static void mv_atoms(int dest,t_symtab *symtab,t_atoms *atoms) { int nr; nr=atoms->nr; blocktx(dest,nr); nblocktx(dest,nr,atoms->atom); mv_strings(dest,symtab,atoms->nr,atoms->atomname); mv_strings(dest,symtab,atoms->nres,atoms->resname); mv_strings(dest,symtab,atoms->ngrpname,atoms->grpname); mv_grps(dest,atoms->grps); mv_block(dest,&atoms->excl); }
void mv_data(int left,int right,t_parm *parm,t_nsborder *nsb, t_topology *top,rvec x[],rvec v[]) { int i; mv_parm(right,parm); mv_nsb(right,nsb); mv_symtab(right,&top->symtab); mv_string(right,&top->symtab,top->name); mv_atoms(right,&top->symtab,&top->atoms); mv_idef(right,&top->idef); for (i=0; (i<ebNR); i++) mv_block(right,&top->blocks[i]); mv_vectors(right,top->,x,v); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { static char *desc[] = { "The [TT]pmetest[tt] program tests the scaling of the PME code. When only given", "a [TT].tpr[tt] file it will compute PME for one frame. When given a trajectory", "it will do so for all the frames in the trajectory. Before the PME", "routine is called the coordinates are sorted along the X-axis.[PAR]", "As an extra service to the public the program can also compute", "long-range Coulomb energies for components of the system. When the", "[TT]-groups[tt] flag is given to the program the energy groups", "from the [TT].tpr[tt] file will be read, and half an energy matrix computed." }; t_commrec *cr,*mcr; static t_filenm fnm[] = { { efTPX, NULL, NULL, ffREAD }, { efTRN, "-o", NULL, ffWRITE }, { efLOG, "-g", "pme", ffWRITE }, { efTRX, "-f", NULL, ffOPTRD }, { efXVG, "-x", "ener-pme", ffWRITE } }; #define NFILE asize(fnm) /* Command line options ! */ static gmx_bool bVerbose=FALSE; static gmx_bool bOptFFT=FALSE; static gmx_bool bSort=FALSE; static int ewald_geometry=eewg3D; static int nnodes=1; static int pme_order=0; static rvec grid = { -1, -1, -1 }; static real rc = 0.0; static real dtol = 0.0; static gmx_bool bGroups = FALSE; static t_pargs pa[] = { { "-np", FALSE, etINT, {&nnodes}, "Number of nodes, must be the same as used for [TT]grompp[tt]" }, { "-v", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bVerbose}, "Be loud and noisy" }, { "-sort", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bSort}, "Sort coordinates. Crucial for domain decomposition." }, { "-grid", FALSE, etRVEC,{&grid}, "Number of grid cells in X, Y, Z dimension (if -1 use from [TT].tpr[tt])" }, { "-order", FALSE, etINT, {&pme_order}, "Order of the PME spreading algorithm" }, { "-groups", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bGroups}, "Compute half an energy matrix based on the energy groups in your [TT].tpr[tt] file" }, { "-rc", FALSE, etREAL, {&rc}, "Rcoulomb for Ewald summation" }, { "-tol", FALSE, etREAL, {&dtol}, "Tolerance for Ewald summation" } }; FILE *fp; t_inputrec *ir; t_topology top; t_tpxheader tpx; t_nrnb nrnb; t_nsborder *nsb; t_forcerec *fr; t_mdatoms *mdatoms; char title[STRLEN]; int natoms,step,status,i,ncg,root; real t,lambda,ewaldcoeff,qtot; rvec *x,*f,*xbuf; int *index; gmx_bool bCont; real *charge,*qbuf,*qqbuf; matrix box; /* Start the actual parallel code if necessary */ cr = init_par(&argc,&argv); root = 0; if (MASTER(cr)) CopyRight(stderr,argv[0]); /* Parse command line on all processors, arguments are passed on in * init_par (see above) */ parse_common_args(&argc,argv, PCA_KEEP_ARGS | PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS | PCA_BE_NICE | PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM | (MASTER(cr) ? 0 : PCA_QUIET), NFILE,fnm,asize(pa),pa,asize(desc),desc,0,NULL); #ifndef GMX_MPI if (nnodes > 1) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"GROMACS compiled without MPI support - can't do parallel runs"); #endif /* Open log files on all processors */ open_log(ftp2fn(efLOG,NFILE,fnm),cr); snew(ir,1); if (MASTER(cr)) { /* Read tpr file etc. */ read_tpxheader(ftp2fn(efTPX,NFILE,fnm),&tpx,FALSE,NULL,NULL); snew(x,tpx.natoms); read_tpx(ftp2fn(efTPX,NFILE,fnm),&step,&t,&lambda,ir, box,&natoms,x,NULL,NULL,&top); /* Charges */ qtot = 0; snew(charge,natoms); for(i=0; (i<natoms); i++) { charge[i] = top.atoms.atom[i].q; qtot += charge[i]; } /* Grid stuff */ if (opt2parg_bSet("-grid",asize(pa),pa)) { ir->nkx = grid[XX]; ir->nky = grid[YY]; ir->nkz = grid[ZZ]; } /* Check command line parameters for consistency */ if ((ir->nkx <= 0) || (ir->nky <= 0) || (ir->nkz <= 0)) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"PME grid = %d %d %d",ir->nkx,ir->nky,ir->nkz); if (opt2parg_bSet("-rc",asize(pa),pa)) ir->rcoulomb = rc; if (ir->rcoulomb <= 0) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"rcoulomb should be > 0 (not %f)",ir->rcoulomb); if (opt2parg_bSet("-order",asize(pa),pa)) ir->pme_order = pme_order; if (ir->pme_order <= 0) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"pme_order should be > 0 (not %d)",ir->pme_order); if (opt2parg_bSet("-tol",asize(pa),pa)) ir->ewald_rtol = dtol; if (ir->ewald_rtol <= 0) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"ewald_tol should be > 0 (not %f)",ir->ewald_rtol); } else { init_top(&top); } /* Add parallellization code here */ snew(nsb,1); if (MASTER(cr)) { ncg = top.blocks[ebCGS].multinr[0]; for(i=0; (i<cr->nnodes-1); i++) top.blocks[ebCGS].multinr[i] = min(ncg,(ncg*(i+1))/cr->nnodes); for( ; (i<MAXNODES); i++) top.blocks[ebCGS].multinr[i] = ncg; } if (PAR(cr)) { /* Set some variables to zero to avoid core dumps */ ir->opts.ngtc = ir->opts.ngacc = ir->opts.ngfrz = ir->opts.ngener = 0; #ifdef GMX_MPI /* Distribute the data over processors */ MPI_Bcast(&natoms,1,MPI_INT,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(ir,sizeof(*ir),MPI_BYTE,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&qtot,1,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif /* Call some dedicated communication routines, master sends n-1 times */ if (MASTER(cr)) { for(i=1; (i<cr->nnodes); i++) { mv_block(i,&(top.blocks[ebCGS])); mv_block(i,&(top.atoms.excl)); } } else { ld_block(root,&(top.blocks[ebCGS])); ld_block(root,&(top.atoms.excl)); } if (!MASTER(cr)) { snew(charge,natoms); snew(x,natoms); } #ifdef GMX_MPI MPI_Bcast(charge,natoms,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif } ewaldcoeff = calc_ewaldcoeff(ir->rcoulomb,ir->ewald_rtol); if (bVerbose) pr_inputrec(stdlog,0,"Inputrec",ir); /* Allocate memory for temp arrays etc. */ snew(xbuf,natoms); snew(f,natoms); snew(qbuf,natoms); snew(qqbuf,natoms); snew(index,natoms); /* Initialize the PME code */ init_pme(stdlog,cr,ir->nkx,ir->nky,ir->nkz,ir->pme_order, natoms,FALSE,bOptFFT,ewald_geometry); /* MFlops accounting */ init_nrnb(&nrnb); /* Initialize the work division */ calc_nsb(stdlog,&(top.blocks[ebCGS]),cr->nnodes,nsb,0); nsb->nodeid = cr->nodeid; print_nsb(stdlog,"pmetest",nsb); /* Initiate forcerec */ mdatoms = atoms2md(stdlog,&top.atoms,ir->opts.nFreeze,ir->eI, ir->delta_t,0,ir->opts.tau_t,FALSE,FALSE); snew(fr,1); init_forcerec(stdlog,fr,ir,&top,cr,mdatoms,nsb,box,FALSE,NULL,NULL,FALSE); /* First do PME based on coordinates in tpr file, send them to * other processors if needed. */ if (MASTER(cr)) fprintf(stdlog,"-----\n" "Results based on tpr file %s\n",ftp2fn(efTPX,NFILE,fnm)); #ifdef GMX_MPI if (PAR(cr)) { MPI_Bcast(x[0],natoms*DIM,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(box[0],DIM*DIM,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&t,1,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } #endif do_my_pme(stdlog,0,bVerbose,ir,x,xbuf,f,charge,qbuf,qqbuf,box,bSort, cr,nsb,&nrnb,&(top.atoms.excl),qtot,fr,index,NULL, bGroups ? ir->opts.ngener : 1,mdatoms->cENER); /* If we have a trajectry file, we will read the frames in it and compute * the PME energy. */ if (ftp2bSet(efTRX,NFILE,fnm)) { fprintf(stdlog,"-----\n" "Results based on trx file %s\n",ftp2fn(efTRX,NFILE,fnm)); if (MASTER(cr)) { sfree(x); natoms = read_first_x(&status,ftp2fn(efTRX,NFILE,fnm),&t,&x,box); if (natoms != gmx_fatal(FARGS,"natoms in trx = %d, in tpr = %d",natoms,; fp = xvgropen(ftp2fn(efXVG,NFILE,fnm),"PME Energy","Time (ps)","E (kJ/mol)"); } else fp = NULL; do { /* Send coordinates, box and time to the other nodes */ #ifdef GMX_MPI if (PAR(cr)) { MPI_Bcast(x[0],natoms*DIM,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(box[0],DIM*DIM,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&t,1,GMX_MPI_REAL,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); } #endif rm_pbc(&top.idef,nsb->natoms,box,x,x); /* Call the PME wrapper function */ do_my_pme(stdlog,t,bVerbose,ir,x,xbuf,f,charge,qbuf,qqbuf,box,bSort,cr, nsb,&nrnb,&(top.atoms.excl),qtot,fr,index,fp, bGroups ? ir->opts.ngener : 1,mdatoms->cENER); /* Only the master processor reads more data */ if (MASTER(cr)) bCont = read_next_x(status,&t,natoms,x,box); /* Check whether we need to continue */ #ifdef GMX_MPI if (PAR(cr)) MPI_Bcast(&bCont,1,MPI_INT,root,MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif } while (bCont); /* Finish I/O, close files */ if (MASTER(cr)) { close_trx(status); ffclose(fp); } } if (bVerbose) { /* Do some final I/O about performance, might be useful in debugging */ fprintf(stdlog,"-----\n"); print_nrnb(stdlog,&nrnb); } /* Finish the parallel stuff */ if (gmx_parallel_env_initialized()) gmx_finalize(cr); /* Thank the audience, as usual */ if (MASTER(cr)) thanx(stderr); return 0; }