Ejemplo n.º 1
sufSubstring (void *space, Suffixarray *arr, Uint *pattern,
              Uint len, Uint sublen)
    Uint i;
    PairSint *res, d;

    if (len <= sublen)
        return NULL;

    res = ALLOCMEMORY(space, NULL, PairSint, len-sublen);
    for(i=0; i < len-sublen; i++)
        d=mmsearch(arr, &pattern[i], sublen, 0, 0, arr->numofsuffixes-1);

    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  char* content;
  Uint contentlen, i, j, k, l, id, lines=0;
  stringset_t *set, *set2, **csv, *que;
  CharSequence **s;
  Suffixarray *sarray;
  MultiCharSeq *mseq;
  PairSint d, *matches  = NULL;
  Uint totallength = 0;
  Uint wsize=10;
  Uint counter=0;
  Uint all=0;
  int *space = NULL;
  char *pattern=  "GGAAGAAAGCGTGGGGTTTG";
  char *pattern2= "TGATTAGTGATTAGTGATTA";
  char *pattern3= "ACAAACATAT";
  char *start;
  time_t startsuf, endsuf; 
  double difsuf;
  Uint noofchildren;
  List *list;
  PairUint **childinterval;
  gnuplot_ctrl *h;
  double *genome;
  //set = readfasta(&space, "HP26695.fasta");
  //csv = readcsv(&space, "HP12_GCTC.inserts", "", &lines); 
  /*s = ALLOCMEMORY(&space, NULL, CharSequence *, set->noofstrings);   

   for(i=0; i < set->noofstrings/2; i++) {
    totallength += set->strings[i].len; 

    s[i] = ALLOCMEMORY(&space, NULL, CharSequence, 1);
    s[i]->sequence = set->strings[i].str;
    s[i]->length = set->strings[i].len;
    /  printf("%s,", set->strings[i].str);
        printf("\n"); / 

  s = ALLOCMEMORY(&space, NULL, CharSequence *, 1);
  s[0] = ALLOCMEMORY(&space, NULL, CharSequence, 1);
  s[0]->sequence = pattern3;
  s[0]->length = strlen(pattern3);

  genome = ALLOCMEMORY(&space, NULL, double, totallength);
  memset(genome, 0, sizeof(double)*totallength);

  time (&startsuf);
  sarray = constructSufArr(&space, s, 1/*set->noofstrings/2*/, NULL); 
  constructLcp(space, sarray);
  constructchildtab(space, sarray);
  time (&endsuf);
  difsuf = difftime (endsuf, startsuf);

  printf("noofsuffixes: %d\n", sarray->numofsuffixes);

  list = getChildintervals(space, sarray, 0, 5);
  childinterval = (PairUint**) dataList(space, list);
  for(i=0; i < list->length; i++) {
    printf("[%d,%d]\n", childinterval[i]->a, childinterval[i]->b);
  constructsuflinks(space, sarray);

  for(k=1; k < lines; k+=2) {
//    printf("searching %s\n", csv[k]->strings[0].str);

    if(csv[k]->strings[0].len > 8) {  
    if(wsize > csv[k]->strings[0].len) {
      d=mmsearch(sarray, csv[k]->strings[0].str, csv[k]->strings[0].len, 0, 0, sarray->numofsuffixes-1);
  //    printf("suffixes were found at positions (%d, %d)\n",d.a, d.b);
        for  (j=d.a; j <= d.b; j++) {

    } else {
      for(l=0; l < csv[k]->strings[0].len-wsize; l++) { 
         d=mmsearch(sarray, &csv[k]->strings[0].str[l], wsize, 0, 0, sarray->numofsuffixes-1);
    //    printf("suffixes were found at positions (%d, %d)\n",d.a, d.b);
     for  (j=d.a; j <= d.b; j++) {

       /*   start = sarray->suffixptr[sarray->suftab[j]];
          printf("pattern was: %s\n", &csv[k]->strings[0].str[l]);
          printf("suffix found: ");
          for (i=0; i < wsize; i++) {
          printf("%c", start[i]);
          id = getMultiCharSeqIndex(sarray->seq, sarray->suffixptr[sarray->suftab[j]]);	
          printf("found in sequence: %d\n", id); */
    if (d.a < d.b) counter++;
  destructStringset(&space, set);
  writeY("out.xy", genome, totallength);

  /*h = gnuplot_init();
  gnuplot_setstyle(h, "points");
  gnuplot_cmd(h, "set title 'IMBISS - seed statistics' -28,0 font'Helvetica,15'");	
  gnuplot_cmd(h, "set label 'seed length: %d' at graph 0.05,0.95 font 'Helvetica, 12'", totallength);
  gnuplot_set_xlabel(h, "matches");
  gnuplot_set_ylabel(h, "position");	
  gnuplot_plot_x(h, genome, totallength, "position");

  printf ("sliding windows of %d sequences (of %d) found\n", counter, all);
  printf ("Building  the suffixarray has taken %f seconds.\n", difsuf);
  printf ("Total length of suffixarray was %d\n", totallength);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;