Ejemplo n.º 1
LogDriver *
afmongodb_dd_new(GlobalConfig *cfg)
  MongoDBDestDriver *self = g_new0(MongoDBDestDriver, 1);

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);


  self->super.super.super.super.init = afmongodb_dd_init;
  self->super.super.super.super.free_fn = afmongodb_dd_free;
  self->super.queue_method = afmongodb_dd_queue_method;

  self->super.worker.thread_init = afmongodb_worker_thread_init;
  self->super.worker.thread_deinit = afmongodb_worker_thread_deinit;
  self->super.worker.disconnect = afmongodb_dd_disconnect;
  self->super.worker.insert = afmongodb_worker_insert;
  self->super.format.stats_instance = afmongodb_dd_format_stats_instance;
  self->super.format.persist_name = afmongodb_dd_format_persist_name;
  self->super.stats_source = SCS_MONGODB;

  afmongodb_dd_set_database((LogDriver *)self, "syslog");
  afmongodb_dd_set_collection((LogDriver *)self, "messages");
  afmongodb_dd_set_safe_mode((LogDriver *)self, FALSE);


  afmongodb_dd_set_value_pairs(&self->super.super.super, value_pairs_new_default(cfg));

  return (LogDriver *)self;
Ejemplo n.º 2
LogDriver *
  MongoDBDestDriver *self = g_new0(MongoDBDestDriver, 1);

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  self->super.super.super.init = afmongodb_dd_init;
  self->super.super.super.deinit = afmongodb_dd_deinit;
  self->super.super.super.queue = afmongodb_dd_queue;
  self->super.super.super.free_fn = afmongodb_dd_free;

  afmongodb_dd_set_servers((LogDriver *)self, g_list_append (NULL, g_strdup ("")));
  afmongodb_dd_set_database((LogDriver *)self, "syslog");
  afmongodb_dd_set_collection((LogDriver *)self, "messages");
  afmongodb_dd_set_safe_mode((LogDriver *)self, FALSE);


  self->writer_thread_wakeup_cond = g_cond_new();
  self->suspend_mutex = g_mutex_new();
  self->queue_mutex = g_mutex_new();

  return (LogDriver *)self;
Ejemplo n.º 3
test_mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream *stream;

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (NULL, 0, SEEK_SET) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with a NULL stream");

  begin_network_tests (8);

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port, FALSE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  stream = mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (gfs, NULL);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, 0, SEEK_SET) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with a write stream");

  stream->file.type = LMC_GRIDFS_FILE_STREAM_READER;

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, -1, SEEK_SET) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_SET and a negative "

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, 10, SEEK_SET) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_SET and a position "
      "past EOF");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, -1, SEEK_CUR) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_CUR and a position "
      "before the start");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, 10, SEEK_CUR) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_CUR and a position "
      "past EOF");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, 1, SEEK_END) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_END and a position "
      "past EOF");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, -1, SEEK_END) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with SEEK_END and a position "
      "before the start");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek (stream, 0, 42) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_seek() fails with an invalid whence");

  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_close (stream);
  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  end_network_tests ();
test_mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream *stream;
  bson *meta;
  guint8 buffer[4096];

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  meta = bson_build (BSON_TYPE_STRING, "my-id", "sync_gridfs_stream_write", -1,
  bson_finish (meta);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (NULL, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write() should fail with a NULL connection");

  begin_network_tests (4);

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port, FALSE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  stream = mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (gfs, meta);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (stream, NULL, sizeof (buffer)) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write() should fail with a NULL buffer");
  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (stream, buffer, 0) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write() should fail with 0 size");
  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (stream, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == TRUE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write() works");

  stream->file.type = LMC_GRIDFS_FILE_STREAM_READER;
  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write (stream, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_write() should fail with a read stream");

  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_close (stream);
  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  end_network_tests ();

  bson_free (meta);
Ejemplo n.º 5
test_mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream *stream;
  bson *meta;

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  meta = bson_build (BSON_TYPE_STRING, "my-id", "sync_gridfs_stream_new", -1,
  bson_finish (meta);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (NULL, meta) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new() should fail with a NULL connection");

  begin_network_tests (2);

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port, FALSE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  stream = mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (gfs, NULL);
  ok (stream != NULL,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new() works with NULL metadata");
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_close (stream);

  stream = mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (gfs, meta);
  ok (stream != NULL,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new() works with metadata");
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_close (stream);

  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  end_network_tests ();

  bson_free (meta);
Ejemplo n.º 6
test_mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream *stream;
  guint8 buffer[4096];

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read (NULL, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read() should fail with a NULL connection");

  begin_network_tests (3);

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port, FALSE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  stream = mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_new (gfs, NULL);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read (stream, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1,
      "mongo-sync_gridfs_stream_read() should fail when the stream is "

  stream->file.type = LMC_GRIDFS_FILE_STREAM_READER;

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read (stream, NULL, sizeof (buffer)) == -1,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read() should fail with a NULL buffer");
  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read (stream, buffer, 0) == -1,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_read() should fail with a 0 size");

  mongo_sync_gridfs_stream_close (stream);

  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  end_network_tests ();
Ejemplo n.º 7
test_func_mongo_sync_oidtest (void)
    mongo_sync_connection *conn;
    bson *boid, *reply = NULL;
    bson_cursor *c;
    mongo_packet *p;
    guint8 *oid;
    const guint8 *noid;

    mongo_util_oid_init (0);

    oid = mongo_util_oid_new (1);
    boid = bson_new ();
    bson_append_oid (boid, "driverOIDTest", oid);
    bson_finish (boid);

    conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port,

    p = mongo_sync_cmd_custom (conn, config.db, boid);
    ok (p != NULL,
        "driverOIDTest(OID) custom command works");
    mongo_wire_reply_packet_get_nth_document (p, 1, &reply);
    bson_finish (reply);

    c = bson_find (reply, "oid");
    bson_cursor_get_oid (c, &noid);
    ok (memcmp (oid, noid, 12) == 0,
        "driverOIDTest(OID) returns the same OID");
    bson_cursor_free (c);

    mongo_sync_disconnect (conn);
    mongo_wire_packet_free (p);
    bson_free (boid);
    bson_free (reply);
Ejemplo n.º 8
mongo_gridfs_put (config_t *config, gint argc, gchar *argv[])
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file *gfile;
  bson *meta;
  int fd;
  guint8 *data;
  struct stat st;

  gchar *gfn, *ifn, *oid_s;

  if (argc < 4)
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s put INPUT_FILENAME GRIDFS_FILENAME\n",
      exit (1);
  ifn = argv[2];
  gfn = argv[3];

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  gfs = mongo_gridfs_connect (config);

  VLOG ("Opening input file: '%s'...\n", ifn);
  fd = open (ifn, O_RDONLY);
  if (!fd)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error opening input file: %s\n",
               strerror (errno));
      exit (1);
  if (fstat (fd, &st) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error stat'ing the input file: %s\n",
               strerror (errno));
      exit (1);

  data = mmap (NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
  if (data == MAP_FAILED)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error mmapping the input file: %s\n",
               strerror (errno));

  meta = bson_build (BSON_TYPE_STRING, "filename", gfn, -1,
  bson_finish (meta);

  VLOG ("Uploading '%s' -> '%s'...\n", ifn, gfn);

  gfile = mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, meta,
                                                          data, st.st_size);
  if (!gfile)
    mongo_gridfs_error (errno);
  bson_free (meta);
  munmap (data, st.st_size);

  oid_s = mongo_util_oid_as_string (mongo_sync_gridfs_file_get_id (gfile));
  printf ("Uploaded file: %s (_id: %s; md5 = %s)\n", gfn,
          mongo_sync_gridfs_file_get_md5 (gfile));

  g_free (oid_s);
  mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_free (gfile);
  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);
test_mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  mongo_sync_gridfs *gfs;
  bson *metadata;
  guint8 *buffer;
  mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file *gfile;

  buffer = g_malloc (BUFFER_SIZE);
  memset (buffer, 'a', BUFFER_SIZE);

  conn = test_make_fake_sync_conn (4, TRUE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  metadata = bson_build (BSON_TYPE_STRING, "filename",
                         "gridfs_file_new_from_buffer", -1,
  bson_finish (metadata);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (NULL, metadata,
                                                      buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() fails with a NULL GridFS");

  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  begin_network_tests (5);

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port, FALSE);
  gfs = mongo_sync_gridfs_new (conn, config.gfs_prefix);

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, metadata,
                                                      NULL, BUFFER_SIZE) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() fails with NULL data");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, metadata,
                                                      buffer, 0) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() fails with an invalid data size");

  ok (mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, metadata, buffer,
                                                      BUFFER_SIZE) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() fails with uninitialized OID");

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  gfile = mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, metadata,
                                                          buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
  ok (gfile != NULL,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() works with metadata");
  mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_free (gfile);

  gfile = mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer (gfs, NULL,
                                                          buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
  ok (gfile != NULL,
      "mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_new_from_buffer() works without metadata");
  mongo_sync_gridfs_chunked_file_free (gfile);

  mongo_sync_gridfs_free (gfs, TRUE);

  end_network_tests ();

  bson_free (metadata);
  g_free (buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 10
test_func_mongo_sync_safe_mode (void)
  mongo_sync_connection *conn;
  const bson *docs[10];
  bson *b1, *b2, *b3, *b4, *cmd;
  mongo_packet *p;
  gchar *error;

  mongo_util_oid_init (0);

  b1 = bson_new ();
  bson_append_string (b1, "func_mongo_sync_safe_mode", "works", -1);
  bson_finish (b1);

  b2 = bson_new ();
  bson_append_int32 (b2, "int32", 1984);
  bson_finish (b2);

  b3 = test_bson_generate_full ();
  b4 = test_bson_generate_full ();

  docs[0] = b1;
  docs[1] = b2;
  docs[2] = b3;
  docs[3] = b4;

  conn = mongo_sync_connect (config.primary_host, config.primary_port,

  /* Test inserts */
  mongo_sync_conn_set_safe_mode (conn, FALSE);
  ok (mongo_sync_cmd_insert_n (conn, config.ns, 4, docs) == TRUE,
      "mongo_sync_cmd_insert_n() should not fail with safe mode off");

  mongo_sync_conn_set_safe_mode (conn, TRUE);
  ok (mongo_sync_cmd_insert_n (conn, config.ns, 4, docs) == FALSE,
      "mongo_sync_cmd_insert_n() should fail with safe mode on");

  /* Test a custom command */
  cmd = bson_new ();
  bson_append_int32 (cmd, "bogusCommand", 1);
  bson_finish (cmd);

  mongo_sync_cmd_reset_error (conn, config.db);
  mongo_sync_conn_set_safe_mode (conn, FALSE);
  p = mongo_sync_cmd_custom (conn, config.db, cmd);
  mongo_sync_cmd_get_last_error (conn, config.db, &error);
  ok (p == NULL && strcmp (error, "no such cmd: bogusCommand") == 0,
      "mongo_sync_cmd_custom() with a bogus command fails with safe-mode off");
  bson_free (cmd);

  cmd = bson_new ();
  bson_append_int32 (cmd, "bogusCommand2", 1);
  bson_finish (cmd);
  mongo_sync_cmd_reset_error (conn, config.db);
  mongo_sync_conn_set_safe_mode (conn, TRUE);
  p = mongo_sync_cmd_custom (conn, config.db, cmd);
  mongo_sync_cmd_get_last_error (conn, config.db, &error);
  ok (p == NULL && strcmp (error, "no such cmd: bogusCommand2") == 0,
      "mongo_sync_cmd_custom() with a bogus command fails with safe-mode on");
  bson_free (cmd);

  mongo_sync_disconnect (conn);
  bson_free (b1);
  bson_free (b2);
  bson_free (b3);
  bson_free (b4);