Ejemplo n.º 1
void navLog_Send()
  char logbuf[1024];
  int logbuflen;

  float motval[4];
    ,att.ts   // navdata timestamp in sec
    //sensor data
    ,att.ax   // acceleration x-axis in [G] front facing up is positive         
    ,att.ay   // acceleration y-axis in [G] left facing up is positive                
    ,att.az   // acceleration z-axis in [G] top facing up is positive             
    ,RAD2DEG(att.gx)   // gyro value x-axis in [deg/sec] right turn, i.e. roll right is positive           
    ,RAD2DEG(att.gy)   // gyro value y-axis in [deg/sec] right turn, i.e. pirch down is positive                     
    ,RAD2DEG(att.gz)   // gyro value z-axis in [deg/sec] right turn, i.e. yaw left is positive 
    ,att.hv   // vertical speed [cm/sec]
    ,setpoint.h  // setpoint height
    ,att.h       // actual height above ground in [cm] 
    ,throttle    // throttle setting 0.00 - 1.00
    ,RAD2DEG(setpoint.pitch)  //setpoint pitch [deg]
    ,RAD2DEG(att.pitch)       //actual pitch   
    ,adj_pitch                //pitch motor adjustment 
    ,RAD2DEG(setpoint.roll)   //setpoint roll [deg]
    ,RAD2DEG(att.roll)        //actual roll  
    ,adj_roll                 //roll motor adjustment 
    ,RAD2DEG(setpoint.yaw)    //yaw pitch [deg]
    ,RAD2DEG(att.yaw)         //actual yaw  
    ,adj_yaw                  //yaw motor adjustment

//  udpClient_Send(&udpNavLog,logbuf,logbuflen); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
void navLog_Send()
  char logbuf[512];
  int logbuflen;

  float motval[4];
  logbuflen=sprintf(logbuf,(char*)" %.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f "
    ,ahrsdata.tm   // navdata timestamp in sec

    ,ahrsdata.pitch_w  //=sum(gx * dt)
    ,ahrsdata.pitch_a  //=pitch(az,ax)
    ,ahrsdata.pitch    //kalman pitch estimate from gy and pitch_a

    //roll estimates in radians, positive is roll right (fly rightward)
    ,ahrsdata.roll_w   //=sum(gy * dt)
    ,ahrsdata.roll_a   //=roll(az,ay)
    ,ahrsdata.roll     //kalman roll estimate from gx and roll_a
    //yaw estimate, positive is yaw left
    ,ahrsdata.yaw_w      //=sum(gz * dt)
    ,ahrsdata.yaw_m      //=sum(gz * dt)
    ,ahrsdata.yaw      //=sum(gz * dt)

    ,ahrsdata.dt  // time since last navdata sample in sec
    ,ahrsdata.dt2 // time consumed by the ahrs calculations
    //copy of physical navdata values
    ,ahrsdata.ts  // navdata timestamp in sec
    ,ahrsdata.hraw    // height above ground in [cm] 
    ,ahrsdata.h_meas// 1=height was measured in this sample, 0=height is copy of prev value

    ,ahrsdata.ax   // acceleration x-axis in [G] front facing up is positive         
    ,ahrsdata.ay   // acceleration y-axis in [G] left facing up is positive                
    ,ahrsdata.az   // acceleration z-axis in [G] top facing up is positive            
    ,ahrsdata.wx   // gyro value x-axis in [rad/sec] right turn, i.e. roll right is positive           
    ,ahrsdata.wy   // gyro value y-axis in [rad/sec] right turn, i.e. pirch down is positive                     
    ,ahrsdata.wz   // gyro value z-axis in [rad/sec] right turn, i.e. yaw left is positive