Ejemplo n.º 1
ElementDocumentWrapper::ElementDocumentWrapper(PyObject* self, const char* tag) : ElementWrapper< ElementDocument >(self, tag)
	Rocket::Core::String module_id(32, "document_%x", this);

	// Create a new module
	module = PyModule_New(module_id.CString());
	module_namespace = PyModule_GetDict(module);

	// Merging main into the module
	PyObject* builtins = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
	PyObject* builtins_dict = PyModule_GetDict( builtins);
	PyDict_Merge(module_namespace, builtins_dict, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
FE_Utils::create_uses_multiple_stuff (AST_Component *c,
                                      AST_Uses *u,
                                      const char *prefix)
  ACE_CString struct_name (prefix);

  if (!struct_name.empty ())
      struct_name += '_';

  struct_name += u->local_name ()->get_string ();
  struct_name += "Connection";
  Identifier struct_id (struct_name.c_str ());
  UTL_ScopedName sn (&struct_id, 0);

  // In case this call comes from the backend. We
  // will pop the scope before returning.
  idl_global->scopes ().push (c);

  AST_Structure *connection =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_structure (&sn, 0, 0);

  struct_id.destroy ();

  /// If the field type is a param holder, we want
  /// to use the lookup to create a fresh one,
  /// since the field will own it and destroy it.
  UTL_ScopedName *fn = u->uses_type ()->name ();
  AST_Decl *d =
    idl_global->root ()->lookup_by_name (fn, true, false);
  AST_Type *ft = AST_Type::narrow_from_decl (d);

  Identifier object_id ("objref");
  UTL_ScopedName object_name (&object_id,
  AST_Field *object_field =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_field (ft,
  (void) DeclAsScope (connection)->fe_add_field (object_field);
  object_id.destroy ();

  Identifier local_id ("Cookie");
  UTL_ScopedName local_name (&local_id,
  Identifier module_id ("Components");
  UTL_ScopedName scoped_name (&module_id,

  d = c->lookup_by_name (&scoped_name, true);
  local_id.destroy ();
  module_id.destroy ();

  if (d == 0)
      // This would happen if we haven't included Components.idl.
      idl_global->err ()->lookup_error (&scoped_name);

  AST_ValueType *cookie = AST_ValueType::narrow_from_decl (d);

  Identifier cookie_id ("ck");
  UTL_ScopedName cookie_name (&cookie_id,
  AST_Field *cookie_field =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_field (cookie,
  (void) DeclAsScope (connection)->fe_add_field (cookie_field);
  cookie_id.destroy ();

  (void) c->fe_add_structure (connection);

  ACE_CDR::ULong bound = 0;
  AST_Expression *bound_expr =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_expr (bound,
  AST_Sequence *sequence =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_sequence (bound_expr,

  ACE_CString seq_string (struct_name);
  seq_string += 's';
  Identifier seq_id (seq_string.c_str ());
  UTL_ScopedName seq_name (&seq_id,
  AST_Typedef *connections =
    idl_global->gen ()->create_typedef (sequence,
  seq_id.destroy ();

  (void) c->fe_add_typedef (connections);

  // In case this call comes from the backend.
  idl_global->scopes ().pop ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ReadITT::loadData(const char *moleculepath)
    //char *moleculepath;
    FILE *molecule_fp = fopen(moleculepath, "r");

    if (molecule_fp == NULL)
        sendError("Cannot open file %s", moleculepath);
    std::cout << "Reading file " << moleculepath << "..." << std::endl;

    // read in the data
    // read the molecule structure first

    structure = new MoleculeStructure(molecule_fp);

    // now we will read in the simulation data
    // we will perform a first scan to determine the
    // number of timesteps and the maximum number of
    // molecules appearing in a timestep

    // getting number of molecule types
    int noOfTypes = structure->getNumberOfMolecules();

    // getting the count of atoms per molecule
    std::vector<int> atomsPerType(noOfTypes);
    for (int i = 0; i < noOfTypes; i++)
        std::vector<int> noOfAtoms;
        if (structure->getMolIDs(i + 1, &noOfAtoms))
            atomsPerType[i] = noOfAtoms.size();
    //printf("noOfTypes: %d, atomsPerType[i]: %d\n", noOfTypes, atomsPerType[0]);

    printf("getting number of timesteps and\nnumber of atoms per timestep\n\n");

    char buf[512];
    int maxAtomCount = 0;
    // vector holding the number of atoms in every timestep
    std::vector<int> anzAtoms;
    while (fgets(buf, LINE_SIZE, molecule_fp) != NULL && ((m_bLookAhead == 0) || (m_bLookAhead == 1 && anzAtoms.size() < m_iLookAhead)))
        // skip blank lines and comments
        if (*buf == '\0')
            // read the next line

        // store the data according to the parts...
        if (*buf == '!')
            int type;
            if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %d", &type) == 1)
                // counting number of atoms per timestep
                anzAtoms.back() += atomsPerType[type - 1];
        else if (*buf == '#')
            float tmpf;
            if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %f", &tmpf) == 1)
                // adding a now frame initialised with 0 atoms
                if (!anzAtoms.empty())
                    if (anzAtoms.back() > maxAtomCount)
                        maxAtomCount = anzAtoms.back();

    int noOfTimesteps = anzAtoms.size();
    fprintf(stderr, "number of timesteps:\t\t\t%d\n", noOfTimesteps);
    fprintf(stderr, "maximum number of atoms per timestep:\t%d\n\n", maxAtomCount);

    //reset file pointer to beginning
    fseek(molecule_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

    // getting prefix of output object names
    const char *obj_points = m_portPoints->getObjName();
    const char *obj_lines_name = m_portVolumeBox->getObjName();
    const char *obj_atomcolors = m_portColors->getObjName();
    const char *obj_radii = m_portRadii->getObjName();

    printf("reading timestep data...\n\n");
    float cubeSize = 0.0;
    float *fcoordx = NULL, *fcoordy = NULL, *fcoordz = NULL;
    float *fRadii = NULL;
    int *pc = NULL;

    coDoPoints **dataPoints = new coDoPoints *[noOfTimesteps];
    coDoLines **dataLines = new coDoLines *[noOfTimesteps];
    coDoRGBA **dataColors = new coDoRGBA *[noOfTimesteps];
    coDoFloat **dataRadii = new coDoFloat *[noOfTimesteps];

    int molCount = -1;
    int currentFrame = -1; //quite the same as numberOfTimesteps...
    int currAtom = -1;
    while (fgets(buf, LINE_SIZE, molecule_fp) != NULL && ((m_bLookAhead == 0 && currentFrame < noOfTimesteps) || (m_bLookAhead == 1 && currentFrame < m_iLookAhead)))
        int type;
        float x, y, z;
        float q0, q1, q2, q3;

        // skip blank lines and comments
        if (*buf == '\0')
        else if (*buf == '#')
            molCount = -1;
            currAtom = -1;
            if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %f", &cubeSize) != 1)
                cubeSize = 0.0;

            // generate timestep dependent name of actual object
            stringstream obj_points_current;
            obj_points_current << obj_points << "_" << currentFrame;
            stringstream obj_lines_current;
            obj_lines_current << obj_lines_name << "_" << currentFrame;
            stringstream obj_atomcolors_current;
            obj_atomcolors_current << obj_atomcolors << "_" << currentFrame;
            stringstream obj_radii_current;
            obj_radii_current << obj_radii << "_" << currentFrame;

            // generate objects for actual timestep
            dataPoints[currentFrame] = new coDoPoints(obj_points_current.str().c_str(), anzAtoms[currentFrame]);

            dataLines[currentFrame] = createBox(obj_lines_current.str().c_str(),
                                                0, 0, 0, cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize);

            dataColors[currentFrame] = new coDoRGBA(obj_atomcolors_current.str().c_str(), anzAtoms[currentFrame]);

            dataRadii[currentFrame] = new coDoFloat(obj_radii_current.str().c_str(), anzAtoms[currentFrame]);

            // get references to internal data structure
            dataPoints[currentFrame]->getAddresses(&fcoordx, &fcoordy, &fcoordz);

        else if (*buf == '!')
            int n = sscanf(buf, "%*s %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &type, &x, &y, &z, &q0, &q1, &q2, &q3);
            //printf("n: %d\n", n);
            if (n == 4)
                x = x / 10.;
                y = y / 10.;
                z = z / 10.;
                q0 = 0.0f;
                q1 = 0.0f;
                q2 = 0.0f;
                q3 = 1000.0f;
            else if (n == 7)
                q0 = q0 / 1000.;
                q1 = q1 / 1000.;
                q2 = q2 / 1000.;
                q3 = sqrt(1.0f - q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2);
            else if (n == 8)
                q0 = q0 / 1000.;
                q1 = q1 / 1000.;
                q2 = q2 / 1000.;
                q3 = q3 / 1000.;
                printf("badly formed line\n");
        //getting the rotation matrix of quaternion components
        coMatrix quatRot;
        quatRot.fromQuat(q1, q2, q3, q0);

        std::vector<int> liIDgroup;
        structure->getMolIDs(type, &liIDgroup);

        int typeSize = liIDgroup.size();
        //printf("typeSize: %d\n", typeSize);
        for (int j = 0; j < typeSize; ++j)
            //printf("noOfTimesteps: %d,\tmolCount: %d\n", noOfTimesteps, molCount);
            //getting the midpoint of a component of the molecule
            float molX, molY, molZ;
            structure->getXYZ(liIDgroup[j], &molX, &molY, &molZ);

            //Setting point of molecule
            coVector pointOfMolecule(molX, molY, molZ, 1.0f);

            //Transform point of molecule
            pointOfMolecule = pointOfMolecule * (quatRot);

            //Modified point
            float fpos[3];

            /*Translating and storing of the component of the molecule
           according to the midpoint of the whole molecule*/
            fcoordx[currAtom] = fpos[0] + (x / 1000. * cubeSize);
            fcoordy[currAtom] = fpos[1] + (y / 1000. * cubeSize);
            fcoordz[currAtom] = fpos[2] + (z / 1000. * cubeSize);

            //Getting radius of the molecule component
            float size;
            structure->getSigma(liIDgroup[j], &size);
            fRadii[currAtom] = size / 2.;

            //Setting the color of the molecule component
            if (structure->getVersion() == 0)
                int color;
                structure->getColor(liIDgroup[j], &color);
                //printf("color: %d,\tliIDgroup[j]: %d\n", color, liIDgroup[j]);
                static const uint32_t lut[16] = {
                    0xddddddff, // grau
                    0x202020ff, // schwarz
                    0xff0000ff, // rot
                    0xff7f00ff, // orange
                    0xffff00ff, // gelb
                    0xb2ff00ff, // zitron
                    0x00ff00ff, // gruen
                    0x00ff7fff, // tuerkis
                    0x00ffffff, // cyan
                    0x007fffff, // wasser
                    0x0000ffff, // blau
                    0x7f00ffff, // lila
                    0xff00ffff, // magenta
                    0xff007fff, // kirsch
                    0xddddddff, // blau
                    0x202020ff, // blau
                pc[currAtom] = lut[color & 0x0f];
                int fColorR, fColorG, fColorB, fColorA;
                structure->getColorRGBA(liIDgroup[j], &fColorR, &fColorG, &fColorB, &fColorA);
                dataColors[currentFrame]->setIntRGBA(currAtom, fColorR, fColorG, fColorB, fColorA);
    fprintf(stderr, "file operation complete!\n\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "packing and sending data to covise.\n\n");
    coDoSet *setPoints = new coDoSet(m_portPoints->getObjName(), noOfTimesteps, (coDistributedObject **)dataPoints);
    coDoSet *setLines = new coDoSet(m_portVolumeBox->getObjName(), noOfTimesteps, (coDistributedObject **)dataLines);
    coDoSet *setColors = new coDoSet(m_portColors->getObjName(), noOfTimesteps, (coDistributedObject **)dataColors);
    coDoSet *setRadii = new coDoSet(m_portRadii->getObjName(), noOfTimesteps, (coDistributedObject **)dataRadii);

    // Set timestep attribute:
    stringstream timestep;
    timestep << "0 " << noOfTimesteps - 1;
    setPoints->addAttribute("TIMESTEP", timestep.str().c_str());
    setLines->addAttribute("TIMESTEP", timestep.str().c_str());
    setColors->addAttribute("TIMESTEP", timestep.str().c_str());
    setRadii->addAttribute("TIMESTEP", timestep.str().c_str());

    CoString module_id("!");
    module_id += CoString(Covise::get_module()) + CoString("\n") + Covise::get_instance() + CoString("\n");
    module_id += CoString(Covise::get_host()) + CoString("\n");
    setPoints->addAttribute("ITTFEEDBACK", module_id.c_str());

#if 0
   // Create Feedback
   coFeedback feedback("FileBrowserParam");
    // Assign sets to output ports:

    fprintf(stderr, "ready!");
    delete structure;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void module::moudle_info(boost::shared_ptr<boost::unordered_map<std::string, boost::any> > & info){
	(*info)["module_name"] = module_name();
	(*info)["module_id"] = module_id();
	(*info)["module_func"] = _module_func;