int mntn_upadte_history_info(const char *ptimestr, const char *preason)
    int iret = 0;
    char    fullpath_arr[MNTN_FULLPATH_STRING_LEN + 1] = {0};
    char    countent_arr[MNTN_FULLPATH_STRING_LEN + 1] = {0};

    int    bytes = 0;
    uint    ulen = 0;
    memset(fullpath_arr, 0, MNTN_FULLPATH_STRING_LEN);
    strncat(fullpath_arr, MNTN_AP_LOGDIR, strlen(MNTN_AP_LOGDIR));
    strncat(fullpath_arr, MNTN_HISTORY_LOG, strlen(MNTN_HISTORY_LOG));

    /*Write reset reason into history.log*/
    memset(countent_arr, 0, sizeof(countent_arr));
    strncat(countent_arr, ptimestr, strlen(ptimestr));
    strncat(countent_arr, " : ", strlen(" : "));
    strncat(countent_arr, preason, strlen(preason));

    ulen = strlen(countent_arr);
    bytes = mntn_filesys_write_log((const char *)fullpath_arr, (void*)countent_arr, ulen, 0);
    if (bytes != ulen) 
        MNTN_FILESYS_PRINT(KERN_ERR"mntn_err: Fail to write all the data into the file, %d/%d\n", bytes, ulen);
	 iret = -1;
    iret += mntn_filesys_chown((const char *)fullpath_arr, MNTN_LOG_FILE_OWNER_UID, MNTN_LOG_FILE_OWNER_GID);
    if (0 != iret)
        MNTN_FILESYS_PRINT(KERN_ERR"mntn_err: Fail to chown history.log!\n");

    return iret;
/* work for rdr lpm3 */
static int rdr_lpm3_thread_body(void *arg)
	char *lpmcu_ddr_base = NULL;
	while (1) {
		if (down_interruptible(&rdr_lpm3_sem)) {
			return -1;
		pr_err(" %s %d pfn_cb_dumpdone:%p\n", __func__, __LINE__, pfn_cb_dumpdone);
		if (pfn_cb_dumpdone != NULL) {
			strncat(g_lpmcu_ddr_memory_path, "/lpmcu_log/lpmcu_ddr_memory.bin", LPMCU_DDR_MEM_PART_PATH_LEN);
			if (lpmcu_ddr_base) {
				mntn_filesys_write_log(g_lpmcu_ddr_memory_path, lpmcu_ddr_base, HISI_RESERVED_LPMX_CORE_PHYMEM_SIZE, 0);
				lpmcu_ddr_base = NULL;
			pfn_cb_dumpdone(g_modid, current_core_id);
			pfn_cb_dumpdone = NULL;
			pr_err("modid:0x%x,coreid:0x%llx\n", g_modid, current_core_id);