Ejemplo n.º 1
static void describe(FBMState state) {
  switch (state->type) {
  case FBMTypeCBS:
    CBSDescribe(state->the.cbs, mps_lib_get_stdout());
  case FBMTypeFreelist:
    FreelistDescribe(state->the.fl, mps_lib_get_stdout());
Ejemplo n.º 2
void report_break (char* message)
  mps_lib_FILE *stream = mps_lib_get_stdout();  
  mps_lib_fputs("Break to debugger:\n    ", stream);
  mps_lib_fputs(message, stream);
  mps_lib_fputc('\n', stream);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void test_pool(mps_pool_class_t pool_class, mps_arg_s args[],
                      mps_bool_t haveAmbiguous)
  mps_pool_t pool;
  mps_root_t exactRoot, ambigRoot = NULL;
  size_t lastStep = 0, i, r;
  unsigned long objs;
  mps_ap_t busy_ap;
  mps_addr_t busy_init;

  die(mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, pool_class, args), "pool_create");
  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate");
  die(mps_ap_create(&busy_ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate 2");

  for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i)
    exactRoots[i] = objNULL;
  if (haveAmbiguous)
    for(i = 0; i < ambigRootsCOUNT; ++i)
      ambigRoots[i] = rnd_addr();

  die(mps_root_create_table_masked(&exactRoot, arena,
                                   mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                                   &exactRoots[0], exactRootsCOUNT,
  if (haveAmbiguous)
    die(mps_root_create_table(&ambigRoot, arena,
                              mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                              &ambigRoots[0], ambigRootsCOUNT),

  /* create an ap, and leave it busy */
  die(mps_reserve(&busy_init, busy_ap, 64), "mps_reserve busy");

  die(PoolDescribe(pool, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0), "PoolDescribe");

  objs = 0; totalSize = 0;
  while(totalSize < totalSizeMAX) {
    if (totalSize > lastStep + totalSizeSTEP) {
      lastStep = totalSize;
      printf("\nSize %"PRIuLONGEST" bytes, %lu objects.\n",
             (ulongest_t)totalSize, objs);
      for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i)
        cdie(exactRoots[i] == objNULL || dylan_check(exactRoots[i]),
             "all roots check");

    r = (size_t)rnd();
    if (!haveAmbiguous || (r & 1)) {
      i = (r >> 1) % exactRootsCOUNT;
      if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL)
        cdie(dylan_check(exactRoots[i]), "dying root check");
      exactRoots[i] = make();
      if (exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i] != objNULL)
        dylan_write(exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i],
                    exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT);
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
void display_wrapper_stats ()
  int largest;
  mps_lib_FILE *stream = mps_lib_get_stdout();
  char *message = "Start of heap statistics";
  mps_lib_fputc('\n', stream);
  mps_lib_fputs(message, stream);
  display_padding_for_string(message, ' ', class_name_size, stream);
  mps_lib_fputs("   (count)     (size)", stream);
  mps_lib_fputs("\n\n", stream);
  mps_lib_fputc('\n', stream);
  for (largest = biggest_below_value(very_big); 
       largest >= 0; 
       largest = biggest_below_value(largest)) {
    display_wrappers_of_size(largest, stream);
  mps_lib_fputs("End of heap statistics\n\n", stream);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void display_wrapper_breakpoints()
  mps_lib_FILE *stream = mps_lib_get_stdout();
  if (wrapper_breaks_cursor >= 0)
      int i;
      mps_lib_fputs("Object allocation breakpoints\n\n", stream);
      mps_lib_fputs("   (class-name)                                    (count)\n\n", stream);
      for (i = 0; i < wrapper_breaks_cursor + 1; i++) {
        wrapper_stats_t wrapper_record = wrapper_breaks + i;
        char *class_name = class_name_from_wrapper(wrapper_record->wrapper_address);

        mps_lib_fputs_(class_name, class_name_size, stream);
        display_padding_for_string(class_name, ' ', class_name_size, stream);
        display_integer(wrapper_record->usage_size, stream);
        mps_lib_fputc('\n', stream);
    mps_lib_fputs("No active object allocation breakpoints\n\n", stream);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void test(mps_arena_t arena)
  BT bt;
  Nailboard board;
  Align align;
  Count nails;
  Addr base, limit;
  Index i, j, k;

  align = (Align)1 << (rnd() % 10);
  nails = (Count)1 << (rnd() % 16);
  nails += rnd() % nails;
  base = AddrAlignUp(0, align);
  limit = AddrAdd(base, nails * align);

  die(BTCreate(&bt, arena, nails), "BTCreate");
  BTResRange(bt, 0, nails);
  die(NailboardCreate(&board, arena, align, base, limit), "NailboardCreate");

  for (i = 0; i <= nails / 8; ++i) {
    Bool old;
    j = rnd() % nails;
    old = BTGet(bt, j);
    BTSet(bt, j);
    cdie(NailboardSet(board, AddrAdd(base, j * align)) == old, "NailboardSet");
    for (k = 0; k < nails / 8; ++k) {
      Index b, l;
      b = rnd() % nails;
      l = b + rnd() % (nails - b) + 1;
      cdie(BTIsResRange(bt, b, l)
           == NailboardIsResRange(board, AddrAdd(base, b * align),
                                  AddrAdd(base, l * align)),

  die(NailboardDescribe(board, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0), "NailboardDescribe");
Ejemplo n.º 7
void report_message (char* message)
  mps_lib_FILE *stream = mps_lib_get_stdout();  
  mps_lib_fputs(message, stream);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static mps_res_t stress(mps_arena_t arena, mps_pool_debug_option_s *options,
                        size_t (*size)(size_t i), mps_align_t align,
                        const char *name, mps_pool_class_t pool_class,
                        mps_arg_s *args)
  mps_res_t res;
  mps_pool_t pool;
  size_t i, k;
  int *ps[testSetSIZE];
  size_t ss[testSetSIZE];
  size_t allocated = 0;         /* Total allocated memory */
  size_t debugOverhead = options ? 2 * alignUp(options->fence_size, align) : 0;

  printf("Pool class %s, alignment %u\n", name, (unsigned)align);

  res = mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, pool_class, args);
  if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
    return res;

  /* allocate a load of objects */
  for (i=0; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
    mps_addr_t obj;
    ss[i] = (*size)(i);
    res = mps_alloc(&obj, pool, ss[i]);
    if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
      return res;
    ps[i] = obj;
    allocated += alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    if (ss[i] >= sizeof(ps[i]))
      *ps[i] = 1; /* Write something, so it gets swap. */
    check_allocated_size(pool, allocated);


  for (k=0; k<testLOOPS; ++k) {
    /* shuffle all the objects */
    for (i=0; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      size_t j = rnd()%(testSetSIZE-i);
      void *tp;
      size_t ts;
      tp = ps[j]; ts = ss[j];
      ps[j] = ps[i]; ss[j] = ss[i];
      ps[i] = tp; ss[i] = ts;
    /* free half of the objects */
    /* upper half, as when allocating them again we want smaller objects */
    /* see randomSize() */
    for (i=testSetSIZE/2; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      mps_free(pool, (mps_addr_t)ps[i], ss[i]);
      /* if (i == testSetSIZE/2) */
      /*   PoolDescribe((Pool)pool, mps_lib_stdout); */
      Insist(alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead <= allocated);
      allocated -= alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    /* allocate some new objects */
    for (i=testSetSIZE/2; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      mps_addr_t obj;
      ss[i] = (*size)(i);
      res = mps_alloc(&obj, pool, ss[i]);
      if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
        return res;
      ps[i] = obj;
      allocated += alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    check_allocated_size(pool, allocated);
  die(PoolDescribe(pool, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0), "PoolDescribe");

  return MPS_RES_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void test(mps_arena_t arena, mps_class_t pool_class, size_t roots_count)
  mps_fmt_t format;
  mps_chain_t chain;
  mps_root_t exactRoot, ambigRoot;
  unsigned long objs; size_t i;
  mps_word_t collections, rampSwitch;
  mps_alloc_pattern_t ramp = mps_alloc_pattern_ramp();
  int ramping;
  mps_ap_t busy_ap;
  mps_addr_t busy_init;
  mps_pool_t pool;
  int described = 0; 

  die(dylan_fmt(&format, arena), "fmt_create");
  die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create");

  die(mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, pool_class, format, chain),

  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate");
  die(mps_ap_create(&busy_ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate 2");

  for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i)
    exactRoots[i] = objNULL;
  for(i = 0; i < ambigRootsCOUNT; ++i)
    ambigRoots[i] = rnd_addr();

  die(mps_root_create_table_masked(&exactRoot, arena,
                                   mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                                   &exactRoots[0], exactRootsCOUNT,
  die(mps_root_create_table(&ambigRoot, arena,
                            mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                            &ambigRoots[0], ambigRootsCOUNT),

  /* create an ap, and leave it busy */
  die(mps_reserve(&busy_init, busy_ap, 64), "mps_reserve busy");

  collections = 0;
  rampSwitch = rampSIZE;
  die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, ramp), "pattern begin (ap)");
  die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(busy_ap, ramp), "pattern begin (busy_ap)");
  ramping = 1;
  objs = 0;
  while (collections < collectionsCOUNT) {
    mps_word_t c;
    size_t r;

    c = mps_collections(arena);
    if (collections != c) {
      if (!described) {
        die(ArenaDescribe(arena, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0), "ArenaDescribe");
        described = TRUE;
      collections = c;

      printf("%lu objects (mps_collections says: %"PRIuLONGEST")\n", objs,

      /* test mps_arena_has_addr */
        size_t hitRatio;
        unsigned hitsWanted = 4;  /* aim for 4 hits (on average) */
        /* [Note: The for-loop condition used to be "i < 4 * hitRatio",
         *  with "4" an unexplained naked constant.  I have now labelled
         *  it "hitsWanted", as I think that is the intent.  RHSK]
        /* how many random addrs must we try, to hit the arena once? */
        hitRatio = (0xfffffffful / mps_arena_committed(arena));
        for (i = 0; i < hitsWanted * hitRatio ; i++) {
          /* An exact root maybe in the arena, so add a random 32-bit
           * offset to it.  We may get no hits if it is objNULL.
          mps_addr_t p = (char *)exactRoots[rnd() % exactRootsCOUNT]
                         + rnd()-0x80000000ul;
          if (mps_arena_has_addr(arena, p)) {
            printf("%p is in the arena\n", p);

      for (i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i)
        cdie(exactRoots[i] == objNULL
             || (dylan_check(exactRoots[i])
                 && mps_arena_has_addr(arena, exactRoots[i])),
             "all roots check");
      cdie(!mps_arena_has_addr(arena, NULL),
           "NULL in arena");

      if (collections == collectionsCOUNT / 2) {
        unsigned long object_count = 0;
        mps_arena_formatted_objects_walk(arena, test_stepper, &object_count, 0);
        printf("stepped on %lu objects.\n", object_count);
      if (collections == rampSwitch) {
        int begin_ramp = !ramping
          || /* Every other time, switch back immediately. */ (collections & 1);

        rampSwitch += rampSIZE;
        if (ramping) {
          die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(ap, ramp), "pattern end (ap)");
          die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(busy_ap, ramp), "pattern end (busy_ap)");
          ramping = 0;
          /* kill half of the roots */
          for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; i += 2) {
            if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL) {
              cdie(dylan_check(exactRoots[i]), "ramp kill check");
              exactRoots[i] = objNULL;
        if (begin_ramp) {
          die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, ramp),
              "pattern rebegin (ap)");
          die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(busy_ap, ramp),
              "pattern rebegin (busy_ap)");
          ramping = 1;

    r = (size_t)rnd();
    if (r & 1) {
      i = (r >> 1) % exactRootsCOUNT;
      if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL)
        cdie(dylan_check(exactRoots[i]), "dying root check");
      exactRoots[i] = make(roots_count);
      if (exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i] != objNULL)
        dylan_write(exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i],
                    exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT);
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 10
static mps_res_t stress(mps_arena_t arena, mps_align_t align,
                        size_t (*size)(unsigned long i),
                        mps_pool_class_t pool_class, mps_arg_s args[])
  mps_res_t res;
  mps_ap_t ap;
  unsigned long i, k;
  int *ps[TEST_SET_SIZE];
  size_t ss[TEST_SET_SIZE];

  res = mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, pool_class, args);
  if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
    return res;

  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate");

  /* allocate a load of objects */
  for(i=0; i<TEST_SET_SIZE; ++i) {
    mps_addr_t obj;
    ss[i] = (*size)(i);
    res = make(&obj, ap, ss[i], align);
    if (res != MPS_RES_OK) {
      ss[i] = 0;
    } else {
      ps[i]= obj;
      *ps[i] = 1; /* Write something, so it gets swap. */

    if (verbose) {
      if (i && i%4==0)
             (ulongest_t)ps[i], (ulongest_t)ss[i]);
    if (i == 100) {
      PoolDescribe(pool, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0);
  if (verbose) {

  for (k=0; k<TEST_LOOPS; ++k) {
    unsigned long x = rnd()%(TEST_SET_SIZE-1);
    /* shuffle all the objects */
    for(i=0; i<TEST_SET_SIZE; ++i) {
      unsigned long j = rnd()%(TEST_SET_SIZE-i);
      void *tp;
      size_t ts;
      tp = ps[j]; ts = ss[j];
      ps[j] = ps[i]; ss[j] = ss[i];
      ps[i] = tp; ss[i] = ts;
    /* free some of the objects */
    for(i=x; i<TEST_SET_SIZE; ++i) {
      if (ss[i] > 0) {
        mps_free(pool, (mps_addr_t)ps[i], ss[i]);
        ss[i] = 0;
    /* allocate some new objects */
    for(i=x; i<TEST_SET_SIZE; ++i) {
      mps_addr_t obj;
      size_t s = (*size)(i);
      res = make(&obj, ap, s, align);
      if(res != MPS_RES_OK)
      ps[i] = obj;      
      ss[i] = s;
      if (verbose) {
        if (i && i%4==0)
        printf("%"PRIwWORD PRIXLONGEST" %6"PRIXLONGEST" ",
               (ulongest_t)ps[i], (ulongest_t)ss[i]);
    if (verbose)

  return MPS_RES_OK;