Ejemplo n.º 1
static GstFlowReturn new_sample_callback (GstAppSink * sink, gpointer user_data)
        GstBuffer *buffer;
        GstSample *sample;
        Encoder *encoder = (Encoder *)user_data;

        *(encoder->output->heartbeat) = gst_clock_get_time (encoder->system_clock);
        sample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample (GST_APP_SINK (sink));
        buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer (sample);

        sem_wait (encoder->output->semaphore);

        (*(encoder->output->total_count)) += gst_buffer_get_size (buffer);

        /* update head_addr, free enough memory for current buffer. */
        while (cache_free (encoder) < gst_buffer_get_size (buffer) + 12) { /* timestamp + gop size = 12 */
                move_head (encoder);

                 * random access point found.
                 * write previous gop size to 4 bytes reservation,
                 * write current gop timestamp,
                 * reserve 4 bytes for size of current gop,
                if (encoder->mqdes == -1) {
                        /* no m3u8 output */
                        move_last_rap (encoder, buffer);

                } else if (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer) == encoder->last_running_time) {
                        gchar *msg;

                        move_last_rap (encoder, buffer);
                        msg = g_strdup_printf ("%lu", encoder->last_segment_duration);
                        if (mq_send (encoder->mqdes, msg, strlen (msg), 1) == -1) {
                                GST_ERROR ("mq_send error: %s", g_strerror (errno));
                        g_free (msg);
                        encoder->last_running_time = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;

        /* udpstreaming? */
        if (encoder->udpstreaming) {
                udp_streaming (encoder, buffer);

         * copy buffer to cache.
         * update tail_addr
        copy_buffer (encoder, buffer);

        sem_post (encoder->output->semaphore);

        gst_sample_unref (sample);

        return GST_FLOW_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Snake::move() {
  // the position of the last piece before moving
  // is the position of the new spawned piece
  // if the snake is growing
  map_coords grow_position = parts.back();

  void spin ()
      ros::Rate loop_rate(rate_);
      while (ros::ok())
        if (cloud_and_image_received_)
          // swing left to right and right to left by increasing y step
          if ( (((move_offset_y_min_ < current_position_y_) && (current_position_y_ < move_offset_y_max_))
                || (fabs(current_position_y_ - move_offset_y_min_) < EPS) || (fabs(current_position_y_ - move_offset_y_max_) < EPS))
               ((current_position_z_ < move_offset_z_max_) 
                || (fabs(current_position_z_ - move_offset_z_min_) < EPS) || (fabs(current_position_z_ - move_offset_z_max_) < EPS)) )
            current_position_y_ += step_y_;
            ROS_INFO("in left to right");
          // increase z step
          else if ( ((current_position_y_ < move_offset_y_min_) || (current_position_y_ > move_offset_y_max_)) 
                    (current_position_z_ < move_offset_z_max_) )
            current_position_z_ += step_z_;
            step_y_ = -step_y_;
            current_position_y_ += step_y_;
            ROS_INFO("in increase z");

          // check if we are done
          else if ( ((current_position_y_ < move_offset_y_min_) || (current_position_y_ > move_offset_y_max_)) 
                    ((current_position_z_ > move_offset_z_max_) || (fabs(current_position_z_ - move_offset_z_max_) < EPS)) )
            ROS_INFO("DONE - exiting");
            ROS_INFO("Not an option");
          move_head("base_link", current_position_x_, current_position_y_, current_position_z_);
          cloud_and_image_received_ = false; 
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: snake.c Proyecto: kahn04/snake
int snake_move(SNAKE *snake, int *food)
    // 丢掉最后一节身体

    // 在头部加个新身体

    // 脑袋前进一下
    mvaddch(snake->y, snake->x, snake->head_chr);

    // 吃豆儿
    if (snake->y == food[1] && snake->x == food[0])
        food = random_food(snake);
        if (speed - speed_up > speed_max)
            speed = speed - speed_up;

    // 死蛇
    if ((judge_dead(snake)) == 1)
        snake->head_chr = 'X';
        snake->body_chr = 'x';

        init_pair(3, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
        char dead_str[] = "OH, THE POOR LITTLE SNAKE";
        mvprintw(LINES/2-1, COLS/2-sizeof(dead_str)/2-1, dead_str );
        return 1;

    mvprintw(0, 0, "snake head at: %d, %d;    snake length: %d;    food at: %d, %d;   ", snake->x, snake->y, snake->length, food[0], food[1]);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void serviceGame(void) {
    if (ate_fruit(corners[head].x,corners[head].y))
      snake_length_limit += (snake_length_limit/10);
    if (collision()) game_over();
    else {
        gameSetMetaPixel(corners[head].x, corners[head].y, ON); //Redraw
        if (snake_length_current > snake_length_limit)
            gameSetMetaPixel(corners[tail].x, corners[tail].y, OFF); //Erase
    move_tick = 0;
  PointCloudCapturer(ros::NodeHandle &n)
    :  nh_(n), synchronizer_( MySyncPolicy(1), cloud_sub_, camera_sub_)
    nh_.param("input_cloud_topic", input_cloud_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/points"));
    nh_.param("input_image_topic", input_image_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/image_color"));
    nh_.param("input_camera_info_topic", input_camera_info_topic_, std::string("/kinect_head/camera/rgb/camera_info"));
//    cloud_sub_= nh_.subscribe (input_cloud_topic_, 10, &PointCloudCapturer::cloud_cb, this);
    camera_sub_.subscribe( nh_, input_image_topic_, 1000 );
    cloud_sub_.subscribe( nh_, input_cloud_topic_, 1000 );

    sync_connection_ = synchronizer_.registerCallback( &PointCloudCapturer::callback, this );

    ROS_INFO("[PointCloudColorizer:] Subscribing to cloud topic %s", input_cloud_topic_.c_str());

    point_head_client_ = new PointHeadClient("/head_traj_controller/point_head_action", true);
    //wait for head controller action server to come up 
    while(!point_head_client_->waitForServer(ros::Duration(5.0)) && ros::ok())
      ROS_INFO("Waiting for the point_head_action server to come up");
    cloud_and_image_received_ = false;
    nh_.param("move_offset_y_min", move_offset_y_min_, -1.5);
    nh_.param("move_offset_y_max", move_offset_y_max_, 1.5);
    nh_.param("step_y", step_y_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_z_min", move_offset_z_min_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_z_max", move_offset_z_max_, 1.5);
    nh_.param("step_z", step_z_, 0.3);
    nh_.param("move_offset_x", move_offset_x_, 1.0);
    nh_.param("bag_name", bag_name_, std::string("bosch_kitchen_tr.bag"));
    nh_.param("to_frame", to_frame_, std::string("base_link"));
    nh_.param("rate", rate_, 1.0);
    current_position_x_ = move_offset_x_;
    current_position_y_ = move_offset_y_min_;
    current_position_z_ = move_offset_z_min_;
    move_head("base_link", current_position_x_, current_position_y_, current_position_z_);
    EPS = 1e-5;
    //thread ROS spinner
    spin_thread_ = boost::thread (boost::bind (&ros::spin));
    bag_.open(bag_name_, rosbag::bagmode::Write);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static GstFlowReturn new_sample_callback (GstAppSink * sink, gpointer user_data)
    GstBuffer *buffer;
    GstSample *sample;
    Encoder *encoder = (Encoder *)user_data;

    *(encoder->output->heartbeat) = gst_clock_get_time (encoder->system_clock);
    sample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample (GST_APP_SINK (sink));
    buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer (sample);
    if (sem_wait (encoder->output->semaphore) == -1) {
        GST_ERROR ("new_sample_callback sem_wait failure: %s", g_strerror (errno));
        gst_sample_unref (sample);
        return GST_FLOW_OK;

    (*(encoder->output->total_count)) += gst_buffer_get_size (buffer);

    /* update head_addr, free enough memory for current buffer. */
    while (cache_free (encoder) <= gst_buffer_get_size (buffer) + 12) { /* timestamp + gop size = 12 */
        move_head (encoder);

    if (encoder->has_tssegment && encoder->has_m3u8_output) { 
        if ((encoder->duration_accumulation >= encoder->segment_duration) ||
                ((encoder->segment_duration - encoder->duration_accumulation) < 500000000)) {
            encoder->last_segment_duration = encoder->duration_accumulation;
            encoder->last_running_time = GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer);
            encoder->duration_accumulation = 0;

        encoder->duration_accumulation += GST_BUFFER_DURATION (buffer);

     * random access point found.
     * 1. with video encoder and IDR found;
     * 2. audio only encoder and current pts >= last_running_time;
     * 3. tssegment out every buffer with random access point.
    if ((encoder->has_video && !GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET (buffer, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT)) ||
            (encoder->has_audio_only && (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer) >= encoder->last_running_time)) ||
            (encoder->has_tssegment && (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer) >= encoder->last_running_time))) {
        if (encoder->has_m3u8_output == FALSE) {
            /* no m3u8 output */
            move_last_rap (encoder, buffer);

        } else if (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer) >= encoder->last_running_time) {
            move_last_rap (encoder, buffer);
            send_msg (encoder);

        } else if (encoder->is_first_key) {
            /* move_last_rap if its first key even if has m3u8 output */
            move_last_rap (encoder, buffer);
            send_msg (encoder);
            encoder->is_first_key = FALSE;

    /* udpstreaming? */
    if (encoder->udpstreaming) {
        udp_streaming (encoder, buffer);

     * copy buffer to cache.
     * update tail_addr
    copy_buffer (encoder, buffer);

    sem_post (encoder->output->semaphore);
    gst_sample_unref (sample);

    return GST_FLOW_OK;