Ejemplo n.º 1
void htmlFormVarPrint(struct htmlFormVar *var, FILE *f, char *prefix)
/* Print out variable to file, prepending prefix. */
struct slName *val;
fprintf(f, "%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", prefix, var->name, var->tagName, 
for (val = var->values; val != NULL; val = val->next)
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", prefix, val->name);
void fullCaption(struct sqlConnection *conn, int id)
/* Print information about image. */
char *publication, *copyright;
char *caption = NULL;
int imageFile = -1;
struct slInt *imageList;
int imageCount=0;
int oldId = 0;
struct captionElement *captionElements;
int forwardedId = vgForwardedImage(conn, id);

if (forwardedId)
    oldId = id;
    id = forwardedId;

caption = visiGeneCaption(conn, id);
imageFile = visiGeneImageFile(conn, id);

showSource(conn, oldId);
showSource(conn, id);

publication = visiGenePublication(conn,id);
if (publication != NULL)
    char *pubUrl = visiGenePubUrl(conn,id);
    printf("<B>Reference:</B> ");
    if (pubUrl != NULL && pubUrl[0] != 0)
        printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>%s</A>", pubUrl, publication);
        printf("%s", naForEmpty(publication));
printf("<B>Year:</B> %d ", visiGeneYear(conn,id));
printf("<B>Contributors:</B> %s<BR>\n", 
if (caption != NULL)
    printf("<B>Notes:</B> %s<BR>\n", caption);
imageList = visiGeneImagesForFile(conn, imageFile);
imageCount = slCount(imageList);
captionElements = makePaneCaptionElements(conn, imageList);
printCaptionElements(conn, captionElements, imageList);

copyright = visiGeneCopyright(conn, id);
if (copyright != NULL)
    printf("<B>Copyright:</B> %s<BR>\n", copyright);
showAcknowledgement(conn, oldId);
showAcknowledgement(conn, id);

Ejemplo n.º 3
static void rTsWriteAsFlatTab(struct tagStanza *list, struct slName *fieldList,
    FILE *f, char *idTag, boolean withParent,
     int maxDepth, int depth)
/* Recursively write out list to file */
if (depth > maxDepth)
struct tagStanza *stanza;
for (stanza = list; stanza != NULL; stanza = stanza->next)
    char *idVal = NULL;
    if (idTag != NULL)
        idVal = slPairFindVal(stanza->tagList, idTag);
    if (idTag == NULL || idVal != NULL)
	struct hash *uniq = hashNew(0);
	if (withParent && stanza->parent != NULL && idTag != NULL)
	    char *parentVal = slPairFindVal(stanza->parent->tagList, idTag);
	    if (parentVal != NULL)
		hashAdd(uniq, "parent", parentVal);
	struct tagStanza *family;
	for (family = stanza; family != NULL; family = family->parent)
	    struct slPair *pair;
	    for (pair = family->tagList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
		if (!hashLookup(uniq, pair->name))
		    hashAdd(uniq, pair->name, pair->val);
	struct slName *field;
	for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
	    if (field != fieldList)
		fputc('\t', f);
	    char *val = naForNull(hashFindVal(uniq, field->name));
	    fputs(val, f);
	fputc('\n', f);

    rTsWriteAsFlatTab(stanza->children, fieldList, f, idTag, withParent, maxDepth, depth+1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void doValidatedEmail(struct edwSubmit *submit, boolean isComplete)
/* Send an email with info on all validated files */
struct sqlConnection *conn = edwConnect();
struct edwUser *user = edwUserFromId(conn, submit->userId);
struct dyString *message = dyStringNew(0);
/* Is this submission has no new file at all */
if ((submit->oldFiles != 0) && (submit->newFiles == 0) &&
    (submit->metaChangeCount == 0)  && isEmpty(submit->errorMessage)
     && (submit->fileIdInTransit == 0))
    dyStringPrintf(message, "Your submission from %s is completed, but validation was not performed for this submission since all files in validate.txt have been previously submitted and validated.\n", submit->url);
    mailViaPipe(user->email, "EDW Validation Results", message->string, edwDaemonEmail);

if (isComplete)
    dyStringPrintf(message, "Your submission from %s is completely validated\n", submit->url);
	"Your submission hasn't validated after 24 hours, something is probably wrong\n"
	"at %s\n", submit->url);
dyStringPrintf(message, "\n#accession\tsubmitted_file_name\tnotes\n");
char query[512];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "select licensePlate,submitFileName "
    " from edwFile left join edwValidFile on edwFile.id = edwValidFile.fileId "
    " where edwFile.submitId = %u and edwFile.id != %u"
    , submit->id, submit->submitFileId);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;

while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *licensePlate = row[0];
    char *submitFileName = row[1];
    dyStringPrintf(message, "%s\t%s\t", naForNull(licensePlate), submitFileName);
    if (licensePlate == NULL)
	dyStringPrintf(message, "Not validating");
    dyStringPrintf(message, "\n");

mailViaPipe(user->email, "EDW Validation Results", message->string, edwDaemonEmail);
static struct captionElement *makePaneCaptionElements(
	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct slInt *imageList)
/* Make list of all caption elements */
struct slInt *image;
struct captionElement *ceList = NULL, *ce;
for (image = imageList; image != NULL; image = image->next)
    int paneId = image->val;
    struct slName *geneList = geneProbeList(conn, paneId);
    struct slName *genbankRawList = visiGeneGenbank(conn, paneId);
    struct slName *genbankUrlList = wrapUrlList(genbankRawList, genbankRawList,
    struct slName *probeList = getProbeList(conn, paneId);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Gene", makeCommaSpacedList(geneList));
    ce->hasHtml = TRUE;
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Probe", makeCommaSpacedList(probeList));
    ce->hasHtml = TRUE;
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "GenBank", makeCommaSpacedList(genbankUrlList));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce->hasHtml = TRUE;
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Organism", visiGeneOrganism(conn, paneId));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Sex", 
    	naForNull(visiGeneSex(conn, paneId)));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Strain", 
    	naForNull(visiGeneStrain(conn, paneId)));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Genotype",
        naForNull(visiGeneHypertextGenotype(conn, paneId)));
    ce->hasHtml = TRUE;
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Stage", visiGeneStage(conn, paneId, TRUE));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Body Part",
    	naForNull(visiGeneBodyPart(conn, paneId)));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    addExpressionInfo(conn, paneId, &ceList);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Section Type",
    	naForNull(visiGeneSliceType(conn, paneId)));
    slAddHead(&ceList, ce);
    ce = captionElementNew(paneId, "Permeablization",
    	naForNull(visiGenePermeablization(conn, paneId)));
return ceList;
Ejemplo n.º 6
struct htmlPage *quickSubmit(struct htmlPage *basePage,
	char *org, char *db, char *group, char *track, char *table,
	char *testName, char *button, char *buttonVal)
/* Submit page and record info.  Return NULL if a problem. */
struct tablesTest *test;
struct qaStatus *qs;
struct htmlPage *page;

// don't get ahead of the botDelay

verbose(2, "quickSubmit(%p, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
	basePage, naForNull(org), naForNull(db), naForNull(group), 
	naForNull(track), naForNull(table), naForNull(testName), 
	naForNull(button), naForNull(buttonVal));
if (basePage != NULL)
    if (db != NULL)
	htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, "db", db);
    if (org != NULL)
	htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, "org", org);
    if (group != NULL)
        htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, hgtaGroup, group);
    if (track != NULL)
        htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, hgtaTrack, track);
    if (table != NULL)
        htmlPageSetVar(basePage, NULL, hgtaTable, table);
    qs = qaPageFromForm(basePage, basePage->forms, 
	    button, buttonVal, &page);
    if (page->forms != NULL)
        htmlFormPrint(page->forms, stdout);
    test = tablesTestNew(qs, testName, org, db, group, track, table);
return page;
struct nearTest *nearTestNew(struct qaStatus *status,
	char *type, char *sort, char *org, char *db, char *col, char *gene)
/* Save away column test results. */
struct nearTest *test;
test->status = status;
test->info[ntiiType] = cloneString(naForNull(type));
test->info[ntiiSort] = cloneString(naForNull(sort));
test->info[ntiiOrg] = cloneString(naForNull(org));
test->info[ntiiDb] = cloneString(naForNull(db));
test->info[ntiiCol] = cloneString(naForNull(col));
test->info[ntiiGene] = cloneString(naForNull(gene));
slAddHead(&nearTestList, test);
return test;
Ejemplo n.º 8
struct tablesTest *tablesTestNew(struct qaStatus *status,
	char *type, char *org, char *db, char *group, 
	char *track, char *table)
/* Save away test test results. */
struct tablesTest *test;
test->status = status;
test->info[ntiiType] = cloneString(naForNull(type));
test->info[ntiiOrg] = cloneString(naForNull(org));
test->info[ntiiDb] = cloneString(naForNull(db));
test->info[ntiiGroup] = cloneString(naForNull(group));
test->info[ntiiTrack] = cloneString(naForNull(track));
test->info[ntiiTable] = cloneString(naForNull(table));
slAddHead(&tablesTestList, test);
return test;
void printCaption(struct sqlConnection *conn, int id, char *geneName)
/* Print information about image. */
char query[256];
char **row;
char *treatment, *publication;
char *setUrl, *itemUrl;

printf("<B>gene:</B> %s ", naForNull(geneName));
printf("<B>accession:</B> %s ", naForNull(bioImageAccession(conn,id)));
printf("<B>type:</B> %s<BR>\n", naForNull(bioImageType(conn,id)));
printf("<B>organism:</B> %s  ", bioImageOrganism(conn, id));
printf("<B>stage:</B> %s<BR>\n", bioImageStage(conn, id, TRUE));
printf("<B>body part:</B> %s ", naForNull(bioImageBodyPart(conn,id)));
printf("<B>section type:</B> %s<BR>\n", naForNull(bioImageSliceType(conn,id)));
treatment = bioImageTreatment(conn,id);
if (treatment != NULL)
    printf("<B>treatment:</B> %s<BR>\n", treatment);
publication = bioImagePublication(conn,id);
if (publication != NULL)
    char *pubUrl = bioImagePubUrl(conn,id);
    printf("<B>reference:</B> ");
    if (pubUrl != NULL)
        printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>%s</A>", pubUrl, publication);
        printf("%s", publication);
printf("<B>contributors:</B> %s<BR>\n", naForNull(bioImageContributors(conn,id)));
setUrl = bioImageSetUrl(conn, id);
itemUrl = bioImageItemUrl(conn, id);
if (setUrl != NULL || itemUrl != NULL)
    printf("<B>contributor links:</B> ");
    if (setUrl != NULL)
        printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>image set</A> ", setUrl);
    if (itemUrl != NULL)
        printf("<A HREF=\"");
	printf(itemUrl, bioImageSubmitId(conn, id));
	printf("\" target=_blank>this image</A>");
Ejemplo n.º 10
void encodeExpToTab(char *outExp, char *outSeries, char *outResults)
/* encodeExpToCvDb - Convert encode experiments table to a table more suitable for cvDb. */
struct hash *optHash = optionalFieldsHash();
struct mdbObj *mdbList = getMdbList(metaDbs, ArraySize(metaDbs));
struct hash *mdbHash = mdbHashKeyedByExpId(mdbList);
struct hash *seriesHash = hashNew(0);
struct series *seriesList = NULL;
verbose(1, "read %d mdb objects from %s in %d databases\n", mdbHash->elCount, metaTable, 
struct sqlConnection *expDbConn = sqlConnect(expDb);
struct sqlConnection *cvDbConn = sqlConnect(cvDb);
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s", expTable);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(expDbConn, query);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outExp, "w");
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    /* Read in database structure. */
    struct encodeExp *ee = encodeExpLoad(row);
    /* Much of the data we're processing comes from lists of the form 
     * "a=aVal b=bVal c=cVal." We'll convert these to id's in the appropriate 
     * tables and store the IDs in the optCol array declared below.  */
    int optColCount = ArraySize(expOptionalFields);
    int optCol[optColCount];
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<optColCount; ++i)
	optCol[i] = 0;

    /* Convert var=val string in encodeExp.expVars into list of slPairs, and loop through it. */
    struct slPair *varList = slPairListFromString(ee->expVars, TRUE);
    struct slPair *var;
    for (var = varList; var != NULL; var = var->next)
	 /* Figure out name of table and the term within that table. */
	 char *table = var->name;
	 char *term = var->val;
	 if (sameString(table, "antibody")) // Deal with antibody special case
	    if (sameString(term, "Control") || sameString(term, "Input") 
	    || sameString(term, "RevXlinkChromatin") || sameString(term, "ripInput"))
		table = "control";

	 /* If it looks like we have a valid table and term, store result in
	  * optCol array we'll output soon. */
	 struct hashEl *hel;
	 if ((hel = hashLookup(optHash, table)) != NULL)
	     int id = lookupId(cvDbConn, table, term);
	     if (id == 0)
	          warn("No id in cvDb for %s=%s\n", table, term);
	     int optColIx = ptToInt(hel->val);
	     optCol[optColIx] = id;
	     verbose(2, "%s %s ?\n", table, term);

    /* Now we want to process metaDb, which has some info encodeExp does not. */
    char *composite = NULL;
    char ixAsString[16];
    safef(ixAsString, sizeof(ixAsString), "%d", ee->ix);
    struct mdbObj *mdb = hashFindVal(mdbHash, ixAsString);
    if (mdb != NULL)
	struct mdbVar *v;
	for (v = mdb->vars; v != NULL; v = v->next)
	    /* Look up table and term and change table name if need be */
	    char *table = v->var;
	    char *term = v->val;
	    if (sameString(table, "antibody")) 
		 table = "ab";
	    else if (sameString(table, "grant"))
	         table = "grantee";

	    /* Squirrel away the ever-important composite term for later. */
	    if (sameString("composite", table))
	         composite = term;

	    struct hashEl *hel;
	    if ((hel = hashLookup(optHash, table)) != NULL)
		int optColIx = ptToInt(hel->val);
		if (optCol[optColIx] == 0)  // Only use mdb if encodeExp has no data.
		    int id = lookupId(cvDbConn, table, term);
		    optCol[optColIx] = id;

    /* If we've got a composite, then make up a series record. */
    if (composite != NULL)
	assert(mdb != NULL);
	struct series *series = hashFindVal(seriesHash, composite);
	if (series == NULL)
	    series = seriesFromMdb(mdb, composite);
	    hashAdd(seriesHash, composite, series);
	    slAddHead(&seriesList, series);

    if (ee->accession != NULL)
	/* Write out required fields.  Order of required fields
	 * here needs to follow order in expRequiredFields. */
	fprintf(f, "%u", ee->ix);
	fprintf(f, "\t%s", ee->updateTime);
	fprintf(f, "\t%s", naForNull(composite));
	fprintf(f, "\t%s", ee->accession);
	fprintf(f, "\t%d", lookupId(cvDbConn, "organism", ee->organism));
	fprintf(f, "\t%d", lookupId(cvDbConn, "lab", ee->lab));
	fprintf(f, "\t%d", lookupId(cvDbConn, "dataType", ee->dataType));
	fprintf(f, "\t%d", lookupId(cvDbConn, "cellType", ee->cellType));

	/* Now write out optional fields. */
	for (i=0; i<optColCount; ++i)
	    fprintf(f, "\t%d", optCol[i]);

	/* End output record. */
	fprintf(f, "\n");

/* Write out series list to a separate file. */
writeSeriesList(outSeries, seriesList);

/* Write out results to a separate file. */
writeMdbListAsResults(mdbList, outResults);

/* Clean up and go home. */
Ejemplo n.º 11
void testOneTable(struct htmlPage *trackPage, char *org, char *db,
	char *group, char *track, char *table)
/* Test stuff on one table if we haven't already tested this table. */
/* Why declared here and not globally? */
static struct hash *uniqHash = NULL;
char fullName[256];
if (uniqHash == NULL)
     uniqHash = newHash(0);
safef(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s.%s", db, table);
if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, fullName))
    struct htmlPage *tablePage;
    struct htmlForm *mainForm;

    hashAdd(uniqHash, fullName, NULL);
    verbose(1, "Testing %s %s %s %s %s\n", naForNull(org), db, group, track, table);
    tablePage = quickSubmit(trackPage, org, db, group, 
	    track, table, "selectTable", hgtaTable, table);
    if (!isObsolete(table) && tablePage != NULL)
	if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(tablePage, "mainForm")) == NULL)
		    "Couldn't get main form on tablePage for %s %s %s %s", db, group, track, table);
	    testSchema(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    testSummaryStats(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "bed")) 
		if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "primaryTable"))
		    int rowCount;
		    rowCount = testAllFields(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    testOneField(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutSequence(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutBed(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutHyperlink(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutGff(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    if (rowCount > 0)
			testOutCustomTrack(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    else if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "primaryTable"))
		/* If BED type is not available then the region will be ignored, and
		 * we'll end up scanning whole table.  Make sure table is not huge
		 * before proceeding. */
		if (tableSize(db, table) < 500000)
		    int rowCount;
		    rowCount = testAllFields(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    testOneField(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void hgFlyBase(char *database, char *genesFile)
/* hgFlyBase - Parse FlyBase genes.txt file and turn it into a couple of 
 * tables. */
char *tGene = "fbGene";
char *tSynonym = "fbSynonym";
char *tAllele = "fbAllele";
char *tRef = "fbRef";
char *tRole = "fbRole";
char *tPhenotype = "fbPhenotype";
char *tTranscript = "fbTranscript";
char *tGo = "fbGo";
char *tUniProt = "fbUniProt";
FILE *fGene = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tGene);
FILE *fSynonym = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tSynonym);
FILE *fAllele = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tAllele);
FILE *fRef = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tRef);
FILE *fRole = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tRole);
FILE *fPhenotype = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tPhenotype);
FILE *fTranscript = NULL;
FILE *fGo = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tGo);
FILE *fUniProt = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tUniProt);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(genesFile, TRUE);
struct hash *refHash = newHash(19);
int nextRefId = 0;
int nextAlleleId = 0;
char *line, sub, type, *rest, *s;
char *geneSym = NULL, *geneName = NULL, *geneId = NULL;
int recordCount = 0;
struct slName *synList = NULL, *syn;
int curAllele = 0, curRef = 0;
struct ref *ref = NULL;
struct sqlConnection *conn;
struct hash *goUniqHash = newHash(18);

/* Make table from flybase genes to BGDP transcripts. */
if (doTranscript)
    fTranscript = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tTranscript);
    getAllSplices(database, fTranscript);

/* Make dummy reference for flybase itself. */
fprintf(fRef, "0\tFlyBase\n");

/* Loop through parsing and writing tab files. */
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    sub = line[0];
    if (sub == '#')
	/* End of record. */
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Record without *z line ending line %d of %s",
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

	/* Write out synonyms. */
	s = naForNull(geneSym);
	geneSym = ungreek(s);
	s = naForNull(geneName);
	geneName = ungreek(s);
	if (! sameString(s, "n/a"))
	if (geneSym != NULL && !sameString(geneSym, "n/a"))
	    slNameStore(&synList, geneSym);
	if (geneName != NULL && !sameString(geneName, "n/a"))
	    slNameStore(&synList, geneName);
	for (syn = synList; syn != NULL; syn = syn->next)
	    s = ungreek(syn->name);
	    fprintf(fSynonym, "%s\t%s\n", geneId, s);

	/* Write out gene record. */
	fprintf(fGene, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", geneId, geneSym, geneName);

	/* Clean up. */
	ref = NULL;
	curRef = curAllele = 0;
    else if (sub == 0)
       errAbort("blank line %d of %s, not allowed in gene.txt",
	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    else if (isalnum(sub))
       errAbort("line %d of %s begins with %c, not allowed",
	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, sub);
    type = line[1];
    rest = trimSpaces(line+2);
    if (sub == '*' && type == 'a')
	geneSym = cloneString(rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'e')
        geneName = cloneString(rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'z')
        geneId = cloneString(rest); 
	if (!startsWith("FBgn", geneId))
	    errAbort("Bad FlyBase gene ID %s line %d of %s", geneId, 
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    else if (type == 'i' && (sub == '*' || sub == '$'))
	if (strlen(rest) > 2)	/* Avoid short useless ones. */
	    slNameStore(&synList, rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'A')
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Allele before geneId line %d of %s", 
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	curAllele = ++nextAlleleId;
	fprintf(fAllele, "%d\t%s\t%s\n", curAllele, geneId, rest);
	if (!sameString(rest, "classical") &&
	    !sameString(rest, "in vitro") &&
	    !sameString(rest, "wild-type") )
	    slNameStore(&synList, rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'm')
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("*m protein ID before geneId line %d of %s", 
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	if (startsWith("UniProt", rest))
	    char *ptr = strchr(rest, ':');
	    if (ptr != NULL)
		errAbort("Trouble parsing UniProt ID %s like %d of %s",
			 rest, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    fprintf(fUniProt, "%s\t%s\n", geneId, ptr);
    else if (type == 'E')
	ref = hashFindVal(refHash, rest);
	if (ref == NULL)
	    ref->id = ++nextRefId;
	    hashAdd(refHash, rest, ref);
	    subChar(rest, '\t', ' ');
	    fprintf(fRef, "%d\t%s\n", ref->id, rest);
	curRef = ref->id;
    else if ((type == 'k' || type == 'r' || type == 'p') && sub != '@')
	FILE *f = (type == 'r' ? fRole : fPhenotype);
	struct dyString *dy = suckSameLines(lf, line);
	subChar(dy->string, '\t', ' ');
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Expecting *z in record before line %d of %s",
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", geneId, curAllele, curRef, dy->string);
    else if (type == 'd' || type == 'f' || type == 'F')
	FILE *f = fGo;
	char aspect = (type == 'd') ? 'P' : (type == 'f') ? 'C' : 'F';
	char *goId = rest;
	char *p = strstr(goId, " ; ");
	char assoc[128];
	if (p == NULL)
	    goId = firstWordInLine(p + 3);
	safef(assoc, sizeof(assoc), "%s.%s", geneId, goId);
	if (hashLookup(goUniqHash, assoc) == NULL)
	    hashAddInt(goUniqHash, assoc, 1);
	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%c\n", geneId, goId, aspect);
printf("Processed %d records in %d lines\n", recordCount, lf->lineIx);

conn = sqlConnect(database);

if (doLoad)
    printf("Loading %s\n", tGene);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tGene, &fGene);
    if (doTranscript)
	printf("Loading %s\n", tTranscript);
	hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tTranscript, &fTranscript);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tSynonym);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tSynonym, &fSynonym);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tAllele);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tAllele, &fAllele);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tRef);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tRef, &fRef);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tRole);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tRole, &fRole);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tPhenotype);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tPhenotype, &fPhenotype);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tGo);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tGo, &fGo);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tUniProt);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tUniProt, &fUniProt);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tGene);
    if (doTranscript)
	hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tTranscript);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tSynonym);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tAllele);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tRef);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tRole);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tPhenotype);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tGo);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tUniProt);