static void show_help() { mxinfo("mpls_dump [options] input_file_name\n" "\n" "General options:\n" "\n" " -h, --help This help text\n" " -V, --version Print version information\n"); mxexit(0); }
static void run(options_cptr &options) { console_kax_analyzer_cptr analyzer; try { if (!kax_analyzer_c::probe(options->m_file_name)) mxerror(boost::format("The file '%1%' is not a Matroska file or it could not be found.\n") % options->m_file_name); analyzer = console_kax_analyzer_cptr(new console_kax_analyzer_c(options->m_file_name)); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &ex) { mxerror(boost::format("The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading and writing: %1.\n") % options->m_file_name % ex); } mxinfo(boost::format("%1%\n") % Y("The file is being analyzed.")); analyzer->set_show_progress(options->m_show_progress); bool ok = false; try { ok = analyzer ->set_parse_mode(options->m_parse_mode) .set_open_mode(MODE_WRITE) .set_throw_on_error(true) .process(); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &ex) { mxerror(boost::format(Y("The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading and writing, or a read/write operation on it failed: %2%.\n")) % options->m_file_name % ex); } catch (...) { } if (!ok) mxerror(Y("This file could not be opened or parsed.\n")); options->find_elements(analyzer.get()); options->validate(); if (debugging_c::requested("dump_options")) { mxinfo("\nDumping options after file and element analysis\n\n"); options->dump_info(); } options->execute(*analyzer); if (has_content_been_modified(options)) { mxinfo(Y("The changes are written to the file.\n")); write_changes(options, analyzer.get()); mxinfo(Y("Done.\n")); } else mxinfo(Y("No changes were made.\n")); mxexit(); }
static void parse_file(const std::string &file_name) { mm_file_io_c in(file_name); g_in = ∈ g_file_size = in.get_size(); g_start = std::min(g_file_size, g_start); g_end = std::min(g_file_size, g_end); if (!in.setFilePointer2(g_start)) mxerror(boost::format(Y("Error: Seek to %1%\n")) % g_start); parse_content(0, g_end); if (g_errors_found) mxexit(2); if (g_warnings_found) mxexit(1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { registerMetaTypes(); App app(argc, argv); MainWindow mainWindow;; app.exec(); mxexit(0); }
void engage_hacks(const std::string &hacks) { std::vector<std::string> engage_args = split(hacks, ","); size_t aidx, hidx; for (aidx = 0; engage_args.size() > aidx; aidx++) if (engage_args[aidx] == "list") { mxinfo(Y("Valid hacks are:\n")); for (hidx = 0; NULL != s_available_hacks[hidx].name; ++hidx) mxinfo(boost::format("%1%\n") % s_available_hacks[hidx].name); mxexit(0); } else if (engage_args[aidx] == "cow") { const std::string initial = "ICAgICAgICAgIChfXykKICAgICAgICAgICgqKikg" "IE9oIGhvbmV5LCB0aGF0J3Mgc28gc3dlZXQhCiAgIC8tLS0tLS0tXC8gICBPZiB" "jb3Vyc2UgSSdsbCBtYXJyeSB5b3UhCiAgLyB8ICAgICB8fAogKiAgfHwtLS0tfH" "wKICAgIF5eICAgIF5eCg=="; char correction[200]; memset(correction, 0, 200); base64_decode(initial, (unsigned char *)correction); mxinfo(correction); mxexit(0); } for (aidx = 0; engage_args.size() > aidx; aidx++) { bool valid_hack = false; for (hidx = 0; s_available_hacks[hidx].name != NULL; hidx++) if (engage_args[aidx] == s_available_hacks[hidx].name) { valid_hack = true; s_engaged_hacks[s_available_hacks[hidx].id] = true; break; } if (!valid_hack) mxerror(boost::format(Y("'%1%' is not a valid hack.\n")) % engage_args[aidx]); } }
/** \brief Handle frame sequences in which too few timecodes are available This function gets called if mkvmerge wants to flush its frame queue but it doesn't have enough timecodes and/or durations available for each queued frame. This can happen in two cases: 1. A picture sequence is found that mkvmerge does not support. An example: Two frames have been read. The first contained a P and a B frame (that's OK so far), but the second one contained another P or I frame without an intermediate dummy frame. 2. The end of the file has been reached but the frame queue contains more frames than the timecode queue. For example: The last frame contained two frames, a P and a B frame. Right afterwards the end of the file is reached. In this case a dummy frame is missing. Both cases can be solved if the source file provides a FPS for this track. The other case is not supported. */ void mpeg4_p2_video_packetizer_c::generate_timecode_and_duration() { if (0.0 >= m_fps) { // TODO: error mxexit(1); } if (m_available_timecodes.empty()) { m_previous_timecode = (int64_t)(m_previous_timecode + 1000000000.0 / m_fps); m_available_timecodes.push_back(timecode_duration_t(m_previous_timecode, (int64_t)(1000000000.0 / m_fps))); mxverb(3, boost::format("mpeg4_p2::flush_frames(): Needed new timecode %1%\n") % m_previous_timecode); ++m_statistics.m_num_generated_timecodes; } }
static void show_help() { mxinfo("ac3parser [options] input_file_name\n" "\n" "Options for output and information control:\n" "\n" " -c, --checksum Calculate and output checksums of each unit\n" " -f, --frame-headers Show the content of frame headers\n" "\n" "General options:\n" "\n" " -h, --help This help text\n" " -V, --version Print version information\n"); mxexit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtx_common_init("ac3parser", argv[0]); std::vector<std::string> args = command_line_utf8(argc, argv); std::string file_name = parse_args(args); try { parse_file(file_name); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &) { mxerror(Y("File not found\n")); } mxexit(); }
/** \brief Setup and high level program control Calls the functions for setup, handling the command line arguments, the actual processing and cleaning up. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { setup(argv); options_cptr options = propedit_cli_parser_c(command_line_utf8(argc, argv)).run(); if (debugging_c::requested("dump_options")) { mxinfo("\nDumping options after parsing the command line\n\n"); options->dump_info(); } run(options); mxexit(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtx_common_init("vc1parser", argv[0]); std::vector<std::string> args = command_line_utf8(argc, argv); std::string file_name = parse_args(args); try { parse_file(file_name); } catch (...) { mxerror(Y("File not found\n")); } mxexit(0); }
static void show_help() { mxinfo(Y("ebml_validor [options] input_file_name\n" "\n" "Options output and information control:\n" "\n" " -s, --start <value> Start parsing at file position value\n" " -e, --end <value> Stop parsing at file position value\n" " -m, --master <value> The EBML ID value (in hex) is a master\n" " -M, --auto-masters Use all of Matroska's master elements\n" "\n" "General options:\n" "\n" " -h, --help This help text\n" " -V, --version Print version information\n")); mxexit(); }
static void show_help() { mxinfo(Y("vc1parser [options] input_file_name\n" "\n" "Options for output and information control:\n" "\n" " -c, --checksum Calculate and output checksums of each unit\n" " -e, --entrypoints Show the content of entry point headers\n" " -f, --frames Show basic frame header content\n" " -s, --sequence-headers Show the content of sequence headers\n" "\n" "General options:\n" "\n" " -h, --help This help text\n" " -V, --version Print version information\n")); mxexit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtx_common_init("ebml_validator", argv[0]); init_element_names(); init_master_information(); std::vector<std::string> args = command_line_utf8(argc, argv); std::string file_name = parse_args(args); try { parse_file(file_name); } catch (...) { mxerror(Y("File not found\n")); } mxexit(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtx_common_init("mpls_dump", argv[0]); auto args = command_line_utf8(argc, argv); while (handle_common_cli_args(args, "-r")) ; auto file_name = parse_args(args); try { parse_file(file_name); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &) { mxerror(Y("File not found\n")); } mxexit(0); }
static void run(options_cptr &options) { console_kax_analyzer_cptr analyzer; try { if (!kax_analyzer_c::probe(options->m_file_name)) mxerror(boost::format("The file '%1%' is not a Matroska file or it could not be found.\n") % options->m_file_name); analyzer = console_kax_analyzer_cptr(new console_kax_analyzer_c(options->m_file_name)); } catch (...) { mxerror(boost::format("The file '%1%' could not be opened for read/write access.\n") % options->m_file_name); } mxinfo(Y("The file is analyzed.\n")); analyzer->set_show_progress(options->m_show_progress); if (!analyzer->process(options->m_parse_mode)) mxerror(Y("This file could not be opened or parsed.\n")); options->find_elements(analyzer.get_object()); options->validate(); if (debugging_requested("dump_options")) { mxinfo("\nDumping options after file and element analysis\n\n"); options->dump_info(); } options->execute(); mxinfo(Y("The changes are written to the file.\n")); write_changes(options, analyzer.get_object()); mxinfo(Y("Done.\n")); mxexit(0); }
static void show_version() { mxinfo("ac3parser v" PACKAGE_VERSION "\n"); mxexit(); }
static void default_mxerror(unsigned int, std::string const &error) { mxmsg(MXMSG_ERROR, error); mxexit(2); }
static void show_version() { mxinfo("vc1parser v" VERSION "\n"); mxexit(0); }
static void show_version() { mxinfo("ebml_validator v" VERSION "\n"); mxexit(0); }
static void show_version() { mxinfo("ebml_validator v" PACKAGE_VERSION "\n"); mxexit(); }
static void show_version() { mxinfo("mpls_dump v" VERSION "\n"); mxexit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int maxlen; uint64_t size; unsigned char *buffer; char mode; std::string s, line; mtx_common_init("base64tool", argv[0]); set_usage(); if (argc < 4) usage(0); mode = 0; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "encode")) mode = 'e'; else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "decode")) mode = 'd'; else mxerror(boost::format(Y("Invalid mode '%1%'.\n")) % argv[1]); maxlen = 72; if ((argc == 5) && (mode == 'e')) { if (!parse_number(argv[4], maxlen) || (maxlen < 4)) mxerror(Y("Max line length must be >= 4.\n\n")); } else if ((argc > 5) || ((argc > 4) && (mode == 'd'))) usage(2); maxlen = ((maxlen + 3) / 4) * 4; mm_io_cptr in, intext; try { in = mm_io_cptr(new mm_file_io_c(argv[2])); if (mode != 'e') intext = mm_io_cptr(new mm_text_io_c(in.get(), false)); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &ex) { mxerror(boost::format(Y("The file '%1%' could not be opened for reading: %2%.\n")) % argv[2] % ex); } mm_io_cptr out; try { out = mm_write_buffer_io_c::open(argv[3], 128 * 1024); } catch (mtx::mm_io::exception &ex) { mxerror(boost::format(Y("The file '%1%' could not be opened for writing: %2%.\n")) % argv[3] % ex); } in->save_pos(); in->setFilePointer(0, seek_end); size = in->getFilePointer(); in->restore_pos(); if (mode == 'e') { buffer = (unsigned char *)safemalloc(size); size = in->read(buffer, size); s = base64_encode(buffer, size, true, maxlen); safefree(buffer); out->write(s.c_str(), s.length()); } else { while (intext->getline2(line)) { strip(line); s += line; } buffer = (unsigned char *)safemalloc(s.length() / 4 * 3 + 100); try { size = base64_decode(s, buffer); } catch(...) { mxerror(Y("The Base64 encoded data could not be decoded.\n")); } out->write(buffer, size); safefree(buffer); } mxinfo(Y("Done.\n")); mxexit(0); }