bool VCDStillsStream::MuxPossible(clockticks currentSCR) { if( bufmodel.Size() < au_unsent ) { mjpeg_error_exit1( "Illegal VCD still: larger than maximum permitted by its buffering parameters!"); } if (RunOutComplete() || bufmodel.Space() < au_unsent) { return false; } if( LastSectorLastAU() ) { if( sibling != 0 ) { if( !stream_mismatch_warned && sibling->NextAUType() != NOFRAME ) { mjpeg_warn( "One VCD stills stream runs significantly longer than the other!"); mjpeg_warn( "Simultaneous stream ending recommended by standard not possible" ); return true; } return sibling->MuxCompleted() || sibling->LastSectorLastAU(); } else return true; } else return true; }
/* Parse (the first) old, unofficial X-tag chroma specification, and then remove that tag from the X-tag list. */ static int handle_old_chroma_xtag(y4m_stream_info_t *si) { y4m_xtag_list_t *xtags = y4m_si_xtags(si); const char *tag = NULL; int n, chroma; for (n = y4m_xtag_count(xtags) - 1; n >= 0; n--) { tag = y4m_xtag_get(xtags, n); if (!strncmp("XYSCSS=", tag, 7)) break; } if ((tag == NULL) || (n < 0)) return Y4M_UNKNOWN; mjpeg_warn("Deprecated X-tag for chroma found in a stream header..."); mjpeg_warn("...pester someone to upgrade the source's program!"); /* parse the tag */ tag += 7; if (!strcmp("411", tag)) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_411; else if (!strcmp(tag, "420")) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG; else if (!strcmp(tag, "420MPEG2")) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2; else if (!strcmp(tag, "420PALDV")) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV; else if (!strcmp(tag, "420JPEG")) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG; else if (!strcmp(tag, "444")) chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_444; else chroma = Y4M_UNKNOWN; /* Remove the 'X' tag so that no one has to worry about it any more. */ y4m_xtag_remove(xtags, n); /* Hmm... what if there are more XYSCSS tags? Broken is as broken does; thank goodness this is temporary code. */ return chroma; }
void copyfield(uint8_t *m[3],uint8_t *n[3],y4m_stream_info_t *sinfo, int which) { int r = 0; int h,w,cw,ch; h = y4m_si_get_plane_height(sinfo,0); w = y4m_si_get_plane_width(sinfo,0); cw = y4m_si_get_plane_width(sinfo,1); ch = y4m_si_get_plane_height(sinfo,1); if (which==Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST) { r=0; } else if (which==Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST) { r=1; } else { mjpeg_warn("copyfield() invalid interlace selected (%d)",which); } for (; r < h; r += 2) { memcpy(&m[0][r * w], &n[0][r * w], w); if (r<ch) { memcpy(&m[1][r*cw], &n[1][r*cw], cw); memcpy(&m[2][r*cw], &n[2][r*cw], cw); } } }
// this method isn't too effective int search_video_1 (int m, int s, int line, uint8_t *yuv_data[3],y4m_stream_info_t *sinfo) { int w,h; int x1,x2; int min,shift,tot; int linew, line1w; int ilace = y4m_si_get_interlace(sinfo); w = y4m_si_get_plane_width(sinfo,0); h = y4m_si_get_plane_height(sinfo,0); linew = line * w; if (ilace == Y4M_ILACE_NONE) line1w = (line+1) * w ; else line1w = (line+2) * w; line1w = (line+2) * w; mjpeg_debug("search_video %d",line); // 2 or 1 dependent on interlace or not. if (line+2 > h) { mjpeg_warn("line > height"); return 0; } shift = 0; for (x1=-m; x1<m; x1++) { tot = 0; for(x2=0; x2<s; x2++) { // don't know if I should apply a standard addition to pixels outside the box. if (x1+x2 >=0 && x1+x2 < w) tot += abs ( *(yuv_data[0]+x1+x2+linew) - *(yuv_data[0]+x2+line1w)); else tot += 128; } // ok it wasn't max afterall, it was min. if (x1==0) min = tot; if (tot < min) { min = tot; shift = x1; } } mjpeg_debug("exit search_video %d",line); return shift; }
void LPCMStream::FillAUbuffer(unsigned int frames_to_buffer ) { last_buffered_AU += frames_to_buffer; mjpeg_debug( "Scanning %d MPEG LPCM audio frames to frame %d", frames_to_buffer, last_buffered_AU ); while ( !bs.eos() && decoding_order < last_buffered_AU && !muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS) ) { int skip=access_unit.length; bs.SeekFwdBits( skip ); prev_offset = AU_start; AU_start = bs.bitcount(); if( AU_start - prev_offset != access_unit.length*8 ) { mjpeg_warn("Discarding incomplete final frame LPCM stream %d", stream_num); aunits.DropLast(); --decoding_order; break; } // Here we would check for header data but LPCM has no headers... if( bs.eos() ) break; access_unit.start = AU_start; access_unit.length = bytes_per_frame; access_unit.PTS = static_cast<clockticks>(decoding_order) * (CLOCKS_per_90Kth_sec * ticks_per_frame_90kHz); access_unit.DTS = access_unit.PTS; access_unit.dorder = decoding_order; decoding_order++; aunits.Append( access_unit ); num_frames++; num_syncword++; if (num_syncword >= old_frames+10 ) { mjpeg_debug ("Got %d frame headers.", num_syncword); old_frames=num_syncword; } mjpeg_debug( "Got frame %d\n", decoding_order ); } last_buffered_AU = decoding_order; eoscan = bs.eos() || muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS); }
static void input(int type, char *message) { switch (type) { case LAVPLAY_MSG_ERROR: mjpeg_error("%s", message); break; case LAVPLAY_MSG_WARNING: mjpeg_warn("%s", message); break; case LAVPLAY_MSG_INFO: mjpeg_info("%s", message); break; case LAVPLAY_MSG_DEBUG: mjpeg_debug("%s", message); break; } }
void init(LavParam *param, uint8_t *buffer[]) { param->luma_size = param->output_width * param->output_height; switch (param->chroma) { default: mjpeg_warn("unsupported chroma (%d), assume '420jpeg'", param->chroma); param->chroma = Y4M_UNKNOWN; /* will update in writeoutYUV4MPEGheader() */ /* and do same as case Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG... */ case Y4M_UNKNOWN: case Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG: case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: param->chroma_width = param->output_width / 2; param->chroma_height = param->output_height / 2; break; case Y4M_CHROMA_422: param->chroma_width = param->output_width / 2; param->chroma_height = param->output_height; break; case Y4M_CHROMA_411: param->chroma_width = param->output_width / 4; param->chroma_height = param->output_height; break; } param->chroma_size = param->chroma_height * param->chroma_width; buffer[0] = (uint8_t *)bufalloc(param->luma_size); buffer[1] = (uint8_t *)bufalloc(param->chroma_size); buffer[2] = (uint8_t *)bufalloc(param->chroma_size); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDV dv_frame[0] = (uint8_t *)bufalloc(3 * param->output_width * param->output_height); dv_frame[1] = buffer[1]; dv_frame[2] = buffer[2]; #endif }
int y4m_parse_stream_tags(char *s, y4m_stream_info_t *i) { char *token, *value; char tag; int err; /* parse fields */ for (token = strtok(s, Y4M_DELIM); token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, Y4M_DELIM)) { if (token[0] == '\0') continue; /* skip empty strings */ tag = token[0]; value = token + 1; switch (tag) { case 'W': /* width */ i->width = atoi(value); if (i->width <= 0) return Y4M_ERR_RANGE; break; case 'H': /* height */ i->height = atoi(value); if (i->height <= 0) return Y4M_ERR_RANGE; break; case 'F': /* frame rate (fps) */ if ((err = y4m_parse_ratio(&(i->framerate), value)) != Y4M_OK) return err; if (i->framerate.n < 0) return Y4M_ERR_RANGE; break; case 'I': /* interlacing */ switch (value[0]) { case 'p': i->interlace = Y4M_ILACE_NONE; break; case 't': i->interlace = Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST; break; case 'b': i->interlace = Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST; break; case 'm': i->interlace = Y4M_ILACE_MIXED; break; case '?': default: i->interlace = Y4M_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 'A': /* sample (pixel) aspect ratio */ if ((err = y4m_parse_ratio(&(i->sampleaspect), value)) != Y4M_OK) return err; if (i->sampleaspect.n < 0) return Y4M_ERR_RANGE; break; case 'C': i->chroma = y4m_chroma_parse_keyword(value); if (i->chroma == Y4M_UNKNOWN) return Y4M_ERR_HEADER; break; case 'X': /* 'X' meta-tag */ if ((err = y4m_xtag_add(&(i->x_tags), token)) != Y4M_OK) return err; break; default: /* possible error on unknown options */ if (_y4mparam_allow_unknown_tags) { /* unknown tags ok: store in xtag list and warn... */ if ((err = y4m_xtag_add(&(i->x_tags), token)) != Y4M_OK) return err; mjpeg_warn("Unknown stream tag encountered: '%s'", token); } else { /* unknown tags are *not* ok */ return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; } break; } } /* Without 'C' tag or any other chroma spec, default to 420jpeg */ if (i->chroma == Y4M_UNKNOWN) i->chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG; /* Error checking... */ /* - Width and Height are required. */ if ((i->width == Y4M_UNKNOWN) || (i->height == Y4M_UNKNOWN)) return Y4M_ERR_HEADER; /* - Non-420 chroma and mixed interlace require level >= 1 */ if (_y4mparam_feature_level < 1) { if ((i->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG) && (i->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2) && (i->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV)) return Y4M_ERR_FEATURE; if (i->interlace == Y4M_ILACE_MIXED) return Y4M_ERR_FEATURE; } /* ta da! done. */ return Y4M_OK; }
void MPAStream::FillAUbuffer(unsigned int frames_to_buffer ) { unsigned int padding_bit; last_buffered_AU += frames_to_buffer; if( eoscan ) return; mjpeg_debug( "Scanning %d MPA frames to frame %d", frames_to_buffer, last_buffered_AU ); while( !bs.eos() && decoding_order < last_buffered_AU && !muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS) ) { int skip=access_unit.length-4; bs.SeekFwdBits( skip ); prev_offset = AU_start; AU_start = bs.bitcount(); if( AU_start - prev_offset != access_unit.length*8 ) { mjpeg_warn("Discarding incomplete final frame MPEG audio stream %02x!", stream_id ); aunits.DropLast(); --decoding_order; break; } /* Check we have reached the end of have another catenated stream to process before finishing ... */ if ( (syncword = bs.GetBits( 11))!=AUDIO_SYNCWORD ) { // // Handle a broken last frame... if( !bs.eos() ) { mjpeg_warn( "Data follows end of last recogniseable MPEG audio frame - bad stream?"); eoscan = true; return; } break; } // Skip version_id:2, layer:2, protection:1 (void) bs.GetBits( 5); int rate_code = bs.GetBits( 4); // Skip frequency (void) bs.GetBits( 2); padding_bit=bs.Get1Bit(); access_unit.start = AU_start; access_unit.length = SizeFrame( rate_code, padding_bit ); access_unit.PTS = static_cast<clockticks>(decoding_order) * static_cast<clockticks>(mpa_samples[layer]) * static_cast<clockticks>(CLOCKS) / samples_per_second; access_unit.DTS = access_unit.PTS; access_unit.dorder = decoding_order; decoding_order++; aunits.Append( access_unit ); num_frames[padding_bit]++; bs.GetBits( 9); num_syncword++; if (num_syncword >= old_frames+10 ) { mjpeg_debug ("Got %d frame headers.", num_syncword); old_frames=num_syncword; } } last_buffered_AU = decoding_order; eoscan = bs.eos() || muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS); }
void ysSource::parse_keyword(char *optarg) { if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "ACTIVE=", 7)) { if (_active_region.parse_geometry(optarg+7)) { mjpeg_error_exit1("Bad ACTIVE keyword: '%s'", optarg); } } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "MATTE=", 6)) { if (_matte_region.parse_geometry(optarg+6)) { mjpeg_error_exit1("Bad MATTE keyword: '%s'", optarg); } } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "BG=", 3)) { bgcolor(ysYCbCr::parse_string(optarg+3)); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "NORM=NTSC")) { norm(NORM_NTSC); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "NORM=PAL")) { norm(NORM_PAL); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "NORM=SECAM")) { norm(NORM_PAL); } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "CHROMASS=", 9)) { // if (_stream.subsampling().parse_mode(optarg+9)) { if (_stream.subsampling().is_known()) { mjpeg_warn("Overriding source's chroma subsampling mode!"); // Was %s", // _stream.subsampling().mode_to_string()); } if (_stream.parse_subsampling(optarg+9)) { mjpeg_error_exit1("Bad chroma subsampling spec: '%s'", optarg); } } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "ILACE=", 6)) { if (!strcasecmp(optarg+6, "TOP_FIRST")) { interlace(Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+6, "BOTTOM_FIRST")) { interlace(Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+6, "NONE")) { interlace(Y4M_ILACE_NONE); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+6, "TOP_ONLY")) { fake_progressive(FAKE_TOP_ONLY); } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+6, "BOTTOM_ONLY")) { fake_progressive(FAKE_BOT_ONLY); } else { mjpeg_error_exit1("Bad interlace spec: '%s'", optarg); } } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "SAR=", 4)) { ysRatio sar; if (!strcasecmp(optarg+4, "NTSC")) { sar = y4m_sar_NTSC_CCIR601; } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+4, "PAL")) { sar = y4m_sar_PAL_CCIR601; } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+4, "NTSC_WIDE")) { sar = y4m_sar_NTSC_16_9; } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg+4, "PAL_WIDE")) { sar = y4m_sar_PAL_16_9; } else if (sar.parse_ratio(optarg+4)) { mjpeg_error_exit1("Bad ratio spec: '%s'", optarg); } _stream.sar(sar); } else mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Unrecognized input parameter: '%s'", optarg); }
void ysSource::check_parameters() { int cause_to_exit = 0; /* init interlacing */ if (_stream.interlace() == Y4M_UNKNOWN) { mjpeg_error("Source interlacing is unknown!"); cause_to_exit = 1; } /* init/constrain SAR */ if (!_stream.sar().is_known()) { mjpeg_error("Source sample aspect ratio unknown!"); cause_to_exit = 1; } /* init/constrain chroma subsampling */ if (!_stream.subsampling().is_known()) { mjpeg_error("Source chroma subsampling is unknown!"); cause_to_exit = 1; } /* init/clip matte region */ /* default is entire source frame --- so convolution can extend beyond the active region */ if (!_matte_region.is_known()) { if (_matte_region.offset().is_known()) { mjpeg_info("Source matte region defaulting to source frame size."); _matte_region.dim(_stream.dim()); } else { mjpeg_info("Source matte region defaulting to full source frame."); _matte_region = ysRegion(_stream.dim()); _matte_region.origin_mode(ANC_TL); } } _matte_region.fixate(_stream.dim()); /* check alignment */ /* frame size and matte region must conform to alignment */ { int xal = _stream.x_alignment(); int yal = _stream.y_alignment(); if (_stream.x_size() % xal) { mjpeg_error("Source x size (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _stream.x_size(), xal); cause_to_exit = 1; } if (_stream.y_size() % yal) { mjpeg_error("Source y size (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _stream.y_size(), yal); cause_to_exit = 1; } if (_matte_region.dim().x() % xal) { mjpeg_error("Source matte region x size (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _matte_region.dim().x(), xal); cause_to_exit = 1; } if (_matte_region.offset().x() % xal) { mjpeg_error("Source matte region x offset (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _matte_region.offset().x(), xal); cause_to_exit = 1; } if (_matte_region.dim().y() % yal) { mjpeg_error("Source matte region y size (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _matte_region.dim().y(), yal); cause_to_exit = 1; } if (_matte_region.offset().y() % yal) { mjpeg_error("Source matte region y offset (%d) is not multiple of %d!", _matte_region.offset().y(), yal); cause_to_exit = 1; } } if (cause_to_exit) exit(1); /* init/clip active region */ if (!_active_region.is_known()) { if (_active_region.offset().is_known()) { mjpeg_info("Source active region defaulting to source frame size."); _active_region.dim(_stream.dim()); } else { mjpeg_info("Source active region defaulting to full source frame."); _active_region = ysRegion(_stream.dim()); _active_region.origin_mode(ANC_TL); } } _active_region.fixate(_stream.dim()); #if 0 /* do clipping later, after ratios are established */ if (_active_region.clip(ysRatioPoint(_stream.dim()))) { mjpeg_warn("Source active region clipped by frame size."); } #endif }
// ************************************************************************************* // MAIN // ************************************************************************************* int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int verbose = 4; // LOG_ERROR ; int fdIn = 0 ; int fdOut = 1 ; y4m_stream_info_t in_streaminfo,out_streaminfo; const static char *legal_flags = "d:m:V:"; int c, *matrix,matlen; float divisor=0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, legal_flags)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'V': verbose = atoi (optarg); if (verbose < 0 || verbose > 2) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Verbose level must be [0..2]"); break; case 'd': divisor = atof(optarg); if (divisor == 0) { mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Divisor must not be 0"); } break; case 'm': // strlen should be longer than the matrix = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * strlen(optarg)); matlen = parse_matrix(optarg,matrix); if (matlen == 0) { mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Invalid matrix"); } break; case '?': print_usage (argv); return 0 ; break; } } if (divisor == 0) { divisor = sum_matrix(matrix,matlen); } if (divisor == 0) { mjpeg_warn("divisor defaulting to 1\n"); divisor = 1; } // mjpeg tools global initialisations mjpeg_default_handler_verbosity (verbose); // Initialize input streams y4m_init_stream_info (&in_streaminfo); y4m_init_stream_info (&out_streaminfo); // *************************************************************** // Get video stream informations (size, framerate, interlacing, aspect ratio). // The streaminfo structure is filled in // *************************************************************** // INPUT comes from stdin, we check for a correct file header if (y4m_read_stream_header (fdIn, &in_streaminfo) != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1 ("Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!"); y4m_ratio_t src_frame_rate = y4m_si_get_framerate( &in_streaminfo ); y4m_copy_stream_info( &out_streaminfo, &in_streaminfo ); // Information output mjpeg_info ("yuvconvolve (version " YUVRFPS_VERSION ") performs a convolution matrix on yuv streams"); mjpeg_info ("yuvconvolve -? for help"); y4m_write_stream_header(fdOut,&out_streaminfo); /* in that function we do all the important work */ fprintf (stderr,"matrix square: %d\n",matlen); convolve( fdIn,&in_streaminfo,fdOut,&out_streaminfo,matrix,divisor,matlen); y4m_fini_stream_info (&in_streaminfo); y4m_fini_stream_info (&out_streaminfo); return 0; }
void writeoutYUV4MPEGheader(int out_fd, LavParam *param, EditList el, y4m_stream_info_t *streaminfo) { int n; y4m_si_set_width(streaminfo, param->output_width); y4m_si_set_height(streaminfo, param->output_height); y4m_si_set_interlace(streaminfo, param->interlace); y4m_si_set_framerate(streaminfo, mpeg_conform_framerate(el.video_fps)); if (!Y4M_RATIO_EQL(param->sar, y4m_sar_UNKNOWN)) { y4m_si_set_sampleaspect(streaminfo, param->sar); } else if ((el.video_sar_width != 0) || (el.video_sar_height != 0)) { y4m_ratio_t sar; sar.n = el.video_sar_width; sar.d = el.video_sar_height; y4m_si_set_sampleaspect(streaminfo, sar); } else { /* no idea!, just guess. */ mjpeg_warn("unspecified sample-aspect-ratio --- taking a guess..."); y4m_si_set_sampleaspect(streaminfo, y4m_guess_sar(param->output_width, param->output_height, param->dar)); } switch (el_video_frame_data_format(0, &el)) { /* FIXME: checking only 0-th frame. */ case DATAFORMAT_YUV420: switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_UNKNOWN: case Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG: break; case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: mjpeg_warn("4:2:0 chroma should be '420jpeg' with this input"); break; default: mjpeg_error_exit1("must specify 4:2:0 chroma (should be '420jpeg') with this input"); break; } break; case DATAFORMAT_YUV422: switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_CHROMA_422: break; default: mjpeg_error_exit1("must specify chroma '422' with this input"); break; } break; case DATAFORMAT_DV2: #ifndef HAVE_LIBDV mjpeg_error_exit1("DV input was not configured at compile time"); #else el_get_video_frame(jpeg_data, 0, &el); /* FIXME: checking only 0-th frame. */ dv_parse_header(decoder, jpeg_data); switch(decoder->sampling) { case e_dv_sample_420: switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_UNKNOWN: mjpeg_info("set chroma '420paldv' from input"); param->chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV; break; case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: break; case Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG: case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: mjpeg_warn("4:2:0 chroma should be '420paldv' with this input"); break; case Y4M_CHROMA_422: if(libdv_pal_yv12 == 1 ) mjpeg_error_exit1("must specify 4:2:0 chroma (should be '420paldv') with this input"); break; default: mjpeg_error_exit1("must specify 4:2:0 chroma (should be '420paldv') with this input"); break; } break; case e_dv_sample_411: if (param->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_411) mjpeg_info("chroma '411' recommended with this input"); switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: mjpeg_warn("4:2:0 chroma should be '420jpeg' with this input"); break; } break; case e_dv_sample_422: if (param->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_422) mjpeg_info("chroma '422' recommended with this input"); switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: mjpeg_warn("4:2:0 chroma should be '420jpeg' with this input"); break; } break; default: break; } #endif break; case DATAFORMAT_MJPG: if (param->chroma != Y4M_CHROMA_422 && el.chroma == Y4M_CHROMA_422) mjpeg_info("chroma '422' recommended with this input"); switch (param->chroma) { case Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2: case Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV: mjpeg_warn("4:2:0 chroma should be '420jpeg' with this input"); break; } break; } if (param->chroma == Y4M_UNKNOWN) { mjpeg_info("set default chroma '420jpeg'"); param->chroma = Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG; } y4m_si_set_chroma(streaminfo, param->chroma); n = y4m_write_stream_header(out_fd, streaminfo); if (n != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error("Failed to write stream header: %s", y4m_strerr(n)); }
/* * readframe - read jpeg or dv frame into yuv buffer * * returns: * 0 success * 1 fatal error * 2 corrupt data encountered; * decoding can continue, but this frame may be damaged */ int readframe(int numframe, uint8_t *frame[], LavParam *param, EditList el) { int len, i, res, data_format; uint8_t *frame_tmp; int warn; warn = 0; if (MAX_JPEG_LEN < el.max_frame_size) { mjpeg_error_exit1( "Max size of JPEG frame = %ld: too big", el.max_frame_size); } len = el_get_video_frame(jpeg_data, numframe, &el); data_format = el_video_frame_data_format(numframe, &el); switch(data_format) { case DATAFORMAT_DV2 : #ifndef HAVE_LIBDV mjpeg_error("DV input was not configured at compile time"); res = 1; #else mjpeg_debug("DV frame %d len %d",numframe,len); res = 0; dv_parse_header(decoder, jpeg_data); switch(decoder->sampling) { case e_dv_sample_420: /* libdv decodes PAL DV directly as planar YUV 420 * (YV12 or 4CC 0x32315659) if configured with the flag * --with-pal-yuv=YV12 which is not (!) the default */ if (libdv_pal_yv12 == 1) { pitches[0] = decoder->width; pitches[1] = decoder->width / 2; pitches[2] = decoder->width / 2; if (pitches[0] != param->output_width || pitches[1] != param->chroma_width) { mjpeg_error("for DV 4:2:0 only full width output is supported"); res = 1; } else { dv_decode_full_frame(decoder, jpeg_data, e_dv_color_yuv, frame, (int *)pitches); /* swap the U and V components */ frame_tmp = frame[2]; frame[2] = frame[1]; frame[1] = frame_tmp; } break; } case e_dv_sample_411: case e_dv_sample_422: /* libdv decodes NTSC DV (native 411) and by default also PAL * DV (native 420) as packed YUV 422 (YUY2 or 4CC 0x32595559) * where the U and V information is repeated. This can be * transformed to planar 420 (YV12 or 4CC 0x32315659). * For NTSC DV this transformation is lossy. */ pitches[0] = decoder->width * 2; pitches[1] = 0; pitches[2] = 0; if (decoder->width != param->output_width) { mjpeg_error("for DV only full width output is supported"); res = 1; } else { dv_decode_full_frame(decoder, jpeg_data, e_dv_color_yuv, dv_frame, (int *)pitches); frame_YUV422_to_planar(frame, dv_frame[0], decoder->width, decoder->height, param->chroma); } break; default: res = 1; break; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBDV */ break; case DATAFORMAT_YUV420 : case DATAFORMAT_YUV422 : mjpeg_debug("raw YUV frame %d len %d",numframe,len); frame_tmp = jpeg_data; memcpy(frame[0], frame_tmp, param->luma_size); frame_tmp += param->luma_size; memcpy(frame[1], frame_tmp, param->chroma_size); frame_tmp += param->chroma_size; memcpy(frame[2], frame_tmp, param->chroma_size); res = 0; break; default: mjpeg_debug("MJPEG frame %d len %d",numframe,len); res = decode_jpeg_raw(jpeg_data, len, el.video_inter, param->chroma, param->output_width, param->output_height, frame[0], frame[1], frame[2]); } if (res < 0) { mjpeg_warn( "Fatal Error Decoding Frame %d", numframe); return 1; } else if (res == 1) { mjpeg_warn( "Decoding of Frame %d failed", numframe); warn = 1; res = 0; } if (param->mono) { for (i = 0; i < param->chroma_size; ++i) { frame[1][i] = 0x80; frame[2][i] = 0x80; } } if(warn) return 2; else return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; long long avg, total; int input_fd = 0; int output_fd = 1; int horz; int vert; int c; int frame_count; y4m_stream_info_t istream, ostream; y4m_frame_info_t iframe; y4m_accept_extensions(1); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "r:R:t:T:v:S:hI:w:fc:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'r': radius_luma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': radius_chroma = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': threshold_luma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': threshold_chroma = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': interlace = atoi (optarg); if (interlace != 0 && interlace != 1) { Usage (argv[0]); exit (1); } break; case 'S': param_skip = atoi (optarg); break; case 'f': param_fast = 1; break; case 'w': if (strcmp (optarg, "8") == 0) param_weight_type = 1; else if (strcmp (optarg, "2.667") == 0) param_weight_type = 2; else if (strcmp (optarg, "13.333") == 0) param_weight_type = 3; else if (strcmp (optarg, "24") == 0) param_weight_type = 4; else param_weight_type = 0; param_weight = atof (optarg); break; case 'c': cutoff = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = atoi (optarg); if (verbose < 0 || verbose >2) { Usage (argv[0]); exit (1); } break; case 'h': Usage (argv[0]); default: exit(0); } } if( param_weight < 0 ) { if( param_fast ) param_weight = 8.0; else param_weight = 1.0; } for( i=1; i<NUMAVG; i++ ) { avg_replace[i]=0; divisor[i]=((1<<DIVISORBITS)+(i>>1))/i; divoffset[i]=divisor[i]*(i>>1)+(divisor[i]>>1); } #ifdef HAVE_ASM_MMX if( cpu_accel() & ACCEL_X86_MMXEXT ) domean8=1; #endif mjpeg_info ("fast %d, weight type %d\n", param_fast, param_weight_type); if (radius_luma <= 0 || radius_chroma <= 0) mjpeg_error_exit1("radius values must be > 0!"); if (threshold_luma < 0 || threshold_chroma < 0) mjpeg_error_exit1("threshold values must be >= 0!"); (void)mjpeg_default_handler_verbosity(verbose); y4m_init_stream_info(&istream); y4m_init_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_init_frame_info(&iframe); i = y4m_read_stream_header(input_fd, &istream); if (i != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input stream error: %s", y4m_strerr(i)); if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&istream) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("Only 3 plane formats supported"); chroma_mode = y4m_si_get_chroma(&istream); SS_H = y4m_chroma_ss_x_ratio(chroma_mode).d; SS_V = y4m_chroma_ss_y_ratio(chroma_mode).d; mjpeg_debug("chroma subsampling: %dH %dV\n",SS_H,SS_V); if (interlace == -1) { i = y4m_si_get_interlace(&istream); switch (i) { case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: interlace = 0; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: interlace = 1; break; default: mjpeg_warn("Unknown interlacing '%d', assuming non-interlaced", i); interlace = 0; break; } } if( interlace && y4m_si_get_height(&istream) % 2 != 0 ) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input images have odd number of lines - can't treats as interlaced!" ); horz = y4m_si_get_width(&istream); vert = y4m_si_get_height(&istream); mjpeg_debug("width=%d height=%d luma_r=%d chroma_r=%d luma_t=%d chroma_t=%d", horz, vert, radius_luma, radius_chroma, threshold_luma, threshold_chroma); y4m_copy_stream_info(&ostream, &istream); input_frame[0] = malloc(horz * vert); input_frame[1] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); input_frame[2] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); output_frame[0] = malloc(horz * vert); output_frame[1] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); output_frame[2] = malloc((horz / SS_H) * (vert / SS_V)); y4m_write_stream_header(output_fd, &ostream); frame_count = 0; while (y4m_read_frame(input_fd, &istream, &iframe, input_frame) == Y4M_OK) { frame_count++; if (frame_count > param_skip) { filter(horz, vert, input_frame, output_frame); y4m_write_frame(output_fd, &ostream, &iframe, output_frame); } else y4m_write_frame(output_fd, &ostream, &iframe, input_frame); } for (total=0, avg=0, i=0; i < NUMAVG; i++) { total += avg_replace[i]; avg += avg_replace[i] * i; } mjpeg_info("frames=%d avg=%3.1f", frame_count, ((double)avg)/((double)total)); for (i=0; i < NUMAVG; i++) { mjpeg_debug( "%02d: %6.2f", i, (((double)avg_replace[i]) * 100.0)/(double)(total)); } y4m_fini_stream_info(&istream); y4m_fini_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_fini_frame_info(&iframe); exit(0); }
static int y4m_parse_frame_tags(char *s, const y4m_stream_info_t *si, y4m_frame_info_t *fi) { char *token, *value; char tag; int err; /* parse fields */ for (token = strtok(s, Y4M_DELIM); token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, Y4M_DELIM)) { if (token[0] == '\0') continue; /* skip empty strings */ tag = token[0]; value = token + 1; switch (tag) { case 'I': /* frame 'I' tag requires feature level >= 1 */ if (_y4mparam_feature_level < 1) return Y4M_ERR_FEATURE; if (si->interlace != Y4M_ILACE_MIXED) return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; switch (value[0]) { case 't': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_TOP_FIRST; break; case 'T': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_TOP_FIRST_RPT; break; case 'b': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_BOTTOM_FIRST; break; case 'B': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_BOTTOM_FIRST_RPT; break; case '1': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_PROG_SINGLE; break; case '2': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_PROG_DOUBLE; break; case '3': fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_PROG_TRIPLE; break; default: return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; } switch (value[1]) { case 'p': fi->temporal = Y4M_SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE; break; case 'i': fi->temporal = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; break; default: return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; } switch (value[2]) { case 'p': fi->spatial = Y4M_SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE; break; case 'i': fi->spatial = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; break; case '?': fi->spatial = Y4M_UNKNOWN; break; default: return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; } break; case 'X': /* 'X' meta-tag */ if ((err = y4m_xtag_add(&(fi->x_tags), token)) != Y4M_OK) return err; break; default: /* possible error on unknown options */ if (_y4mparam_allow_unknown_tags) { /* unknown tags ok: store in xtag list and warn... */ if ((err = y4m_xtag_add(&(fi->x_tags), token)) != Y4M_OK) return err; mjpeg_warn("Unknown frame tag encountered: '%s'", token); } else { /* unknown tags are *not* ok */ return Y4M_ERR_BADTAG; } break; } } /* error-checking and/or non-mixed defaults */ switch (si->interlace) { case Y4M_ILACE_MIXED: /* T and P are required if stream "Im" */ if ((fi->presentation == Y4M_UNKNOWN) || (fi->temporal == Y4M_UNKNOWN)) return Y4M_ERR_HEADER; /* and S is required if stream is also 4:2:0 */ if ( ((si->chroma == Y4M_CHROMA_420JPEG) || (si->chroma == Y4M_CHROMA_420MPEG2) || (si->chroma == Y4M_CHROMA_420PALDV)) && (fi->spatial == Y4M_UNKNOWN) ) return Y4M_ERR_HEADER; break; case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: /* stream "Ip" --> equivalent to frame "I1pp" */ fi->spatial = Y4M_SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE; fi->temporal = Y4M_SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE; fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_PROG_SINGLE; break; case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: /* stream "It" --> equivalent to frame "Itii" */ fi->spatial = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; fi->temporal = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_TOP_FIRST; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: /* stream "Ib" --> equivalent to frame "Ibii" */ fi->spatial = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; fi->temporal = Y4M_SAMPLING_INTERLACED; fi->presentation = Y4M_PRESENT_BOTTOM_FIRST; break; default: /* stream unknown: then, whatever */ break; } /* ta da! done. */ return Y4M_OK; }
/// Prefills the internal buffer for output multiplexing. /// @param frames_to_buffer the number of audio frames to read ahead void DTSStream::FillAUbuffer(unsigned int frames_to_buffer ) { unsigned int packet_samples; last_buffered_AU += frames_to_buffer; mjpeg_debug( "Scanning %d dts audio frames to frame %d", frames_to_buffer, last_buffered_AU ); while( !bs.eos() && decoding_order < last_buffered_AU && !muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS) ) { int skip = access_unit.length - header_skip; bs.SeekFwdBits(skip); prev_offset = AU_start; AU_start = bs.bitcount(); if( AU_start - prev_offset != access_unit.length*8 ) { mjpeg_warn( "Discarding incomplete final frame dts stream %d!", stream_num); aunits.DropLast(); decoding_order--; break; } /* Check if we have reached the end or have another catenated stream to process before finishing ... */ if ( (syncword = bs.GetBits(32))!=DTS_SYNCWORD ) { if( !bs.eos() ) { mjpeg_error_exit1( "Can't find next dts frame: @ %lld we have %04x - broken bit-stream?", AU_start/8, syncword ); } break; } bs.GetBits(6); // additional sync bs.GetBits(1); // CRC packet_samples = (bs.GetBits(7) + 1) * 32; // pcm samples framesize = bs.GetBits(14) + 1; // frame size bs.GetBits(6); // audio channels bs.GetBits(4); // sample rate code bs.GetBits(5); // bitrate bs.GetBits(5); // misc. access_unit.start = AU_start; access_unit.length = framesize; access_unit.PTS = static_cast<clockticks>(decoding_order) * static_cast<clockticks>(packet_samples) * static_cast<clockticks>(CLOCKS) / samples_per_second; access_unit.DTS = access_unit.PTS; access_unit.dorder = decoding_order; decoding_order++; aunits.Append( access_unit ); num_frames++; num_syncword++; if (num_syncword >= old_frames+10 ) { mjpeg_debug ("Got %d frame headers.", num_syncword); old_frames=num_syncword; } } last_buffered_AU = decoding_order; eoscan = bs.eos() || muxinto.AfterMaxPTS(access_unit.PTS); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, c, interlace, frames, err; int ywidth, yheight, uvwidth, uvheight, ylen, uvlen; int verbose = 0, fdin; int NlumaX = 4, NlumaY = 4, NchromaX = 4, NchromaY = 4; float BWlumaX = 0.8, BWlumaY = 0.8, BWchromaX = 0.7, BWchromaY = 0.7; struct filter *lumaXtaps, *lumaYtaps, *chromaXtaps, *chromaYtaps; u_char *yuvinout[3]; float *yuvtmp1,*yuvtmp2; y4m_stream_info_t istream, ostream; y4m_frame_info_t iframe; fdin = fileno(stdin); y4m_accept_extensions(1); /* read command line */ opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvL:C:x:X:y:Y:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'L': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f,%d,%f",&NlumaX,&BWlumaX,&NlumaY,&BWlumaY); break; case 'C': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f,%d,%f",&NchromaX,&BWchromaX,&NchromaY,&BWchromaY); break; case 'x': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NchromaX,&BWchromaX); break; case 'X': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NlumaX,&BWlumaX); break; case 'y': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NchromaY,&BWchromaY); break; case 'Y': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%f",&NlumaY,&BWlumaY); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(); } } if (BWlumaX <= 0.0 || BWlumaX > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Horizontal luma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWlumaX); if (BWlumaY <= 0.0 || BWlumaY > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Vertical luma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWlumaY); if (BWchromaX <= 0.0 || BWchromaX > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Horizontal chroma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWchromaX); if (BWchromaY <= 0.0 || BWchromaY > 1.0) mjpeg_error_exit1("Vertical chroma bandwidth '%f' not >0 and <=1.0", BWchromaY); /* initialize input stream and check chroma subsampling and interlacing */ y4m_init_stream_info(&istream); y4m_init_frame_info(&iframe); err = y4m_read_stream_header(fdin, &istream); if (err != Y4M_OK) mjpeg_error_exit1("Input stream error: %s\n", y4m_strerr(err)); if (y4m_si_get_plane_count(&istream) != 3) mjpeg_error_exit1("Only the 3 plane formats supported"); i = y4m_si_get_interlace(&istream); switch (i) { case Y4M_ILACE_NONE: interlace = 0; break; case Y4M_ILACE_BOTTOM_FIRST: case Y4M_ILACE_TOP_FIRST: interlace = 1; break; default: mjpeg_warn("Unknown interlacing '%d', assuming non-interlaced", i); interlace = 0; break; } ywidth = y4m_si_get_width(&istream); /* plane 0 = Y */ yheight = y4m_si_get_height(&istream); ylen = ywidth * yheight; uvwidth = y4m_si_get_plane_width(&istream, 1); /* planes 1&2 = U+V */ uvheight = y4m_si_get_plane_height(&istream, 1); uvlen = y4m_si_get_plane_length(&istream, 1); /* initialize output stream */ y4m_init_stream_info(&ostream); y4m_copy_stream_info(&ostream, &istream); y4m_write_stream_header(fileno(stdout), &ostream); /* allocate input and output buffers */ yuvinout[0] = my_malloc(ylen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvinout[1] = my_malloc(uvlen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvinout[2] = my_malloc(uvlen*sizeof(u_char)); yuvtmp1 = my_malloc(MAX(ylen,uvlen)*sizeof(float)); yuvtmp2 = my_malloc(MAX(ylen,uvlen)*sizeof(float)); /* get filter taps */ lumaXtaps = get_coeff(NlumaX, BWlumaX); lumaYtaps = get_coeff(NlumaY, BWlumaY); chromaXtaps = get_coeff(NchromaX, BWchromaX); chromaYtaps = get_coeff(NchromaY, BWchromaY); set_accel(uvwidth,uvheight); if (verbose) y4m_log_stream_info(mjpeg_loglev_t("info"), "", &istream); /* main processing loop */ for (frames=0; y4m_read_frame(fdin,&istream,&iframe,yuvinout) == Y4M_OK; frames++) { if (verbose && ((frames % 100) == 0)) mjpeg_info("Frame %d\n", frames); convolveFrame(yuvinout[0],ywidth,yheight,interlace,lumaXtaps,lumaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); convolveFrame(yuvinout[1],uvwidth,uvheight,interlace,chromaXtaps,chromaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); convolveFrame(yuvinout[2],uvwidth,uvheight,interlace,chromaXtaps,chromaYtaps,yuvtmp1,yuvtmp2); y4m_write_frame(fileno(stdout), &ostream, &iframe, yuvinout); } /* clean up */ y4m_fini_frame_info(&iframe); y4m_fini_stream_info(&istream); y4m_fini_stream_info(&ostream); exit(0); }
static void sigint_handler (int signal) { mjpeg_warn("Caught SIGINT, exiting..."); got_sigint = 1; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int verbose = 1; int in_fd = 0; /* stdin */ int out_fd = 1; /* stdout */ unsigned char *yuv0[3]; /* input 0 */ unsigned char *yuv1[3]; /* input 1 */ unsigned char *yuv[3]; /* output */ int w, h, len, lensr2; int i, j, opacity, opacity_range, frame, numframes, r = 0; unsigned int param_opacity0 = 0; /* opacity of input1 at the beginning */ unsigned int param_opacity1 = 255; /* opacity of input1 at the end */ unsigned int param_duration = 0; /* duration of transistion effect */ unsigned int param_skipframes = 0; /* # of frames to skip */ unsigned int param_numframes = 0; /* # of frames to (process - skip+num) * framerepeat <= duration */ unsigned int param_framerep = 1; /* # of repititions per frame */ y4m_stream_info_t streaminfo; y4m_frame_info_t frameinfo; y4m_init_stream_info (&streaminfo); y4m_init_frame_info (&frameinfo); while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "v:o:O:d:s:n:r:")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'v': verbose = atoi (optarg); if( verbose < 0 || verbose >2 ) { usage (); exit (1); } break; case 'o': param_opacity0 = atoi (optarg); if (param_opacity0 > 255) { mjpeg_warn( "start opacity > 255"); param_opacity0 = 255; } break; case 'O': param_opacity1 = atoi (optarg); if (param_opacity1 > 255) { mjpeg_warn( "end opacity > 255"); param_opacity1 = 255; } break; case 'd': param_duration = atoi (optarg); if (param_duration == 0) { mjpeg_error_exit1( "error: duration = 0 frames"); } break; case 's': param_skipframes = atoi (optarg); break; case 'n': param_numframes = atoi (optarg); break; case 'r': param_framerep = atoi (optarg); break; } } if (param_numframes == 0) param_numframes = (param_duration - param_skipframes) / param_framerep; if (param_duration == 0) { usage (); exit (1); } numframes = (param_skipframes + param_numframes) * param_framerep; if (numframes > param_duration) { mjpeg_error_exit1( "skip + num > duration"); } (void)mjpeg_default_handler_verbosity(verbose); i = y4m_read_stream_header (in_fd, &streaminfo); if (i != Y4M_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: input stream error - %s\n", argv[0], y4m_strerr(i)); exit (1); } w = y4m_si_get_width(&streaminfo); h = y4m_si_get_height(&streaminfo); len = w*h; lensr2 = len >> 2; yuv[0] = malloc (len); yuv0[0] = malloc (len); yuv1[0] = malloc (len); yuv[1] = malloc (lensr2); yuv0[1] = malloc (lensr2); yuv1[1] = malloc (lensr2); yuv[2] = malloc (lensr2); yuv0[2] = malloc (lensr2); yuv1[2] = malloc (lensr2); y4m_write_stream_header (out_fd, &streaminfo); frame = param_skipframes; param_duration--; opacity_range = param_opacity1 - param_opacity0; while (1) { if (!r) { r = param_framerep; i = y4m_read_frame(in_fd, &streaminfo, &frameinfo, yuv0); if (i != Y4M_OK) exit (frame < numframes); j = y4m_read_frame(in_fd, &streaminfo, &frameinfo, yuv1); if (j != Y4M_OK) exit (frame < numframes); } r--; opacity = param_opacity0 + ((frame * opacity_range) / param_duration); blend (yuv0, yuv1, opacity, len, yuv); y4m_write_frame (out_fd, &streaminfo, &frameinfo, yuv); if (++frame == numframes) exit (0); } }