Variant Propertized::convertStringTo( const Variant& str, Variant::types t ) { if ( str.type() != Variant::t_string ) { nError() << "convertStringTo require a string-type Variant; " << "passed type " << str.typeName(); return Variant(); } QString qstr( str.getString() ); char ch; switch( t ) { case Variant::t_null: return Variant(); break; case Variant::t_real: #ifdef NNFW_DOUBLE_PRECISION return Variant( qstr.toDouble() ); #else return Variant( qstr.toFloat() ); #endif break; case Variant::t_int: return Variant( qstr.toInt() ); break; case Variant::t_uint: return Variant( qstr.toUInt() ); break; case Variant::t_char: ch = qstr[0].toAscii(); return Variant( ch ); break; case Variant::t_uchar: ch = qstr[0].toAscii(); return Variant( (unsigned char)(ch) ); break; case Variant::t_bool: if ( qstr == "true" ) { return Variant( true ); } else { return Variant( false ); } break; case Variant::t_string: case Variant::t_realvec: case Variant::t_realmat: case Variant::t_outfunction: case Variant::t_cluster: case Variant::t_linker: case Variant::t_propertized: case Variant::t_dataptr: nError() << "Unsupported convertion type: " << Variant::typeName(t); break; } return Variant(); }
Nuria::Internal::TcpServer::TcpServer (bool useSsl, QObject *parent) : QTcpServer (parent), m_ssl (useSsl) { #ifndef NURIA_NO_SSL_HTTP if (useSsl) { nError() << "Trying to create unsupported SSL server - Was disabled at compile-time."; nError() << "Connections will fail."; } #endif }
void Variant::checkType( types t ) const { if ( t != dtype ) { nError() << "Attempt to access a " << typen[t] << " type instead of the right type " << typen[dtype] << " unpredictable result"; } return; }
void Nuria::ObjectWrapperResourcePrivate::connectToSignal (QMetaMethod method) { // Connect objects' signal to our homegrown qt_metacall(). int index = method.methodIndex (); if (!QMetaObject::connect (this->object, index, this, index, Qt::DirectConnection)) { nError() << "connect() failed on" << this->object << "for signal" << method.methodSignature (); } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a (argc, argv); Nuria::HttpServer server; server.root ()->connectSlot ("index", mySlot); if (!server.listen (QHostAddress::Any, 3000)) { nError() << "Failed to listen on port 3000."; return 1; } nLog() << "Listening on all interfaces on port 3000."; return a.exec (); }
void nFrameBuffer::setUnmodified() { bool valid = depthTexture && depthTexture->getSize().mul() > 0; for(int i = 0; i != nGL::getState()->getHWInt(nGLState::MaxFboAttachements) && !valid; i++) { if(attachments[i]) { valid = attachments[i]->getSize().mul() > 0; } } if(valid && glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { int error = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); nError("Unable to modify frame-buffer-object, error = " + (error == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT ? nString("MISSING ATTACHMENT") : (error == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT ? nString("INCOMPLETE ATTACHMENT") : (error == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED ? nString("UNSUPPORTED") : nString::fromNumber(error))))); } modified = false; }
void Nuria::RestfulHttpNode::registerAnnotatedHandlers () { this->d_ptr->loaded = true; if (!this->d_ptr->metaObject) { this->d_ptr->metaObject = MetaObject::byName (metaObject ()->className ()); if (!this->d_ptr->metaObject) { nError() << "Failed to auto-find meta object of class" << metaObject ()->className (); return; } } // MetaObject *meta = this->d_ptr->metaObject; for (int i = 0; i < meta->methodCount (); i++) { MetaMethod method = meta->method (i); registerMetaMethod (method); } }
void Nuria::ObjectWrapperResource::exclude (const char *signalOrSlot) { Q_ASSERT(signalOrSlot); // Find method int index = 0; if (signalOrSlot[0] == '1') { // Slot index = this->d_ptr->meta->indexOfSlot (signalOrSlot + 1); } else { // Signal index = this->d_ptr->meta->indexOfSignal (signalOrSlot + 1); } // Sanity check if (index < 0) { nError() << "Failed to find signal or slot" << signalOrSlot << "in class" << this->d_ptr->meta->className (); return; } // Remove entry Method descriptor = this->d_ptr->methods.take (index); this->d_ptr->removeMethodFromPropertyList (descriptor.propertyIndex); }
uint nTexture::TextureInternal::getGLHandle() const { if(!makeValid(true)) { nError("Unable to get texture handle"); } return *handle; }
void Nuria::RestfulHttpNode::conversionFailure (const QVariant &variant, Nuria::HttpClient *client) { nError() << "Failed to convert type" << variant.typeName () << "for URL" << client->path ().toString (); client->killConnection (500); }
Linker* Linker::clone() const { nError() << "The clone() method has to implemented by subclasses"; return 0; }
void Player::playIndex(int index, int listIndex) { qDebug() << "PlayIndex,index: " << index << "listIndex: " << listIndex; if(listIndex > -1) { if(currentListIndex != listIndex || !listSync) { setList(parser->sources[listIndex]); currentListIndex = listIndex; } } if(index > playList.size() - 1) index = 0; prevIndex = curIndex; curIndex = index; mediaObject->stop(); setState(Player::STOPED); buffer->close(); buffer->setData(""); buffer = new QBuffer(mediaObject); QFile file; QDir::setCurrent(savePath); QString fileName = playList[curIndex]["artist"]+" - "+playList[curIndex]["title"]+"__"+playList[curIndex]["opt4"]+".mp3"; fileName.replace(QRegExp("[?*/\"<>]"), "_"); file.setFileName(fileName); if( { emit bufferProgress(1, 1); //buffer->setData(file.readAll()); //buffer->open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); if(obCreated) { nReply->reset(); if(nReply->isRunning()) nReply->abort(); } mediaObject->stop(); mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(fileName)); mediaObject->play(); setState(Player::PLAY); ob2Created = true; } else { if(bufferOff) { emit bufferProgress(-1, -1); mediaObject->stop(); mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(playList[curIndex]["link"])); mediaObject->play(); setState(Player::PLAY); } else { blockNum = 0; QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl(QUrl(playList[curIndex]["link"])); if(obCreated) { if(nReply->isRunning()) nReply->abort(); } canPlay = false; nReply = nManager.get(req); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData())); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(dProgress(qint64,qint64))); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(rFinished())); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(nError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); obCreated = true; } } file.close(); emit curSong(playList[curIndex], curIndex, autoNext); autoNext = false; QRegExp rx("(.*):(.*)"); // Сиськиии!) rx.indexIn(playList[curIndex]["duration"]); QString c1 = rx.capturedTexts()[1]; QString c2 = rx.capturedTexts()[2]; int dur1 = c1.toInt(); int dur2 = c2.toInt(); duration = dur1 * 60; duration += dur2; }