Ejemplo n.º 1
void FTread(char *ifname, unsigned ofntsize, int monochrome, sSelection *selects, unsigned num_selects, sList *glyphs, sList *ranges, unsigned *_bmpsurface) {
    FT_Library      library;
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Face         face;
    FT_ULong        charcode;
    FT_UInt         glyphindex;
    FT_Bitmap       bmp;
    FT_Render_Mode  rendermode = monochrome ? FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO : FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
    unsigned        bmpsurface = 0;


    // init library
    error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library);
    if(error) mexit(1, "ERR: FT_Init_FreeType(&library) failed !");

    // load font
    error = FT_New_Face(library, ifname, 0, &face);
    if(error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format)
        mexit(1, "ERR: Unsupported file !");
    else if (error) {
        mexit(1, "ERR: FT_New_Face(library, \"%s\", ...) failed !", ifname);

if(verbose) {
printf("%d num_glyphs\n", (int)face->num_glyphs);
printf("%d num_fixed_sizes\n", face->num_fixed_sizes);
if(face->num_fixed_sizes) {
    unsigned i;
    for(i=0; i<face->num_fixed_sizes; i++)
        printf("  %.2f;%u,%u\n", (float)face->available_sizes[i].size / 64.0, (unsigned int)face->available_sizes[i].x_ppem>>6, (unsigned int)face->available_sizes[i].y_ppem>>6);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static void JNICALL
 object_free(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, jlong tag)
     menter(jvmti, vm_death_lock); {
         if ( !vm_death_active ) {
             get_agent(jvmti)->object_free(jvmti, tag);
     } mexit(jvmti, vm_death_lock);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static void JNICALL
 thread_end(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *env, jthread thread)
     menter(jvmti, vm_death_lock); {
         if ( !vm_death_active ) {
             get_agent(jvmti)->thread_end(jvmti, env, thread);
     } mexit(jvmti, vm_death_lock);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static void JNICALL
 monitor_waited(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, JNIEnv *env,
                jthread thread, jobject object, jboolean timed_out)
     menter(jvmti, vm_death_lock); {
         if ( !vm_death_active ) {
             get_agent(jvmti)->monitor_waited(jvmti, env, thread,
                                              object, timed_out);
     } mexit(jvmti, vm_death_lock);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 static void JNICALL
 monitor_contended_entered(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, JNIEnv *env,
                jthread thread, jobject object)
     menter(jvmti, vm_death_lock); {
         if ( !vm_death_active ) {
             get_agent(jvmti)->monitor_contended_entered(jvmti, env,
                                                         thread, object);
     } mexit(jvmti, vm_death_lock);
tuck void
reallocaccounting(Engine *E, Maddr addr, void *oldaddr, char *ID)
	int	i;

	if (addr == 0)
		mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "realloc failed for \"%s\"\n", ID);

		mexit(E, "", -1);

	for (i = 0; i < E->nmemblocks; i++)
		int	nentries = E->memblocks[i].allocs - E->memblocks[i].frees;

		if (!strncmp(E->memblocks[i].ID, ID, MMALLOC_MAXIDSTRLEN))
			E->memblocks[i].addrs[nentries] = addr;

	if (!E->memblocks[i].valid)
		mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
			"Attempt to realloc an unalloc'd chunk, ID = [%s]\n", ID);

		mexit(E, "", -1);

Ejemplo n.º 8
    static void JNICALL
    vm_death(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *env)
        jvmtiError err;
        Agent     *agent;

        /* Block all callbacks */
        menter(jvmti, vm_death_lock); {
            /* Set flag for other callbacks */
            vm_death_active = JNI_TRUE;

            /* Inform Agent instance of VM_DEATH */
            agent = get_agent(jvmti);
            agent->vm_death(jvmti, env);

            /* Reclaim space of Agent */
            err = jvmti->SetEnvironmentLocalStorage((const void*)NULL);
            check_jvmti_error(jvmti, err, "set env local storage");
            delete agent;
        } mexit(jvmti, vm_death_lock);

Ejemplo n.º 9
State *
superHnewstate(Engine *E, double xloc, double yloc, double zloc, char *trajfilename)
	int	i;
	State 	*S;
	char 	*logfilename;

	S = (State *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(State), "(State *)S");
	if (S == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for State *S.", -1);

	S->superH = (SuperHState *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(SuperHState), "S->superH");
	if (S->superH == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->superH.", -1);

	S->MEM = (uchar *)mcalloc(E, 1, DEFLT_MEMSIZE, "(uchar *)S->MEM");
	if (S->MEM == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->MEM.", -1);

	S->superH->B = (SuperHBuses *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(SuperHBuses), "(SuperHBuses *)S->superH->B");
	if (S->superH->B == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->superH->B.", -1);

	S->N = (Numa *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Numa), "(Numa *)S->N");
	if (S->N == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->N.", -1);
	S->N->count = 0;

	/*	Actual entries are allocated when a region is installed		*/
	S->N->regions = (Numaregion **)mcalloc(E, MAX_NUMA_REGIONS,
		sizeof(Numaregion*), "(Numaregion **)S->N->regions");
	if (S->N->regions == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->N->regions.", -1);

	S->Nstack = (Numa *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Numa), "(Numa *)S->Nstack");
	if (S->Nstack == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->Nstack.", -1);
	S->Nstack->count = 0;

	/*	Actual entries are allocated when a region is installed		*/
	S->Nstack->regions = (Numaregion **)mcalloc(E, MAX_NUMA_REGIONS,
		sizeof(Numaregion*), "(Numaregion **)S->Nstack->regions");
	if (S->Nstack->regions == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->Nstack->regions.", -1);

	S->RT = (Regtraces *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Regtraces), "(Regtraces *)S->RT");
	if (S->RT == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->RT.", -1);
	S->RT->count = 0;

	/*	Actual entries are allocated when a region is installed		*/
	S->RT->regvts = (Regvt **)mcalloc(E, MAX_REG_TRACERS,
		sizeof(Regvt*), "(Regvt **)S->RT->regvts");
	if (S->RT->regvts == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->RT->regvts.", -1);

		logfilename = (char *)mcalloc(E, 1, MAX_NAMELEN*sizeof(char),
			"logfilename in machine-hitachi-sh.c"); 
		if (logfilename == NULL)
                	mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for logfilename.", -1);

		msnprint(logfilename, MAX_NAMELEN, "simlog.node%d", E->nnodes);

		S->logfd = mcreate(logfilename, M_OWRITE|M_OTRUNCATE);
		mfree(E, logfilename, "char * logfilename in machine-hitachi-sh.c");

		if (S->logfd < 0)
			mexit(E, "Could not open logfile for writing.", -1);

	E->cp = S;
	E->sp[E->nnodes] = S;
	mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "New node created with node ID %d\n", E->nnodes);

	/*	Update the min cycle time	*/
	E->mincycpsec = PICOSEC_MAX;
	E->maxcycpsec = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < E->nnodes; i++)
		E->mincycpsec = min(E->mincycpsec, E->sp[i]->CYCLETIME);
		E->maxcycpsec = max(E->maxcycpsec, E->sp[i]->CYCLETIME);

	S->dumpregs = superHdumpregs;
	S->dumpsysregs = superHdumpsysregs;
	S->fatalaction = superHfatalaction;
	S->stallaction = superHstallaction;
	S->settimerintrdelay = superHsettimerintrdelay;

	S->take_nic_intr = superHtake_nic_intr;
	S->take_timer_intr = superHtake_timer_intr;
	S->take_batt_intr = superHtake_batt_intr;
	S->check_batt_intr = superHcheck_batt_intr;
	S->check_nic_intr = superHcheck_nic_intr;

	S->cache_init = superHcache_init;
	S->resetcpu = superHresetcpu;
	S->step = superHstep;
	S->cyclestep = superHstep;
	S->faststep = superHfaststep;
	S->dumppipe = superHdumppipe;
	S->pipeflush = superHpipeflush;

	/*	Most of the device registers are SH7708 specific	*/
	S->devreadbyte = dev7708readbyte;
	S->devreadword = dev7708readword;
	S->devreadlong = dev7708readlong;
	S->devwritebyte = dev7708writebyte;
	S->devwriteword = dev7708writeword;
	S->devwritelong = dev7708writelong;
	S->split = superHsplit;
	S->vmtranslate = superHvmtranslate;
	S->dumptlb = superHdumptlb;
	S->cache_deactivate = superHcache_deactivate;
	S->cache_printstats = superHcache_printstats;

	S->writebyte = superHwritebyte;

	S->xloc = xloc;
	S->yloc = yloc;
	S->zloc = zloc;

	if (trajfilename != NULL)
		S->trajfilename = (char *)mcalloc(E, 1, strlen(trajfilename)+1, "S->trajfilename in "SF_FILE_MACRO);
		if (S->trajfilename == nil)
			mexit(E, "mcalloc failed for S->trajfilename in "SF_FILE_MACRO, -1);
		strcpy(S->trajfilename, trajfilename);

	S->NODE_ID = E->baseid + E->nnodes;

	/*	Must know correct number of nodes in resetcpu()		*/
	S->resetcpu(E, S);

	S->superH->nicintrQ = (InterruptQ *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(InterruptQ),
		"InterruptQ *nicintrQ in superHnewstate()");
	if (S->superH->nicintrQ == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for InterruptQ *nicintrQ in superHnewstate().", -1);

	S->superH->nicintrQ->hd = (Interrupt *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Interrupt),
		"Interrupt *S->superH->nicintrQ->hd in superHnewstate()");
	S->superH->nicintrQ->tl = (Interrupt *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Interrupt),
		"Interrupt *S->superH->nicintrQ->tl in superHnewstate()");
	if (S->superH->nicintrQ->hd == NULL || S->superH->nicintrQ->tl == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->superH->nicintrQ->hd | S->superH->nicintrQ->tl.", -1);

	S->superH->excpQ = (InterruptQ *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(InterruptQ),
		"InterruptQ *excpQ in superHnewstate()");
	if (S->superH->excpQ == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for InterruptQ *excpQ in superHnewstate().", -1);

	S->superH->excpQ->hd = (Interrupt *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Interrupt),
		"Interrupt *S->superH->excpQ->hd in superHnewstate()");
	S->superH->excpQ->tl = (Interrupt *)mcalloc(E, 1, sizeof(Interrupt),
		"Interrupt *S->superH->excpQ->tl in superHnewstate()");
	if (S->superH->excpQ->hd == NULL || S->superH->excpQ->tl == NULL)
		mexit(E, "Failed to allocate memory for S->superH->excpQ->hd | S->superH->excpQ->tl.", -1);

	return S;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char *      ifname = NULL;      // input filename
    char *      ofname = NULL;      // output filename
    unsigned    ofntsize = 10;      // output font size
    char *      ofmtstr = "A5I3";   // format string
    unsigned    ofmtdesc = DFT_TEX_FMT_A5I3;
    int         monochrome = 0;     // monochrome rendering of the font

    sSelection selects[MAX_SELECTS];
    unsigned num_selects = 0;

    sList ranges, glyphs;
    RESET(&ranges, sList);
    RESET(&glyphs, sList);

    unsigned    bmpsurface;     // total surface of the caracters
    float       bmpavesize;     // average size of the texture (width and height)
    unsigned    bmpfixedwidth;  // chosen width based on the average size

    // parse arguments
    static struct option long_options[] = {             // argument following (if any)
        {"verbose",             no_argument,       0, 'v'}, //
        {"input-file",          required_argument, 0, 'i'}, // filename
        {"output-file",         required_argument, 0, 'o'}, // filename
        {"dump-file-prefix",    required_argument, 0, 'd'}, // filename prefix
        {"texture-format",      required_argument, 0, 'f'}, // texture format
        {"monochrome",          no_argument,       0, 'm'}, // monochrome rendering
        {"palette-first-trans", no_argument,       0, 't'}, //
        {"font-size",           required_argument, 0, 's'}, // integer (in pixels)
        {"select",              required_argument, 0, 'l'}, // couple of hex integers 0x#:0x# (one of the two maybe omitted)
        {0, 0, 0, 0}
    // TODO : color selection of BG and FG of each face (remove palette-first-trans and replace it with FG=trans)
    // TODO : usage
    char options_desc[] =
    int option_index;
    int c;
    while(1) {
        option_index = 0;

        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_desc, long_options, &option_index);
        if(c == -1) break;

        switch (c) {
        case 0:
            /* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */
            if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
            printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
            if (optarg)
                printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
            printf ("\n");
        case 'v':
        case 'i':   // input file
            ifname = optarg;
        case 'o':   // output file
            ofname = optarg;
        case 'd':   // dump file
            dofname = optarg;
        case 'f':   // texture format
            ofmtstr = optarg;

            ofmtdesc &= ~DFT_TEX_FMTMASK;

            unsigned fmt = dft_get_tex_fmt(ofmtstr);
                mexit(1, "ERR: Invalid texture format \"%s\"", ofmtstr);

            ofmtdesc |= fmt;

        case 'm':
            monochrome = 1;
        case 't':
            ofmtdesc |= DFT_TEX_PAL1TRANS;
        case 's':   // font size
            ofntsize = atoi(optarg);
        case 'l':   // selection
            if(num_selects >= MAX_SELECTS) mexit(1, "ERR: Too many selections (the max is %d)", MAX_SELECTS);

            if(sel_add(selects, &num_selects, optarg))
                mexit(1, "ERR: Invalid selection argument \"%s\"", optarg);

        case '?':   // parse error

    // check mandatory arguments and their validity
    // check input filename
        mexit(1, "ERR: No input filename");
    // check ouput filename
        mexit(1, "ERR: No output filename");

    // print input arguments and default values
    printf("Input FreeType font     : %s\n", ifname);
    printf("Output dft font         : %s\n", ofname);
    printf("Output texture format   : %s (%04x)\n", ofmtstr, ofmtdesc);
    printf("Output rendering type   : %s\n", monochrome ? "monochrome" : "grayscale");
    printf("Output font size        : %d\n", ofntsize);
    if(num_selects) {
        printf("Convert only this subset of the font :\n");
        for(c=0; c<num_selects; c++)
            printf(selects[c].end?"  0x%08X:0x%08X\n":"  0x%08X:0x__END___\n",selects[c].start, selects[c].end);
        printf("Convert the entire font\n");

    // read the font and fill glyphs, ranges and bmpsurface
    FTread(ifname, ofntsize, monochrome, selects, num_selects, &glyphs, &ranges, &bmpsurface);

    bmpavesize = sqrt((float)bmpsurface);
    bmpfixedwidth = (int)pow(2, ceil(log(bmpavesize)/log(2)));  // the next 2^k

if(verbose) {
    printf("%d range(s)\n", ranges.count);
    printf("%d glyphs(s)\n", glyphs.count);
    printf("%d surface (px²)\n", bmpsurface);
    printf("%.1fx%.1f average size (px)\n", bmpavesize, bmpavesize);
    printf("%d fixed width (px)\n", bmpfixedwidth);

    // dump size data
    dump_glyphs_size(dofname, &glyphs);

// we now have the data in ranges and glyphs, we can create the dft file

    unsigned w = bmpfixedwidth, h;

    // optimise the position of the caracters on the texture (with a fixed width)
    genplacement(&glyphs, w, &h);

printf("texsize=%dx%d\n", w, h);
printf("efficiency = %.1f%%\n", 100.0*(float)bmpsurface/(float)(w*h));

    // dump position data
    dump_glyphs_positions(dofname, &glyphs);

    // write to dft file
    sDFT_RANGES *dftranges;
    sDFT_MAP *dftmap;
    sDFT_TEXTURE *dfttexture;
    sDFT_PALETTE *dftpalette;

    dft_new_ranges(&ranges, &dftranges);
    dft_new_map(&glyphs, &dftmap);
    dft_new_texture(&glyphs, w, h, ofmtdesc, &dfttexture, &dftpalette);

    dft_write(ofname, dftranges, dftmap, dfttexture, dftpalette);

    dft_cleanup(dftranges, dftmap, dfttexture, dftpalette);

    // free data
    void delglyph(sDFT_GLYPH *glyph) {
        if(glyph->bitmap) free(glyph->bitmap);
    L_dropall(&glyphs, (datahandler)delglyph);
    L_dropall(&ranges, free);


    return 0;
tuck void
allocaccounting(Engine *E, Maddr addr, char *ID)
	int	i;

	if (addr == 0)
		mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "malloc/calloc failed for \"%s\"\n", ID);

		mexit(E, "", -1);

	if (E->nmemblocks == MMALLOC_MAXALLOCBLOCKS)
		mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Ran out of memblocks. Exiting...\n");

		mexit(E, "", -1);

	for (i = 0; i < E->nmemblocks; i++)
		if (!strncmp(E->memblocks[i].ID, ID, MMALLOC_MAXIDSTRLEN))
			int	nentries = E->memblocks[i].allocs - E->memblocks[i].frees;

			if (nentries >= MMALLOC_MAXALLOCS)
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
					"Ran out of memblock[].addrs[]. Exiting...\n");
				mexit(E, "", -1);

			E->memblocks[i].addrs[nentries] = addr;

	strncpy(E->memblocks[i].ID, ID, MMALLOC_MAXIDSTRLEN);

	if (!E->memblocks[i].mallocd)
		E->memblocks[i].addrs = (uvlong *)calloc(MMALLOC_MAXALLOCS, sizeof(Maddr));
		if (E->memblocks[i].addrs == NULL)
			mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
				"Could not allocate memory for (Maddr *)memblocks[i].addrs\n");
			mexit(E, "", -1);
		E->memblocks[i].mallocd = 1;

	E->memblocks[i].addrs[0] = addr;
	E->memblocks[i].allocs = 1;
	E->memblocks[i].frees = 0;
	E->memblocks[i].reallocs = 0;
	E->memblocks[i].valid = 1;


munchinput(Engine *E, char *buf)
	int 	eaten = 0;

	if (strlen(buf) > 0)
              	while (eaten < strlen(buf))
			char *tptr;
			Datum *t1;

			t1 = (Datum *) mmalloc(E, sizeof(Datum),
					"Datum *t1 in munchinput(), main.c");

			if (t1 == NULL)
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Could not allocate memory for Datum *t1");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);

			t1->next = NULL;
			t1->prev = NULL;
			t1->value = 0;

			t1->data = (char*) mmalloc(E, (strlen(buf)+1)*sizeof(char), 
						"char *t1->data in munchinput(), main.c");
			if (t1->data == NULL)
				mfree(E, t1, "char *t1 in main.c");
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Could not allocate memory for char *t1->data");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);
			tptr = t1->data;

			/* 	Throw away all chars till we see a non-sepchar 	*/
			while (isasmsep(buf[eaten]) && (eaten < strlen(buf)))

			/*							*/
			/*   I refer to tokens such as '(' etc. as "sticky":	*/
			/*   they may be "stuck" onto another token, and are	*/
			/*   NOT separators : we have to allocate a list entry 	*/
			/*   for them. 	So, get one sticky char:		*/
			/*							*/
			if (issticky(buf[eaten]))
				*tptr++ = buf[eaten++];
			else while(!isasmsep(buf[eaten]) &&
					!issticky(buf[eaten]) &&
					(eaten < strlen(buf))
				/*						*/
				/*	Get all non sepchars into t1->data	*/
				/*	If we see a quoted string, "*" (_not_	*/
				/*	'*'), gobble it including any sepchars,	*/
				/*	till end of input (we get line @a time)	*/
				/*	or matching quote.			*/
				/*						*/
				if (buf[eaten] == '"')
					/*		Discard opening quote:		*/

					/*	Must make not to go past newline:	*/
					while ((buf[eaten] != '"') &&
						(buf[eaten] != '\n') &&
						(eaten < strlen(buf)))
						*tptr++ = buf[eaten++];
					/*	Discard trailing quote if its there:	*/
					if (eaten < strlen(buf) && (buf[eaten] == '"'))
					*tptr++ = buf[eaten++];

			*tptr = '\0';

			/*	If we actually ate any food, put it in our stomach	*/
			if (tptr != t1->data)
				if ((E->istream.head == NULL)  || (E->istream.tail == NULL))
					E->istream.tail = E->istream.head = E->istream.masthead = t1;

					/*							*/
					/*    NOTE tail and head now point to the lone datum 	*/
					/*    and they _both_ have null pre- and next-.		*/
					/*							*/
					E->istream.masthead->prev = NULL;
					E->istream.masthead->next = NULL;

					E->istream.head->prev = NULL;
					E->istream.head->next = NULL;

					E->istream.tail->prev = NULL;
					E->istream.tail->next = NULL;
					/*							*/
					/*  Add new datum to _tail_ of list. MUST keep it FIFO 	*/
					/*  for the asm to be parsed correctly.			*/
					/*							*/
					t1->next = E->istream.tail;
					E->istream.tail->prev = t1;
					E->istream.tail = t1;
				mfree(E, t1->data, "t1->data in munchinput");
				mfree(E, t1, "t1 in munchinput");
			/* careful : DO NOT free t1 ! */

scan_labels_and_globalvars(Engine *E)
	ulong	tmp_pc;
	Datum	*tmpistream = E->istream.tail;

	while (tmpistream != NULL)
		/* 	If it is new a label, add it to labellist 		*/
		if (tmpistream->data[strlen(tmpistream->data)-1] == ':')
			Datum*	tmplabel = (Datum *) mmalloc(E, sizeof(Datum), 
					"Datum *tmplabel in parser-driver.c, ~line 174");
			if (tmplabel == NULL)
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, 
					"Could not allocate memory for Datum *tmplabel, main.c");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);

			tmplabel->next = NULL;
			tmplabel->prev = NULL;
			tmplabel->data = (char*)mmalloc(E, strlen(tmpistream->data)*sizeof(char),
					"char *tmplabel->data in scan_labels...(), main.c");
			if (tmplabel->data == NULL)
				mfree(E, tmplabel, "tmplabel in scan_labels_and_globalvars");
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
					"Could not allocate memory for char *tmplabel->data, main.c");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);
			tmplabel->value = E->cp->PC;

			strncpy(tmplabel->data, tmpistream->data, strlen(tmpistream->data) - 1);
			tmplabel->data[strlen(tmpistream->data)-1] = '\0';

			if ((E->labellist.head == NULL)  || (E->labellist.tail == NULL))
				//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "New label list\n");
				E->labellist.tail = E->labellist.head = tmplabel;

				E->labellist.head->prev = NULL;
				E->labellist.head->next = NULL;

				E->labellist.tail->prev = NULL;
				E->labellist.tail->next = NULL;
				//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Adding new item to label list");
				/*							*/
				/*  		Add new datum to _tail_ of list.	*/
				/*							*/
				tmplabel->next = E->labellist.tail;
				E->labellist.tail->prev = tmplabel;
				E->labellist.tail = tmplabel;

		/*	If it is a global definition (".comm"), add it to labellist	*/
		if (!strcmp(tmpistream->data, ".comm"))
			Datum* tmplabel = (Datum *) mmalloc(E, sizeof(Datum),
						"Datum *tmplabel in scan_labels...(), main.c");
			if (tmplabel == NULL)
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
					"Could not allocate memory for Datum *tmplabel, main.c");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);

			/*	Token we just passed is global var name		*/
			tmpistream = tmpistream->prev;
			if (tmpistream == NULL)
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
					"Badly formed input stream: \".comm\" without a var name");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);

			//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Found a global var definition, var name = [%s]\n",
			//	tmpistream->data);

			tmplabel->next = NULL;
			tmplabel->prev = NULL;
			tmplabel->data = (char*)mmalloc(E, strlen(tmpistream->data)*sizeof(char),
					"char *tmplabel->data in parser-driver.c, ~line 250");
			tmplabel->value = E->cp->PC;

			if (tmplabel->data == NULL)
				mfree(E, tmplabel, "tmplabel in scan_labels_and_globalvars");
				mprint(E, NULL, siminfo,
					"Could not allocate memory for char* tmplabel->data, main.c");
				mexit(E, "See above messages.", -1);
			strncpy(tmplabel->data, tmpistream->data, strlen(tmpistream->data));

			/*	We went one step back. Step forward again	*/
			tmpistream = tmpistream->next;

			if ((E->labellist.head == NULL)  || (E->labellist.tail == NULL))
				//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "New label list\n");
				E->labellist.tail = E->labellist.head = tmplabel;

				E->labellist.head->prev = NULL;
				E->labellist.head->next = NULL;

				E->labellist.tail->prev = NULL;
				E->labellist.tail->next = NULL;
				//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Adding new item to label list");
				/*							*/
				/*  		Add new datum to _tail_ of list.	*/
				/*							*/
				tmplabel->next = E->labellist.tail;
				E->labellist.tail->prev = tmplabel;
				E->labellist.tail = tmplabel;
		tmpistream = tmpistream->next;

	//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Done scan_labels_and_globalvars()...\n");
	//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Calling yyparse(), with SCANNING flag set\n\n\n");

	E->scanning = 1;
	tmp_pc = E->cp->PC;
	E->cp->PC = tmp_pc;
	E->scanning = 0;
	//mprint(E, NULL, siminfo, "Done assigning true disp's to labels.\n\n");
	/*	We screwed up istream.head, so reset it :	*/
	E->istream.head = E->istream.masthead;
