Ejemplo n.º 1
static int
pop_create_message (struct _pop3_message *mpm, struct _pop3_mailbox *mpd)
  int status;
  mu_message_t msg;
  status = mu_message_create (&msg, mpm);
  if (status)
    return status;

  mu_message_set_get_stream (msg, pop_message_get_stream, mpm);
  mu_message_set_size (msg, pop_message_size, mpm);
  mu_message_set_lines (msg, pop_message_lines, mpm);
  mpm->message = msg;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
nntp_mailbox_get_message (mu_mailbox_t mbox, size_t msgno, mu_message_t *pmsg)
  m_nntp_t m_nntp = mbox->data;
  msg_nntp_t msg_nntp;
  mu_message_t msg = NULL;
  int status;
  size_t i;

  /* Sanity.  */
 if (pmsg == NULL)
    return MU_ERR_OUT_PTR_NULL;

  mu_monitor_rdlock (mbox->monitor);
  /* See if we have already this message.  */
  for (i = 0; i < m_nntp->messages_count; i++)
      if (m_nntp->messages[i])
	  if (m_nntp->messages[i]->msgno == msgno + m_nntp->low)
	      *pmsg = m_nntp->messages[i]->message;
	      mu_monitor_unlock (mbox->monitor);
	      return 0;
  mu_monitor_unlock (mbox->monitor);

  msg_nntp = calloc (1, sizeof (*msg_nntp));
  if (msg_nntp == NULL)
    return ENOMEM;

  /* Back pointer.  */
  msg_nntp->m_nntp = m_nntp;
  msg_nntp->msgno = msgno + m_nntp->low;

  /* Create the message.  */
    mu_stream_t stream = NULL;
    if ((status = mu_message_create (&msg, msg_nntp)) != 0
	|| (status = mu_stream_create (&stream, mbox->flags, msg)) != 0)
	mu_stream_destroy (&stream, msg);
	mu_message_destroy (&msg, msg_nntp);
	free (msg_nntp);
	return status;
    /* Help for the readline()s  */
    mu_stream_set_read (stream, nntp_message_read, msg);
    mu_stream_set_get_transport2 (stream, nntp_message_get_transport2, msg);
    mu_message_set_stream (msg, stream, msg_nntp);
    mu_message_set_size (msg, nntp_message_size, msg_nntp);

  /* Create the header.  */
    mu_header_t header = NULL;
    if ((status = mu_header_create (&header, NULL, 0,  msg)) != 0)
	mu_message_destroy (&msg, msg_nntp);
	free (msg_nntp);
	return status;
    mu_header_set_fill (header, nntp_header_fill, msg);
    mu_message_set_header (msg, header, msg_nntp);

  /* Create the body and its stream.  */
    mu_body_t body = NULL;
    mu_stream_t stream = NULL;
    if ((status = mu_body_create (&body, msg)) != 0
	|| (status = mu_stream_create (&stream, mbox->flags, body)) != 0)
	mu_body_destroy (&body, msg);
	mu_stream_destroy (&stream, body);
	mu_message_destroy (&msg, msg_nntp);
	free (msg_nntp);
	return status;
    /* Helps for the readline()s  */
    mu_stream_set_read (stream, nntp_body_read, body);
    mu_stream_set_get_transport2 (stream, nntp_body_get_transport2, body);
    mu_body_set_size (body, nntp_body_size, msg);
    mu_body_set_lines (body, nntp_body_lines, msg);
    mu_body_set_stream (body, stream, msg);
    mu_message_set_body (msg, body, msg_nntp);

  /* Set the UID on the message. */
  mu_message_set_uid (msg, nntp_message_uid, msg_nntp);

  /* Add it to the list.  */
  mu_monitor_wrlock (mbox->monitor);
    msg_nntp_t *m ;
    m = realloc (m_nntp->messages, (m_nntp->messages_count + 1)*sizeof (*m));
    if (m == NULL)
	mu_message_destroy (&msg, msg_nntp);
	free (msg_nntp);
	mu_monitor_unlock (mbox->monitor);
	return ENOMEM;
    m_nntp->messages = m;
    m_nntp->messages[m_nntp->messages_count] = msg_nntp;
  mu_monitor_unlock (mbox->monitor);

  /* Save The message pointer.  */
  mu_message_set_mailbox (msg, mbox, msg_nntp);
  *pmsg = msg_nntp->message = msg;

  return 0;