int test_egcd(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_int in[5], out[3], t1 = g_zreg + 8, t2 = g_zreg + 9; mp_result res, expect; if(!parse_int_values(t, in, out, &expect)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((res = mp_int_egcd(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3], in[4])) != expect) return imath_errno = res, 0; /* If we got an error we expected, return success immediately */ if(expect != MP_OK) return 1; if((mp_int_compare(in[2], out[0]) != 0) || (mp_int_compare(in[3], out[1]) != 0) || (mp_int_compare(in[4], out[2]) != 0)) { int len, len2; char *str; /* Failure might occur because the tester computed x and y in a different way than we did. Verify that the results are correct before reporting an error. */ mp_int_mul(in[3], in[0], t1); mp_int_mul(in[4], in[1], t2); mp_int_add(t1, t2, t2); if(mp_int_compare(t2, in[2]) == 0) return 1; mp_int_to_string(in[2], 10, g_output, OUTPUT_LIMIT); str = g_output + (len = strlen(g_output)); *str++ = ','; mp_int_to_string(in[3], 10, str, OUTPUT_LIMIT - (len + 1)); str = str + (len2 = strlen(str)); *str++ = ','; mp_int_to_string(in[4], 10, str, OUTPUT_LIMIT - (len + len2 + 2)); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } return 1; }
int test_mul(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_int in[3], out[1]; mp_result res, expect; if(!parse_int_values(t, in, out, &expect)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((res = mp_int_mul(in[0], in[1], in[2])) != expect) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(expect == MP_OK && mp_int_compare(in[2], out[0]) != 0) { mp_int_to_string(in[2], 10, g_output, OUTPUT_LIMIT); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } return 1; }
double get_multiply_time(int nt, int prec) { clock_t start, end; mp_int values; int i; if((values = alloc_values(3, prec)) == NULL) return 0.0; randomize_values(values, 2, prec); start = clock(); for(i = 0; i < nt; ++i) mp_int_mul(values, values + 1, values + 2); end = clock(); release_values(values, 3); return clocks_to_seconds(start, end); }
char* IP2Location_read128(FILE *handle, uint32_t position) { uint32_t b96_127 = IP2Location_read32(handle, position); uint32_t b64_95 = IP2Location_read32(handle, position + 4); uint32_t b32_63 = IP2Location_read32(handle, position + 8); uint32_t b1_31 = IP2Location_read32(handle, position + 12); mpz_t result, multiplier, mp96_127, mp64_95, mp32_63, mp1_31; mp_int_init(&result); mp_int_init(&multiplier); mp_int_init(&mp96_127); mp_int_init(&mp64_95); mp_int_init(&mp32_63); mp_int_init(&mp1_31); mp_int_init_value(&multiplier, 65536); mp_int_mul(&multiplier, &multiplier, &multiplier); mp_int_init_value(&mp96_127, b96_127); mp_int_init_value(&mp64_95, b64_95); mp_int_init_value(&mp32_63, b32_63); mp_int_init_value(&mp1_31, b1_31); mp_int_mul(&mp1_31, &multiplier, &mp1_31); mp_int_mul(&mp1_31, &multiplier, &mp1_31); mp_int_mul(&mp1_31, &multiplier, &mp1_31); mp_int_mul(&mp32_63, &multiplier, &mp32_63); mp_int_mul(&mp32_63, &multiplier, &mp32_63); mp_int_mul(&mp64_95, &multiplier, &mp64_95); mp_int_add(&mp1_31, &mp32_63, &result); mp_int_add(&result, &mp64_95, &result); mp_int_add(&result, &mp96_127, &result); return IP2Location_mp2string(result); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, modbits; FILE *ofp = stdout; char *expt = NULL; rsa_key the_key; mp_result res; /* Process command-line arguments */ while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "e:")) != EOF) { switch(opt) { case 'e': expt = optarg; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rsakey [-e <expt>] <modbits> [<outfile>]\n"); return 1; } } if(optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: You must specify the number of modulus bits.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rsakey [-e <expt>] <modbits> [<outfile>]\n"); return 1; } modbits = (int) strtol(argv[optind++], NULL, 0); if(modbits < CHAR_BIT) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for number of modulus bits.\n"); return 1; } if(modbits % 2 == 1) ++modbits; /* Check if output file is specified */ if(optind < argc) { if((ofp = fopen(argv[optind], "wt")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to open output file for writing.\n" " - Filename: %s\n" " - Error: %s\n", argv[optind], strerror(errno)); return 1; } } if((res = rsa_key_init(&the_key)) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing RSA key structure:\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); return 1; } /* If specified, try to load the key exponent */ if(expt != NULL) { if((res = mp_int_read_string(&(the_key.e), 10, expt)) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for encryption exponent.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } } if((res = mp_int_randomize(&(the_key.p), (modbits / 2))) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to randomize first prime.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } fprintf(stderr, "p: "); find_prime(&(the_key.p), stderr); if((res = mp_int_randomize(&(the_key.q), (modbits / 2))) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to randomize second prime.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } fprintf(stderr, "\nq: "); find_prime(&(the_key.q), stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); /* Temporarily, the key's "n" field will be (p - 1) * (q - 1) for purposes of computing the decryption exponent. */ mp_int_mul(&(the_key.p), &(the_key.q), &(the_key.n)); mp_int_sub(&(the_key.n), &(the_key.p), &(the_key.n)); mp_int_sub(&(the_key.n), &(the_key.q), &(the_key.n)); mp_int_add_value(&(the_key.n), 1, &(the_key.n)); if(expt == NULL && (res = mp_int_randomize(&(the_key.e), (modbits / 2))) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to randomize encryption exponent.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } while((res = mp_int_invmod(&(the_key.e), &(the_key.n), &(the_key.d))) != MP_OK) { if(expt != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to compute decryption exponent.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } if((res = mp_int_randomize(&(the_key.e), (modbits / 2))) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to re-randomize encryption exponent.\n" " - %s (%d)\n", mp_error_string(res), res); goto EXIT; } } /* Recompute the real modulus, now that exponents are done. */ mp_int_mul(&(the_key.p), &(the_key.q), &(the_key.n)); /* Write completed key to the specified output file */ rsa_key_write(&the_key, ofp); EXIT: fclose(ofp); rsa_key_clear(&the_key); return 0; }