static char *concatenate(char *path, char *pwd) { char *extract; char *tmp; while ((extract = ft_strdupchr(path, '/'))) { if (!ft_strcmp(extract, "..")) { tmp = ft_strrchr(pwd, '/'); ft_bzero(tmp, ft_strlen(tmp)); move_str(&path, 3, -3, ft_strlen(path)); ft_bzero(path + ft_strlen(path) - 3, 3); } else { pwd = ft_freejoin(pwd, "/"); pwd = ft_freejoin(pwd, extract); move_str(&path, ft_strlen(extract) + 1, -(ft_strlen(extract) + 1), ft_strlen(pwd)); } ft_strdel(&extract); } if (ft_strcmp(pwd, "/")) pwd = ft_freejoin(pwd, "/"); return (ft_freejoin(pwd, path)); }
GTPResponse HavannahGTP::gtp_history(vecstr args){ string ret; vector<Move> hist = game.get_hist(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < hist.size(); i++) ret += move_str(hist[i]) + " "; return GTPResponse(true, ret); }
GTPResponse HavannahGTP::play(const string & pos, int toplay){ if(toplay != game.toplay()) return GTPResponse(false, "It is the other player's turn!"); if(game.getboard().won() >= 0) return GTPResponse(false, "The game is already over."); Move m = parse_move(pos); if(!game.valid(m)) return GTPResponse(false, "Invalid move"); move(m); log(string("play ") + (toplay == 1 ? 'w' : 'b') + ' ' + move_str(m, false)); if(verbose >= 2) logerr("Placement: " + move_str(m) + ", outcome: " + game.getboard().won_str() + "\n" + game.getboard().to_s(colorboard)); return GTPResponse(true); }
static int kbdctx_refresh_keymap(kbdctx *kc) { idev_session *s; idev_device *d; Iterator i, j; kbdmap *km; int r; if (kc->kbdmap && streq_ptr(kc->locale_x11_model, kc->last_x11_model) && streq_ptr(kc->locale_x11_layout, kc->last_x11_layout) && streq_ptr(kc->locale_x11_variant, kc->last_x11_variant) && streq_ptr(kc->locale_x11_options, kc->last_x11_options)) return 0 ; move_str(&kc->last_x11_model, &kc->locale_x11_model); move_str(&kc->last_x11_layout, &kc->locale_x11_layout); move_str(&kc->last_x11_variant, &kc->locale_x11_variant); move_str(&kc->last_x11_options, &kc->locale_x11_options); log_debug("idev-keyboard: new default keymap: [%s / %s / %s / %s]", kc->last_x11_model, kc->last_x11_layout, kc->last_x11_variant, kc->last_x11_options); /* TODO: add a fallback keymap that's compiled-in */ r = kbdmap_new_from_names(&km, kc, kc->last_x11_model, kc->last_x11_layout, kc->last_x11_variant, kc->last_x11_options); if (r < 0) return log_debug_errno(r, "idev-keyboard: cannot create keymap from locale1: %m"); kbdmap_unref(kc->kbdmap); kc->kbdmap = km; HASHMAP_FOREACH(s, kc->context->session_map, i) HASHMAP_FOREACH(d, s->device_map, j) if (idev_is_keyboard(d)) keyboard_update_kbdmap(keyboard_from_device(d)); return 0; }
int main(void){ int i; int ccr; int count = 500; double angles[3]; sys_clk_configure(); gpio_configure(); timer_1_configure(); robot_pos[0] = 15; robot_pos[1] = 15; // servo 1 // 90, or straight down, 1150 maybe // left 45: 725 // right 45: 1475 // servo 1 angle 500 + 7.2222x // servo 2 // straight 0 degrees : 2500 // 90 = 1750 // 45 = 2125 // 2500 - 8.333x // servo 3 // straight 0 degrees: 500 // 90 degrees : 1225 // 45 degrees : 863 // 500 + 8x move_str(10, 20, 0, &angles[0]); // move_str(5, 20, 0, &angles[0]); // move_str(20, 20, 0, &angles[0]); // move_str(20, 10, 0, &angles[0]); // move_str(5, 10, 0, &angles[0]); // Dead loop & program hangs here while(1); }
/* Let's make the iPod think about ;-) */ void computer_play(void) { if (!is_mini) { pz_draw_header("computer play"); } /* think about the move and make it */ //sleep(1); printf("think\n"); think(2); //sleep(1); if (!pv[0][0].u) { printf("No legal moves\n"); if (!is_mini) { pz_draw_header ("No legal moves"); } } sprintf(cpu_move,"%s", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); makemove(pv[0][0].b); ply = 0; gen_moves(); if (in_check(LIGHT)) { if (is_mini) { draw_message(" ", "Check"); } else { pz_draw_header("Check"); } } else { if (is_mini) { draw_message(" ", "Play"); } else { pz_draw_header("Your Turn"); } } }
/* ***********************************************************/ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { GR_EVENT event; GR_WM_PROPERTIES props; int computer_side; char s[256]; int i; BOOL found; char temp[50]; if (GrOpen() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tuxchess: cannot open graphics\n"); exit(1); } load_images(); master = GrNewWindow(GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID, 0, 0, BM_WIDTH, BM_HEIGHT, 0, WHITE, WHITE); board = GrNewWindow((GR_WINDOW_ID) master, 0, 0, 394, 394, 0, WHITE, WHITE); text = GrNewWindow((GR_WINDOW_ID) master, 0, 393, 394, 20, 0, BLACK, BLACK); GrSelectEvents(master, GR_EVENT_MASK_CLOSE_REQ | GR_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE | GR_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_DOWN); props.flags = GR_WM_FLAGS_PROPS | GR_WM_FLAGS_TITLE; props.props = GR_WM_PROPS_BORDER | GR_WM_PROPS_CAPTION | GR_WM_PROPS_CLOSEBOX; props.title = TITLE; GrSetWMProperties(master, &props); /* eliminate white background*/ props.flags = GR_WM_FLAGS_PROPS; props.props = GR_WM_PROPS_NOBACKGROUND; GrSetWMProperties(board, &props); GrMapWindow(master); GrMapWindow(board); GrMapWindow(text); gc = GrNewGC(); text_gc = GrNewGC(); init(); gen(); max_time = 1 << 25; max_depth = 4; if (argc > 1) computer_side = side; /* computer plays white */ else { computer_side = EMPTY; /* human plays white */ gprintf("Make a move..."); } for (;;) { if (side == computer_side) { /* think about the move and make it */ think(0); if (!pv[0][0].u) { gprintf("No legal moves"); computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } sprintf(temp,"Computer's move: %s\n", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); gprintf(temp); makemove(pv[0][0].b); ply = 0; gen(); print_board(); print_result(); continue; } GrGetNextEvent(&event); switch(event.type) { case GR_EVENT_TYPE_CLOSE_REQ: GrClose(); exit(0); /* no return*/ case GR_EVENT_TYPE_EXPOSURE: print_board(); gprintf(NULL); break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_BUTTON_DOWN: mouse_hit(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; } if (to != 999) { /* loop through the moves to see if it's legal */ found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < first_move[1]; ++i) if (gen_dat[i].m.b.from == from && gen_dat[i] == to) { found = TRUE; /* get the promotion piece right */ if (gen_dat[i].m.b.bits & 32) switch (s[4]) { case 'N': break; case 'B': i += 1; break; case 'R': i += 2; break; default: i += 3; break; } break; } /* if */ if (!found || !makemove(gen_dat[i].m.b)) gprintf("Illegal move.\n"); else { ply = 0; gen(); print_board(); print_result(); computer_side = side; to = 999; } } /* if to != 999 */ } /* for (;;) */ return(0); /* never reached */ }
int mainConsoleChess(int pick_side) { int computer_side; char s[256]; int m; printf("\n"); printf("Phung Nhat Huy and Pham Duy Hung's Console Chess\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Type \"help\" to displays a list of commands.\n"); printf("\n"); init_hash(); init_board(); gen(); computer_side = EMPTY; max_time = 1 << 25; max_depth = 4; for (;;) { if (side == computer_side) { /* computer's turn */ /* think about the move and make it */ //think(1); if (!pv[0][0].u) { printf("(no legal moves)\n"); computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } printf("Your enermy's move: %s\n", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); makemove(pv[0][0].b); ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); continue; } /* get user input */ printf("ConsoleChess > "); if (scanf("%s", s) == EOF) return 0; if (!strcmp(s, "on")) { computer_side = side; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "off")) { computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "undo")) { if (!hply) continue; computer_side = EMPTY; takeback(); ply = 0; gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "new")) { computer_side = EMPTY; init_board(); gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "d")) { print_board(); continue; } /*if (!strcmp(s, "bench")) { computer_side = EMPTY; bench(); continue; }*/ if (!strcmp(s, "bye")) { printf("Thanks for playing. Enjoy!\n"); break; } if (!strcmp(s, "help")) { printf("on - computer plays for the side to move\n"); printf("off - computer stops playing\n"); printf("undo - takes back a move\n"); printf("new - starts a new game\n"); printf("d - display the board\n"); printf("bye - exit the program\n"); printf("Enter moves in coordinate notation, e.g., e2e4, e7e8Q (for promote moving)\n"); continue; } /* maybe the user entered a move? */ m = parse_move(s); if (m == -1 || !makemove(gen_dat[m].m.b)) printf("Illegal move.\n"); else { ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); } } //close_book(); return 0; }
int book_move() { char line[256]; char book_line[256]; int i, j, m; int move[50]; /* the possible book moves */ int count[50]; /* the number of occurrences of each move */ int moves = 0; int total_count = 0; if (!book_file || hply > 25) return -1; /* line is a string with the current line, e.g., "e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 " */ line[0] = '\0'; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < hply; ++i) j += sprintf(line + j, "%s ", move_str(hist_dat[i].m.b)); /* compare line to each line in the opening book */ fseek(book_file, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(book_line, 256, book_file)) { if (book_match(line, book_line)) { /* parse the book move that continues the line */ m = parse_move(&book_line[strlen(line)]); if (m == -1) continue; m = gen_dat[m].m.u; /* add the book move to the move list, or update the move's count */ for (j = 0; j < moves; ++j) if (move[j] == m) { ++count[j]; break; } if (j == moves) { move[moves] = m; count[moves] = 1; ++moves; } ++total_count; } } /* no book moves? */ if (moves == 0) return -1; /* Think of total_count as the set of matching book lines. Randomly pick one of those lines (j) and figure out which move j "corresponds" to. */ j = rand() % total_count; for (i = 0; i < moves; ++i) { j -= count[i]; if (j < 0) return move[i]; } return -1; /* shouldn't get here */ }
int main() { int computer_side; char s[256]; int m; printf("\n"); printf("Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program (TSCP)\n"); printf("version 1.81, 2/5/03\n"); printf("Copyright 1997 Tom Kerrigan\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\"help\" displays a list of commands.\n"); printf("\n"); init_hash(); init_board(); open_book(); gen(); computer_side = EMPTY; max_time = 1 << 25; max_depth = 4; for (;;) { if (side == computer_side) { /* computer's turn */ /* think about the move and make it */ think(1); if (!pv[0][0].u) { printf("(no legal moves)\n"); computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } printf("Computer's move: %s\n", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); makemove(pv[0][0].b); ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); continue; } /* get user input */ printf("tscp> "); if (scanf("%s", s) == EOF) return 0; if (!strcmp(s, "on")) { computer_side = side; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "off")) { computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "st")) { scanf("%d", &max_time); max_time *= 1000; max_depth = 32; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "sd")) { scanf("%d", &max_depth); max_time = 1 << 25; continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "undo")) { if (!hply) continue; computer_side = EMPTY; takeback(); ply = 0; gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "new")) { computer_side = EMPTY; init_board(); gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "d")) { print_board(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "bench")) { computer_side = EMPTY; bench(); continue; } if (!strcmp(s, "bye")) { printf("Share and enjoy!\n"); break; } if (!strcmp(s, "xboard")) { xboard(); break; } if (!strcmp(s, "help")) { printf("on - computer plays for the side to move\n"); printf("off - computer stops playing\n"); printf("st n - search for n seconds per move\n"); printf("sd n - search n ply per move\n"); printf("undo - takes back a move\n"); printf("new - starts a new game\n"); printf("d - display the board\n"); printf("bench - run the built-in benchmark\n"); printf("bye - exit the program\n"); printf("xboard - switch to XBoard mode\n"); printf("Enter moves in coordinate notation, e.g., e2e4, e7e8Q\n"); continue; } /* maybe the user entered a move? */ m = parse_move(s); if (m == -1 || !makemove(gen_dat[m].m.b)) printf("Illegal move.\n"); else { ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); } } close_book(); return 0; }
void xboard() { int computer_side; char line[256], command[256]; int m; int post = 0; signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); printf("\n"); init_board(); gen(); computer_side = EMPTY; for (;;) { fflush(stdout); if (side == computer_side) { think(post); if (!pv[0][0].u) { computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } printf("move %s\n", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); makemove(pv[0][0].b); ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); continue; } if (!fgets(line, 256, stdin)) return; if (line[0] == '\n') continue; sscanf(line, "%s", command); if (!strcmp(command, "xboard")) continue; if (!strcmp(command, "new")) { init_board(); gen(); computer_side = DARK; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "quit")) return; if (!strcmp(command, "force")) { computer_side = EMPTY; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "white")) { side = LIGHT; xside = DARK; gen(); computer_side = DARK; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "black")) { side = DARK; xside = LIGHT; gen(); computer_side = LIGHT; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "st")) { sscanf(line, "st %d", &max_time); max_time *= 1000; max_depth = 32; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "sd")) { sscanf(line, "sd %d", &max_depth); max_time = 1 << 25; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "time")) { sscanf(line, "time %d", &max_time); max_time *= 10; max_time /= 30; max_depth = 32; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "otim")) { continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "go")) { computer_side = side; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "hint")) { think(0); if (!pv[0][0].u) continue; printf("Hint: %s\n", move_str(pv[0][0].b)); continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "undo")) { if (!hply) continue; takeback(); ply = 0; gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "remove")) { if (hply < 2) continue; takeback(); takeback(); ply = 0; gen(); continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "post")) { post = 2; continue; } if (!strcmp(command, "nopost")) { post = 0; continue; } m = parse_move(line); if (m == -1 || !makemove(gen_dat[m].m.b)) printf("Error (unknown command): %s\n", command); else { ply = 0; gen(); print_result(); } } }
string HavannahGTP::move_str(int x, int y, int hguic){ return move_str(Move(x, y), hguic); }
GTPResponse HavannahGTP::gtp_all_legal(vecstr args){ string ret; for(Board::MoveIterator move = game.getboard().moveit(); !move.done(); ++move) ret += move_str(*move) + " "; return GTPResponse(true, ret); }