Ejemplo n.º 1
int resize_array(const MKL_INT length, T*& x)
	x = (T*)mkl_realloc(x, length*sizeof(T));
	if (x == nullptr)
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
ocrGuid_t mainEdt(u32 paramc, u64 *paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
    u32 matrixSize = -1;
    u32 tileSize = -1;
    u32 numTiles = -1;
    u32 i, j, k, c;
    u32 outSelLevel = 2;
    double **matrix, ** temp;
    u64 argc;

    void *programArg = depv[0].ptr;
    argc = getArgc(programArg);

    char *nparamv[argc];

    char *fileNameIn, *fileNameOut = "ocr_mkl_cholesky.out";

    for (i=0; i< argc; i++)
        nparamv[i] = getArgv(programArg, i);

    if ( argc == 1) {
        PRINTF("OCR-MKL Cholesky\n");
        PRINTF("Solves an OCR version of a Tiled Cholesky Decomposition with all math kernels using Intel MKL only\n\n");
        PRINTF("\tocr_mkl_cholesky.exe {Arguments}\n\n");
        PRINTF("\t--ds -- Specify the Size of the Input Matrix\n");
        PRINTF("\t--ts -- Specify the Tile Size\n");
        PRINTF("\t--fi -- Specify the Input File Name of the Matrix\n");
//        PRINTF("\t--fo -- Specify an Output File Name (default: ocr_mkl_cholesky.out)\n");
        PRINTF("\t--ol -- Output Selection Level:\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t0: Print solution to stdout\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t1: Write solution to text file\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t2: Write solution to binary file (default)\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t3: Write solution to text file and print to stdout\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t4: Write solution to binary file and print to stdout\n");
        PRINTF("\t\t5: Write algorithm timing data to ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv and write solution to binary file\n");

        return NULL_GUID;
        // Reads in 4 arguments, input matrix file name, output matrix filename, datasize, and tilesize
        while (1)
            static struct option long_options[] =
                    {"ds", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
                    {"ts", required_argument, 0, 'b'},
                    {"fi", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
                    {"fo", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
                    {"ol", required_argument, 0, 'e'},
                    {0, 0, 0, 0}

            u32 option_index = 0;

            c = getopt_long(argc, nparamv, "a:b:c:d:e", long_options, &option_index);

            if (c == -1) // Detect the end of the options
            switch (c)
            case 'a':
                //PRINTF("Option a: matrixSize with value '%s'\n", optarg);
                matrixSize = (u32) atoi(optarg);
            case 'b':
                //PRINTF("Option b: tileSize with value '%s'\n", optarg);
                tileSize = (u32) atoi(optarg);
            case 'c':
                //PRINTF("Option c: fileNameIn with value '%s'\n", optarg);
                fileNameIn = optarg;
            case 'd':
                //PRINTF("Option d: fileNameOut with value '%s'\n", optarg);
                fileNameOut = (char*) mkl_realloc(fileNameOut, sizeof(optarg));
                strcpy(fileNameOut, optarg);
            case 'e':
                //PRINTF("Option e: outSelLevel with value '%s'\n", optarg);
                outSelLevel = (u32) atoi(optarg);
                PRINTF("ERROR: Invalid argument switch\n\n");
                PRINTF("OCR-MKL Cholesky\n");
                PRINTF("Solves an OCR version of a Tiled Cholesky Decomposition with all math kernels using Intel MKL only\n\n");
                PRINTF("\tocr_mkl_cholesky.exe {Arguments}\n\n");
                PRINTF("\t--ds -- Specify the Size of the Input Matrix\n");
                PRINTF("\t--ts -- Specify the Tile Size\n");
                PRINTF("\t--fi -- Specify the Input File Name of the Matrix\n");
//                PRINTF("\t--fo -- Specify an Output File Name (default: ocr_mkl_cholesky.out)\n");
                PRINTF("\t--ol -- Output Selection Level:\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t0: Print solution to stdout\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t1: Write solution to text file\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t2: Write solution to binary file (default)\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t3: Write solution to text file and print to stdout\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t4: Write solution to binary file and print to stdout\n");
                PRINTF("\t\t5: Write algorithm timing data to ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv and write solution to binary file\n");

                return NULL_GUID;

    if(matrixSize == -1 || tileSize == -1)
        PRINTF("Must specify matrix size and tile size\n");
        return NULL_GUID;
    else if(matrixSize % tileSize != 0)
        PRINTF("Incorrect tile size %d for the matrix of size %d \n", tileSize, matrixSize);
        return NULL_GUID;

    numTiles = matrixSize/tileSize;

    PRINTF("Matrixsize %d, tileSize %d\n", matrixSize, tileSize);

#ifndef TG_ARCH
    struct timeval a;
    if(outSelLevel == 5)
        FILE* outCSV = fopen("ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv", "r");
        if( !outCSV )

            outCSV = fopen("ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv", "w");

            if( !outCSV ) {
                PRINTF("Cannot find file: %s\n", "ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv");
                return NULL_GUID;

            fprintf(outCSV, "MatrixSize,TileSize,NumTile,PreAllocTime,PreAlgorithmTime,PostAlgorithmTime\n");
            outCSV = fopen("ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv", "a+");

        fprintf(outCSV, "%d,%d,%d,", matrixSize, tileSize, numTiles);
        gettimeofday(&a, 0);
        fprintf(outCSV, "%f,", (a.tv_sec*1000000+a.tv_usec)*1.0/1000000);

    FILE *in;
    in = fopen(fileNameIn, "r");
    if( !in ) {
        PRINTF("Cannot find file: %s\n", fileNameIn);
        return NULL_GUID;

    matrix = readMatrix(matrixSize, in);

    if(outSelLevel == 5)
        FILE* outCSV = fopen("ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv", "a");
        if( !outCSV ) {
            PRINTF("Cannot find file: %s\n", "ocr_mkl_cholesky_stats.csv");
            return NULL_GUID;
        gettimeofday(&a, 0);
        fprintf(outCSV, "%f,", (a.tv_sec*1000000+a.tv_usec)*1.0/1000000);

    ocrGuid_t*** lkji_event_guids = allocateCreateEvents(numTiles);

    ocrGuid_t templateSeq, templateTrisolve,
        templateUpdateNonDiag, templateUpdate, templateWrap;

    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateSeq, lapacke_dpotrf_task, 3, 1);
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateTrisolve, cblas_dtrsm_task, 4, 2);
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateUpdateNonDiag, cblas_dgemm_task, 5, 3);
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateUpdate, cblas_dsyrk_task, 5, 2);
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateWrap, wrap_up_task, 3, (numTiles+1)*numTiles/2);

//    PRINTF("Going to satisfy initial tiles\n");
#ifdef TG_ARCH
    satisfyInitialTiles(numTiles, tileSize, lkji_event_guids);
    satisfyInitialTiles(numTiles, tileSize, matrix, lkji_event_guids);

    for ( k = 0; k < numTiles; ++k ) {
//        PRINTF("Prescribing sequential task %d\n", k);
        lapacke_dpotrf_task_prescriber(templateSeq, k, tileSize, lkji_event_guids);

        for( j = k + 1 ; j < numTiles ; ++j ) {
            cblas_dtrsm_task_prescriber (templateTrisolve,
                                          k, j, tileSize, lkji_event_guids);

            for( i = k + 1 ; i < j ; ++i ) {
                cblas_dgemm_task_prescriber (templateUpdateNonDiag,
                                              k, j, i, tileSize, lkji_event_guids);
            cblas_dsyrk_task_prescriber (templateUpdate,
                                          k, j, i, tileSize, lkji_event_guids);

    wrap_up_task_prescriber (templateWrap, numTiles, tileSize,
                             outSelLevel, lkji_event_guids);

//    PRINTF("Wrapping up mainEdt\n");
    return NULL_GUID;