check_max (void)
  mpf_t  f;
  long   want;
  long   got;

  mpf_init2 (f, 200L);

#define CHECK_MAX(name)                                         \
  if (got != want)                                              \
    {                                                           \
      printf ("mpf_get_si wrong on %s\n", name);                \
      printf ("   f    ");                                      \
      mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, f); printf (", hex ");        \
      mpf_out_str (stdout, 16, 0, f); printf ("\n");            \
      printf ("   got  %ld, hex %lX\n", got, got);              \
      printf ("   want %ld, hex %lX\n", want, want);            \
      abort();                                                  \

  want = LONG_MAX;
  mpf_set_si (f, want);
  got = mpf_get_si (f);

  want = LONG_MIN;
  mpf_set_si (f, want);
  got = mpf_get_si (f);

  mpf_clear (f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * rasqal_xsd_decimal_get_long:
 * @dec: XSD Decimal
 * @error_p: pointer to error flag
 * Get an XSD Decimal as a long (may lose precision)
 * Return value: long value or 0 on failure and *error_p is non-0
rasqal_xsd_decimal_get_long(rasqal_xsd_decimal* dec, int* error_p)
  long result = 0;

#if defined(RASQAL_DECIMAL_C99) || defined(RASQAL_DECIMAL_NONE)
  if(!mpfr_fits_slong_p(dec->raw, dec->rounding)) {
      *error_p = 1;
  } else
    result = mpfr_get_si(dec->raw, dec->rounding);
  if(!mpf_fits_slong_p(dec->raw)) {
      *error_p = 1;
  } else
    result = mpf_get_si(dec->raw);

  return result;
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    int         base;
    const char  *f;
    long        want;
  } data[] = {
    { 10, "0",      0L },
    { 10, "1",      1L },
    { 10, "-1",     -1L },
    { 10, "2",      2L },
    { 10, "-2",     -2L },
    { 10, "12345",  12345L },
    { 10, "-12345", -12345L },

    /* fraction bits ignored */
    { 10, "0.5",    0L },
    { 10, "-0.5",   0L },
    { 10, "1.1",    1L },
    { 10, "-1.1",   -1L },
    { 10, "1.9",    1L },
    { 10, "-1.9",   -1L },
    { 16, "1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 1L },
    { 16, "-1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", -1L },

    /* low bits extracted (this is undocumented) */
    { 16, "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 1L },
    { 16, "-1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", -1L },

  int    i;
  mpf_t  f;
  long   got;

  mpf_init2 (f, 2000L);
  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpf_set_str_or_abort (f, data[i].f, data[i].base);

      got = mpf_get_si (f);
      if (got != data[i].want)
          printf ("mpf_get_si wrong at data[%d]\n", i); 
          printf ("   f     \"%s\"\n", data[i].f);
          printf ("     dec "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, f); printf ("\n");
          printf ("     hex "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 16, 0, f); printf ("\n");
          printf ("     size %ld\n", (long) SIZ(f));
          printf ("     exp  %ld\n", (long) EXP(f));
          printf ("   got   %ld (0x%lX)\n", got, got);
          printf ("   want  %ld (0x%lX)\n", data[i].want, data[i].want);
  mpf_clear (f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void camlidl_mpf_ml2c(value val, __mpf_struct* mpf)
  *mpf = *((mpf_ptr)(Data_custom_val(val)));
int mpf_fits_int_p (mpf_t OP)
    if (mpf_fits_slong_p(OP)) {
        long v = mpf_get_si(OP);
        return (Min_long <= v && v <= Max_long);
    else {
        return 0;
check_limbdata (void)
#define M  GMP_NUMB_MAX
  static const struct {
    mp_exp_t       exp;
    mp_size_t      size;
    mp_limb_t      d[10];
    unsigned long  want;

  } data[] = {

    /* in the comments here, a "_" indicates a digit (ie. limb) position not
       included in the d data, and therefore zero */

    { 0, 0, { 0 }, 0L },    /* 0 */

    { 1,  1, { 1 }, 1L },   /* 1 */
    { 1, -1, { 1 }, -1L },  /* -1 */

    { 0,  1, { 1 }, 0L },   /* .1 */
    { 0, -1, { 1 }, 0L },   /* -.1 */

    { -1,  1, { 1 }, 0L },  /* ._1 */
    { -1, -1, { 1 }, 0L },  /* -._1 */

    { -999,          1, { 1 }, 0L },   /* .___1 small */
    { MP_EXP_T_MIN,  1, { 1 }, 0L },   /* .____1 very small */

    { 999,          1, { 1 }, 0L },    /* 1____. big */
    { MP_EXP_T_MAX, 1, { 1 }, 0L },    /* 1_____. very big */

    { 1, 2, { 999, 2 }, 2L },                  /* 2.9 */
    { 5, 8, { 7, 8, 9, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, 3L },  /* 10003.987 */

    { 2, 2, { M, M },    LONG_MAX }, /* FF. */
    { 2, 2, { M, M, M }, LONG_MAX }, /* FF.F */
    { 3, 3, { M, M, M }, LONG_MAX }, /* FFF. */

    /* normal case, numb bigger than long */
    { 2,  1, { 1 },    0L },      /* 1_. */
    { 2,  2, { 0, 1 }, 0L },      /* 10. */
    { 2,  2, { 999, 1 }, 999L },  /* 19. */
    { 3,  2, { 999, 1 }, 0L },    /* 19_. */

    /* nails case, numb smaller than long */
    { 2,  1, { 1 }, 1L << GMP_NUMB_BITS },  /* 1_. */
    { 3,  1, { 1 }, 0L },                   /* 1__. */

    { 2,  2, { 99, 1 },    99L + (1L << GMP_NUMB_BITS) },  /* 19. */
    { 3,  2, { 1, 99 },    1L << GMP_NUMB_BITS },          /* 91_. */
    { 3,  3, { 0, 1, 99 }, 1L << GMP_NUMB_BITS },          /* 910. */


  mpf_t          f;
  unsigned long  got;
  int            i;
  mp_limb_t      buf[20 + numberof(data[i].d)];

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      refmpn_fill (buf, 10, CNST_LIMB(0xDEADBEEF));
      refmpn_copy (buf+10, data[i].d, ABS(data[i].size));
      refmpn_fill (buf+10+ABS(data[i].size), 10, CNST_LIMB(0xDEADBEEF));

      PTR(f) = buf+10;
      EXP(f) = data[i].exp;
      SIZ(f) = data[i].size;
      PREC(f) = numberof (data[i].d);

      got = mpf_get_si (f);
      if (got != data[i].want)
          printf    ("mpf_get_si wrong at limb data[%d]\n", i);
          mpf_trace ("  f", f);
          mpn_trace ("  d", data[i].d, data[i].size);
          printf    ("  size %ld\n", (long) data[i].size);
          printf    ("  exp %ld\n", (long) data[i].exp);
          printf    ("  got   %lu (0x%lX)\n", got, got);
          printf    ("  want  %lu (0x%lX)\n", data[i].want, data[i].want);