/* The compiler's "consume" function. */ static void muboot_compile_token() { mu_push_compiler_chain(); mu_find(); if (POP) { EXECUTE; return; } mu_push_forth_chain(); mu_find(); if (POP) { mu_comma(); return; } mu_complain(); }
/* The compiler's "consume" function. */ void _mu__rbracket() { mu_push_compiler_chain(); mu_find(); if (POP) { EXECUTE; return; } mu_push_forth_chain(); mu_find(); if (POP) { mu_compile_comma(); return; } mu_complain(); }
/* Not declared "static" because it is needed by muforth.c to fire up warm! */ void muboot_interpret_token() { mu_push_forth_chain(); mu_find(); if (POP) { EXECUTE; return; } mu_complain(); }