Ejemplo n.º 1
void DCOPY_copy_ownership(
    mfu_flist flist,
    uint64_t idx,
    const char* dest_path)
    /* get user id and group id of file */
    uid_t uid = (uid_t) mfu_flist_file_get_uid(flist, idx);
    gid_t gid = (gid_t) mfu_flist_file_get_gid(flist, idx);

    /* note that we use lchown to change ownership of link itself, it path happens to be a link */
    if(mfu_lchown(dest_path, uid, gid) != 0) {
        /* TODO: are there other EPERM conditions we do want to report? */

        /* since the user running dcp may not be the owner of the
         * file, we could hit an EPERM error here, and the file
         * will be left with the effective uid and gid of the dcp
         * process, don't bother reporting an error for that case */
        if (errno != EPERM) {
            MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Failed to change ownership on %s lchown() errno=%d %s",
                dest_path, errno, strerror(errno)

Ejemplo n.º 2
const char* mfu_flist_file_get_username(mfu_flist bflist, uint64_t idx)
    const char* ret = NULL;
    flist_t* flist = (flist_t*) bflist;
    if (flist->detail) {
        uint64_t id = mfu_flist_file_get_uid(bflist, idx);
        ret = mfu_flist_usrgrp_get_name_from_id(flist->user_id2name, id);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int sort_files_stat(const char* sortfields, mfu_flist* pflist)
    /* get list from caller */
    mfu_flist flist = *pflist;

    /* create a new list as subset of original list */
    mfu_flist flist2 = mfu_flist_subset(flist);

    uint64_t incount     = mfu_flist_size(flist);
    uint64_t chars       = mfu_flist_file_max_name(flist);
    uint64_t chars_user  = mfu_flist_user_max_name(flist);
    uint64_t chars_group = mfu_flist_group_max_name(flist);

    /* create datatype for packed file list element */
    MPI_Datatype dt_sat;
    size_t bytes = mfu_flist_file_pack_size(flist);
    MPI_Type_contiguous((int)bytes, MPI_BYTE, &dt_sat);

    /* get our rank and the size of comm_world */
    int rank, ranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ranks);

    /* build type for file path */
    MPI_Datatype dt_filepath, dt_user, dt_group;
    MPI_Type_contiguous((int)chars,       MPI_CHAR, &dt_filepath);
    MPI_Type_contiguous((int)chars_user,  MPI_CHAR, &dt_user);
    MPI_Type_contiguous((int)chars_group, MPI_CHAR, &dt_group);

    /* build comparison op for filenames */
    DTCMP_Op op_filepath, op_user, op_group;
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_filepath, my_strcmp, &op_filepath) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create sorting operation for filepath");
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_user, my_strcmp, &op_user) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create sorting operation for username");
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_group, my_strcmp, &op_group) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create sorting operation for groupname");

    /* build comparison op for filenames */
    DTCMP_Op op_filepath_rev, op_user_rev, op_group_rev;
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_filepath, my_strcmp_rev, &op_filepath_rev) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create reverse sorting operation for groupname");
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_user, my_strcmp_rev, &op_user_rev) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create reverse sorting operation for groupname");
    if (DTCMP_Op_create(dt_group, my_strcmp_rev, &op_group_rev) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create reverse sorting operation for groupname");

    /* TODO: process sort fields */
    const int MAXFIELDS = 7;
    MPI_Datatype types[MAXFIELDS];
    sort_field fields[MAXFIELDS];
    size_t lengths[MAXFIELDS];
    int nfields = 0;
    for (nfields = 0; nfields < MAXFIELDS; nfields++) {
        types[nfields]   = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
        ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_NULL;
    nfields = 0;
    char* sortfields_copy = MFU_STRDUP(sortfields);
    char* token = strtok(sortfields_copy, ",");
    while (token != NULL) {
        int valid = 1;
        if (strcmp(token, "name") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_filepath;
            ops[nfields]     = op_filepath;
            fields[nfields]  = FILENAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-name") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_filepath;
            ops[nfields]     = op_filepath_rev;
            fields[nfields]  = FILENAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars;
        else if (strcmp(token, "user") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_user;
            ops[nfields]     = op_user;
            fields[nfields]  = USERNAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars_user;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-user") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_user;
            ops[nfields]     = op_user_rev;
            fields[nfields]  = USERNAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars_user;
        else if (strcmp(token, "group") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_group;
            ops[nfields]     = op_group;
            fields[nfields]  = GROUPNAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars_group;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-group") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = dt_group;
            ops[nfields]     = op_group_rev;
            fields[nfields]  = GROUPNAME;
            lengths[nfields] = chars_group;
        else if (strcmp(token, "uid") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = USERID;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-uid") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = USERID;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "gid") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = GROUPID;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-gid") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = GROUPID;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "atime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = ATIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-atime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = ATIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "mtime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = MTIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-mtime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = MTIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "ctime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = CTIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-ctime") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT32_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT32T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = CTIME;
            lengths[nfields] = 4;
        else if (strcmp(token, "size") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT64_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT64T_ASCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = FILESIZE;
            lengths[nfields] = 8;
        else if (strcmp(token, "-size") == 0) {
            types[nfields]   = MPI_UINT64_T;
            ops[nfields]     = DTCMP_OP_UINT64T_DESCEND;
            fields[nfields]  = FILESIZE;
            lengths[nfields] = 8;
        else {
            /* invalid token */
            valid = 0;
            if (rank == 0) {
                MFU_LOG(MFU_LOG_ERR, "Invalid sort field: %s\n", token);
        if (valid) {
        if (nfields > MAXFIELDS) {
            /* TODO: print warning if we have too many fields */
        token = strtok(NULL, ",");

    /* build key type */
    MPI_Datatype dt_key;
    if (DTCMP_Type_create_series(nfields, types, &dt_key) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create key type");

    /* create op to sort by access time, then filename */
    DTCMP_Op op_key;
    if (DTCMP_Op_create_series(nfields, ops, &op_key) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create sorting operation for key");

    /* build keysat type */
    MPI_Datatype dt_keysat, keysat_types[2];
    keysat_types[0] = dt_key;
    keysat_types[1] = dt_sat;
    if (DTCMP_Type_create_series(2, keysat_types, &dt_keysat) != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to create keysat type");

    /* get extent of key type */
    MPI_Aint key_lb, key_extent;
    MPI_Type_get_extent(dt_key, &key_lb, &key_extent);

    /* get extent of keysat type */
    MPI_Aint keysat_lb, keysat_extent;
    MPI_Type_get_extent(dt_keysat, &keysat_lb, &keysat_extent);

    /* get extent of sat type */
    MPI_Aint stat_lb, stat_extent;
    MPI_Type_get_extent(dt_sat, &stat_lb, &stat_extent);

    /* compute size of sort element and allocate buffer */
    size_t sortbufsize = (size_t)keysat_extent * incount;
    void* sortbuf = MFU_MALLOC(sortbufsize);

    /* copy data into sort elements */
    uint64_t idx = 0;
    char* sortptr = (char*) sortbuf;
    while (idx < incount) {
        /* copy in access time */
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < nfields; i++) {
            if (fields[i] == FILENAME) {
                const char* name = mfu_flist_file_get_name(flist, idx);
                strcpy(sortptr, name);
            else if (fields[i] == USERNAME) {
                const char* name = mfu_flist_file_get_username(flist, idx);
                strcpy(sortptr, name);
            else if (fields[i] == GROUPNAME) {
                const char* name = mfu_flist_file_get_groupname(flist, idx);
                strcpy(sortptr, name);
            else if (fields[i] == USERID) {
                uint32_t val32 = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_uid(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val32, 4);
            else if (fields[i] == GROUPID) {
                uint32_t val32 = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_gid(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val32, 4);
            else if (fields[i] == ATIME) {
                uint32_t val32 = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_atime(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val32, 4);
            else if (fields[i] == MTIME) {
                uint32_t val32 = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_mtime(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val32, 4);
            else if (fields[i] == CTIME) {
                uint32_t val32 = (uint32_t) mfu_flist_file_get_ctime(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val32, 4);
            else if (fields[i] == FILESIZE) {
                uint64_t val64 = mfu_flist_file_get_size(flist, idx);
                memcpy(sortptr, &val64, 8);

            sortptr += lengths[i];

        /* pack file element */
        sortptr += mfu_flist_file_pack(sortptr, flist, idx);


    /* sort data */
    void* outsortbuf;
    int outsortcount;
    DTCMP_Handle handle;
    int sort_rc = DTCMP_Sortz(
                      sortbuf, (int)incount, &outsortbuf, &outsortcount,
                      dt_key, dt_keysat, op_key, DTCMP_FLAG_NONE,
                      MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle
    if (sort_rc != DTCMP_SUCCESS) {
        MFU_ABORT(1, "Failed to sort data");

    /* step through sorted data filenames */
    idx = 0;
    sortptr = (char*) outsortbuf;
    while (idx < (uint64_t)outsortcount) {
        sortptr += key_extent;
        sortptr += mfu_flist_file_unpack(sortptr, flist2);

    /* build summary of new list */

    /* free memory */

    /* free ops */

    /* free types */

    /* free input buffer holding sort elements */

    /* free the satellite type */

    /* return new list and free old one */
    *pflist = flist2;

    return MFU_SUCCESS;