Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  The Cl- species is special in the sense that its single ion
 *  molality-based activity coefficient is used in the specification
 *  of the pH scale for single ions. Therefore, we need to know
 *  what species index Cl- is. If the species isn't in the species
 *  list then this routine returns -1, and we can't use the NBS
 *  pH scale.
 *  Right now we use a restrictive interpretation. The species
 *  must be named "Cl-". It must consist of exactly one Cl and one E
 *  atom.
size_t MolalityVPSSTP::findCLMIndex() const
    size_t indexCLM = npos;
    size_t eCl = npos;
    size_t eE = npos;
    size_t ne = nElements();
    string sn;
    for (size_t e = 0; e < ne; e++) {
        sn = elementName(e);
        if (sn == "Cl" || sn == "CL") {
            eCl = e;
    // We have failed if we can't find the Cl element index
    if (eCl == npos) {
        return npos;
    for (size_t e = 0; e < ne; e++) {
        sn = elementName(e);
        if (sn == "E" || sn == "e") {
            eE = e;
    // We have failed if we can't find the E element index
    if (eE == npos) {
        return npos;
    for (size_t k = 1; k < m_kk; k++) {
        doublereal nCl = nAtoms(k, eCl);
        if (nCl != 1.0) {
        doublereal nE = nAtoms(k, eE);
        if (nE != 1.0) {
        for (size_t e = 0; e < ne; e++) {
            if (e != eE && e != eCl) {
                doublereal nA = nAtoms(k, e);
                if (nA != 0.0) {
        sn = speciesName(k);
        if (sn != "Cl-" && sn != "CL-") {

        indexCLM = k;
    return indexCLM;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void MineralEQ3::convertDGFormation() {
     * Ok let's get the element compositions and conversion factors.
    int ne = nElements();
    doublereal na;
    doublereal ge;
    string ename;

    doublereal totalSum = 0.0;
    for (int m = 0; m < ne; m++) {
      na = nAtoms(0, m);
      if (na > 0.0) {
	ename = elementName(m);
	ge = LookupGe(ename);
	totalSum += na * ge;
    // Add in the charge
    // if (m_charge_j != 0.0) {
    // ename = "H";
      // ge = LookupGe(ename);
    // totalSum -= m_charge_j * ge;
    // Ok, now do the calculation. Convert to joules kmol-1
    doublereal dg = m_deltaG_formation_pr_tr * 4.184 * 1.0E3;
    //! Store the result into an internal variable.
    m_Mu0_pr_tr = dg + totalSum;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void MineralEQ3::convertDGFormation()
    // Ok let's get the element compositions and conversion factors.
    doublereal totalSum = 0.0;
    for (size_t m = 0; m < nElements(); m++) {
        double na = nAtoms(0, m);
        if (na > 0.0) {
            totalSum += na * LookupGe(elementName(m));
    // Ok, now do the calculation. Convert to joules kmol-1
    doublereal dg = m_deltaG_formation_pr_tr * toSI("cal/gmol");
    //! Store the result into an internal variable.
    m_Mu0_pr_tr = dg + totalSum;

    double Hcalc = m_Mu0_pr_tr + 298.15 * m_Entrop_pr_tr * toSI("cal/gmol");
    double DHjmol = m_deltaH_formation_pr_tr * toSI("kal/gmol");

    // If the discrepancy is greater than 100 cal gmol-1, print an error
    if (fabs(Hcalc -DHjmol) > 100 * toSI("cal/gmol")) {
        throw CanteraError("installMinEQ3asShomateThermoFromXML()",
                           "DHjmol is not consistent with G and S: {} vs {}",
                           Hcalc, DHjmol);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void System::writeToXYZ(const std::string& filename)
    std::ofstream ofile(filename);

    // Header
    ofile << nAtoms() << std::endl;
    ofile << "Comment" << std::endl;

    // Atoms
    for (Atom *atom : m_atoms) {
        ofile << atom->getIndex() << " ";
        for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            ofile << atom->getPosition()[i] << " ";
        for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            ofile << atom->getVelocity()[i] << " ";
        for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            ofile << atom->getForce()[i] << " ";
        ofile << atom->getVelocity().length() << " ";
        ofile << atom->getForce().length() << " ";
        ofile << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 5
doublereal Phase::elementalMoleFraction(const size_t m) const
    double denom = 0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < m_kk; k++) {
        double atoms = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nElements(); j++) {
            atoms += nAtoms(k, j);
        denom += atoms * moleFraction(k);
    doublereal numerator = 0.0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k != m_kk; ++k) {
        numerator += nAtoms(k, m) * moleFraction(k);
    return numerator / denom;
Ejemplo n.º 6
doublereal Phase::elementalMassFraction(const size_t m) const
    doublereal Z_m = 0.0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k != m_kk; ++k) {
        Z_m += nAtoms(k, m) * atomicWeight(m) / molecularWeight(k)
            * massFraction(k);
    return Z_m;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void IdealSolidSolnPhase::setToEquilState(const doublereal* lambda_RT)
    const vector_fp& grt = gibbs_RT_ref();

    // set the pressure and composition to be consistent with
    // the temperature,
    doublereal pres = 0.0;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < m_kk; k++) {
        m_pp[k] = -grt[k];
        for (size_t m = 0; m < nElements(); m++) {
            m_pp[k] += nAtoms(k,m)*lambda_RT[m];
        m_pp[k] = m_Pref * exp(m_pp[k]);
        pres += m_pp[k];
    setState_PX(pres, &m_pp[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void System::writeToXYZWithBoxID(const std::string& filename)
    std::ofstream ofile(filename);
    if (!ofile.is_open())
        std::cout << "Error: Couldn't open file \"" << filename << "\" for writing." << std::endl;
        // Header
        ofile << nAtoms() << std::endl;
        ofile << "Comment" << std::endl;

        // Atoms
        for (const NeighborList& list : m_integrator->getNeighborLists())
            for (const Atom *atom : list.getAtoms())
                ofile << atom->getIndex() << " ";
                for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    ofile << atom->getPosition()[i] << " ";
                for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    ofile << atom->getVelocity()[i] << " ";
                for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    ofile << atom->getForce()[i] << " ";
                ofile << atom->getVelocity().length() << " ";
                ofile << atom->getForce().length() << " ";
                ofile << list.getLinearIndex() << " ";
                ofile << std::endl;