Ejemplo n.º 1
int ServerCore::AddTimer(const wchar_t * callback, int timeout, int param)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++)
		if(scripttimers[i].timeout <= 0) break;
	wcscpy(scripttimers[i].callback, callback);
	scripttimers[i].param = param;
	scripttimers[i].timeout = timeout;
	scripttimers[i].time = msec_time() + timeout;
	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ServerCore::Tick(void)

	curtime = time(0);

	if (gametime.tickcount == gametime.ticksperminute)
		gametime.tickcount = 0;
	if(curtime - lastcheck >= 30000)
		lastcheck = curtime;
	if (!lan)
		if (curtime - lastmasterservercheck >= 3600000)
			lastmasterservercheck = curtime;
			if (!msm.RegisterServer(port, hostname, gamemodename, L"World", maxplayers, password))
				Log::Warning(L"Unable to register server.");
	long curmtime = msec_time();
	for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++)
		if(scripttimers[i].timeout > 0)
			if(curmtime >= scripttimers[i].time)
				if(!vmm.CallSomeCallback(scripttimers[i].callback, scripttimers[i].param))
					scripttimers[i].time = curmtime + scripttimers[i].timeout;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Return DTP41_COMS_FAIL on failure to establish communications */
static inst_code
dtp41_init_coms(inst *pp, baud_rate br, flow_control fc, double tout) {
	dtp41 *p = (dtp41 *)pp;
	static char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
	baud_rate brt[9] = { baud_9600, baud_19200, baud_38400, baud_57600,
	                     baud_4800, baud_2400, baud_1200, baud_600, baud_300 };
	char *brc[9] =     { "9600BR\r", "19200BR\r", "38400BR\r", "57600BR\r",
	                     "4800BR\r", "2400BR\r", "1200BR\r", "600BR\r", "300BR\r" };
	char *fcc;
	unsigned int etime;
	int ci, bi, i, se;
	inst_code ev = inst_ok;

	a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp41_init_coms: About to init Serial I/O\n");

	/* Deal with flow control setting */
	if (fc == fc_nc)
		fc = DEFFC;
	if (fc == fc_XonXOff) {
		fcc = "0304CF\r";
	} else if (fc == fc_Hardware) {
		fcc = "0104CF\r";
	} else {
		fc = fc_none;
		fcc = "0004CF\r";

	/* Figure DTP41 baud rate being asked for */
	for (bi = 0; bi < 9; bi++) {
		if (brt[bi] == br)
	if (bi >= 9)
		bi = 0;	

	/* Figure current icoms baud rate */
	for (ci = 0; ci < 9; ci++) {
		if (brt[ci] == p->icom->br)
	if (ci >= 9)
		ci = bi;	

	/* The tick to give up on */
	etime = msec_time() + (long)(1000.0 * tout + 0.5);

	while (msec_time() < etime) {

		/* Until we time out, find the correct baud rate */
		for (i = ci; msec_time() < etime;) {
			if ((se = p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, fc_none, brt[i], parity_none,
				                                    stop_1, length_8)) != ICOM_OK) { 
				a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp41_init_coms: set_ser_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se);
				return dtp41_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2dtp41_err(se));
			if (((ev = dtp41_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5)) & inst_mask)
				                                                 != inst_coms_fail)
				break;		/* We've got coms */

			/* Check for user abort */
			if (p->uicallback != NULL) {
				inst_code ev;
				if ((ev = p->uicallback(p->uic_cntx, inst_negcoms)) == inst_user_abort) {
					a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp41_init_coms: user aborted\n");
					return inst_user_abort;
			if (++i >= 9)
				i = 0;
		break;		/* Got coms */

	if (msec_time() >= etime) {		/* We haven't established comms */
		return inst_coms_fail;

	/* set the protocol to RCI */
	if ((ev = dtp41_command(p, "0012CF\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 1.5)) != inst_ok)
		return ev;

	/* Set the handshaking (cope with coms breakdown) */
	if ((se = p->icom->write_read(p->icom, fcc, 0, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, NULL, ">", 1, 1.5)) != 0) {
		if (extract_ec(buf) != DTP41_OK)
			return inst_coms_fail;

	/* Change the baud rate to the rate we've been told (cope with coms breakdown) */
	if ((se = p->icom->write_read(p->icom, brc[bi], 0, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, NULL, ">", 1, 1.5)) != 0) {
		if (extract_ec(buf) != DTP41_OK)
			return inst_coms_fail;

	/* Configure our baud rate and handshaking as well */
	if ((se = p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, fc, brt[bi], parity_none, stop_1, length_8))
		                                                                      != ICOM_OK) {
		a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp41_init_coms: set_ser_port failed ICOM err 0x%x\n",se);
		return dtp41_interp_code((inst *)p, icoms2dtp41_err(se));

	/* Loose a character (not sure why) */
	p->icom->write_read(p->icom, "\r", 0, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, NULL, ">", 1, 0.5);

	/* Check instrument is responding */
	if ((ev = dtp41_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 1.5)) != inst_ok) {
		a1logd(p->log, 1, "dtp41_init_coms: instrument failed to respond\n");
		return inst_coms_fail;

	a1logd(p->log, 2, "dtp41_init_coms: init coms has suceeded\n");

	p->gotcoms = 1;
	return inst_ok;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* a serial connection, and instUnknown not serial. */
static instType ser_inst_type(
	icoms *p, 
	int port		/* Enumerated port number, 1..n */
) {
	instType rv = instUnknown;
	char buf[100];
	baud_rate brt[] = { baud_9600, baud_19200, baud_4800, baud_2400,
	                     baud_1200, baud_38400, baud_57600, baud_115200,
	                     baud_600, baud_300, baud_110, baud_nc };
	long etime;
	int bi, i;
	int se, len;
	int xrite = 0;
	int ss = 0;
	int so = 0;
	if (p->paths == NULL)

	if (port <= 0 || port > p->npaths)
		return instUnknown;

	if (p->paths[port-1]->dev != NULL
	 || p->paths[port-1]->hev != NULL)
		return instUnknown;
#endif /* ENABLE_USB */

	if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: About to init Serial I/O\n");

	bi = 0;

	/* The tick to give up on */
	etime = msec_time() + (long)(1000.0 * 20.0 + 0.5);

	if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: Trying different baud rates (%lu msec to go)\n",etime - msec_time());

	/* Until we time out, find the correct baud rate */
	for (i = bi; msec_time() < etime; i++) {
		if (brt[i] == baud_nc)
			i = 0;
		p->set_ser_port(p, port, fc_none, brt[i], parity_none, stop_1, length_8);

//printf("~1 brt = %d\n",brt[i]);
		if ((se = p->write_read(p, ";D024\r\n", buf, 100, '\r', 1, 0.5)) != 0) {
			if ((se & ICOM_USERM) == ICOM_USER) {
				if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: User aborted\n");
				return instUnknown;
		len = strlen(buf);

//printf("~1 len = %d\n",len);
		if (len < 4)

		/* Is this an X-Rite error value such as "<01>" ? */
		if (buf[0] == '<' && isdigit(buf[1]) && isdigit(buf[2]) && buf[3] == '>') {
//printf("~1 xrite\n");
			xrite = 1;

		/* Is this a Spectrolino error resonse ? */
		if (len >= 5 && strncmp(buf, ":26", 3) == 0) {
//printf("~1 spectrolino\n");
			so = 1;
		/* Is this a SpectroScan response ? */
		if (len >= 7 && strncmp(buf, ":D183", 5) == 0) {
//printf("~1 spectroscan\n");
			ss = 1;

	if (msec_time() >= etime) {		/* We haven't established comms */
		if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: Failed to establish coms\n");
		return instUnknown;

	if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: Got coms with instrument\n");

	/* Spectrolino */
	if (so) {
		rv = instSpectrolino;

	/* SpectroScan */
	if (ss) {
		rv = instSpectroScan;
		if ((se = p->write_read(p, ";D030\r\n", buf, 100, '\n', 1, 1.5)) == 0)  {
			if (strlen(buf) >= 41) {
				hex2bin(&buf[5], 12);
//printf("~1 type = '%s'\n",buf);
				if (strncmp(buf, ":D190SpectroScanT", 17) == 0)
					rv = instSpectroScanT;
	if (xrite) {

		/* Get the X-Rite model and version number */
		if ((se = p->write_read(p, "SV\r\n", buf, 100, '>', 1, 2.5)) != 0)
			return instUnknown;
		if (strlen(buf) >= 12) {
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP22",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP22;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP41",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP41;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP42",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP41;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP51",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP51;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP52",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP51;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP92",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP92;
		    if (strncmp(buf,"X-Rite DTP94",12) == 0)
				rv = instDTP94;

	if (p->debug) fprintf(stderr,"instType: Instrument type is '%s'\n", inst_name(rv));

	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* inst_license, inst_licensenc or inst_tamper on licening problem */
static int ccwin_set_color(
dispwin *p,
double r, double g, double b	/* Color values 0.0 - 1.0 */
) {
	chws *ws = (chws *)p->pcntx;
	int j;
	double orgb[3];		/* Previous RGB value */
	double kr, kf;
	int update_delay = 0;

	debugr2((errout, "ccwin_set_color called with %f %f %f\n",r,g,b));

	if (p->nowin) {
		debugr2((errout,"ccwin_set_color: nowin - give up\n"));
		return 1;

	orgb[0] = p->rgb[0]; p->rgb[0] = r;
	orgb[1] = p->rgb[1]; p->rgb[1] = g;
	orgb[2] = p->rgb[2]; p->rgb[2] = b;

	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		if (p->rgb[j] < 0.0)
			p->rgb[j] = 0.0;
		else if (p->rgb[j] > 1.0)
			p->rgb[j] = 1.0;
		p->r_rgb[j] = p->s_rgb[j] = p->rgb[j];
		if (p->out_tvenc) {
			p->r_rgb[j] = p->s_rgb[j] = ((235.0 - 16.0) * p->s_rgb[j] + 16.0)/255.0;

			/* For video encoding the extra bits of precision are created by bit shifting */
			/* rather than scaling, so we need to scale the fp value to account for this. */
			if (p->pdepth > 8)
				p->r_rgb[j] = (p->s_rgb[j] * 255 * (1 << (p->pdepth - 8)))
				            /((1 << p->pdepth) - 1.0); 	

	/* This is probably not actually thread safe... */

#if DDITHER != 1
# pragma message("############################# ccwin.c DDITHER != 1 ##")

	/* Turn the color into a png file */
		/* We want a raster of IWIDTH x IHEIGHT pixels for web server, */
		/* or p->w x p->h for PNG direct. */
		render2d *rr;
		prim2d *rct;
		depth2d depth = bpc8_2d;
#if DDITHER == 1
		int dither = 0x8002;		/* 0x8002 = error diffuse FG only */
#elif DDITHER == 2
		int dither = 0x4000;		/* 0x4000 = no dither but don't average pixels */
									/* so as to allow pattern to come through. */
		int dither = 0;				/* Don't dither in renderer */
		double hres = 1.0;					/* Resoltion in pix/mm */
		double vres = 1.0;					/* Resoltion in pix/mm */
		double iw, ih;						/* Size of page in mm (pixels) */
		color2d c;
		unsigned char *ibuf;		/* Memory image of .png file */
		size_t ilen;
		int rv;
#ifdef DO_TIMING
		int stime;

		if (ws->direct) {
			iw = ws->w;		/* Requested size */
			ih = ws->h;
		} else {
			iw = IWIDTH;
			ih = IHEIGHT;	/* Size of page in mm */

		/* Full screen background: */
		if (p->fullscreen) {
			if (p->bge == dw_bg_grey) {
				ws->bg[0] = 0.2;
				ws->bg[1] = 0.2;
				ws->bg[2] = 0.2;
			} else if (p->bge == dw_bg_cvideo) {
				ws->bg[0] = p->area * (1.0 - r)/(1.0 - p->area); 
				ws->bg[1] = p->area * (1.0 - g)/(1.0 - p->area); 
				ws->bg[2] = p->area * (1.0 - b)/(1.0 - p->area); 
			} else if (p->bge == dw_bg_clight) {
				double gamma = 2.3;
				ws->bg[0] = pow(p->area * (1.0 - pow(r, gamma))/(1.0 - p->area), 1.0/gamma);
				ws->bg[1] = pow(p->area * (1.0 - pow(g, gamma))/(1.0 - p->area), 1.0/gamma);
				ws->bg[2] = pow(p->area * (1.0 - pow(b, gamma))/(1.0 - p->area), 1.0/gamma); 

			} else {		/* Assume dw_bg_black */
				ws->bg[0] = 0.0;
				ws->bg[1] = 0.0;
				ws->bg[2] = 0.0;

		/* Use default dark gray background */ 
		} else {
			ws->bg[0] = 0.2;
			ws->bg[1] = 0.2;
			ws->bg[2] = 0.2;

		debugr2((errout, "ccwin_set_color iw %f ih %f\n",iw,ih));

		if ((rr = new_render2d(iw, ih, NULL, hres, vres, rgb_2d,
		     0, depth, dither,
#if DDITHER == 1
			 ccastQuant, NULL, 3.0/255.0
			 NULL, NULL, 0.0
			 )) == NULL) {
			a1loge(g_log, 1,"ccwin: new_render2d() failed\n");
			return 1;
		/* Set the background color */
		c[0] = ws->bg[0];
		c[1] = ws->bg[1];
		c[2] = ws->bg[2];
		rr->set_defc(rr, c);
		c[0] = p->r_rgb[0];
		c[1] = p->r_rgb[1];
		c[2] = p->r_rgb[2];
		if (ws->direct)
			rr->add(rr, rct = new_rect2d(rr, 0.0, 0.0, ws->w, ws->h, c));
			rr->add(rr, rct = new_rect2d(rr, ws->x, ws->y, ws->w, ws->h, c));

#if DDITHER == 2			/* Use dither pattern */
			double rgb[3];
			double dpat[CCDITHSIZE][CCDITHSIZE][3];
			double (*cpat)[MXPATSIZE][MXPATSIZE][TOTC2D];
			int i, j;

			/* Get a chrome cast dither pattern to match target color */
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				rgb[i] = p->r_rgb[i] * 255.0;
			get_ccast_dith(dpat, rgb);

			if ((cpat = malloc(sizeof(double) * MXPATSIZE * MXPATSIZE * TOTC2D)) == NULL) {
				a1loge(g_log, 1, "ccwin: malloc of dither pattern failed\n");
				return 1;
			for (i = 0; i < CCDITHSIZE; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < CCDITHSIZE; j++) {
					int k = (((int)IHEIGHT-2) - j) % CCDITHSIZE;	/* Flip to origin bot left */
					(*cpat)[i][k][0] = dpat[i][j][0]/255.0;			/* (HEIGHT-2 is correct!) */
					(*cpat)[i][k][1] = dpat[i][j][1]/255.0;
					(*cpat)[i][k][2] = dpat[i][j][2]/255.0;
			set_rect2d_dpat((rect2d *)rct, cpat, CCDITHSIZE, CCDITHSIZE);
#endif /* DDITHER == 2 */

#pragma message("############################# ccwin.c TEST_PATTERN defined ! ##")
		if (getenv("ARGYLL_CCAST_TEST_PATTERN") != NULL) {
			verbose(0, "Writing test pattern to '%s'\n","testpattern.png");
			if (r->write(r, "testpattern.png", 1, NULL, NULL, png_file)) {
				a1loge(g_log, 1, "ccwin: render->write failed\n");
				return 1;
#else	/* !CCTEST_PATTERN */
# ifdef WRITE_PNG		/* Write it to a file so that we can look at it */
#  pragma message("############################# spectro/ccwin.c WRITE_PNG is enabled ######")
		if (r->write(rr, "ccwin.png", 1, NULL, NULL, png_file)) {
			a1loge(g_log, 1, "ccwin: render->write failed\n");
			return 1;
# endif	/* WRITE_PNG */
#endif	/* !CCTEST_PATTERN */

#ifdef DO_TIMING
		stime = msec_time();

		rv = rr->write(rr, "MemoryBuf", 1, &ibuf, &ilen, png_mem);

		if (rv) {
			a1loge(g_log, 1, "ccwin: render->write failed\n");
			return 1;
#ifdef DO_TIMING
		stime = msec_time() - stime;
		printf("render->write took %d msec\n",stime);
		if (ws->update(ws, ibuf, ilen, ws->bg)) {
			a1loge(g_log, 1, "ccwin: color update failed\n");
			return 1;
		p->ccix = p->ncix;

	/* If update is notified asyncronously ... */
	while(p->ncix != p->ccix) {
//printf("#################     RGB update notified        ################\n");

	/* Allow for display update & instrument delays */
	update_delay = dispwin_compute_delay(p, orgb);
	debugr2((errout, "ccwin_set_color delaying %d msec\n",update_delay));

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Return DTP_COMS_FAIL on failure to establish communications */
static inst_code
dtp51_init_coms(inst *pp, int port, baud_rate br, flow_control fc, double tout) {
	dtp51 *p = (dtp51 *)pp;
	static char buf[MAX_MES_SIZE];
	baud_rate brt[5] = { baud_9600, baud_19200, baud_4800, baud_2400, baud_1200 };
	char *brc[5]     = { "30BR\r",  "60BR\r",   "18BR\r",  "0CBR\r",  "06BR\r" };
	char *fcc;
	long etime;
	int ci, bi, i, rv;
	inst_code ev = inst_ok;

	if (p->debug)
		p->icom->debug = p->debug;	/* Turn on debugging */

	/* Deal with flow control setting */
	if (fc == fc_nc)
		fc = DEFFC;
	if (fc == fc_XonXOff) {
		fcc = "0304CF\r";
	} else if (fc == fc_Hardware) {
		fcc = "0104CF\r";
	} else {
		fc = fc_none;
		fcc = "0004CF\r";

	/* Figure DTP51 baud rate being asked for */
	for (bi = 0; bi < 5; bi++) {
		if (brt[bi] == br)
	if (bi >= 5)
		bi = 0;	

	/* Figure current icoms baud rate */
	for (ci = 0; ci < 5; ci++) {
		if (brt[ci] == p->icom->br)
	if (ci >= 5)
		ci = bi;	

	/* The tick to give up on */
	etime = msec_time() + (long)(1000.0 * tout + 0.5);

	while (msec_time() < etime) {

		/* Until we time out, find the correct baud rate */
		for (i = ci; msec_time() < etime;) {
			p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, port, fc_none, brt[i], parity_none, stop_1, length_8);
			if (((ev = dtp51_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.5)) & inst_mask)
			                                                    != inst_coms_fail)
				break;		/* We've got coms or user abort */
			if (++i >= 5)
				i = 0;

		if ((ev & inst_mask) == inst_user_abort)
			return ev;

		break;		/* Got coms */

	if (msec_time() >= etime) {		/* We haven't established comms */
		return inst_coms_fail;

	/* Set the handshaking */
	if ((ev = dtp51_command(p, fcc, buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 1.5)) != inst_ok)
		return ev;

	/* Change the baud rate to the rate we've been told */
	if ((rv = p->icom->write_read(p->icom, brc[bi], buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, '>', 1, 1.5)) != 0) {
		if (extract_ec(buf) != DTP51_OK)
			return inst_coms_fail;

	/* Configure our baud rate and handshaking as well */
	p->icom->set_ser_port(p->icom, port, fc, brt[bi], parity_none, stop_1, length_8);

	/* Loose a character (not sure why) */
	p->icom->write_read(p->icom, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, '>', 1, 0.5);

	/* Check instrument is responding */
	if ((ev = dtp51_command(p, "\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 1.5)) != inst_ok)
		return inst_coms_fail;

	if (p->verb) {
		int i, j;
		if ((ev = dtp51_command(p, "GI\r", buf, MAX_MES_SIZE, 0.2)) != inst_ok
		 && (ev & inst_imask) != DTP51_BAD_COMMAND)
			return ev;

		if ((ev & inst_imask) == DTP51_BAD_COMMAND) { /* Some fimware doesn't support GI */
			printf("Firware doesn't support GI command\n");
		} else {
			for (j = i = 0; ;i++) {
				if (buf[i] == '<' || buf[i] == '\000')
				if (buf[i] == '\r') {
					buf[i] = '\000';
					printf(" %s\n",&buf[j]);
					if (buf[i+1] == '\n')
					j = i+1;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("Got communications\n");
	p->gotcoms = 1;
	return inst_ok;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* return icom error */
static int
icoms *p,
char *rbuf,			/* Buffer to store characters read */
int bsize,			/* Buffer size */
int *pbread,		/* Bytes read (not including forced '\000') */
char *tc,			/* Terminating characers, NULL for none or char count mode */
int ntc,			/* Number of terminating characters or char count needed, if 0 use bsize */
double tout			/* Time out in seconds */
) {
	int j, rbytes;
	long ttop, top;			/* Total timeout period, timeout period */
	unsigned int stime, etime;		/* Start and end times of USB operation */
	struct pollfd pa[1];		/* Poll array to monitor serial read and stdin */
	int nfd = 1;				/* Number of fd's to poll */
	struct termios origs, news;
	char *rrbuf = rbuf;		/* Start of return buffer */
	int bread = 0;
	int retrv = ICOM_OK;
	int nreads;				/* Number of reads performed */

	if (!p->is_open) {
		a1loge(p->log, ICOM_SYS, "icoms_ser_read: device not initialised\n");
		p->lserr = ICOM_SYS;
		return p->lserr;

	if (bsize < 3) {
		a1loge(p->log, ICOM_SYS, "icoms_ser_read: given too small a buffer\n");
		p->lserr = ICOM_SYS;
		return p->lserr;

	for (j = 0; j < bsize; j++)
		rbuf[j] = 0;
	ttop = (int)(tout * 1000.0 + 0.5);        /* Total timeout period in msecs */

	a1logd(p->log, 8, "\nicoms_ser_read: bytes %d, ttop %d, ntc %d\n", bsize, ttop, ntc);

	/* Wait for serial input to have data */
	pa[0].fd = p->fd;
	pa[0].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
	pa[0].revents = 0;

	bsize -=1;			/* Allow space for forced null */

	/* Until data is all read, we time out, or the user aborts */
	etime = stime = msec_time();
	j = (tc == NULL && ntc <= 0) ? -1 : 0;

	/* Until data is all read or we time out */
	for (top = ttop, nreads = 0; top > 0 && bsize > 0 && j < ntc ;) {

		if (poll_x(pa, nfd, top) > 0) {
			if (pa[0].revents != 0) {
				int btr;
				if (pa[0].revents != POLLIN &&  pa[0].revents != POLLPRI) {
					a1loge(p->log, ICOM_SYS, "icoms_ser_read: poll on serin returned "
					                     "unexpected value 0x%x",pa[0].revents);
					p->lserr = ICOM_SYS;
					return p->lserr;

				/* We have data to read from input */
				rbytes = read(p->fd, rbuf, bsize);
				if (rbytes < 0) {
					a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: read failed with %d, rbuf = '%s'\n",rbytes,icoms_fix(rrbuf));
					retrv |= ICOM_SERR;

				} else if (rbytes > 0) {
					a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: read %d bytes, rbuf = '%s'\n",rbytes,icoms_fix(rrbuf));
					bsize -= rbytes;
					if (tc != NULL) {
						while(rbytes--) {	/* Count termination characters */
							char ch = *rbuf++, *tcp = tc;
							while(*tcp != '\000') {
								if (ch == *tcp)
						a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: tc count %d\n",j);
					} else {
						if (ntc > 0)
							j += rbytes;
						rbuf += rbytes;
		etime = msec_time();
		top = ttop - (etime - stime);	/* Remaining time */

	*rbuf = '\000';
	a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: read %d total bytes with %d reads\n",rbuf - rrbuf, nreads);
	if (pbread != NULL)
		*pbread = (rbuf - rrbuf);

	/* If ran out of time and not completed */
	a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: took %d msec\n",etime - stime);
	if (top <= 0 && bsize > 0 && j < ntc) {
		a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: timeout, took %d msec out of %d\n",etime - stime,ttop);
		retrv |= ICOM_TO; 

	a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_read: took %d msec, returning '%s' ICOM err 0x%x\n",
	       etime - stime, tc == NULL && ntc > 0
			                          ? icoms_tohex((unsigned char *)rrbuf, rbuf - rrbuf)
	                                  : icoms_fix(rrbuf), retrv);

	p->lserr = retrv;
	return p->lserr;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Set the icoms lserr value */
static int
icoms *p,
char *wbuf,			/* null terminated unless nwch > 0 */
int nwch,			/* if > 0, number of characters to write */
double tout
) {
	int len, wbytes;
	long ttop, top;				/* Total timeout period, timeout period */
	unsigned int stime, etime;	/* Start and end times of USB operation */
	struct pollfd pa[1];		/* Poll array to monitor serial write and stdin */
	int nfd = 1;				/* Number of fd's to poll */
	struct termios origs, news;
	int retrv = ICOM_OK;

	a1logd(p->log, 8, "\nicoms_ser_write: writing '%s'\n",
	       nwch > 0 ? icoms_tohex((unsigned char *)wbuf, nwch) : icoms_fix(wbuf));

	if (!p->is_open) {
		a1loge(p->log, ICOM_SYS, "icoms_ser_write: device not initialised\n");
		p->lserr = ICOM_SYS;
		return p->lserr;

	/* Setup to wait for serial output not block */
	pa[0].fd = p->fd;
	pa[0].events = POLLOUT;
	pa[0].revents = 0;

	if (nwch != 0)
		len = nwch;
		len = strlen(wbuf);

	ttop = (int)(tout * 1000.0 + 0.5);        /* Total timeout period in msecs */

	a1logd(p->log, 8, "\nicoms_ser_write: ep 0x%x, bytes %d, ttop %d, quant %d\n", p->rd_ep, len, ttop, p->rd_qa);

	etime = stime = msec_time();

	/* Until data is all written or we time out */
	for (top = ttop; top > 0 && len > 0;) {

		if (poll_x(pa, nfd, top) > 0) {		/* Wait for something */

			if (pa[0].revents != 0) {
				if (pa[0].revents != POLLOUT) {
					a1loge(p->log, ICOM_SYS, "icoms_ser_write: poll returned "
					                     "unexpected value 0x%x",pa[0].revents);
					p->lserr = ICOM_SYS;
					return p->lserr;
				/* We can write it without blocking */
				wbytes = write(p->fd, wbuf, len);
				if (wbytes < 0) {
					a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_write: write failed with %d\n",wbytes);
					retrv |= ICOM_SERW;

				} else if (wbytes > 0) {
					a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_write: wrote %d bytes\n",wbytes);
					len -= wbytes;
					wbuf += wbytes;
		etime = msec_time();
		top = ttop - (etime - stime);	/* Remaining time */

	if (top <= 0) {			/* Must have timed out */
		a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_write: timeout, took %d msec out of %d\n",etime - stime,ttop);
		retrv |= ICOM_TO; 

	a1logd(p->log, 8, "icoms_ser_write: took %d msec, returning ICOM err 0x%x\n",etime - stime,retrv);
	p->lserr = retrv;
	return p->lserr;