Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Ref: Weiss, Algorithm 12 BiCGSTAB
 *   n : dimension of the problem
 *   b [n] : r-h-s vector
 *   atimes (int n, static double *x, double *b, void *param) :
 *        calc matrix-vector product A.x = b.
 *   atimes_param : parameters for atimes().
 *   it : struct iter. following entries are used
 *        it->max = kend : max of iteration
 *        it->eps = eps  : criteria for |r^2|/|b^2|
 *   returned value : 0 == success, otherwise (-1) == failed
 *   x [n] : solution
 *   it->niter : # of iteration
 *   it->res2  : |r^2| / |b^2|
bicgstab (int n, const double *b, double *x,
	  void (*atimes) (int, const double *, double *, void *),
	  void *atimes_param,
	  struct iter *it)
#ifndef HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
  /* use Fortran BLAS routines */

  int i_1 = 1;
  double d_1 = 1.0;
  double d_m1 = -1.0;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  int ret = -1;
  double eps2 = it->eps * it->eps;
  int itmax = it->max;

  double *r  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *rs = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *p  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *ap = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *s  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *t  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (r,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (rs, "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (p,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (ap, "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (s,  "bicgstab");
  CHECK_MALLOC (t,  "bicgstab");

  double rsap; // (r*, A.p)
  double st;
  double t2;

  double rho, rho1;
  double delta;
  double gamma;
  double beta;

  double res2 = 0.0;

   * ATLAS version

  double b2 = cblas_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);    // r = A.x ...
  cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); //         - b

  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, rs, 1); // r* = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1);  // p  = r

  rho = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, ap, 1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, s, 1);         // s = r ...
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, s, 1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = cblas_ddot (n, s, 1, t, 1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = cblas_ddot (n, t, 1, t, 1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      cblas_dcopy (n, s, 1, r, 1);        // r = s ...
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, t, 1, r, 1); //   + gamma t

      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, p, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta p...
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, s, 1, x, 1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(cblas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = cblas_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, p, 1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      cblas_dscal (n, beta, p, 1);         // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      cblas_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

#else // !HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
   * BLAS version

  double b2 = ddot_ (&n, b, &i_1, b, &i_1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);       // r = A.x ...
  daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, b, &i_1, r, &i_1); //         - b

  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, rs, &i_1); // r* = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, p, &i_1);  // p  = r

  rho = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, ap, &i_1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, s, &i_1);          // s = r ...
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, ap, &i_1, s, &i_1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = ddot_ (&n, s, &i_1, t, &i_1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = ddot_ (&n, t, &i_1, t, &i_1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      dcopy_ (&n, s, &i_1, r, &i_1);         // r = s ...
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, t, &i_1, r, &i_1); //   + gamma t

      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, p, &i_1, x, &i_1); // x = x + delta p...
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, s, &i_1, x, &i_1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(blas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success
      if (res2 > 1.0e20)
	  // already too big residual

      rho1 = ddot_ (&n, rs, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, ap, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      dscal_ (&n, &beta, p, &i_1);            // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      daxpy_ (&n, &d_1, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

# else // !HAVE_BLAS_H
   * local BLAS version

  double b2 = my_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param);    // r = A.x ...
  my_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); //         - b

  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, rs, 1); // r* = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1);  // p = r

  rho = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      rsap = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, ap, 1); // rsap = (r*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / rsap;

      my_dcopy (n, r, 1, s, 1);         // s = r ...
      my_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, s, 1); //   + delta A.p
      atimes (n, s, t, atimes_param); // t = A.s

      st = my_ddot (n, s, 1, t, 1); // st = (s, t)
      t2 = my_ddot (n, t, 1, t, 1); // t2 = (t, t)
      gamma = - st / t2;

      my_dcopy (n, s, 1, r, 1);        // r = s ...
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, t, 1, r, 1); //   + gamma t

      my_daxpy (n, delta, p, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta p...
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, s, 1, x, 1); //       + gamma s

      res2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out,
		   "libiter-bicgstab(myblas) %d %e\n",
		   i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = my_ddot (n, rs, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho * delta / gamma;
      rho = rho1;

      my_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, p, 1); // p = p + gamma A.p
      my_dscal (n, beta, p, 1);         // p = beta (p + gamma A.p)
      my_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta(p + gamma A.p)

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  free (r);
  free (rs);
  free (p);
  free (ap);
  free (s);
  free (t);

  if (it->debug == 1)
      fprintf (it->out, "libiter-bicgstab %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);

  it->niter = i;
  it->res2  = res2 / b2;
  return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) 

/* deal with the underscores now so that they can be ignored after this point */
#ifdef WINDOWS
    double (*my_ddot)( int *, double *, int *, double *, int *) = ddot;
    complex16 (*my_zdot)( int *, complex16 *, int *, complex16 *, int *) = zdotu;
    void (*my_dgemm)(char *, char *, int *, int *, int *, double *, double *,
            int *, double *, int *, double *, double *, int *) = dgemm;
    void (*my_zgemm)(char *, char *, int *, int *, int *, complex16 *, complex16 *,
        int *, complex16 *, int *, complex16 *, complex16 *, int *) = zgemm;
    double (*my_ddot)( int *, double *, int *, double *, int *) = ddot_;
    complex16 (*my_zdot)( int *, complex16 *, int *, complex16 *, int *) = zdotu_;
    void (*my_dgemm)(char *, char *, int *, int *, int *, double *, double *,
            int *, double *, int *, double *, double *, int *) = dgemm_;
    void (*my_zgemm)(char *, char *, int *, int *, int *, complex16 *, complex16 *,
            int *, complex16 *, int *, complex16 *, complex16 *, int *) = zgemm_;

    mwSize M, N, K, K2;
    mwSize nOmega1, nOmega2, nOmega;
    mwIndex i,j,k,m;
    double *U, *V, *output, *outputBLAS;
    double *U_imag, *V_imag, *output_imag; /* for complex data */
    complex16 *U_cplx, *V_cplx, temp_cplx; /* for complex data */
    double *omega, *omegaX, *omegaY;
    mwIndex *omegaI, *omegaJ;  /* for sparse version */
    int SPARSE = false;
    int COMPLEX = false;
    int USE_BLAS = false;
    int LARGE_BIT = false;
    int MODE_THREE = false;
    complex16 alpha_cplx, beta_cplx;
    complex16 *output_cplx;

    int one = 1;

    char transA = 'N', transB = 'T';
    mwSize LDA, LDB;
    double alpha, beta;
    double BLAS_CUTOFF;
    /* Check for proper number of input and output arguments */    
    if ( (nrhs < 3) || (nrhs > 5) ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Three to five input argument required.");
    if(nlhs > 1){
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
    /* Check data type of input argument  */
    if (!(mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) || !((mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))) ){
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input arguments wrong data-type (must be doubles).");

    /* Get the size and pointers to input data */
    /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: switch mxGetM and mxGetN */
    M  = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
    K  = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
    N  = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
    K2  = mxGetM(prhs[1]);
    if ( K != K2 ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Inner dimension of U and V' must agree.");
    COMPLEX = (( (mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) ) || (mxIsComplex(prhs[1])) );
    nOmega1 = mxGetM( prhs[2] );
    nOmega2 = mxGetN( prhs[2] );

    /* on 64-bit systems, these may be longs, but I really want
     * them to be ints so that they work with the BLAS calls */
    mxAssert(M<INT_MAX,"Matrix is too large for 32-bit FORTRAN");
    mxAssert(N<INT_MAX,"Matrix is too large for 32-bit FORTRAN");
    mxAssert(K<INT_MAX,"Matrix is too large for 32-bit FORTRAN");
    if ( (nOmega1 != 1) && (nOmega2 != 1) ) {
/*         mexErrMsgTxt("Omega must be a vector"); */
        /* Update:
         * if this happens, we assume Omega is really a sparse matrix
         * and everything is OK */
        if ( ( nOmega1 != M ) || ( nOmega2 != N ) || (!mxIsSparse( prhs[2] )) ){
            mexErrMsgTxt("Omega must be a vector or a sparse matrix");
        nOmega = mxGetNzmax( prhs[2] );
        SPARSE = true;
    } else {
        nOmega = nOmega1 < nOmega2 ? nOmega2 : nOmega1;
        if ( nOmega > N*M ) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Omega must have M*N or fewer entries");

    U = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
    V = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
    if (COMPLEX) {
        U_imag = mxGetPi(prhs[0]);
        V_imag = mxGetPi(prhs[1]);
        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nOmega, 1, mxCOMPLEX);
        output = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
        output_imag = mxGetPi(plhs[0]);

        U_cplx = (complex16 *)mxMalloc( M*K*sizeof(complex16) );
        V_cplx = (complex16 *)mxMalloc( N*K*sizeof(complex16) );
        if ( (U_cplx == NULL) || ( V_cplx == NULL ) ) {
            /* this should be very rare */
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to allocate memory.  Matrix too large?");

        for ( i=0 ; i < M*K ; i++ ){
            U_cplx[i].re = (double)U[i];
            U_cplx[i].im = (double)U_imag[i];
        for ( i=0 ; i < N*K ; i++ ){
            V_cplx[i].re = (double)V[i];
            V_cplx[i].im = -(double)V_imag[i]; 
            /* minus sign, since adjoint, not transpose */
    } else {
        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nOmega, 1, mxREAL);
        /* mxCreateDoubleMatrix automatically zeros out the entries */
        output = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

    /* Check for the optional input argument that specifies the cutoff
     * for level-3 BLAS */
    BLAS_CUTOFF = 0.4;  
    MODE_THREE = false;
    if ( nrhs > 4 ) {
        BLAS_CUTOFF = (double)*mxGetPr( prhs[4] );
        MODE_THREE = true;
    } else if (nrhs > 3 ) {
        /* decide if this third argument is BLAS_CUTOFF,
         * or omegaX */
        nOmega1 = mxGetM( prhs[3] );
        nOmega2 = mxGetN( prhs[3] );
        if ( (nOmega1 == 1) && (nOmega2 == 1) ) {
            BLAS_CUTOFF = (double)*mxGetPr( prhs[3] );
            MODE_THREE = false;
        } else {
            MODE_THREE = true;
    /* Decide if we'll make a level-3 BLAS call */
    USE_BLAS = ( nOmega >= BLAS_CUTOFF * (M*N) );

     * We have 3 "modes":
     * Mode 1 
     *      if omega is a vector of linear indices
     * Mode 2
     *      if omega is given only by the nonzero elements of an input 
     *      sparse matrix Y
     * Mode 3
     *      if omega is given as a set of subscripts, i.e. omegaX, omegaY
     *      then the "for" loop is slightly different
     *  October 29, 2009: changing this a bit.
     *      For any of the modes, we first check if length(omega) > .8*M*N
     *      If so, we make a level-3 BLAS call (dgemm), and then use this
     *      matrix as needed.

    /* determine if we're on a 64-bit processor */
    LARGE_BIT = ( sizeof( size_t ) > 4 );

    if ( USE_BLAS ) {
        /* we need to compute A itself, so use level-3 BLAS */
        /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: switch N and T below, and change the step size and LDA */
        transA = 'N';
        transB = 'T';
        LDA = M;
        LDB = N; */
        transA = 'T';
        transB = 'N';
        LDA = K;
        LDB = K;

        if (COMPLEX) {
            alpha_cplx.re = 1.0;  alpha_cplx.im = 0.0;
            beta_cplx.re = 0.0;   beta_cplx.im  = 0.0;
            /* need to make a new complex data structure */
            output_cplx = (complex16 *) mxMalloc( M*N*sizeof(complex16) );
            if ( output_cplx == NULL ) {
                /* we don't have enough RAM available */
                USE_BLAS = false;
            } else {
                    &alpha_cplx,U_cplx,(int*)&LDA,V_cplx,(int*)&LDB,&beta_cplx,output_cplx,(int *)&M );
        } else {
            outputBLAS = (double *)mxMalloc( M*N*sizeof(double) );
            if ( outputBLAS == NULL ) {
                /* we don't have enough RAM available */
                USE_BLAS = false;
            } else {
                alpha = 1.0;
                beta = 0.0;
                        &alpha,U,(int*)&LDA,V,(int*)&LDB,&beta,outputBLAS,(int*)&M );

    /* --- MODE 1 ---*/
    if ( (!MODE_THREE) && (!SPARSE) ) {
         /* by default, make output the same shape (i.e. row- or column-
          * vector) as the input "omega" */
        mxSetM( plhs[0], mxGetM( prhs[2] ) );
        mxSetN( plhs[0], mxGetN( prhs[2] ) );
        omega = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);

        if ( !USE_BLAS ) {
            if ( (COMPLEX) && (LARGE_BIT) ) {
              /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: this needs to be tested!!! */
              for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                i = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1) % M);
                j = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1)/ M);
                /* implement the BLAS call myself, since BLAS isn't working for me
                 * ZDOTU(N,ZX,INCX,ZY,INCY)  
                 * */
                temp_cplx.re = 0.0;
                temp_cplx.im = 0.0;
                for ( m=0 ; m < K ; m++ ){
                    /*temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                        - U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].im;
                    temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                        + U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].im; */
                    temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                        - U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                    temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                        + U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;
            } else if (COMPLEX) {
              /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
              for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                i = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1) % M);
                j = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1)/ M);
                /*temp_cplx = my_zdot( (int*) &K, U_cplx+i, (int*)&M, V_cplx+j, (int*)&N ); */
                temp_cplx = my_zdot( (int*) &K, U_cplx+i*K, (int*)&one, V_cplx+j*K, (int*)&one ); 
                output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;

            } else {
              /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
              for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                /* don't forget that Matlab is 1-indexed, C is 0-indexed */
                i = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1) % M);
                j = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1)/ M);
                /*output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i, (int*)&M, V+j, (int*)&N );*/
                output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i*K, (int*)&one, V+j*K, (int*)&one );
        } else {  /* (USE_BLAS) is true */
            /* We already have the full matrix, so just find the entries */
            if (COMPLEX) {
                for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                    output[k] = output_cplx[ (mwIndex)omega[k] -1 ].re;
                    output_imag[k] = output_cplx[ (mwIndex)omega[k] - 1 ].im;
                mxFree( output_cplx );
            } else {
                for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                    i = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1) % M);
                    j = (mwIndex) ( (mwIndex)(omega[k]-1)/ M);
                    output[k] = outputBLAS( j*M + i );
                    /* This now simplifies a lot! */
                    output[k] = outputBLAS[ (mwIndex)omega[k] - 1 ];
                mxFree( outputBLAS );

    } else {

        /* ----------- MODE 2 ------------------------------- */

        if (SPARSE) {
            /* sparse array indices in Matlab are rather confusing;
             * see the mxSetJc help file to get started.  The Ir index
             * is straightforward: it contains rows indices of nonzeros,
             * in column-major order.  But the Jc index is tricky... 
             * Basically, Jc (which has N+1 entries, not nnz entries like Ir)
             * tells you which Ir entries correspond to the jth row, thus fully 
             * specifying the indices.  Ir[ Jc[j]:Jc[J+1] ] are the rows
             * that correspond to column j. This works because Ir is
             * in column-major order.   For this to work (and match A(omega)),
             * we need omega to be sorted!  
             *Note: everything is already 0-based, not 1-based
             * */
            omegaI = mxGetIr( prhs[2] );
            omegaJ = mxGetJc( prhs[2] );
            if ( USE_BLAS ) {
                /* We already have the full matrix, so just find the entries */
                if (COMPLEX) {
                    for ( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ){
                        for ( k = omegaJ[j] ; k < omegaJ[j+1] ; k++ ) {
                            i = omegaI[k];
                            output[k] = output_cplx[ j*M + i ].re;
                            output_imag[k] = output_cplx[ j*M + i ].im;
                    mxFree( output_cplx );
                } else {
                    for ( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ){
                        for ( k = omegaJ[j] ; k < omegaJ[j+1] ; k++ ) {
                            i = omegaI[k];
                            output[k] = outputBLAS[ j*M + i ];
                    mxFree( outputBLAS );

            } else if ((COMPLEX)&&(LARGE_BIT)) {
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: this needs to be tested!!! */
                for ( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ){
                    for ( k = omegaJ[j] ; k < omegaJ[j+1] ; k++ ) {
                        i = omegaI[k];

                        temp_cplx.re = 0.0;
                        temp_cplx.im = 0.0;
                        for ( m=0 ; m < K ; m++ ){
                            /*temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                                - U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].im;
                            temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                                + U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].im;*/
                            temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                                - U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                            temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                                + U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                        output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                        output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;
            } else if (COMPLEX) {
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
                for ( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ){
                    for ( k = omegaJ[j] ; k < omegaJ[j+1] ; k++ ) {
                        i = omegaI[k];
                        /* temp_cplx = my_zdot((int*) &K, U_cplx+i, (int*)&M, V_cplx+j, (int*)&N ); */
                        temp_cplx = my_zdot((int*) &K, U_cplx+i*K, (int*)&one, V_cplx+j*K, (int*)&one );
                        output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                        output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;
            } else {
                /* simple case */
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
                for ( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ){
                    for ( k = omegaJ[j] ; k < omegaJ[j+1] ; k++ ) {
                        i = omegaI[k];
                        /*output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i, (int*)&M, V+j, (int*)&N );*/
                        output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i*K, (int*)&one, V+j*K, (int*)&one );
        /* ----------- MODE 3 ------------------------------- */
        } else {
            /* we have omegaX and omegaY, the row and column indices */
            nOmega1 = mxGetM( prhs[3] );
            nOmega2 = mxGetN( prhs[3] );
            if ( (nOmega1 != 1) && (nOmega2 != 1) ) {
                mexErrMsgTxt("OmegaY must be a vector");
            nOmega1 = nOmega1 < nOmega2 ? nOmega2 : nOmega1;
            if ( nOmega1 != nOmega ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("In subscript index format, subscript vectors must be same length.");
            omegaX = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
            omegaY = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);

            if ( USE_BLAS ) {
                /* We already have the full matrix, so just find the entries */
                if (COMPLEX) {
                    for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                        i = omegaX[k] - 1;
                        j = omegaY[k] - 1;
                        output[k] = output_cplx[ j*M + i ].re;
                        output_imag[k] = output_cplx[ j*M + i ].im;
                    mxFree( output_cplx );
                } else {
                    for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                        i = omegaX[k] - 1;
                        j = omegaY[k] - 1;
                        output[k] = outputBLAS[ j*M + i ];
                    mxFree( outputBLAS );

            } else if ((COMPLEX)&&(LARGE_BIT)) { 
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: this needs to be tested!!! */
                for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                    i = omegaX[k] - 1;
                    j = omegaY[k] - 1;
                    temp_cplx.re = 0.0;
                    temp_cplx.im = 0.0;
                    for ( m=0 ; m < K ; m++ ){
                        /*temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                            - U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].im;
                        temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[i+m*M].im * V_cplx[j+m*N].re
                            + U_cplx[i+m*M].re * V_cplx[j+m*N].im; */
                        temp_cplx.re += U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                            - U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                        temp_cplx.im += U_cplx[K*i+m].im * V_cplx[K*j+m].re
                            + U_cplx[K*i+m].re * V_cplx[K*j+m].im;
                    output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                    output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;
            } else if (COMPLEX) {
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
                for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                    i = omegaX[k] - 1;
                    j = omegaY[k] - 1;
                    /* temp_cplx = my_zdot( (int*)&K, U_cplx+i, (int*)&M, V_cplx+j, (int*)&N ); */
                    temp_cplx = my_zdot( (int*)&K, U_cplx+i*K, (int*)&one, V_cplx+j*K, (int*)&one );
                    output[k] = temp_cplx.re;
                    output_imag[k] = temp_cplx.im;
            } else {
                /* TRANSPOSE VERSION: UPDATED */
                for ( k=0 ; k < nOmega ; k++ ){
                    i = omegaX[k] - 1;
                    j = omegaY[k] - 1;
                    /* output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i, (int*)&M, V+j, (int*)&N ); */
                    output[k] = my_ddot( (int*)&K, U+i*K, (int*)&one, V+j*K, (int*)&one );


Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: cgs.cpp Proyecto: ryseto/demsd
/* Ref: Weiss, Algorithm 11 CGS
 *   n : dimension of the problem
 *   b [n] : r-h-s vector
 *   atimes (int n, static double *x, double *b, void *param) :
 *        calc matrix-vector product A.x = b.
 *   atimes_param : parameters for atimes().
 *   it : struct iter. following entries are used
 *        it->max = kend : max of iteration
 *        it->eps = eps  : criteria for |r^2|/|b^2|
 *   returned value : 0 == success, otherwise (-1) == failed
 *   x [n] : solution
 *   it->niter : # of iteration
 *   it->res2  : |r^2| / |b^2|
cgs (int n, const double *b, double *x,
     void (*atimes) (int, const double *, double *, void *),
     void *atimes_param,
     struct iter *it)
#ifndef HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
  /* use Fortran BLAS routines */

  int i_1 = 1;
  double d_m1 = -1.0;
  double d_2 = 2.0;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  int ret = -1;
  double eps2 = it->eps * it->eps;
  int itmax = it->max;

  double *r  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *r0 = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *p  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *u  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *ap = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *q  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *t  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (r,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (r0, "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (p,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (u,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (ap, "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (q,  "cgs");
  CHECK_MALLOC (t,  "cgs");

  double r0ap;
  double rho, rho1;
  double delta;
  double beta;

  double res2 = 0.0;

   * ATLAS version

  double b2 = cblas_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b

  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, r0, 1); // r0* = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r

  rho = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, ap, 1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      cblas_dcopy (n, u, 1, q, 1); // q = u
      cblas_dscal (n, 2.0, q, 1); // q = 2 u
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, q, 1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, t, 1, r, 1); // r = r + delta t
      cblas_daxpy (n, delta, q, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = cblas_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      cblas_dcopy (n, q, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q
      cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, u, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u
      cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r
      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, u, 1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, p, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      cblas_dcopy (n, u, 1, p, 1); // p = u
      cblas_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, p, 1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

#else // !HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
   * BLAS version

  double b2 = ddot_ (&n, b, &i_1, b, &i_1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, b, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r = A.x - b

  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, r0, &i_1); // r0* = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r

  rho = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, ap, &i_1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      dcopy_ (&n, u, &i_1, q, &i_1); // q = u
      dscal_ (&n, &d_2, q, &i_1); // q = 2 u
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, ap, &i_1, q, &i_1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, t, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r = r + delta t
      daxpy_ (&n, &delta, q, &i_1, x, &i_1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = ddot_ (&n, r0, &i_1, r, &i_1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      dcopy_ (&n, q, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q
      daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, u, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q - u
      dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r
      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, qu, &i_1, u, &i_1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, p, &i_1, qu, &i_1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      dcopy_ (&n, u, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = u
      daxpy_ (&n, &beta, qu, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

# else // !HAVE_BLAS_H
   * local BLAS version

  double b2 = my_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  // initial residue
  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  my_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b

  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, r0, 1); // r0* = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r

  rho = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      r0ap = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, ap, 1); // r0ap = (r0*, A.p)
      delta = - rho / r0ap;

      my_dcopy (n, u, 1, q, 1); // q = u
      my_dscal (n, 2.0, q, 1); // q = 2 u
      my_daxpy (n, delta, ap, 1, q, 1); // q = 2 u + delta A.p

      atimes (n, q, t, atimes_param); // t = A.q

      my_daxpy (n, delta, t, 1, r, 1); // r = r + delta t
      my_daxpy (n, delta, q, 1, x, 1); // x = x + delta q

      res2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1);
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      rho1 = my_ddot (n, r0, 1, r, 1); // rho = (r0*, r)
      beta = rho1 / rho;
      rho = rho1;

      // here t is not used so that this is used for working area.
      double *qu = t;
      my_dcopy (n, q, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q
      my_daxpy (n, -1.0, u, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u
      my_dcopy (n, r, 1, u, 1); // u = r
      my_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, u, 1); // u = r + beta (q - u)

      my_daxpy (n, beta, p, 1, qu, 1); // qu = q - u + beta * p
      my_dcopy (n, u, 1, p, 1); // p = u
      my_daxpy (n, beta, qu, 1, p, 1); // p = u + beta (q - u + b * p)

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  free (r);
  free (r0);
  free (p);
  free (u);
  free (ap);
  free (q);
  free (t);

  if (it->debug == 1)
      fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cgs it= %d res^2= %e\n", i, res2);

  it->niter = i;
  it->res2  = res2 / b2;
  return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: cg.c Proyecto: kichiki/libiter
/* Classical CG method -- Weiss' Algorithm 2
 *   n : dimension of the problem
 *   b [n] : r-h-s vector
 *   atimes (int n, static double *x, double *b, void *param) :
 *        calc matrix-vector product A.x = b.
 *   atimes_param : parameters for atimes().
 *   it : struct iter. following entries are used
 *        it->max = kend : max of iteration
 *        it->eps = eps  : criteria for |r^2|/|b^2|
 *   returned value : 0 == success, otherwise (-1) == failed
 *   x [n] : solution
 *   it->niter : # of iteration
 *   it->res2  : |r^2| / |b^2|
cg (int n, const double *b, double *x,
    void (*atimes) (int, const double *, double *, void *),
    void *atimes_param,
    struct iter *it)
#ifndef HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
  /* use Fortran BLAS routines */

  int i_1 = 1;
  double d_1 = 1.0;
  double d_m1 = -1.0;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  int ret = -1;
  double eps2 = it->eps * it->eps;
  int itmax = it->max;

  double *p  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *r  = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  double *ap = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double) * n);
  CHECK_MALLOC (p,  "cg");
  CHECK_MALLOC (r,  "cg");
  CHECK_MALLOC (ap, "cg");

  double r2;
  double res2 = 0.0;
  double pap;

  double gamma;
  double beta;

  int i;

   * ATLAS version

  double b2 = cblas_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  cblas_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b
  cblas_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r

  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      r2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1); // r2 = (r, r)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      pap = cblas_ddot (n, p, 1, ap, 1); // pap = (p, A.p)

      gamma = - r2 / pap; // gamma = - (r, r) / (p, A.p)
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, p, 1, x, 1); // x += gamma p
      cblas_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, r, 1); // r += gamma Ap

      // new norm of r
      res2 = cblas_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1); // (r, r)
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cg %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      beta = res2 / r2; // beta = (r, r) / (r0, r0)
      cblas_dscal (n, beta, p, 1); // p *= beta
      cblas_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta p

      r2 = res2;

#else // !HAVE_CBLAS_H
# ifdef HAVE_BLAS_H
   * BLAS version

  double b2 = ddot_ (&n, b, &i_1, b, &i_1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  daxpy_ (&n, &d_m1, b, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r = A.x - b
  dcopy_ (&n, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r

  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      r2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r2 = (r, r)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      pap = ddot_ (&n, p, &i_1, ap, &i_1); // pap = (p, A.p)

      gamma = - r2 / pap; // gamma = - (r, r) / (p, A.p)
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, p, &i_1, x, &i_1); // x += gamma p
      daxpy_ (&n, &gamma, ap, &i_1, r, &i_1); // r += gamma Ap

      // new norm of r
      res2 = ddot_ (&n, r, &i_1, r, &i_1); // (r, r)
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cg %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      beta = res2 / r2; // beta = (r, r) / (r0, r0)
      dscal_ (&n, &beta, p, &i_1); // p *= beta
      daxpy_ (&n, &d_1, r, &i_1, p, &i_1); // p = r + beta p

      r2 = res2;

# else // !HAVE_BLAS_H
   * local BLAS version

  double b2 = my_ddot (n, b, 1, b, 1); // (b,b)
  eps2 *= b2;

  atimes (n, x, r, atimes_param); // r = A.x
  my_daxpy (n, -1.0, b, 1, r, 1); // r = A.x - b
  my_dcopy (n, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r

  for (i = 0; i < itmax; i ++)
      r2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1); // r2 = (r, r)
      atimes (n, p, ap, atimes_param); // ap = A.p
      pap = my_ddot (n, p, 1, ap, 1); // pap = (p, A.p)

      gamma = - r2 / pap; // gamma = - (r, r) / (p, A.p)
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, p, 1, x, 1); // x += gamma p
      my_daxpy (n, gamma, ap, 1, r, 1); // r += gamma Ap

      // new norm of r
      res2 = my_ddot (n, r, 1, r, 1); // (r, r)
      if (it->debug == 2)
	  fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cg %d %e\n", i, res2 / b2);
      if (res2 <= eps2)
	  ret = 0; // success

      beta = res2 / r2; // beta = (r, r) / (r0, r0)
      my_dscal (n, beta, p, 1); // p *= beta
      my_daxpy (n, 1.0, r, 1, p, 1); // p = r + beta p

      r2 = res2;

# endif // !HAVE_BLAS_H
#endif // !HAVE_CBLAS_H

  free (p);
  free (r);
  free (ap);

  if (it->debug == 1)
      fprintf (it->out, "libiter-cg it= %d res^2= %e\n", i, res2 / b2);

  it->niter = i;
  it->res2  = res2 / b2;
  return (ret);