Ejemplo n.º 1
mlt_consumer consumer_multi_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg )
    mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_consumer_new( profile );

    if ( consumer )
        mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES(consumer);

        // Set defaults
        mlt_properties_set( properties, "resource", arg );
        mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "real_time", -1 );
        mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "terminate_on_pause", 1 );

        // Init state
        mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "joined", 1 );

        // Assign callbacks
        consumer->close = consumer_close;
        consumer->start = start;
        consumer->stop = stop;
        consumer->is_stopped = is_stopped;

    return consumer;
Ejemplo n.º 2
mlt_consumer consumer_null_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg )
	// Allocate the consumer
	mlt_consumer this = mlt_consumer_new( profile );

	// If memory allocated and initialises without error
	if ( this != NULL )
		// Assign close callback
		this->close = consumer_close;

		// Set up start/stop/terminated callbacks
		this->start = consumer_start;
		this->stop = consumer_stop;
		this->is_stopped = consumer_is_stopped;

	// Return this
	return this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
mlt_consumer consumer_blipflash_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg )
	// Allocate the consumer
	mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_consumer_new( profile );
	mlt_properties consumer_properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
	avsync_stats* stats = NULL;

	// If memory allocated and initializes without error
	if ( consumer != NULL )
		// Set up start/stop/terminated callbacks
		consumer->close = consumer_close;
		consumer->start = consumer_start;
		consumer->stop = consumer_stop;
		consumer->is_stopped = consumer_is_stopped;

		stats = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof( avsync_stats ) );
		stats->flash_history_count = 0;
		stats->blip_history_count = 0;
		stats->blip_in_progress = 0;
		stats->samples_since_blip = 0;
		stats->blip = 0;
		stats->flash = 0;
		stats->sample_offset = INT_MAX;
		stats->report_frames = 0;
		stats->out_file = stdout;
		if ( arg != NULL )
			FILE* out_file = fopen( arg, "w" );
			if ( out_file != NULL )
				stats->out_file = out_file;
		mlt_properties_set_data( consumer_properties, "_stats", stats, 0, NULL, NULL );

		mlt_properties_set( consumer_properties, "report", "blip" );

	// Return this
	return consumer;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int get_frame( mlt_producer self, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int index )
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES(self);
	context cx = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "context", NULL );

	if ( !cx )
		// Allocate and initialize our context
		cx = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof( struct context_s ) );
		memset( cx, 0, sizeof( *cx ) );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "context", cx, 0, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
		cx->self = self;
		char *profile_name = mlt_properties_get( properties, "profile" );
		if ( !profile_name )
			profile_name = mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_profile" );
		mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( self ) );

		if ( profile_name )
			cx->profile = mlt_profile_init( profile_name );
			cx->profile->is_explicit = 1;
			cx->profile = mlt_profile_clone( profile );
			cx->profile->is_explicit = 0;

		// Encapsulate a real producer for the resource
		cx->producer = mlt_factory_producer( cx->profile, NULL,
			mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" ) );
		if ( ( profile_name && !strcmp( profile_name, "auto" ) ) ||
			mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "autoprofile" ) )
			mlt_profile_from_producer( cx->profile, cx->producer );
			mlt_producer_close( cx->producer );
			cx->producer = mlt_factory_producer( cx->profile, NULL,	mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" ) );

		// Since we control the seeking, prevent it from seeking on its own
		mlt_producer_set_speed( cx->producer, 0 );
		cx->audio_position = -1;

		// We will encapsulate a consumer
		cx->consumer = mlt_consumer_new( cx->profile );
		// Do not use _pass_list on real_time so that it defaults to 0 in the absence of
		// an explicit real_time property.
		mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( cx->consumer ), "real_time",
			mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "real_time" ) );
		mlt_properties_pass_list( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( cx->consumer ), properties,
			"buffer, prefill, deinterlace_method, rescale" );
		// Connect it all together
		mlt_consumer_connect( cx->consumer, MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( cx->producer ) );
		mlt_consumer_start( cx->consumer );

	// Generate a frame
	*frame = mlt_frame_init( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( self ) );
	if ( *frame )
		// Seek the producer to the correct place
		// Calculate our positions
		double actual_position = (double) mlt_producer_frame( self );
		if ( mlt_producer_get_speed( self ) != 0 )
			actual_position *= mlt_producer_get_speed( self );
		mlt_position need_first = floor( actual_position );
		mlt_producer_seek( cx->producer,
			lrint( need_first * mlt_profile_fps( cx->profile ) / mlt_producer_get_fps( self ) ) );

		// Get the nested frame
		mlt_frame nested_frame = mlt_consumer_rt_frame( cx->consumer );

		// Stack the producer and our methods on the nested frame
		mlt_frame_push_service( *frame, nested_frame );
		mlt_frame_push_service( *frame, cx );
		mlt_frame_push_get_image( *frame, get_image );
		mlt_frame_push_audio( *frame, nested_frame );
		mlt_frame_push_audio( *frame, cx );
		mlt_frame_push_audio( *frame, get_audio );
		// Give the returned frame temporal identity
		mlt_frame_set_position( *frame, mlt_producer_position( self ) );
		// Store the nested frame on the produced frame for destruction
		mlt_properties frame_props = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( *frame );
		mlt_properties_set_data( frame_props, "_producer_consumer.frame", nested_frame, 0, (mlt_destructor) mlt_frame_close, NULL );

		// Inform the normalizers about our video properties
		mlt_properties_set_double( frame_props, "aspect_ratio", mlt_profile_sar( cx->profile ) );
		mlt_properties_set_int( frame_props, "width", cx->profile->width );
		mlt_properties_set_int( frame_props, "height", cx->profile->height );
		mlt_properties_set_int( frame_props, "meta.media.width", cx->profile->width );
		mlt_properties_set_int( frame_props, "meta.media.height", cx->profile->height );
		mlt_properties_set_int( frame_props, "progressive", cx->profile->progressive );

	// Calculate the next timecode
	mlt_producer_prepare_next( self );

	return 0;