Ejemplo n.º 1
void RedirectScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool wasUserGesture)
    if (!m_frame->page())
    if (url.isEmpty())

    lockBackForwardList = lockBackForwardList || mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);

    FrameLoader* loader = m_frame->loader();
    // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the
    // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change.
    KURL parsedURL(ParsedURLString, url);
    if (parsedURL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(loader->url(), parsedURL)) {
        loader->changeLocation(loader->completeURL(url), referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture);

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !loader->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    schedule(new ScheduledLocationChange(url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture, duringLoad));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(Document* initiatingDocument, SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin, const URL& url, const String& referrer, LockHistory lockHistory, LockBackForwardList lockBackForwardList)
    if (!shouldScheduleNavigation(url))

    if (lockBackForwardList == LockBackForwardList::No)
        lockBackForwardList = mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);

    FrameLoader& loader = m_frame.loader();

    // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the
    // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change.
    if (url.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_frame.document()->url(), url)) {
        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(m_frame.document()->completeURL(url), referrer, UseProtocolCachePolicy);
        ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy = ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow;
        if (initiatingDocument)
            shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy = initiatingDocument->shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicyToPropagate();
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin, resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::No, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, ReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL, shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !loader.stateMachine().committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    schedule(std::make_unique<ScheduledLocationChange>(initiatingDocument, securityOrigin, url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, duringLoad));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin, const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList)
    if (!shouldScheduleNavigation(url))
    if (url.isEmpty())

    lockBackForwardList = lockBackForwardList || mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);

    FrameLoader& loader = m_frame.loader();

    // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the
    // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change.
    URL parsedURL(ParsedURLString, url);
    if (parsedURL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_frame.document()->url(), parsedURL)) {
        loader.changeLocation(securityOrigin, m_frame.document()->completeURL(url), referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList);

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !loader.stateMachine()->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    schedule(std::make_unique<ScheduledLocationChange>(securityOrigin, url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, duringLoad));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin, const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockBackForwardList)
    if (!shouldScheduleNavigation(url))
    if (url.isEmpty())

    lockBackForwardList = lockBackForwardList || mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);

    // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the
    // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change. We'll skip this
    // optimization for cross-origin navigations to minimize the navigator's ability to
    // execute timing attacks.
    if (securityOrigin->canAccess(m_frame->document()->securityOrigin())) {
        KURL parsedURL(ParsedURLString, url);
        if (parsedURL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_frame->document()->url(), parsedURL)) {
            FrameLoadRequest request(securityOrigin, ResourceRequest(m_frame->document()->completeURL(url), referrer), "_self");

    schedule(adoptPtr(new ScheduledLocationChange(securityOrigin, url, referrer, lockBackForwardList)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
void RedirectScheduler::scheduleFormSubmission(PassRefPtr<FormSubmission> submission)

    // FIXME: Do we need special handling for form submissions where the URL is the same
    // as the current one except for the fragment part? See scheduleLocationChange above.

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !m_frame->loader()->stateMachine()->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    // If this is a child frame and the form submission was triggered by a script, lock the back/forward list
    // to match IE and Opera.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32383 for the original motivation for this.

    bool lockBackForwardList = mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame, UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGesture()) || (submission->state()->formSubmissionTrigger() == SubmittedByJavaScript && m_frame->tree()->parent());

    schedule(adoptPtr(new ScheduledFormSubmission(submission, lockBackForwardList, duringLoad)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void RedirectScheduler::scheduleFormSubmission(const FrameLoadRequest& frameRequest,
    bool lockHistory, PassRefPtr<Event> event, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState)

    // FIXME: Do we need special handling for form submissions where the URL is the same
    // as the current one except for the fragment part? See scheduleLocationChange above.

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !m_frame->loader()->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    // If this is a child frame and the form submission was triggered by a script, lock the back/forward list
    // to match IE and Opera.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32383 for the original motivation for this.

    bool lockBackForwardList = mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame) || (formState->formSubmissionTrigger() == SubmittedByJavaScript && m_frame->tree()->parent());

    schedule(new ScheduledFormSubmission(frameRequest, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, event, formState, duringLoad));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleFormSubmission(PassRefPtr<FormSubmission> submission)

    // FIXME: Do we need special handling for form submissions where the URL is the same
    // as the current one except for the fragment part? See scheduleLocationChange above.

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !m_frame.loader().stateMachine().committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    // If this is a child frame and the form submission was triggered by a script, lock the back/forward list
    // to match IE and Opera.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32383 for the original motivation for this.
    LockBackForwardList lockBackForwardList = mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);
    if (lockBackForwardList == LockBackForwardList::No
        && (submission->state()->formSubmissionTrigger() == SubmittedByJavaScript && m_frame.tree().parent() && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture())) {
        lockBackForwardList = LockBackForwardList::Yes;
    schedule(std::make_unique<ScheduledFormSubmission>(submission, lockBackForwardList, duringLoad));
Ejemplo n.º 8
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleFormSubmission(PassRefPtr<FormSubmission> submission)
    schedule(adoptPtr(new ScheduledFormSubmission(submission, mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame))));