Ejemplo n.º 1
int msUVRASTERLayerSetTimeFilter(layerObj *layer, const char *timestring,
                                 const char *timefield)
  int tilelayerindex;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If we don't have a tileindex the time filter has no effect.     */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( layer->tileindex == NULL )
    return MS_SUCCESS;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Find the tileindex layer.                                       */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  tilelayerindex = msGetLayerIndex(layer->map, layer->tileindex);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If we are using a local shapefile as our tileindex (that is     */
  /*      to say, the tileindex name is not of another layer), then we    */
  /*      just install a backtics style filter on the raster layer.       */
  /*      This is propogated to the "working layer" created for the       */
  /*      tileindex by code in mapraster.c.                               */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( tilelayerindex == -1 )
    return msLayerMakeBackticsTimeFilter( layer, timestring, timefield );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Otherwise we invoke the tileindex layers SetTimeFilter          */
  /*      method.                                                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if ( msCheckParentPointer(layer->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;
  return msLayerSetTimeFilter( layer->GET_LAYER(map,tilelayerindex),
                               timestring, timefield );
Ejemplo n.º 2
int msDBFJoinConnect(layerObj *layer, joinObj *join) 
  int i;
  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  msDBFJoinInfo *joininfo;

  if(join->joininfo) return(MS_SUCCESS); /* already open */
  if ( msCheckParentPointer(layer->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
	return MS_FAILURE;
  /* allocate a msDBFJoinInfo struct */
  joininfo = (msDBFJoinInfo *) malloc(sizeof(msDBFJoinInfo));
  if(!joininfo) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Error allocating XBase table info structure.", "msDBFJoinConnect()");

  /* initialize any members that won't get set later on in this function */
  joininfo->target = NULL;
  joininfo->nextrecord = 0;

  join->joininfo = joininfo;

  /* open the XBase file */
  if((joininfo->hDBF = msDBFOpen( msBuildPath3(szPath, layer->map->mappath, layer->map->shapepath, join->table), "rb" )) == NULL) {
    if((joininfo->hDBF = msDBFOpen( msBuildPath(szPath, layer->map->mappath, join->table), "rb" )) == NULL) {     
      msSetError(MS_IOERR, "(%s)", "msDBFJoinConnect()", join->table);   

  /* get "to" item index */
  if((joininfo->toindex = msDBFGetItemIndex(joininfo->hDBF, join->to)) == -1) { 
    msSetError(MS_DBFERR, "Item %s not found in table %s.", "msDBFJoinConnect()", join->to, join->table); 

  /* get "from" item index   */
  for(i=0; i<layer->numitems; i++) {
    if(strcasecmp(layer->items[i],join->from) == 0) { /* found it */
      joininfo->fromindex = i;

  if(i == layer->numitems) {
    msSetError(MS_JOINERR, "Item %s not found in layer %s.", "msDBFJoinConnect()", join->from, layer->name); 

  /* finally store away the item names in the XBase table */
  join->numitems =  msDBFGetFieldCount(joininfo->hDBF);
  join->items = msDBFGetItems(joininfo->hDBF);
  if(!join->items) return(MS_FAILURE);  

Ejemplo n.º 3
int msContourLayerSetTimeFilter(layerObj *layer, const char *timestring,
                               const char *timefield)
  int tilelayerindex;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("msContourLayerSetTimeFilter(%s,%s).\n", timestring, timefield);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If we don't have a tileindex the time filter has no effect.     */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( layer->tileindex == NULL )
      if (layer->debug)
          msDebug("msContourLayerSetTimeFilter(): time filter without effect on layers without tileindex.\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Find the tileindex layer.                                       */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  tilelayerindex = msGetLayerIndex(layer->map, layer->tileindex);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If we are using a local shapefile as our tileindex (that is     */
  /*      to say, the tileindex name is not of another layer), then we    */
  /*      just install a backtics style filter on the current layer.      */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( tilelayerindex == -1 )
    return msLayerMakeBackticsTimeFilter( layer, timestring, timefield );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Otherwise we invoke the tileindex layers SetTimeFilter          */
  /*      method.                                                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if ( msCheckParentPointer(layer->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;
  return msLayerSetTimeFilter( layer->GET_LAYER(map,tilelayerindex),
                               timestring, timefield );
Ejemplo n.º 4
int msWFSLayerOpen(layerObj *lp,
                   const char *pszGMLFilename, rectObj *defaultBBOX)
#ifdef USE_WFS_LYR
  int status = MS_SUCCESS;
  msWFSLayerInfo *psInfo = NULL;

  if ( msCheckParentPointer(lp->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (lp->wfslayerinfo != NULL) {
    psInfo =(msWFSLayerInfo*)lp->wfslayerinfo;

    /* Layer already opened.  If explicit filename requested then check */
    /* that file was already opened with the same filename. */
    /* If no explicit filename requested then we'll try to reuse the */
    /* previously opened layer... this will happen in a msDrawMap() call. */
    if (pszGMLFilename == NULL ||
        (psInfo->pszGMLFilename && pszGMLFilename &&
         strcmp(psInfo->pszGMLFilename, pszGMLFilename) == 0) ) {
      if (lp->layerinfo == NULL) {
        if (msWFSLayerWhichShapes(lp, psInfo->rect, MS_FALSE) == MS_FAILURE) /* no access to context (draw vs. query) here, although I doubt it matters... */
          return MS_FAILURE;
      return MS_SUCCESS;  /* Nothing to do... layer is already opened */
    } else {
      /* Hmmm... should we produce a fatal error? */
      /* For now we'll just close the layer and reopen it. */
      if (lp->debug)
        msDebug("msWFSLayerOpen(): Layer already opened (%s)\n",
                lp->name?lp->name:"(null)" );

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Alloc and fill msWFSLayerInfo inside layer obj
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  lp->wfslayerinfo = psInfo = msAllocWFSLayerInfo();

  if (pszGMLFilename)
    psInfo->pszGMLFilename = msStrdup(pszGMLFilename);
  else {
    psInfo->pszGMLFilename = msTmpFile(lp->map,

  if (defaultBBOX) {
    /* __TODO__ If new bbox differs from current one then we should */
    /* invalidate current GML file in cache */
    psInfo->rect = *defaultBBOX;
  } else {
    /* Use map bbox by default */
    psInfo->rect = lp->map->extent;

  /* We will call whichshapes() now and force downloading layer right */
  /* away.  This saves from having to call DescribeFeatureType and */
  /* parsing the response (being lazy I guess) and anyway given the */
  /* way we work with layers right now the bbox is unlikely to change */
  /* between now and the time whichshapes() would have been called by */
  /* the MapServer core. */
#ifdef USE_PROJ
  if((lp->map->projection.numargs > 0) && (lp->projection.numargs > 0))
    msProjectRect(&lp->map->projection, &lp->projection, &psInfo->rect); /* project the searchrect to source coords */

  if (msWFSLayerWhichShapes(lp, psInfo->rect, MS_FALSE) == MS_FAILURE)  /* no access to context (draw vs. query) here, although I doubt it matters... */
    status = MS_FAILURE;

  return status;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * WFS CONNECTION Support not included...
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "WFS CLIENT CONNECTION support is not available.",

#endif /* USE_WFS_LYR */
Ejemplo n.º 5
int msWFSLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *lp, rectObj rect, int isQuery)
#ifdef USE_WFS_LYR
  msWFSLayerInfo *psInfo;
  int status = MS_SUCCESS;
  const char *pszTmp;
  FILE *fp;

  if ( msCheckParentPointer(lp->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  psInfo =(msWFSLayerInfo*)lp->wfslayerinfo;

  if (psInfo == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Assertion failed: WFS layer not opened!!!",

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Check if layer overlaps current view window (using wfs_latlonboundingbox)
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata),
                                    "FO", "latlonboundingbox")) != NULL) {
    char **tokens;
    int n;
    rectObj ext;

    tokens = msStringSplit(pszTmp, ' ', &n);
    if (tokens==NULL || n != 4) {
      msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Wrong number of values in 'wfs_latlonboundingbox' metadata.",
      return MS_FAILURE;

    ext.minx = atof(tokens[0]);
    ext.miny = atof(tokens[1]);
    ext.maxx = atof(tokens[2]);
    ext.maxy = atof(tokens[3]);

    msFreeCharArray(tokens, n);

    /* Reproject latlonboundingbox to the selected SRS for the layer and */
    /* check if it overlaps the bbox that we calculated for the request */

    msProjectRect(&(lp->map->latlon), &(lp->projection), &ext);
    if (!msRectOverlap(&rect, &ext)) {
      /* No overlap... nothing to do. If layer was never opened, go open it.*/
      if (lp->layerinfo)
        return MS_DONE;  /* No overlap. */

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * __TODO__ If new bbox differs from current one then we should
   * invalidate current GML file in cache
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  psInfo->rect = rect;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * If file not downloaded yet then do it now.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if (psInfo->nStatus == 0) {
    httpRequestObj asReqInfo[2];
    int numReq = 0;

    msHTTPInitRequestObj(asReqInfo, 2);

    if ( msPrepareWFSLayerRequest(-1, lp->map, lp,
                                  asReqInfo, &numReq) == MS_FAILURE  ||
         msOWSExecuteRequests(asReqInfo, numReq,
                              lp->map, MS_TRUE) == MS_FAILURE ) {
      /* Delete tmp file... we don't want it to stick around. */
      return MS_FAILURE;

    /* Cleanup */
    msHTTPFreeRequestObj(asReqInfo, numReq);


  if ( !MS_HTTP_SUCCESS( psInfo->nStatus ) ) {
    /* Delete tmp file... we don't want it to stick around. */

               "Got HTTP status %d downloading WFS layer %s",
               psInfo->nStatus, lp->name?lp->name:"(null)");

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Check that file is really GML... it could be an exception, or just junk.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((fp = fopen(psInfo->pszGMLFilename, "r")) != NULL) {
    char szHeader[2000];
    int  nBytes = 0;

    nBytes = fread( szHeader, 1, sizeof(szHeader)-1, fp );

    if (nBytes < 0)
      nBytes = 0;
    szHeader[nBytes] = '\0';

    if ( nBytes == 0 ) {
                 "WFS request produced no oputput for layer %s.",

    if ( strstr(szHeader, "<WFS_Exception>") ||
         strstr(szHeader, "<ServiceExceptionReport>") ) {
      msOWSProcessException(lp, psInfo->pszGMLFilename,
                            MS_WFSCONNERR, "msWFSLayerWhichShapes()" );
      return MS_FAILURE;
    } else if ( strstr(szHeader,"opengis.net/gml") &&
                strstr(szHeader,"featureMember>") == NULL ) {
      /* This looks like valid GML, but contains 0 features. */
      return MS_DONE;
    } else if ( strstr(szHeader,"opengis.net/gml") == NULL ||
                strstr(szHeader,"featureMember>") == NULL ) {
      /* This is probably just junk. */
                 "WFS request produced unexpected output (junk?) for layer %s.",

    /* If we got this far, it must be a valid GML dataset... keep going */

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * Open GML file using OGR.
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if ((status = msOGRLayerOpen(lp, psInfo->pszGMLFilename)) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return status;

  status = msOGRLayerWhichShapes(lp, rect, isQuery);

  /* Mark that the OGR Layer is valid */
  psInfo->bLayerHasValidGML = MS_TRUE;

  return status;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   * WFS CONNECTION Support not included...
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "WFS CLIENT CONNECTION support is not available.",

#endif /* USE_WFS_LYR */
Ejemplo n.º 6
int msCSVJoinConnect(layerObj *layer, joinObj *join) 
  int i;
  FILE *stream;
  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  msCSVJoinInfo *joininfo;
  char buffer[MS_BUFFER_LENGTH];

  if(join->joininfo) return(MS_SUCCESS); /* already open */
  if ( msCheckParentPointer(layer->map,"map")==MS_FAILURE )
	return MS_FAILURE;
  /* allocate a msCSVJoinInfo struct */
  if((joininfo = (msCSVJoinInfo *) malloc(sizeof(msCSVJoinInfo))) == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Error allocating CSV table info structure.", "msCSVJoinConnect()");

  /* initialize any members that won't get set later on in this function */
  joininfo->target = NULL;
  joininfo->nextrow = 0;

  join->joininfo = joininfo;

  /* open the CSV file */
  if((stream = fopen( msBuildPath3(szPath, layer->map->mappath, layer->map->shapepath, join->table), "r" )) == NULL) {
    if((stream = fopen( msBuildPath(szPath, layer->map->mappath, join->table), "r" )) == NULL) {     
      msSetError(MS_IOERR, "(%s)", "msCSVJoinConnect()", join->table);   
  /* once through to get the number of rows */
  joininfo->numrows = 0;
  while(fgets(buffer, MS_BUFFER_LENGTH, stream) != NULL) joininfo->numrows++;

  if((joininfo->rows = (char ***) malloc(joininfo->numrows*sizeof(char **))) == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Error allocating rows.", "msCSVJoinConnect()");

  /* load the rows */
  i = 0;
  while(fgets(buffer, MS_BUFFER_LENGTH, stream) != NULL) {  
    joininfo->rows[i] = msStringSplitComplex(buffer, ",", &(join->numitems), MS_ALLOWEMPTYTOKENS);

  /* get "from" item index   */
  for(i=0; i<layer->numitems; i++) {
    if(strcasecmp(layer->items[i],join->from) == 0) { /* found it */
      joininfo->fromindex = i;

  if(i == layer->numitems) {
    msSetError(MS_JOINERR, "Item %s not found in layer %s.", "msCSVJoinConnect()", join->from, layer->name); 

  /* get "to" index (for now the user tells us which column, 1..n) */
  joininfo->toindex = atoi(join->to) - 1;
  if(joininfo->toindex < 0 || joininfo->toindex > join->numitems) {
    msSetError(MS_JOINERR, "Invalid column index %s.", "msCSVJoinConnect()", join->to); 

  /* store away the column names (1..n) */
  if((join->items = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *)*join->numitems)) == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Error allocating space for join item names.", "msCSVJoinConnect()");
  for(i=0; i<join->numitems; i++) {
    join->items[i] = (char *) malloc(8); /* plenty of space */
    sprintf(join->items[i], "%d", i+1);
