Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Finishes the mission.
 *    @luaparam properly If true and the mission is unique it marks the mission
 *                     as completed.  If false it deletes the mission but
 *                     doesn't mark it as completed.  If the parameter isn't
 *                     passed it just ends the mission (without removing it
 *                     from the player's list of active missions).
 * @luafunc finish( properly )
static int misn_finish( lua_State *L )
   int b;
   Mission *cur_mission;

   if (lua_isboolean(L,1))
      b = lua_toboolean(L,1);
   else {
      lua_pushstring(L, NLUA_DONE);
      lua_error(L); /* THERE IS NO RETURN */
      return 0;

   lua_pushboolean( L, 1 );
   lua_setglobal( L, "__misn_delete" );
   cur_mission = misn_getFromLua(L);

   if (b && mis_isFlag(cur_mission->data,MISSION_UNIQUE))
      player_missionFinished( mission_getID( cur_mission->data->name ) );

   lua_pushstring(L, NLUA_DONE);
   lua_error(L); /* shouldn't return */

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Gets mission data from a name.
MissionData* mission_getFromName( const char* name )
   int id;

   id = mission_getID( name );
   if (id < 0)
      return NULL;

   return mission_get( id );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Checks to see if a mission meets the requirements.
 *    @param mission ID of the mission to check.
 *    @param faction Faction of the current planet.
 *    @param planet Name of the current planet.
 *    @param sysname Name of the current system.
 *    @return 1 if requirements are met, 0 if they aren't.
static int mission_meetReq( int mission, int faction,
      const char* planet, const char* sysname )
   MissionData* misn;
   int c;

   misn = mission_get( mission );
   if (misn == NULL) /* In case it doesn't exist */
      return 0;

   /* If planet, must match planet. */
   if ((misn->avail.planet != NULL) && (strcmp(misn->avail.planet,planet)!=0))
      return 0;

   /* If system, must match system. */
   if ((misn->avail.system != NULL) && (strcmp(misn->avail.system,sysname)!=0))
      return 0;

   /* Match faction. */
   if ((faction >= 0) && !mission_matchFaction(misn,faction))
      return 0;

   /* Must not be already done or running if unique. */
   if (mis_isFlag(misn,MISSION_UNIQUE) &&
         (player_missionAlreadyDone(mission) ||
      return 0;

   /* Must meet Lua condition. */
   if (misn->avail.cond != NULL) {
      c = cond_check(misn->avail.cond);
      if (c < 0) {
         WARN("Conditional for mission '%s' failed to run", misn->name);
         return 0;
      else if (!c)
         return 0;

   /* Must meet previous mission requirements. */
   if ((misn->avail.done != NULL) &&
         (player_missionAlreadyDone( mission_getID(misn->avail.done) ) == 0))
      return 0;

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Checks to see if player has done a mission.
 * @usage if player.misnDone( "The Space Family" ) then -- Player finished mission
 *    @luaparam name Name of the mission to check.
 *    @luareturn true if mission was finished, false if it wasn't.
 * @luafunc misnDone( name )
static int playerL_misnDone( lua_State *L )
   const char *str;
   int id;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   str = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);

   /* Get mission ID. */
   id = mission_getID( str );
   if (id == -1) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, "Mission '%s' not found in stack", str);
      return 0;

   return player_missionAlreadyDone( id );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Starts a mission.
 *  Mission must still call misn.accept() to actually get added to the player's
 * active missions.
 *    @param name Name of the mission to start.
 *    @param[out] id ID of the newly created mission.
 *    @return 0 on success, >0 on forced exit (misn.finish), <0 on error.
int mission_start( const char *name, unsigned int *id )
   Mission mission;
   MissionData *mdat;
   int ret;

   /* Try to get the mission. */
   mdat = mission_get( mission_getID(name) );
   if (mdat == NULL)
      return -1;

   /* Try to run the mission. */
   ret = mission_init( &mission, mdat, 1, 1, id );
   /* Add to mission giver if necessary. */
   if (landed && (ret==0) && (mdat->avail.loc==MIS_AVAIL_BAR))
      npc_patchMission( &mission );
      mission_cleanup( &mission ); /* Clean up in case not accepted. */

   return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Finishes the mission.
 *    @luaparam properly If true and the mission is unique it marks the mission
 *                     as completed.  If false it deletes the mission but
 *                     doesn't mark it as completed.  If the parameter isn't
 *                     passed it just ends the mission.
 * @luafunc finish( properly )
static int misn_finish( lua_State *L )
   int b;

   if (lua_isboolean(L,1)) b = lua_toboolean(L,1);
   else {
      lua_pushstring(L, "Mission Done");
      lua_error(L); /* THERE IS NO RETURN */
      return 0;

   misn_delete = 1;

   if (b && mis_isFlag(cur_mission->data,MISSION_UNIQUE))
      player_missionFinished( mission_getID( cur_mission->data->name ) );

   lua_pushstring(L, "Mission Done");
   lua_error(L); /* shouldn't return */

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Parses the actual individual mission nodes.
 *    @param parent Parent node to parse.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int missions_parseActive( xmlNodePtr parent )
   Mission *misn;
   MissionData *data;
   int m, i;
   char *buf;
   char *title;
   const char **items;
   int nitems;
   int id, sys, type;
   StarSystem *ssys;

   xmlNodePtr node, cur, nest;

   m = 0; /* start with mission 0 */
   node = parent->xmlChildrenNode;
   do {
      if (xml_isNode(node,"mission")) {
         misn = player_missions[m];

         /* process the attributes to create the mission */
         data = mission_get(mission_getID(buf));
         if (data == NULL) {
            WARN("Mission '%s' from savegame not found in game - ignoring.", buf);
         else {
            if (mission_init( misn, data, 0, 0, NULL )) {
               WARN("Mission '%s' from savegame failed to load properly - ignoring.", buf);
            misn->accepted = 1;

         /* this will orphan an identifier */
         misn->id = atol(buf);

         cur = node->xmlChildrenNode;
         do {


            /* Get the markers. */
            if (xml_isNode(cur,"markers")) {
               nest = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
               do {
                  if (xml_isNode(nest,"marker")) {
                     /* Get ID. */
                     id = (buf != NULL) ? atoi(buf) : -1;
                     if (buf != NULL)
                     /* Get type. */
                     type = (buf != NULL) ? atoi(buf) : -1;
                     if (buf != NULL)
                     /* Get system. */
                     ssys = system_get( xml_get( nest ));
                     if (ssys == NULL) {
                        WARN( "System Marker to '%s' does not exist", xml_get( nest ) );
                     sys = system_index( ssys );
                     mission_addMarker( misn, id, sys, type );
               } while (xml_nextNode(nest));

            /* Cargo. */
            if (xml_isNode(cur,"cargos")) {
               nest = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
               do {
                  if (xml_isNode(nest,"cargo"))
                     mission_linkCargo( misn, xml_getLong(nest) );
               } while (xml_nextNode(nest));

            /* OSD. */
            if (xml_isNode(cur,"osd")) {
               if (buf != NULL) {
                  nitems = atoi(buf);
               items = malloc( nitems * sizeof(char*) );
               i = 0;
               nest = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
               do {
                  if (xml_isNode(nest,"msg")) {
                     if (i > nitems) {
                        WARN("Inconsistency with 'nitems' in savefile.");
                     items[i] = xml_get(nest);
               } while (xml_nextNode(nest));

               /* Create the osd. */
               misn->osd = osd_create( title, nitems, items, data->avail.priority );

               /* Set active. */
               if (buf != NULL) {
                  osd_active( misn->osd, atoi(buf) );

            /* Claims. */
            if (xml_isNode(cur,"claims"))
               misn->claims = claim_xmlLoad( cur );

            if (xml_isNode(cur,"lua"))
               /* start the unpersist routine */
               nxml_unpersistLua( misn->L, cur );

         } while (xml_nextNode(cur));

         m++; /* next mission */
         if (m >= MISSION_MAX) break; /* full of missions, must be an error */
   } while (xml_nextNode(node));

   return 0;