Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: exit.c Proyecto: Linezek/42sh
t_uchar		run_exit(char **env,
			 char **path,
			 t_command *command,
			 t_builtin_ptr **builtins)
  char		exit_status;

  if (count_args(command->argv_tmp) > 2)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit: Expression Syntax.\n");
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
  if (command->argv_tmp == NULL || count_args(command->argv_tmp) == 1)
    exit_status = command->last_ret;
  else if (my_str_isnum(command->argv_tmp[1]) == FALSE)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit: Expression Syntax.\n");
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    exit_status = my_atoi(command->argv_tmp[1]);
  if (command->interactive == TRUE)
    my_dprintf(STDERR, "exit\n");
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int		_get_lines_nbr(int argc, char **argv)
  int		lines;
  int		idx;

  lines = 4;
  idx = 1;
  while (idx < argc)
      if (my_cmp("-l", argv[idx]))
	  if (!my_str_isnum(argv[idx + 1]))
	      my_dprintf(STDERR, "Numeric argument required with \"-l\"\n");
	      return (-1);
	  lines = my_atoi(argv[idx + 1]);
      idx += 1;
  if (lines > 256 || lines <= 0)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "Number of lines out of range! {1..256}\n");
      return (-1);
  return (lines);
Ejemplo n.º 3
t_uchar		run_setenv(char ***env, char **argv)
  char		*tmp;

  if (count_args(argv) < 2)
      my_printenv(*env, '\n');
      return (0);
  else if (count_args(argv) > 3 || !my_str_isalpha(argv[1]) ||
	   (!my_char_islower(argv[1][0]) && !my_char_islower(argv[1][0])))
      if (count_args(argv) > 3)
	my_dprintf(STDERR, "setenv: Too many arguments.\n");
      else if ((!my_char_islower(argv[1][0]) && !my_char_islower(argv[1][0])))
	my_dprintf(STDERR, "setenv: Variable name must begin with a letter.\n");
      else if (!my_str_isalpha(argv[1]))
	my_dprintf(STDERR, ERALPH);
      return (1);
  if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * (my_strlen(argv[1]) + 2))) == NULL)
    my_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "ERROR: Out of memory! malloc() failed\n");
  tmp = my_strncpy(tmp, argv[1], my_strlen(argv[1]));
  tmp = my_strncat(tmp, "=", 1);
  my_setenv(env, tmp, argv[2]);
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
t_uchar		chck_exec_path(char *exec_path, char **argv)
  struct stat	file_data;

  if (exec_path == NULL || (exec_path[0] != '/' && exec_path[0] != '.')
      || access(exec_path, F_OK) == -1)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "%S: Command not found.\n", argv[0]);
      return (1);
  if (stat(exec_path, &file_data) == -1)
    my_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "ERROR: stat() failed!\n");
  if (!S_ISREG(file_data.st_mode))
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "%S: Command not found.\n", argv[0]);
      return (1);
  if (access(exec_path, X_OK) == -1)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "%s: Pemission denied.\n", exec_path);
      return (1);
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int		redirect_output(char ***ptr, char **cmd, int fd, int idx)
  while (cmd[idx])
      if ((my_cmp(cmd[idx], ">") || my_cmp(cmd[idx], ">>")) && cmd[idx + 1])
	  if (fd != 0 || ((fd = open(cmd[idx + 1],
				     (my_cmp(cmd[idx], ">>") ? O_CREAT |
				     S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) == -1)
	      || dup2(fd, STDOUT) == -1)
	      if (fd == -1)
		my_dprintf(STDERR, "%s: No such file or directory.\n",
			   cmd[idx + 1]);
		my_dprintf(STDERR, "Ambiguous input redirect.\n");
	      return (-1);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
  return (fd);
Ejemplo n.º 6
int		redirect_input(char ***ptr, char **cmd, int fd)
  int		idx;

  idx = 0;
  while (cmd[idx])
      if (my_cmp(cmd[idx], "<") && cmd[idx + 1])
	  if (fd != 0 || ((fd = open(cmd[idx + 1], O_RDONLY)) == -1)
	      || dup2(fd, STDIN) == -1)
	      if (fd == -1)
		my_dprintf(STDERR, "%s: No such file or directory.\n",
			   cmd[idx + 1]);
		my_dprintf(STDERR, "Ambiguous input redirect.\n");
	      return (-1);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
  return (fd);
Ejemplo n.º 7
int		redirect_input_double(char ***ptr, char **cmd, int fd)
  int		idx;

  idx = 0;
  while (cmd[idx])
      if (my_cmp(cmd[idx], "<<") && cmd[idx + 1])
	  if (fd)
	      my_dprintf(STDERR, "Ambiguous input redirect.\n");
	      return (-1);
	  if (get_input_double(cmd[idx + 1]))
	      my_dprintf(STDERR, "FATAL ERR! Cannot create temparary file.\n");
	      return (-1);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
	  *ptr = remove_elem(cmd, idx);
  return (fd);
Ejemplo n.º 8
int	return_error(const char *msg, const char c)
  my_dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s", msg);
  if (c != END_CHAR)
    my_dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, " %c", c);
  my_dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, ".\n");
  return (-1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
t_bool	check_empty_cmd(t_lexem *elem)
  while (elem)
      while ((elem) && (elem->type == STRING
			|| (t_dir(elem->type)) || elem->type == COL))
	elem = elem->right;
      if (!elem)
	return (CONTINUE);
      if (!((((elem->left && (elem->left->type == STRING
			      || ((t_dir(elem->left->type))
				  && elem->left->left
				  && elem->left->left->type == STRING))))
	     && (elem->right && (elem->right->type == STRING
				 || ((t_dir(elem->right->type))
				     && elem->right->right
				     && elem->right->right->type
				     == STRING))))))
	  my_dprintf(2, "Invalid null command.\n");
	  return (FALSE);
      elem = elem->right;
  return (CONTINUE);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Test behaviour for invalid file descriptors.  */
        errno = 0;
        ASSERT (my_dprintf (-1, "test") == -1);
        ASSERT (errno == EBADF);
        close (99);
        errno = 0;
        ASSERT (my_dprintf (99, "test") == -1);
        ASSERT (errno == EBADF);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: zsh.c Proyecto: rotarui/42sh
void	aff_cmpl(t_shell *shell)
  t_cmd	*tmp;

  tmp = shell->com.cmd_l;
  shell->com.y[0] = get_actual_pos(shell);
  while (tmp)
      if (tmp == shell->com.cursor)
	my_dprintf(1, PINK"%s"RES"\t", tmp->str);
	my_dprintf(1, "%s\t", tmp->str);
      tmp = tmp->next;
  shell->com.y[1] = get_actual_pos(shell);
  gotoyx(shell, get_actual_pos(shell) + (shell->com.y[0]
					 - get_actual_pos(shell)), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: zsh.c Proyecto: rotarui/42sh
static void		check_pos(t_shell *shell)
  int			y;
  int			cc;
  struct winsize	ws;

  ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
  y = -1;
  cc = (count_char(&shell->com) / ws.ws_col);
  while (++y < cc)
    my_dprintf(1, "\n");
  gotoyx(shell, get_actual_pos(shell) - (1 + y), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void	check_status_cases(int status, pid_t ret,
			   t_shell *shell, t_lexem *node)
  if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && (status = WTERMSIG(status)) != 13)
      my_dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "(%d) %s Interrupted by %s (%d)\n",
		 ret, *node->av,
		 (status == 8
		  ? "Floating point exception" : status == 11
		  ? "Segmentation Fault" : "Signal"), status);
      shell->exit.status = 128 + status;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static int	get_input_double(char *stop_str)
  int		fd;
  char		*input;

  if ((fd = open("/tmp/mysh_tmp7y32g", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY,
		 S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) == -1)
    return (1);
  while ((input = get_next_line(STDIN)) && !my_cmp(input, stop_str))
    my_dprintf(fd, "%s\n", input);
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    return (1);
  if ((fd = open("/tmp/mysh_tmp7y32g", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
    return (1);
  return ((dup2(fd, STDIN)) == -1 || close(fd) == -1 ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
static char	*give_it_to_guigui(t_shell *shell, char *buff, char *c)
  char		*ret;

  my_dprintf(1, "%s\n", shell->key.curs);
  if (*c == 4)
    return (NULL);
  if (shell->history_on == TRUE && shell->bufist)
    return (strdup(shell->bufist));
  if (shell->com.on == TRUE && shell->com.cursor)
      shell->com.on = FALSE;
      ret = strdup(shell->com.cursor->str);
      return (ret);
  return (strdup(buff));
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: zsh.c Proyecto: rotarui/42sh
int	get_actual_pos(t_shell *shell)
  char	buff[3];
  char	trash[12];
  int	i;

  i = 0;
  my_dprintf(1, "%s\n", shell->key.pos);
  if (read(0, buff, 2) < 2)
    return (1);
  buff[0] = 0;
  if (read(0, buff, 2) < 2)
    return (1);
  buff[1] = !buff[1] || buff[1] < '0' || buff[1] > '9' ? 0 : buff[1];
  read(0, trash, 12);
  buff[2] = '\0';
  return (my_getnbr(buff, &i) == FALSE ? 0 : i);
Ejemplo n.º 17
t_uchar		run_setenv(char ***env, char **argv)
  char		*tmp;

  if (count_args(argv) < 2)
      my_printenv(*env, '\n');
      return (0);
  else if (count_args(argv) > 3)
      my_dprintf(STDERR, "setenv: Too many arguments.\n");
      return (1);
  if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * (my_strlen(argv[1]) + 2))) == NULL)
    my_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "ERROR: Out of memory! malloc() failed\n");
  tmp = my_strncpy(tmp, argv[1], my_strlen(argv[1]));
  tmp = my_strncat(tmp, "=", 1);
  my_setenv(env, tmp, argv[2]);
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
t_bool		put_after(t_shell *shell, t_lexem *lex)
  t_lexem	*next;

  next = lex->right;
  if ((next->type >= PIPE) && (next->type < DRDIR_ERR))
      my_dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "Ambiguous output redirect.\n");
      return (FALSE);
  lex->right = next->right;
  next->left = lex->left;
  if (lex->left)
    lex->left->right = next;
  if (next->right)
    next->right->left = lex;
  lex->left = next;
  next->right = lex;
  if (!(next->left))
    shell->lexem = next;
  return (TRUE);
static void
test_function (int (*my_dprintf) (int, const char *, ...))
  /* Here we don't test output that may be platform dependent.
     The bulk of the tests is done as part of the 'vasnprintf-posix' module.  */

  /* Test support of size specifiers as in C99.  */

  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%ju %d\n", (uintmax_t) 12345671, 33, 44, 55);

  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%zu %d\n", (size_t) 12345672, 33, 44, 55);

  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%tu %d\n", (ptrdiff_t) 12345673, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Test the support of the 'a' and 'A' conversion specifier for hexadecimal
     output of floating-point numbers.  */

  /* Positive zero.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%a %d\n", 0.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Positive infinity.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%a %d\n", Infinityd (), 33, 44, 55);

  /* Negative infinity.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%a %d\n", - Infinityd (), 33, 44, 55);

  /* FLAG_ZERO with infinite number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%010a %d\n", Infinityd (), 33, 44, 55);

  /* Test the support of the %f format directive.  */

  /* A positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%f %d\n", 12.75, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A larger positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%f %d\n", 1234567.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A negative number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%f %d\n", -0.03125, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Positive zero.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%f %d\n", 0.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* FLAG_ZERO.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%015f %d\n", 1234.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.f %d\n", 1234.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with no rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2f %d\n", 999.95, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2f %d\n", 999.996, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%Lf %d\n", 12.75L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A larger positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%Lf %d\n", 1234567.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A negative number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%Lf %d\n", -0.03125L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Positive zero.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%Lf %d\n", 0.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* FLAG_ZERO.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%015Lf %d\n", 1234.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.Lf %d\n", 1234.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with no rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2Lf %d\n", 999.95L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2Lf %d\n", 999.996L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Test the support of the %F format directive.  */

  /* A positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%F %d\n", 12.75, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A larger positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%F %d\n", 1234567.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A negative number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%F %d\n", -0.03125, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Positive zero.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%F %d\n", 0.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* FLAG_ZERO.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%015F %d\n", 1234.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.F %d\n", 1234.0, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with no rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2F %d\n", 999.95, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2F %d\n", 999.996, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%LF %d\n", 12.75L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A larger positive number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%LF %d\n", 1234567.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* A negative number.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%LF %d\n", -0.03125L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Positive zero.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%LF %d\n", 0.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* FLAG_ZERO.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%015LF %d\n", 1234.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.LF %d\n", 1234.0L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with no rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2LF %d\n", 999.95L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Precision with rounding.  */
  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%.2LF %d\n", 999.996L, 33, 44, 55);

  /* Test the support of the POSIX/XSI format strings with positions.  */

  my_dprintf (fileno (stdout), "%2$d %1$d\n", 33, 55);
Ejemplo n.º 20
static int	_usage(char *prog_name)
  my_dprintf(STDERR, "Usage: %s [-m dumb|easy|medium|hard] [-l LINES]\n",
  return (-1);