Ejemplo n.º 1
//! @brief This function create a directory
void ushell_cmd_mkdir( void )
   if( g_s_arg[0][0] == 0 )

   if( !nav_dir_make((FS_STRING)g_s_arg[0]) )
      fputs(MSG_KO, stdout);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//! @brief Synchronize a path with an other path
//! @return true if success
bool ushell_cmd_sync( void )
   Fs_index sav_index;
   uint8_t u8_folder_level = 0;

   if( g_s_arg[0][0] == 0 )
      return false;
   if( g_s_arg[1][0] == 0 )
      return false;
   // Add '\' at the end of path, else the nav_setcwd select the directory but don't enter into.
   ushell_path_valid_syntac( g_s_arg[0] );
   ushell_path_valid_syntac( g_s_arg[1] );

   printf("Synchronize folders:\n\r");
   sav_index = nav_getindex();   // Save the position

   // Select source directory in COPYFILE navigator handle
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_COPYFILE );
   printf("Select source directory\n\r");
   if( !nav_setcwd( (FS_STRING)g_s_arg[0], true, false ) )
      goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;

   // Select destination directory in USHELL navigator handle
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
   printf("Select destination directory\n\r");
   if( !nav_setcwd( (FS_STRING)g_s_arg[1], true, true ) )
      goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;

   // loop to scan and create ALL folders and files
         // Loop to Search files or directories
         // Reselect Source
         nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_COPYFILE );
         if( nav_filelist_set( 0 , FS_FIND_NEXT ) )
            break;   // a next file and directory is found

         // No other dir or file in current dir then go to parent dir on Source and Destination disk
         if( 0 == u8_folder_level )
            // end of update folder
            //********* END OF COPY **************
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_finish;

         printf("Go to parent\n\r");
         // Remark, nav_dir_gotoparent() routine go to in parent dir and select the children dir in list
         if( !nav_dir_gotoparent() )
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
         // Select Destination navigator and go to the same dir of Source
         nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
         if( !nav_dir_gotoparent() )
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
      } // end of while (1)

      if( nav_file_isdir())
         printf("Dir found - create dir: ");
         //** here, a new directory is found and is selected
         // Get name of current selection (= dir name on Source)
         if( !nav_file_name( (FS_STRING)g_s_arg[0], USHELL_SIZE_CMD_LINE, FS_NAME_GET, false ))
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
         // Enter in dir (on Source)
         if( !nav_dir_cd())
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
         // Select Destination disk
         nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
         // Create folder in Destination disk
         if( !nav_dir_make( (FS_STRING )g_s_arg[0] ))
            if( FS_ERR_FILE_EXIST != fs_g_status )
               goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
            // here, error the name exist
         // Here the navigator have selected the folder on Destination
         if( !nav_dir_cd())
            if( FS_ERR_NO_DIR == fs_g_status )
               // FYC -> Copy impossible, because a file have the same name of folder
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
         // here, the folder is created and the navigator is entered in this dir
         printf("File found - copy file: ");
         //** here, a new file is found and is selected
         // Get name of current selection (= file name on Source)
         if( !nav_file_name( (FS_STRING)g_s_arg[0], USHELL_SIZE_CMD_LINE, FS_NAME_GET, false ))
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
         if( !nav_file_copy())
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;

         // Paste file in current dir of Destination disk
         nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
         while( !nav_file_paste_start( (FS_STRING)g_s_arg[0] ) )
            // Error
            if( fs_g_status != FS_ERR_FILE_EXIST )
               goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
            // File exists then deletes this one
            printf("File exists then deletes this one.\n\r");
            if( !nav_file_del( true ) )
               goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
            // here, retry PASTE
         // Copy running
         uint8_t status;
            status = nav_file_paste_state(false);
         }while( COPY_BUSY == status );

         if( COPY_FINISH != status )
            goto ushell_cmd_sync_error;
      } // if dir OR file
   } // end of first while(1)

   // Restore the position
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
   printf("!!!Copy fail\n\r");
   return false;

   // Restore the position
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_USHELL_CMD );
   printf("End of copy\n\r");
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//! @brief Synchronize the contents of two directories (limited to files).
//! @param dst_fs_idx   Fs_index *:   File system index for destination navigation path
//! @param dst_dir      const char *: Pointer to destination directory name
//! @param src_fs_idx   Fs_index *:   File system index for source navigation path
//! @param src_dir      const char *: Pointer to source directory name
//! @return bool: true on success
//! @todo Do recursive directory copy...
bool host_mass_storage_task_sync_dir(Fs_index *dst_fs_idx, const char *dst_dir, Fs_index *src_fs_idx, const char *src_dir)
  uint8_t nb_file;
  uint8_t i;
  uint32_t free_space;
  uint16_t file_size;

  // First, check the host controller is in full operating mode with the
  // B-device attached and enumerated
  if (!Is_host_ready()) return false;

  // Go to source navigation
  if (!goto_code_name(src_dir)) return false;   // Check that source directory exists
  nav_dir_cd();                                 // Source directory exists, so go to it
  *src_fs_idx = nav_getindex();                 // Save navigation position
  nav_filelist_first(FS_FILE);                  // Go to first file
  nb_file = nav_filelist_nb(FS_FILE);           // Get the number of files in this directory

  // Go to destination navigation
  if (!goto_code_name(dst_dir))                 // Destination directory does not exist, so create it
    str_code_to_unicode_ram(dst_dir, ms_str_unicode);
    if (!goto_code_name(dst_dir)) return false; // Check that destination directory has been created
  *dst_fs_idx = nav_getindex();

  // Get available free space
  free_space = nav_partition_space();

  // For all files in directory
  for (i = 0; i < nb_file; i++)
    // Get source name to be used as destination name
    nav_file_name(ms_str_unicode, MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTH, FS_NAME_GET);
    file_size = nav_file_lgtsector();           // Get file size
    if (file_size > free_space) return false;   // Check that there is enough free space left
    // Update free space (to save time, do no call nav_partition_space() again)
    free_space -= file_size;
    // Mark source
    // Save current source position
    *src_fs_idx = nav_getindex();

    // Go to destination navigation
    if (goto_unicode_name(ms_str_unicode))      // If file already exists
      nav_file_del();                           // Delete it

    // Paste
    // Restore previous navigation position
    // Copy
    while (nav_file_paste_state(false) == COPY_BUSY);

    // Restore previous navigation position
    nav_filelist_set(0, FS_FIND_NEXT);

  return true;