Ejemplo n.º 1
void Dijkstra(int s){
	int i,current,m;
			if(adj[current][i]!=0 && status[i]==TEMP){
void ThermoPhase::setState_SPorSV(doublereal Starget, doublereal p,
                                  doublereal dTtol, bool doSV)
    doublereal v = 0.0;
    doublereal dt;
    if (doSV) {
        v = p;
        if (v < 1.0E-300) {
            throw CanteraError("setState_SPorSV (SV)",
                "Input specific volume is too small or negative. v = {}", v);
    } else {
        if (p < 1.0E-300) {
            throw CanteraError("setState_SPorSV (SP)",
                "Input pressure is too small or negative. p = {}", p);
    double Tmax = maxTemp() + 0.1;
    double Tmin = minTemp() - 0.1;

    // Make sure we are within the temperature bounds at the start
    // of the iteration
    double Tnew = temperature();
    double Tinit = Tnew;
    if (Tnew > Tmax) {
        Tnew = Tmax - 1.0;
    } else if (Tnew < Tmin) {
        Tnew = Tmin + 1.0;
    if (Tnew != Tinit) {
        setState_conditional_TP(Tnew, p, !doSV);

    double Snew = entropy_mass();
    double Cpnew = (doSV) ? cv_mass() : cp_mass();
    double Stop = Snew;
    double Ttop = Tnew;
    double Sbot = Snew;
    double Tbot = Tnew;

    bool ignoreBounds = false;
    // Unstable phases are those for which Cp < 0.0. These are possible for
    // cases where we have passed the spinodal curve.
    bool unstablePhase = false;
    double Tunstable = -1.0;
    bool unstablePhaseNew = false;

    // Newton iteration
    for (int n = 0; n < 500; n++) {
        double Told = Tnew;
        double Sold = Snew;
        double cpd = Cpnew;
        if (cpd < 0.0) {
            unstablePhase = true;
            Tunstable = Tnew;
        // limit step size to 100 K
        dt = clip((Starget - Sold)*Told/cpd, -100.0, 100.0);
        Tnew = Told + dt;

        // Limit the step size so that we are convergent
        if ((dt > 0.0 && unstablePhase) || (dt <= 0.0 && !unstablePhase)) {
            if (Sbot < Starget && Tnew < Tbot) {
                dt = 0.75 * (Tbot - Told);
                Tnew = Told + dt;
        } else if (Stop > Starget && Tnew > Ttop) {
            dt = 0.75 * (Ttop - Told);
            Tnew = Told + dt;

        // Check Max and Min values
        if (Tnew > Tmax && !ignoreBounds) {
            setState_conditional_TP(Tmax, p, !doSV);
            double Smax = entropy_mass();
            if (Smax >= Starget) {
                if (Stop < Starget) {
                    Ttop = Tmax;
                    Stop = Smax;
            } else {
                Tnew = Tmax + 1.0;
                ignoreBounds = true;
        } else if (Tnew < Tmin && !ignoreBounds) {
            setState_conditional_TP(Tmin, p, !doSV);
            double Smin = entropy_mass();
            if (Smin <= Starget) {
                if (Sbot > Starget) {
                    Tbot = Tmin;
                    Sbot = Smin;
            } else {
                Tnew = Tmin - 1.0;
                ignoreBounds = true;

        // Try to keep phase within its region of stability
        // -> Could do a lot better if I calculate the
        //    spinodal value of H.
        for (int its = 0; its < 10; its++) {
            Tnew = Told + dt;
            setState_conditional_TP(Tnew, p, !doSV);
            Cpnew = (doSV) ? cv_mass() : cp_mass();
            Snew = entropy_mass();
            if (Cpnew < 0.0) {
                unstablePhaseNew = true;
                Tunstable = Tnew;
            } else {
                unstablePhaseNew = false;
            if (unstablePhase == false && unstablePhaseNew == true) {
                dt *= 0.25;

        if (Snew == Starget) {
        } else if (Snew > Starget && (Stop < Starget || Snew < Stop)) {
            Stop = Snew;
            Ttop = Tnew;
        } else if (Snew < Starget && (Sbot > Starget || Snew > Sbot)) {
            Sbot = Snew;
            Tbot = Tnew;
        // Convergence in S
        double Serr = Starget - Snew;
        double acpd = std::max(fabs(cpd), 1.0E-5);
        double denom = std::max(fabs(Starget), acpd * dTtol);
        double SConvErr = fabs((Serr * Tnew)/denom);
        if (SConvErr < 0.00001 *dTtol || fabs(dt) < dTtol) {
    // We are here when there hasn't been convergence

    // Formulate a detailed error message, since questions seem to arise often
    // about the lack of convergence.
    string ErrString =  "No convergence in 500 iterations\n";
    if (doSV) {
        ErrString += fmt::format(
            "\tTarget Entropy          = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Specific Volume = {}\n"
            "\tStarting Temperature    = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Temperature     = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Entropy         = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Delta T         = {}\n",
            Starget, v, Tinit, Tnew, Snew, dt);
    } else {
        ErrString += fmt::format(
            "\tTarget Entropy          = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Pressure        = {}\n"
            "\tStarting Temperature    = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Temperature     = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Entropy         = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Delta T         = {}\n",
            Starget, p, Tinit, Tnew, Snew, dt);
    if (unstablePhase) {
        ErrString += fmt::format("\t  - The phase became unstable (Cp < 0) T_unstable_last = {}\n",
    if (doSV) {
        throw CanteraError("setState_SPorSV (SV)", ErrString);
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("setState_SPorSV (SP)", ErrString);
void ThermoPhase::setState_HPorUV(doublereal Htarget, doublereal p,
                                  doublereal dTtol, bool doUV)
    doublereal dt;
    doublereal v = 0.0;

    // Assign the specific volume or pressure and make sure it's positive
    if (doUV) {
        doublereal v = p;
        if (v < 1.0E-300) {
            throw CanteraError("setState_HPorUV (UV)",
                               "Input specific volume is too small or negative. v = {}", v);
    } else {
        if (p < 1.0E-300) {
            throw CanteraError("setState_HPorUV (HP)",
                               "Input pressure is too small or negative. p = {}", p);
    double Tmax = maxTemp() + 0.1;
    double Tmin = minTemp() - 0.1;

    // Make sure we are within the temperature bounds at the start
    // of the iteration
    double Tnew = temperature();
    double Tinit = Tnew;
    if (Tnew > Tmax) {
        Tnew = Tmax - 1.0;
    } else if (Tnew < Tmin) {
        Tnew = Tmin + 1.0;
    if (Tnew != Tinit) {
        setState_conditional_TP(Tnew, p, !doUV);

    double Hnew = (doUV) ? intEnergy_mass() : enthalpy_mass();
    double Cpnew = (doUV) ? cv_mass() : cp_mass();
    double Htop = Hnew;
    double Ttop = Tnew;
    double Hbot = Hnew;
    double Tbot = Tnew;

    bool ignoreBounds = false;
    // Unstable phases are those for which cp < 0.0. These are possible for
    // cases where we have passed the spinodal curve.
    bool unstablePhase = false;
    // Counter indicating the last temperature point where the
    // phase was unstable
    double Tunstable = -1.0;
    bool unstablePhaseNew = false;

    // Newton iteration
    for (int n = 0; n < 500; n++) {
        double Told = Tnew;
        double Hold = Hnew;
        double cpd = Cpnew;
        if (cpd < 0.0) {
            unstablePhase = true;
            Tunstable = Tnew;
        // limit step size to 100 K
        dt = clip((Htarget - Hold)/cpd, -100.0, 100.0);

        // Calculate the new T
        Tnew = Told + dt;

        // Limit the step size so that we are convergent This is the step that
        // makes it different from a Newton's algorithm
        if ((dt > 0.0 && unstablePhase) || (dt <= 0.0 && !unstablePhase)) {
            if (Hbot < Htarget && Tnew < (0.75 * Tbot + 0.25 * Told)) {
                dt = 0.75 * (Tbot - Told);
                Tnew = Told + dt;
        } else if (Htop > Htarget && Tnew > (0.75 * Ttop + 0.25 * Told)) {
            dt = 0.75 * (Ttop - Told);
            Tnew = Told + dt;

        // Check Max and Min values
        if (Tnew > Tmax && !ignoreBounds) {
            setState_conditional_TP(Tmax, p, !doUV);
            double Hmax = (doUV) ? intEnergy_mass() : enthalpy_mass();
            if (Hmax >= Htarget) {
                if (Htop < Htarget) {
                    Ttop = Tmax;
                    Htop = Hmax;
            } else {
                Tnew = Tmax + 1.0;
                ignoreBounds = true;
        if (Tnew < Tmin && !ignoreBounds) {
            setState_conditional_TP(Tmin, p, !doUV);
            double Hmin = (doUV) ? intEnergy_mass() : enthalpy_mass();
            if (Hmin <= Htarget) {
                if (Hbot > Htarget) {
                    Tbot = Tmin;
                    Hbot = Hmin;
            } else {
                Tnew = Tmin - 1.0;
                ignoreBounds = true;

        // Try to keep phase within its region of stability
        // -> Could do a lot better if I calculate the
        //    spinodal value of H.
        for (int its = 0; its < 10; its++) {
            Tnew = Told + dt;
            if (Tnew < Told / 3.0) {
                Tnew = Told / 3.0;
                dt = -2.0 * Told / 3.0;
            setState_conditional_TP(Tnew, p, !doUV);
            if (doUV) {
                Hnew = intEnergy_mass();
                Cpnew = cv_mass();
            } else {
                Hnew = enthalpy_mass();
                Cpnew = cp_mass();
            if (Cpnew < 0.0) {
                unstablePhaseNew = true;
                Tunstable = Tnew;
            } else {
                unstablePhaseNew = false;
            if (unstablePhase == false && unstablePhaseNew == true) {
                dt *= 0.25;

        if (Hnew == Htarget) {
        } else if (Hnew > Htarget && (Htop < Htarget || Hnew < Htop)) {
            Htop = Hnew;
            Ttop = Tnew;
        } else if (Hnew < Htarget && (Hbot > Htarget || Hnew > Hbot)) {
            Hbot = Hnew;
            Tbot = Tnew;
        // Convergence in H
        double Herr = Htarget - Hnew;
        double acpd = std::max(fabs(cpd), 1.0E-5);
        double denom = std::max(fabs(Htarget), acpd * dTtol);
        double HConvErr = fabs((Herr)/denom);
        if (HConvErr < 0.00001 *dTtol || fabs(dt) < dTtol) {
    // We are here when there hasn't been convergence

    // Formulate a detailed error message, since questions seem to arise often
    // about the lack of convergence.
    string ErrString =  "No convergence in 500 iterations\n";
    if (doUV) {
        ErrString += fmt::format(
            "\tTarget Internal Energy  = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Specific Volume = {}\n"
            "\tStarting Temperature    = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Temperature     = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Internal Energy = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Delta T         = {}\n",
            Htarget, v, Tinit, Tnew, Hnew, dt);
    } else {
        ErrString += fmt::format(
            "\tTarget Enthalpy         = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Pressure        = {}\n"
            "\tStarting Temperature    = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Temperature     = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Enthalpy        = {}\n"
            "\tCurrent Delta T         = {}\n",
            Htarget, p, Tinit, Tnew, Hnew, dt);
    if (unstablePhase) {
        ErrString += fmt::format(
            "\t  - The phase became unstable (Cp < 0) T_unstable_last = {}\n",
    if (doUV) {
        throw CanteraError("setState_HPorUV (UV)", ErrString);
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("setState_HPorUV (HP)", ErrString);