Ejemplo n.º 1
void Net::ReadLabels(const mxArray *mx_labels) {
  std::vector<size_t> labels_dim = mexGetDimensions(mx_labels);  
  mexAssert(labels_dim.size() == 2, "The label array must have 2 dimensions");
  size_t samples_num = labels_dim[0];
  size_t classes_num = labels_dim[1];
  mexAssert(classes_num == layers_.back()->length_,
    "Labels and last layer must have equal number of classes");  
  MatCPU labels_norm; // order_ == false
  mexGetMatrix(mx_labels, labels_norm);
  if (params_.balance_) {  
    MatCPU labels_mean(1, classes_num);
    Mean(labels_norm, labels_mean, 1);
      "Balancing impossible: one of the classes is not presented");
    MatCPU cpucoeffs(1, classes_num);
    cpucoeffs /= labels_mean;
    classcoefs_.resize(1, classes_num);
    classcoefs_ = cpucoeffs;
    classcoefs_ /= (ftype) classes_num;
  labels_.resize(samples_num, classes_num);
  labels_.reorder(true, false); // order_ == true;
  labels_ = labels_norm; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Net::Classify(const mxArray *mx_data, Mat &pred) {
  //mexPrintMsg("Start classification...");  
  size_t mapnum = 1;  
  if (mexIsCell(mx_data)) {
    mapnum = mexGetNumel(mx_data);    
  mexAssert(mapnum == layers_.front()->outputmaps_,
    "Data must have the same number of cells as outputmaps on the first layer");
  std::vector< std::vector<Mat> > data(mapnum);  
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mapnum; ++i) {
    const mxArray *mx_cell;  
    if (mexIsCell(mx_data)) {
      mx_cell = mxGetCell(mx_data, i);
    } else {
      mx_cell = mx_data;
    std::vector<size_t> data_dim = mexGetDimensions(mx_cell);  
    mexAssert(data_dim.size() == 3, "The data array must have 3 dimensions");  
    mexAssert(data_dim[0] == layers_.front()->mapsize_[0] && 
              data_dim[1] == layers_.front()->mapsize_[1],
             "Data and the first layer must have equal sizes");      
    mexGetMatrix3D(mx_cell, data[i]);

  Forward(data, pred, false);
  //mexPrintMsg("Classification finished");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Net::ReadData(const mxArray *mx_data) {
  LayerInput *firstlayer = static_cast<LayerInput*>(layers_[0]);
  std::vector<size_t> data_dim = mexGetDimensions(mx_data);
  size_t mapsize1, mapsize2;
  if (kMapsOrder == kMatlabOrder) {
    mapsize1 = data_dim[0];
    mapsize2 = data_dim[1];
  } else {
    mapsize1 = data_dim[1];
    mapsize2 = data_dim[0];
  mexAssert(mapsize1 == firstlayer->mapsize_[0] && 
            mapsize2 == firstlayer->mapsize_[1],
    "Data and the first layer must have equal sizes");  
  size_t outputmaps = 1;
  if (data_dim.size() > 2) {
    outputmaps = data_dim[2];
  mexAssert(outputmaps == firstlayer->outputmaps_,
    "Data's 3rd dimension must be equal to the outputmaps on the input layer");
  size_t samples_num = 1;  
  if (data_dim.size() > 3) {
    samples_num = data_dim[3];
  ftype *data_ptr = mexGetPointer(mx_data);  
  // transposed array
  data_.attach(data_ptr, samples_num, mapsize1 * mapsize2 * outputmaps, 1, true);  
  if (firstlayer->norm_ > 0) {    
    MatCPU norm_data(data_.size1(), data_.size2());
    norm_data.reorder(true, false);
    norm_data = data_;
    Swap(data_, norm_data);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void LayerScal::Init(const mxArray *mx_layer, Layer *prev_layer) {
  mexAssert(prev_layer->type_ != "f", "The 's' type layer cannot be after 'f' type layer");
  mexAssert(mexIsField(mx_layer, "scale"), "The 's' type layer must contain the 'scale' field");
  std::vector<double> scale = mexGetVector(mexGetField(mx_layer, "scale"));  
  mexAssert(scale.size() == mapsize_.size(), "Length of scale vector and maps dimensionality must coincide");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mapsize_.size(); ++i) {
    scale_[i] = (size_t) scale[i];
    mexAssert(1 <= scale_[i], "Scale size on the 's' layer must be greater or equal to 1");
    mapsize_[i] = ceil((double) prev_layer->mapsize_[i] / scale_[i]);
  outputmaps_ = prev_layer->outputmaps_;
  if (!mexIsField(mx_layer, "function")) {
    function_ = "mean";
  } else {
    function_ = mexGetString(mexGetField(mx_layer, "function"));
  std::string errmsg = function_ + " - unknown function for the layer";    
  mexAssert(function_ == "max" || function_ == "mean", errmsg);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Mat::MaxTrim(Mat &trimmed, std::vector<size_t> &coords) const {
  mexAssert(trimmed.size1() <= mat_.size1(), "In 'Mat::Trim' the trimmed image is larger than original");
  mexAssert(trimmed.size2() <= mat_.size2(), "In 'Mat::Trim' the trimmed image is larger than original");
  size_t lv = std::floor((double) (trimmed.size1() - 1)/2);  
  size_t lh = std::floor((double) (trimmed.size2() - 1)/2);  
  double maxval = mat_(lv, lh);
  coords[0] = lv;
  coords[1] = lh;
  for (size_t i = lv; i < lv + mat_.size1() - trimmed.size1(); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = lh; j < lh + mat_.size2() - trimmed.size2(); ++j) {      
      if (maxval < mat_(i, j)) {
        maxval = mat_(i, j);
        coords[0] = i;
        coords[1] = j;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < trimmed.size1(); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < trimmed.size2(); ++j) {
      trimmed(i, j) = mat_(coords[0]+i-lv, coords[1]+j-lh);      
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Net::InitLayers(const mxArray *mx_layers) {
  //mexPrintMsg("Start layers initialization...");
  std::srand((unsigned) std::time(0));  
  size_t layers_num = mexGetNumel(mx_layers);  
  mexAssert(layers_num >= 2, "The net must contain at least 2 layers");
  const mxArray *mx_layer = mexGetCell(mx_layers, 0);  
  std::string layer_type = mexGetString(mexGetField(mx_layer, "type"));   
  mexAssert(layer_type == "i", "The first layer must be the type of 'i'");
  layers_[0] = new LayerInput();
  //mexPrintMsg("Initializing layer of type", layer_type);    
  layers_.front()->Init(mx_layer, NULL); 
  for (size_t i = 1; i < layers_num; ++i) {    
    Layer *prev_layer = layers_[i-1];
    mx_layer = mexGetCell(mx_layers, i);  
    layer_type = mexGetString(mexGetField(mx_layer, "type"));
    if (layer_type == "c") {      
      layers_[i] = new LayerConv();
    } else if (layer_type == "s") {
      layers_[i] = new LayerScal();
    } else if (layer_type == "f") {
      layers_[i] = new LayerFull();
    } else {
      mexAssert(false, layer_type + " - unknown type of the layer");
    //mexPrintMsg("Initializing layer of type", layer_type);    
    layers_[i]->Init(mx_layer, prev_layer);    
  mexAssert(layer_type == "f", "The last layer must be the type of 'f'");
  //mexPrintMsg("Layers initialization finished");
Ejemplo n.º 7
Mat& Mat::ReshapeFrom(const std::vector< std::vector<Mat> > &squeezed) {
  // stretches 1, 3 and 4 dimensions size_to the 1st one. The 2nd dimension stays the same.
  size_t outputmaps = squeezed.size();
  mexAssert(outputmaps > 0, "In 'Mat::ReshapeFrom' the number of output maps is zero");
  size_t batchsize = squeezed[0].size();
  mexAssert(batchsize > 0, "In 'Mat::ReshapeFrom' the number of batches is zero");
  size_t mapsize[2];
  mapsize[0] = squeezed[0][0].size1();
  mapsize[1] = squeezed[0][0].size2();
  size_t numel = mapsize[0] * mapsize[1];
  mat_.resize(outputmaps * numel, batchsize);  
  for (size_t j = 0; j < outputmaps; ++j) {
    for (size_t k = 0; k < batchsize; ++k) {
      mexAssert(squeezed[j][k].size1() == mapsize[0], "In 'Mat::ReshapeFrom' the first dimension is not constant");
      mexAssert(squeezed[j][k].size2() == mapsize[1], "In 'Mat::ReshapeFrom' the second dimension is not constant");
      for (size_t u = 0; u < mapsize[0]; ++u) {
        for (size_t v = 0; v < mapsize[1]; ++v) {            
          size_t ind = j*numel + u*mapsize[1] + v;
          mat_(ind, k) = squeezed[j][k](u, v);
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Mat& Mat::AddVect(const Mat &vect, size_t dim) {
  if (dim == 1) {
    mexAssert(vect.size2() == 1, "In 'Mat::AddVect' the second dimension must be 1"); 
    mexAssert(mat_.size1() == vect.size1(),
      "In 'Mat::AddVect' the second dimension of matrix and length of vector are of the different size");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < mat_.size2(); ++j) {
        mat_(i, j) += vect(i, 0);
  } else if (dim == 2) {
    mexAssert(vect.size1() == 1, "In 'Mat::AddVect' the first dimension must be 1"); 
    mexAssert(mat_.size2() == vect.size2(),
      "In 'Mat::AddVect' the first dimension of matrix and length of vector are of the different size");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < mat_.size2(); ++j) {
        mat_(i, j) += vect(0, j);
  } else {
    mexAssert(false, "In Mat::AddVect the dimension parameter must be either 1 or 2");
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Mat SubMat(const Mat &a, const std::vector<size_t> &ind, size_t dim) {
  mexAssert(ind.size() > 0, "In SubMat the index vector is empty");
  Mat submat;
  if (dim == 1) {
    size_t maxind = *(std::max_element(ind.begin(), ind.end()));    
    mexAssert(maxind < a.size1_, "In SubMat one of the indices is larger than the array size");    
    submat.resize(ind.size(), a.size2_);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ind.size(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < a.size2(); ++j) {
        submat(i, j) = a(ind[i], j);
  } else if (dim == 2) {
    size_t maxind = *(std::max_element(ind.begin(), ind.end()));    
    mexAssert(maxind < a.size2_, "In SubMat one of the indices is larger than the array size");
    submat.resize(a.size1_, ind.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size1_; ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < ind.size(); ++j) {
        submat(i, j) = a(i, ind[j]);
  } else {
    mexAssert(false, "In Mat::SubMat the second parameter must be either 1 or 2");
  return submat;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Mat::SubMat(const std::vector<size_t> ind, size_t dim, Mat &submat) const {
  mexAssert(ind.size() > 0, "In SubMat the index vector is empty");
  size_t minind = *(std::min_element(ind.begin(), ind.end()));
  mexAssert(minind >= 0, "In SubMat one of the indices is less than zero");    
  if (dim == 1) {
    size_t maxind = *(std::max_element(ind.begin(), ind.end()));    
    mexAssert(maxind < mat_.size1(), "In SubMat one of the indices is larger than the array size");    
    submat.resize(ind.size(), mat_.size2());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ind.size(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < mat_.size2(); ++j) {
        submat(i, j) = mat_(ind[i], j);
  } else if (dim == 2) {
    size_t maxind = *(std::max_element(ind.begin(), ind.end()));    
    mexAssert(maxind < mat_.size2(), "In SubMat one of the indices is larger than the array size");
    submat.resize(mat_.size1(), ind.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < ind.size(); ++j) {
        submat(i, j) = mat_(i, ind[j]);
  } else {
    mexAssert(false, "In Mat::SubMat the second parameter must be either 1 or 2");
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Net::InitDeriv(const Mat &labels_batch, ftype &loss) {  
  size_t batchsize = labels_batch.size1();
  size_t classes_num = labels_batch.size2();
  Layer *lastlayer = layers_.back();
  mexAssert(batchsize == lastlayer->batchsize_, 
    "The number of objects in data and label batches is different");
  mexAssert(classes_num == lastlayer->length_, 
    "Labels in batch and last layer must have equal number of classes");  
  if (lastlayer->function_ == "SVM") {
    Mat lossmat = lastlayer->activ_mat_;
    ((lossmat *= labels_batch) *= -1) += 1;
    lossmat.CondAssign(lossmat, 0, false, 0);
    lastlayer->deriv_mat_ = lossmat;
    (lastlayer->deriv_mat_ *= labels_batch) *= -2;    
    // correct loss also contains weightsT * weights / C, but it is too long to calculate it
    loss = (lossmat *= lossmat).Sum() / batchsize;    
  } else if (lastlayer->function_ == "soft" || lastlayer->function_ == "sigm") {
    lastlayer->deriv_mat_ = lastlayer->activ_mat_;
    lastlayer->deriv_mat_ -= labels_batch;    
    Mat lossmat = lastlayer->deriv_mat_;
    loss = (lossmat *= lastlayer->deriv_mat_).Sum() / (2 * batchsize);
  lastlayer->deriv_mat_.MultVect(classcoefs_, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
Net::Net() {
  mexAssert(kDefaultOrder == false, "kDefaultOrder should be false");  
  mexAssert(kMapsOrder == kDefaultOrder, "kMapsOrder should be also false");  
  #if COMP_REGIME == 2 // GPU        
    mexAssert(PRECISION == 1, "In the GPU version PRECISION should be 1");    
Ejemplo n.º 13
void mexFunction(int nLhs, mxArray* pLhs[], int nRhs, const mxArray* pRhs[]) {

  mexAssert(nRhs == NARGIN, "Number of input arguments in wrong!");
  mexAssert(nLhs == NARGOUT, "Number of output arguments is wrong!" );
  Net net;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Net::ReadData(const mxArray *mx_data) {
  std::vector<size_t> data_dim = mexGetDimensions(mx_data);
  mexAssert(data_dim.size() == 4, "The data array must have 4 dimensions");  
  mexAssert(data_dim[0] == layers_[0]->mapsize_[0] && 
            data_dim[1] == layers_[0]->mapsize_[1],
    "Data and the first layer must have equal sizes");  
  mexAssert(data_dim[2] == layers_[0]->outputmaps_,
    "Data's 3rd dimension must be equal to the outputmaps on the input layer");
  mexAssert(data_dim[3] > 0, "Input data array is empty");
  ftype *data = mexGetPointer(mx_data);
  data_.attach(data, data_dim[3], data_dim[0] * data_dim[1] * data_dim[2]);  
Ejemplo n.º 15
void mexFunction(int nLhs, mxArray* pLhs[], int nRhs, const mxArray* pRhs[]) {

  mexAssert(nRhs == NARGIN, "Number of input arguments in wrong!");
  mexAssert(nLhs == NARGOUT, "Number of output arguments is wrong!" );
  size_t seed = (size_t) mexGetScalar(IN_S);
  Net net;
Ejemplo n.º 16
std::vector<size_t> Mat::MaxInd(size_t dim) const {
  std::vector<size_t> arrmax;
  if (dim == 1) {
    arrmax.assign(mat_.size2(), 0);    
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < mat_.size2(); ++j) {
        if (mat_(i, j) > mat_(arrmax[j], j)) {
          arrmax[j] = i;
  } else if (dim == 2) {
    arrmax.assign(mat_.size1(), 0);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < mat_.size2(); ++j) {
        if (mat_(i, j) > mat_(i, arrmax[i])) {
          arrmax[i] = j;
  } else {
    mexAssert(false, "In Mat::MaxInd the dimension parameter must be either 1 or 2");
  return arrmax;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void MaxTrim(const Mat &image, std::vector<size_t> &coords, Mat &trimmed) {
  mexAssert(trimmed.size1_ <= image.size1_ && trimmed.size2_ <= image.size2_,
            "In 'MaxTrim' the trimmed image is larger than original");
  size_t lv = std::floor((ftype) (trimmed.size1_ - 1)/2);  
  size_t lh = std::floor((ftype) (trimmed.size2_ - 1)/2);  
  ftype maxval = image(lv, lh);
  coords[0] = lv;
  coords[1] = lh;
  for (size_t i = lv; i < lv + image.size1_ - trimmed.size1_; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = lh; j < lh + image.size2_ - trimmed.size2_; ++j) {      
      if (maxval < image(i, j)) {
        maxval = image(i, j);
        coords[0] = i;
        coords[1] = j;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < trimmed.size1_; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < trimmed.size2_; ++j) {
      trimmed(i, j) = image(coords[0]+i-lv, coords[1]+j-lh);      
Ejemplo n.º 18
Mat& Mat::reshape(size_t size1, size_t size2) {
  mexAssert(size1_ * size2_ == size1 * size2,
    "In Mat::reshape the sizes do not correspond");
  size1_ = size1;
  size2_ = size2;
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void MaxScale(const Mat &image, const Mat &maxmat, Mat &scaled) {
  mexAssert(scaled.size1_ * scaled.size2_ == maxmat.size1_,
            "In 'MaxScale' sizes of matrices do not correspond");  
  for (size_t i = 0; i < maxmat.size1_; ++i) {
    scaled(maxmat(i, 0), maxmat(i, 1)) = image(maxmat(i, 2), maxmat(i, 3));
Ejemplo n.º 20
Mat& Mat::CondProd(const Mat &condmat, ftype threshold, bool incase, ftype a) {
  mexAssert(size1_ == condmat.size1_ && size2_ == condmat.size2_,
    "In Mat::CondProd the sizes of matrices do not correspond");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size1_ * size2_ ; ++i) {
    if (incase == (condmat.data_[i] > threshold)) data_[i] *= a; // xor
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 21
Mat& Mat::SigmDer(const Mat& a) {
  mexAssert(size1_ == a.size1_ && size2_ == a.size2_, 
    "In 'Mat::SigmDer' the matrices are of the different size");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size1_ * size2_; ++i) {
    data_[i] *= a.data_[i] * (1 - a.data_[i]);
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 22
Mat& Mat::operator /= (const Mat &a) {
  mexAssert(size1_ == a.size1_ && size2_ == a.size2_, 
    "In 'Mat::/=' the matrices are of the different size");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size1_ * size2_; ++i) {
    data_[i] /= a.data_[i];
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Mat& Mat::operator -= (const Mat &a) {
  mexAssert(size1_ == a.size1_ && size2_ == a.size2_,
    "In Mat::-= the sizes of matrices do not correspond");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size1_ * size2_; ++i) {
    data_[i] -= a.data_[i];
  return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void MaxScaleDer(const Mat&scaled, const Mat &maxmat, Mat &restored) {
  mexAssert(scaled.size1_ * scaled.size2_ == maxmat.size1_,
            "In 'MaxScaleDer' sizes of matrices do not correspond");  
  for (size_t i = 0; i < maxmat.size1_; ++i) {
    restored(maxmat(i, 2), maxmat(i, 3)) += scaled(maxmat(i, 0), maxmat(i, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 25
void LayerTrim::Init(const mxArray *mx_layer, Layer *prev_layer) {
  mexAssert(prev_layer->type_ != "f", "The 't' type layer cannot be after 'f' type layer");
  numdim_ = prev_layer->numdim_;
  outputmaps_ = prev_layer->outputmaps_;  
  length_prev_ = prev_layer->outputmaps_;
  mexAssert(mexIsField(mx_layer, "mapsize"), "The 't' type layer must contain the 'mapsize' field");
  std::vector<ftype> mapsize = mexGetVector(mexGetField(mx_layer, "mapsize"));  
  mexAssert(mapsize.size() == numdim_, "Length of the trim vector and maps dimensionality must coincide");
  length_ = outputmaps_;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numdim_; ++i) {
    mexAssert(mapsize[i] <= prev_layer->mapsize_[i], "In 't' layer new mapsize cannot be larger than the old one");    
    mapsize_[i] = (size_t) mapsize[i];    
    length_ *= mapsize_[i];
Ejemplo n.º 26
void LayerConv::CalcWeights(Layer *prev_layer, int passnum) {

  if (passnum < 2) return;
  Mat weights_der;
  if (passnum == 2) {
  } else if (passnum == 3) {
  #if COMP_REGIME != 2
    std::vector< std::vector<Mat> > prev_activ, filters_der, deriv;
    InitMaps(prev_layer->activ_mat_, prev_layer->mapsize_, prev_activ); 
    InitMaps(weights_der, filtersize_, filters_der);
    InitMaps(deriv_mat_, mapsize_, deriv);
    size_t i,j;
    int k;
    //#pragma omp parallel{ //for num_threads(12) private(fil_der)
    for (i = 0; i < outputmaps_; ++i) {
      for (j = 0; j < prev_layer->outputmaps_; ++j) {

        Mat fil_der(filtersize_);
        #if COMP_REGIME == 1
        for (k = 0; k < batchsize_; ++k) {
          Mat ker_mat(filtersize_);
          Filter(prev_activ[k][j], deriv[k][i], padding_, false, ker_mat);      
          #if COMP_REGIME == 1
            //#pragma omp critical
          fil_der += ker_mat; 
        filters_der[i][j] = fil_der;        
  #else // GPU    
    WeightActs(prev_layer->activ_mat_, deriv_mat_, weights_der,
               prev_layer->mapsize_, filtersize_[0], 
               padding_[0], sum_width_, !unshared_);        
  weights_der /= (ftype) batchsize_;
  if (passnum == 2) {
    mexAssert(deriv_mat_.order() == false, "deriv_mat_.order() should be false");
    if (!unshared_) {
      deriv_mat_.reshape(batchsize_ * deriv_mat_.size2() / outputmaps_, outputmaps_);
      Sum(deriv_mat_, biases_.der(), 1);
      deriv_mat_.reshape(batchsize_, deriv_mat_.size1() * outputmaps_ / batchsize_);        
    } else {
      Sum(deriv_mat_, biases_.der(), 1);      
    (biases_.der() /= (ftype) batchsize_) *= bias_coef_;
  MeasureTime("CalcWeights Conv Layer",2);
Ejemplo n.º 27
void Mat::MaxRestore(Mat &restored, const std::vector<size_t> &coords) const {
  mexAssert(restored.size1() >= mat_.size1(), "In 'Mat::MaxRestore' the restored image is smaller than original");
  mexAssert(restored.size2() >= mat_.size2(), "In 'Mat::MaxRestore' the restored image is smaller than original");
  size_t lv = std::floor((double) (mat_.size1() - 1)/2);  
  size_t lh = std::floor((double) (mat_.size2() - 1)/2);  
  for (size_t i = 0; i < restored.size1(); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < restored.size2(); ++j) {
      if (coords[0] <= i + lv && i + lv < coords[0] + mat_.size1() &&
          coords[1] <= j + lh && j + lh < coords[1] + mat_.size2()) {
        restored(i, j) = mat_(i+lv-coords[0], j+lh-coords[1]);
      } else {
        restored(i, j) = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
const double& Mat::operator () (size_t ind) const {
  if (mat_.size1() == 1) {    
    return mat_(0, ind);
  } else if (mat_.size2() == 1) {    
    return mat_(ind, 0);
  } else {
    mexAssert(false, "In 'Mat::(ind)' matrix is not really a vector");     
Ejemplo n.º 29
Mat::Mat(const std::vector<size_t> &newsize) {
  //mexPrintMsg("Array constructor 2");
  mexAssert(newsize.size() == 2, "In Mat::Mat the size vector length != 2");  
  data_ = new ftype[newsize[0] * newsize[1]];
  size1_ = newsize[0];
  size2_ = newsize[1];
  owner_ = true;
  //mexPrintMsg("Array constructor 2 end");
Ejemplo n.º 30
void Net::InitWeights(const mxArray *mx_weights_in) { // testing
  size_t num_weights = NumWeights();
  mexAssert(num_weights == mexGetNumel(mx_weights_in), 
    "In InitWeights the vector of weights has the wrong length!");
  weights_.Init(mexGetPointer(mx_weights_in), num_weights);
  size_t offset = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < layers_.size(); ++i) {
    layers_[i]->InitWeights(weights_, offset, false);