             EquationSystems::WRITE_ADDITIONAL_DATA);

  // Now we begin the timestep loop to compute the time-accurate
  // solution of the equations...not that this is transient, but eh, why not...
	for (unsigned int t_step=0; t_step != n_timesteps; ++t_step){
    // A pretty update message
    std::cout << "\n\nSolving time step " << t_step << ", time = "
              << system.time << std::endl;

    // Adaptively solve the timestep
    unsigned int a_step = 0;
    for (; a_step != max_adaptivesteps; ++a_step)
        ErrorVector error;
        AutoPtr<ErrorEstimator> error_estimator;

        // To solve to a tolerance in this problem we
        // need a better estimator than Kelly
        if (global_tolerance != 0.)
            // We can't adapt to both a tolerance and a mesh
            // size at once
            libmesh_assert_equal_to (nelem_target, 0);

            UniformRefinementEstimator *u =
              new UniformRefinementEstimator;

            // The lid-driven cavity problem isn't in H1, so
            // lets estimate L2 error
            u->error_norm = L2;

            // If we aren't adapting to a tolerance we need a
            // target mesh size
            libmesh_assert_greater (nelem_target, 0);

            // Kelly is a lousy estimator to use for a problem
            // not in H1 - if we were doing more than a few
            // timesteps we'd need to turn off or limit the
            // maximum level of our adaptivity eventually
            error_estimator.reset(new KellyErrorEstimator);

        // Calculate error
        std::vector<Real> weights(9,1.0);  // based on u, v, p, c, their adjoints, and source parameter

        // Keep the same default norm type.
          norms(1, error_estimator->error_norm.type(0));
        error_estimator->error_norm = SystemNorm(norms, weights);

        error_estimator->estimate_error(system, error);

        // Print out status at each adaptive step.
        Real global_error = error.l2_norm();
        std::cout << "Adaptive step " << a_step << ": " << std::endl;
        if (global_tolerance != 0.)
          std::cout << "Global_error = " << global_error
                    << std::endl;
        if (global_tolerance != 0.)
          std::cout << "Worst element error = " << error.maximum()
                    << ", mean = " << error.mean() << std::endl;

        if (global_tolerance != 0.)
            // If we've reached our desired tolerance, we
            // don't need any more adaptive steps
            if (global_error < global_tolerance)
            // If flag_elements_by_nelem_target returns true, this
            // should be our last adaptive step.
            if (mesh_refinement.flag_elements_by_nelem_target(error))
                a_step = max_adaptivesteps;

        // Carry out the adaptive mesh refinement/coarsening

        std::cout << "Refined mesh to "
                  << mesh.n_active_elem()
                  << " active elements and "
                  << equation_systems.n_active_dofs()
                  << " active dofs." << std::endl;
    // Do one last solve if necessary
    if (a_step == max_adaptivesteps)
				std::cout << "\n\n Residual L2 norm: " << system.calculate_norm(*system.rhs, L2) << "\n";
        std::cout << " M_HF(psiLF): " << std::setprecision(17) << system.get_MHF_psiLF() << "\n";
  			std::cout << " I(psiLF): " << std::setprecision(17) << system.get_MLF_psiLF() << "\n";

    // Advance to the next timestep in a transient problem

    // Write out this timestep if we're requested to
    if ((t_step+1)%write_interval == 0)
        //std::ostringstream file_name;

        // We write the file in the ExodusII format.
        //file_name << "out_"
        //          << std::setw(3)
        //          << std::setfill('0')
        //          << std::right
        //          << t_step+1
        //          << ".e";

                                         1, /* This number indicates how many time steps
                                               are being written to the file */
     		equation_systems.write("psiLF.xda", WRITE, EquationSystems::WRITE_DATA | 
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API
  // All done.
  return 0;
} //end main
Ejemplo n.º 13
  // Perform the mesh cloning, if needed
  if (_change_position || _oversample)

  // Re-position the oversampled mesh
  if (_change_position)
    for (MeshBase::node_iterator nd = _mesh_ptr->getMesh().nodes_begin();
         nd != _mesh_ptr->getMesh().nodes_end();
      *(*nd) += _position;

  // Perform the mesh refinement
  if (_oversample)
    MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(_mesh_ptr->getMesh());

    // We want original and refined partitioning to match so we can
    // query from one to the other safely on distributed meshes.

  // We can't allow renumbering if we want to output multiple time
  // steps to the same Exodus file

  // Create the new EquationSystems
  _oversample_es = libmesh_make_unique<EquationSystems>(_mesh_ptr->getMesh());
  _es_ptr = _oversample_es.get();

  // Reference the system from which we are copying
  EquationSystems & source_es = _problem_ptr->es();

  // If we're going to be copying from that system later, we need to keep its
  // original elements as ghost elements even if it gets grossly
  // repartitioned, since we can't repartition the oversample mesh to
  // match.
  DistributedMesh * dist_mesh = dynamic_cast<DistributedMesh *>(&source_es.get_mesh());
  if (dist_mesh)
    for (MeshBase::element_iterator it = dist_mesh->active_local_elements_begin(),
                                    end = dist_mesh->active_local_elements_end();
         it != end;
      Elem * elem = *it;


  // Initialize the _mesh_functions vector
  unsigned int num_systems = source_es.n_systems();

  // Loop over the number of systems
  for (unsigned int sys_num = 0; sys_num < num_systems; sys_num++)
    // Reference to the current system
    System & source_sys = source_es.get_system(sys_num);

    // Add the system to the new EquationsSystems
    ExplicitSystem & dest_sys = _oversample_es->add_system<ExplicitSystem>(source_sys.name());

    // Loop through the variables in the System
    unsigned int num_vars = source_sys.n_vars();
    if (num_vars > 0)
      _serialized_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(_communicator);
      _serialized_solution->init(source_sys.n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);

      // Need to pull down a full copy of this vector on every processor so we can get values in
      // parallel

      // Add the variables to the system... simultaneously creating MeshFunctions for them.
      for (unsigned int var_num = 0; var_num < num_vars; var_num++)
        // Add the variable, allow for first and second lagrange
        const FEType & fe_type = source_sys.variable_type(var_num);
        FEType second(SECOND, LAGRANGE);
        if (fe_type == second)
          dest_sys.add_variable(source_sys.variable_name(var_num), second);
          dest_sys.add_variable(source_sys.variable_name(var_num), FEType());

  // Initialize the newly created EquationSystem