void WBSDCalibrateCanisterwindow::reload(int aSpeed){ theSpeed=aSpeed; _isdone = false; if (theSpeed==1){ ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,24); msg1.getFloat(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } else if (theSpeed==2){ ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,25); msg1.getFloat(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } else { ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,26); msg1.getFloat(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } ParameterMsg gmsg1(Message::MCB,Message::DV,ParameterMsg::SET_PARAMETER); gmsg1.setNibble(0,theSpeed); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(gmsg1); updateData(); }
static int mainloop(const struct command* commands) { if (!respond_line(220, 1, str_welcome.s, str_welcome.len)) return 0; while (ibuf_getstr_crlf(&inbuf, &line)) if (!smtp_dispatch(commands)) { if (ibuf_eof(&inbuf)) msg1("Connection dropped"); if (ibuf_timedout(&inbuf)) msg1("Timed out"); return 1; } return 0; }
bool PhysicsEngine::update(float deltaTime){ _world->stepSimulation(deltaTime, 60); //iterate across the contacts map for(auto contactsIter = contacts.begin(); contactsIter!=contacts.end(); ++contactsIter){ //get the entity key from teh current entry in the map Entity* collider0 = contactsIter->first; //get the set of colliders from the current entry in the map std::set<Entity*>& set = contactsIter->second; //iterate thru all the entities in the set for(auto entityIter = set.begin(); entityIter!=set.end(); ++entityIter){ // get the other colider from the iterator Entity* collider1 = *entityIter; //create 2 messages - one for collider and one for the entity being hit Message msg1(collider0, "COLLISION", collider1); Message msg2(collider1, "COLLISION", collider0); //dispatch teh messages MessageHandler::sendMessage(msg1); MessageHandler::sendMessage(msg2); } } //empty the contacts map ready for next time contacts.clear(); //for now return true; }
TEST(Serialization, WriteBitsHard) { QByteArray msg1(2, 'a'); QBitArray bits1(12, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits1, msg1, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0xFF, (char)msg1[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x0F, (char)msg1[1]); bits1.setBit(0, false); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits1, msg1, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x7F, (char)msg1[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x0F, (char)msg1[1]); bits1.setBit(11, false); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits1, msg1, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x7F, (char)msg1[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x0E, (char)msg1[1]); QByteArray msg2(3, 'b'); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits1, msg2, 1); EXPECT_EQ((char)'b', (char)msg2[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x7F, (char)msg2[1]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x0E, (char)msg2[2]); }
void raw_sender(zmq::socket_t& s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i) { zmq::message_t msg1(ARRAY_LEN(PART1)-1); memcpy(msg1.data(), PART1, msg1.size()); s.send(msg1, ZMQ_SNDMORE); zmq::message_t msg2(ARRAY_LEN(PART2)-1); memcpy(msg2.data(), PART2, msg2.size()); s.send(msg2, ZMQ_SNDMORE); zmq::message_t msg3(ARRAY_LEN(PART3)-1); memcpy(msg3.data(), PART3, msg3.size()); s.send(msg3); zmq::message_t msg_res; s.recv(&msg_res, 0); if (i % 1000 == 0) { std::cout << "."; std::cout.flush(); } } }
void CGT_CDiagMsg::sysErr( HRESULT hr, const CG_Edipos* pEdp, const TCHAR* pszHint, const TCHAR* pszHint2 ) { FC_CString jot(MAX_PATH); FC_CString jot2; if(pszHint) { jot<<_T("'")<<pszHint; if(pszHint2) jot<<pszHint2; jot<<_T("' "); } jot.appendWsprintf(_T("returned 0x%x: "), hr); jot2.fmtSysErr(hr); jot<<jot2; msg1(CG_E_COM_ERROR, pEdp, jot); }
void CollationRegressionTest::assertEqual(CollationElementIterator &i1, CollationElementIterator &i2) { int32_t c1, c2, count = 0; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; do { c1 = i1.next(status); c2 = i2.next(status); if (c1 != c2) { UnicodeString msg, msg1(" "); msg += msg1 + count; msg += ": strength(0x"; appendHex(c1, 8, msg); msg += ") != strength(0x"; appendHex(c2, 8, msg); msg += ")"; errln(msg); break; } count += 1; } while (c1 != CollationElementIterator::NULLORDER); }
bool CTrueTalkNPC::TrueTalkNotifySpeechStartedMsg(CTrueTalkNotifySpeechStartedMsg *msg) { _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_SPEAKING; ++_field100; if (!(_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_8)) { if (_speechTimerId) stopTimer(_speechTimerId); _soundId = msg->_soundId; _fieldF0 = getTicksCount(); if (hasActiveMovie() || (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_2)) { _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_2; stopMovie(); CNPCPlayTalkingAnimationMsg msg1(_soundId, 0, 0); msg1.execute(this); if (msg1._names) { CNPCPlayAnimationMsg msg2(msg1._names, msg1._value1); msg2.execute(this); } } } return true; }
static const response* message_end(int fd) { struct stat st; char buf[1024]; long rd; char* lf; char* ptr; if (fd >= 0) { /* Log the first two lines of the message, usually a Received: header */ lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); rd = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1); buf[rd] = 0; if ((lf = strchr(buf, LF)) != 0) { str_copyb(&tmp, buf, lf-buf); ptr = lf + 1; if ((lf = strchr(ptr, LF)) != 0) str_catb(&tmp, ptr, lf-ptr); msg1(tmp.s); } fstat(fd, &st); databytes = st.st_size; } str_copys(&tmp, "Received "); str_catu(&tmp, databytes); str_cats(&tmp, " bytes."); resp.message = tmp.s; return &resp; (void)fd; }
bool CTrueTalkNPC::TrueTalkNotifySpeechStartedMsg(CTrueTalkNotifySpeechStartedMsg *msg) { debugC(ERROR_DETAILED, kDebugScripts, "%s TrueTalkNotifySpeechStartedMsg flags=%x dialogueId=%d", getName().c_str(), _npcFlags, msg->_dialogueId); _npcFlags |= NPCFLAG_SPEAKING; ++_speechCounter; if (!(_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_8)) { // Stop any previous animation if (_speechTimerId) stopAnimTimer(_speechTimerId); _speechTimerId = 0; _speechDuration = msg->_speechDuration; _startTicks = getTicksCount(); if (!hasActiveMovie() || (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_IDLING)) { _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_IDLING; stopMovie(); CNPCPlayTalkingAnimationMsg msg1(_speechDuration, 0, nullptr); msg1.execute(this); if (msg1._names) { CNPCPlayAnimationMsg msg2(msg1._names, msg1._speechDuration); msg2.execute(this); } } } return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const char* ip; const char* tmp; if (argc < 2) die1(1, "usage: relay-ctrl-check program [arguments]\n"); log_ips = getenv("RELAY_CTRL_LOG_IPS") != 0; log_env = getenv("RELAY_CTRL_LOG_ENV") != 0; if (getenv("RELAYCLIENT") == 0) { expiry = 0; if ((tmp = getenv("RELAY_CTRL_EXPIRY")) != 0) expiry = atol(tmp); if (expiry <= 0) expiry = 900; if ((rc = getenv("RELAY_CTRL_RELAYCLIENT")) == 0) rc = ""; if ((ip = getenv("TCPREMOTEIP")) == 0) warn1("$TCPREMOTEIP not set, not checking IP"); else if (do_chdir(0)) stat_ip(ip); } else { if (log_ips) msg1("$RELAYCLIENT already set, not checking IP"); } execvp(argv[1], argv+1); die1(111, "execution of program failed!\n"); return 111; argc = 0; }
void WBSDCalibrateCanisterwindow::updateData() { qDebug() << "WBSDInstantWindow::updateData"; ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::DV,17); msg1.getWord(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); }
bool CPlayGameVorticon::init() { CVorticonMapLoaderWithPlayer MapLoader( mMap, m_Player, mSpriteObjectContainer ); MapLoader.m_checkpointset = m_checkpointset; // load level map if( !MapLoader.load( m_Episode, m_Level, m_Gamepath ) ) return false; gpSaveGameController->setLevel(m_Level); //// If those worked fine, continue the initialization // draw level map mMap->drawAll(); // Now Scroll to the position of the player and center him mMap->gotoPos( 32, 64 ); // Assure that the edges are never seen setupPlayers(); // Well, all players are living because they were newly spawn. g_pTimer->ResetSecondsTimer(); g_pInput->flushAll(); // Initialize the AI mpObjectAI.reset( new CVorticonSpriteObjectAI(mMap.get(), mSpriteObjectContainer, m_Player, m_NumPlayers, m_Episode, m_Level, mMap->m_Dark) ); // Check if Player meets the conditions to show a cutscene. This also happens, when finale of episode has reached verifyFinales(); // When Level starts it's never dark! g_pGfxEngine->Palette.setdark(false); if(m_level_command == GOTO_FINALE) createFinale(); else if(m_showKeensLeft) g_pSound->playSound(SOUND_KEENSLEFT, PLAY_NOW); // In the case that we are in Episode 3 last Level, show Mortimer Messages if( m_Episode == 3 && m_Level == 16 ) { std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg1(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER"),false, true)); std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg2(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER2"),false, true)); std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg3(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER3"),false, true)); std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg4(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER4"),false, true)); std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg5(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER5"),false, true)); std::unique_ptr<CMessageBoxVort> msg6(new CMessageBoxVort(g_pBehaviorEngine->getString("EP3_MORTIMER6"),false, true)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg1)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg2)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg3)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg4)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg5)); mMessageBoxes.push_back(move(msg6)); g_pSound->playSound(SOUND_MORTIMER); } return true; }
void usage(const char* msg) { if(msg) msg1(msg); obuf_putf(&errbuf, usage_str, program, usage_args, usage_post); obuf_flush(&errbuf); exit(111); }
void SpinoffDragAndDrop::TouchesEnded(const std::vector<cocos2d::Touch *> &touches, cocos2d::Event *event) { if (!_isEnabled) { return; } if (_state == State::DRAG) { Vector2 touch_world = touches[0]->getLocation(); Vector2 touch_local = convertToNodeSpace(touch_world); _texture->SetCurrentImage("normal"); _state = State::DROP; _isEnabled = false; event->stopPropagation(); float create_cell = false; TownMapWidget *town_widget = _worldMapLayer->GetNearestTownWidget(touch_world, _attractionDist); if (town_widget) { Town::WeakPtr town_ptr = town_widget->GetTown(); if (!town_ptr.lock()->IsCellPresented()) { create_cell = true; } } if (create_cell) { Message msg1("CreateCell"); msg1.variables.SetString("TOWN_NAME", town_widget->GetTown()->GetName()); msg1.variables.SetInt("PARENT_UID", _cellFrom.lock()->GetUid()); MessageManager::Instance().PutMessage(msg1); Message msg2 = Message("SpinoffWithDragEnded"); msg2.variables.SetBool("SHOW_TOWNS", false); MessageManager::Instance().PutMessage(msg2); } else { cocos2d::CallFunc *func_end = cocos2d::CallFunc::create([&]() { Message msg = Message("SpinoffWithDragEnded"); msg.variables.SetBool("SHOW_TOWNS", false); MessageManager::Instance().PutMessage(msg); }); cocos2d::MoveTo *move = cocos2d::MoveTo::create(0.2f, convertToNodeSpace(getParent()->getPosition())); cocos2d::ScaleTo *scale = cocos2d::ScaleTo::create(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); cocos2d::FadeOut *fade = cocos2d::FadeOut::create(0.2f); cocos2d::Spawn *stage = cocos2d::Spawn::create(move, scale, fade, nullptr); cocos2d::Sequence *seq = cocos2d::Sequence::create(stage, func_end, nullptr); _texture->stopAllActions(); _texture->runAction(seq); _strip->runAction(fade); } } }
void report_io_bytes(void) { static str tmp; if (str_copys(&tmp, "bytes in: ") && str_catu(&tmp, inbuf.io.offset) && str_cats(&tmp, " bytes out: ") && str_catu(&tmp, outbuf.io.offset)) msg1(tmp.s); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(can_read_payload, F) { logsvc::prot::Message msg0(13); msg0.read_payload(std::string("\x56\x34\0\0a message", 13)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("a message", msg0.get_message()); BOOST_CHECK(logsvc::prot::FileHandle(0x3456) == msg0.get_filehandle()); logsvc::prot::Message msg1(9); msg1.read_payload(std::string("\x67\x45\0\0stuff", 9)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("stuff", msg1.get_message()); BOOST_CHECK(logsvc::prot::FileHandle(0x4567) == msg1.get_filehandle()); }
bool CTrueTalkNPC::TrueTalkNotifySpeechEndedMsg(CTrueTalkNotifySpeechEndedMsg *msg) { _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_SPEAKING; --_field100; _soundId = 0; if (!(_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_8)) { CNPCPlayTalkingAnimationMsg msg1(0, 2, 0); msg1.execute(this); CNPCQueueIdleAnimMsg msg2; msg2.execute(this); } return true; }
void CollationIteratorTest::TestOffset(/* char* par */) { CollationElementIterator *iter = en_us->createCollationElementIterator(test1); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // testing boundaries iter->setOffset(0, status); if (U_FAILURE(status) || iter->previous(status) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { errln("Error: After setting offset to 0, we should be at the end " "of the backwards iteration"); } iter->setOffset(test1.length(), status); if (U_FAILURE(status) || iter->next(status) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { errln("Error: After setting offset to end of the string, we should " "be at the end of the backwards iteration"); } // Run all the way through the iterator, then get the offset int32_t orderLength = 0; Order *orders = getOrders(*iter, orderLength); int32_t offset = iter->getOffset(); if (offset != test1.length()) { UnicodeString msg1("offset at end != length: "); UnicodeString msg2(" vs "); errln(msg1 + offset + msg2 + test1.length()); } // Now set the offset back to the beginning and see if it works CollationElementIterator *pristine = en_us->createCollationElementIterator(test1); iter->setOffset(0, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("setOffset failed."); } else { assertEqual(*iter, *pristine); } // TODO: try iterating halfway through a messy string. delete pristine; delete[] orders; delete iter; }
void WBSDCalibrateCanisterwindow::on_doubleSpinBox_editingFinished() { if(this->ui->doubleSpinBox->value() < _minValue) { QMessageBox::warning(this,QObject::tr("Warning"),QObject::tr("Calibration value is out of range,it will be over written by min-value,Be aware that the actual dosing won't be in line with the setting."),QMessageBox::Ok); this->ui->doubleSpinBox->setValue(_minValue); } if (theSpeed==1){ ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,24,ParameterMsg::SET_PARAMETER); msg1.setFloat(this->ui->doubleSpinBox->value()/10); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } else if (theSpeed==2){ ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,25,ParameterMsg::SET_PARAMETER); msg1.setFloat(this->ui->doubleSpinBox->value()/10); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } else { ParameterMsg msg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,26,ParameterMsg::SET_PARAMETER); msg1.setFloat(this->ui->doubleSpinBox->value()/10); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(msg1); } if (theSpeed==1){ ParameterMsg gmsg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,24); gmsg1.getWord(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(gmsg1); } else if (theSpeed==2){ ParameterMsg gmsg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,25); gmsg1.getWord(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(gmsg1); } else { ParameterMsg ggmsg1(Message::MCB,Message::AP,26); ggmsg1.getWord(); itsBaseWindow->addMessageToQue(ggmsg1); } }
bool CTrueTalkNPC::TrueTalkNotifySpeechEndedMsg(CTrueTalkNotifySpeechEndedMsg *msg) { debugC(ERROR_DETAILED, kDebugScripts, "%s TrueTalkNotifySpeechEndedMsg flags=%x dialogueId=%d", getName().c_str(), _npcFlags, msg->_dialogueId); _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_SPEAKING; --_speechCounter; _speechDuration = 0; if (!(_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_8)) { CNPCPlayTalkingAnimationMsg msg1(0, 2, nullptr); msg1.execute(this); CNPCQueueIdleAnimMsg msg2; msg2.execute(this); } return true; }
static const response* data_block(const char* bytes, unsigned long len) { if (databytes == 0) { /* First line is always Received, log the first two lines. */ const char* ch; ch = strchr(bytes, '\n'); str_copyb(&tmp, bytes, ch-bytes); bytes = ch + 1; if ((ch = strchr(bytes, '\n')) != 0) str_catb(&tmp, bytes, ch-bytes); msg1(tmp.s); } databytes += len; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct connection conn; iopoll_fd fds[2]; int selfpipe; int i; msg_debug_init(); testmode = getenv("TESTMODE") != 0; if ((shell_argv = malloc((argc + 3) * sizeof *argv)) == 0) die_oom(111); for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) shell_argv[i-1] = argv[i]; for (; i < argc + 4; ++i) shell_argv[i-1] = 0; shell_argc = argc - 1; if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == 0) die1(111, "No PATH is set"); if ((devnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) == -1) die1sys(111, "Could not open \"/dev/null\""); if (!nonblock_on(0)) die1sys(111, "Could not set non-blocking status"); if ((selfpipe = selfpipe_init()) == -1) die1sys(111, "Could not create self-pipe"); init_slots(); connection_init(&conn, 0, 0); fds[0].fd = 0; fds[0].events = IOPOLL_READ; fds[1].fd = selfpipe; fds[1].events = IOPOLL_READ; for (;;) { if (iopoll_restart(fds, 2, -1) == -1) die1sys(111, "Poll failed"); if (fds[0].revents) if (connection_read(&conn, handle_packet) <= 0) break; if (fds[1].revents) { read(selfpipe, &i, 1); handle_child(WNOHANG); } } msg1("Waiting for remaining slots to complete"); while (slots_used > 0) handle_child(0); return 0; }
TEST(Serialization, WriteBitsEasy) { QByteArray msg(1, 'a'); QBitArray bits(1, false); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits, msg, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x00, (char)msg[0]); QByteArray msg1(1, 'a'); QBitArray bits1(0, false); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits1, msg1, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x00, (char)msg1[0]); QByteArray msg2(1, 'a'); QBitArray bits2(1, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits2, msg2, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x01, (char)msg2[0]); QByteArray msg3(2, 'a'); QBitArray bits3(8, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits3, msg3, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0xFF, (char)msg3[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)'a', (char)msg3[1]); QByteArray msg4(2, 'a'); QBitArray bits4(8, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits4, msg4, 1); EXPECT_EQ((char)'a', (char)msg4[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0xFF, (char)msg4[1]); QByteArray msg5(2, 'a'); QBitArray bits5(9, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits5, msg5, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0xFF, (char)msg5[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x01, (char)msg5[1]); QByteArray msg6(2, 'a'); QBitArray bits6(10, true); Serialization::WriteBitArray(bits6, msg6, 0); EXPECT_EQ((char)0xFF, (char)msg6[0]); EXPECT_EQ((char)0x03, (char)msg6[1]); }
//! render function is called for creating a thread for a play function with a thread id t1. void render() { if(!calledOnce && !calledTwice) { int result = pthread_create(&t1,0,Ball::play,this); result=1; calledOnce=true; } else if(calledOnce) { calledTwice=true; std::string msg1 ("hello"); std::cout<<"here\n"; } calledOnce=true; return; }
void ToXmlV2Encoding() const { { std::list<ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation> locs; ErrorMessage msg(locs, emptyString, Severity::error, "Programming error.\nComparing \"\203\" with \"\003\"", "errorId", false); const std::string expected(" <error id=\"errorId\" severity=\"error\" msg=\"Programming error.\" verbose=\"Comparing "\\203" with "\\003"\"/>"); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, msg.toXML()); } { const char code1[]="äöü"; const char code2[]="\x12\x00\x00\x01"; std::list<ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation> locs; ErrorMessage msg1(locs, emptyString, Severity::error, std::string("Programming error.\nReading \"")+code1+"\"", "errorId", false); ASSERT_EQUALS(" <error id=\"errorId\" severity=\"error\" msg=\"Programming error.\" verbose=\"Reading "\\303\\244\\303\\266\\303\\274"\"/>", msg1.toXML()); ErrorMessage msg2(locs, emptyString, Severity::error, std::string("Programming error.\nReading \"")+code2+"\"", "errorId", false); ASSERT_EQUALS(" <error id=\"errorId\" severity=\"error\" msg=\"Programming error.\" verbose=\"Reading "\\022"\"/>", msg2.toXML()); } }
void SimulatorParameters::getParametersDirectoryPath(){ // read numeric parameters ifstream fid; fid.open("simulation-parameters/filenameParameters.dat"); if ( !fid.is_open() ){ throw Exception(__LINE__,__FILE__,"filenameParameters.dat could not be opened or it does not exist\n"); } setPositionToRead(fid,"path:"); fid >> parametersPath; // check if numeric.dat physical.dat slope_limiters.dat and solve.dat files are presented string checkForNumeric(parametersPath + "/numeric.dat"); string checkForPhysical(parametersPath + "physical.dat"); string checkForSlope_limiters(parametersPath + "/slope_limiters.dat"); string checkForSolve(parametersPath + "/solve.dat"); ifstream fid1, fid2, fid3, fid4; fid1.open(checkForNumeric.c_str()); fid2.open(checkForPhysical.c_str()); fid3.open(checkForSlope_limiters.c_str()); fid4.open(checkForSolve.c_str()); string msg1("could not be opened or it does not exist\n"); char msg[256]; if ( !fid1.is_open() ) sprintf(msg,"numeric.dat %s",msg1.c_str()); if ( !fid2.is_open() ) sprintf(msg,"physical.dat %s",msg1.c_str()); if ( !fid3.is_open() ) sprintf(msg,"slope-limiters.dat %s",msg1.c_str()); if ( !fid4.is_open() ) sprintf(msg,"solve.dat %s",msg1.c_str()); string failMsg(msg); if (!failMsg.length()){ throw Exception(__LINE__,__FILE__,msg); } else{ fid1.close(); fid2.close(); fid3.close(); fid4.close(); } }
void PhysicsSystem::SendCollisionMessages() { GameObjectCache& GOC = GameObjectCache::Instance(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); ++i) { Contact& c1 = contacts[i]; ContactMessage msg(c1, 0); GameObject* obj1 = GOC.Get(c1.ObjIDs[msg.recieverIndex]); PhysicsComponent& phys = *obj1->getComponent<PhysicsComponent>(); phys.CollideEvent(&msg); ContactMessage msg1(c1, 1); GameObject* obj2 = GOC.Get(c1.ObjIDs[(msg.recieverIndex+1)%2]); PhysicsComponent& phys2 = *obj2->getComponent<PhysicsComponent>(); phys2.CollideEvent(&msg1); } }
void CGT_CDiagMsg::errNS3( const CG_Edipos* pEdp, const TCHAR* psz1, const TCHAR* psz2, const TCHAR* psz3 ) { FC_CString jot(MAX_PATH); if(psz1) jot<<psz1; if(psz2) jot<<psz2; if(psz3) jot<<psz3; HRESULT errId = CG_E_NOT_SUPP_TRG; if(m_NSName.isEmpty()) msg1(CG_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, pEdp, jot); else msg2(CG_E_NOT_SUPP_TRG, pEdp, m_NSName, jot); }
bool CTrueTalkNPC::MovieEndMsg(CMovieEndMsg *msg) { if (_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_2) { _npcFlags &= ~NPCFLAG_2; CNPCQueueIdleAnimMsg idleMsg; idleMsg.execute(this); return true; } else if (!(_npcFlags & NPCFLAG_SPEAKING)) { return false; } int diff = getTicksCount() - _fieldF0; int ticks = MAX((int)_soundId - diff, 0); CNPCPlayTalkingAnimationMsg msg1(ticks, ticks > 1000 ? 2 : 1, 0); msg1.execute(this); if (msg1._names) { CNPCPlayAnimationMsg msg2(msg1._names, msg1._value1); msg2.execute(this); } return true; }