Ejemplo n.º 1
void nds_config_key()
  int prev_held = 0;
  int held = 0;
  nds_cmd_t cmd;
  char buf[BUFSZ];

  u16 key;
  char command[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];


  nds_draw_prompt("Press the key to modify.");

  while (1) {


    prev_held = held;
    held = nds_keysHeld();

    /* We don't let the user configure these */

    if ((prev_held & chord_keys) && (held == 0) && (nds_count_bits(prev_held) == 1)) {
      key = prev_held;
    } else if ((held & cmd_key) ||
               ((held & ~chord_keys) == 0)) {
    } else if (held) {
      key = held;


  cmd = nds_get_config_cmd(key);

  if (cmd.f_char < 0) {

  command[0] = cmd.f_char;
  command[1] = '\0';

  if (! nds_input_buffer_is_empty()) {
    strcat(command, nds_input_buffer_shiftall());

    DEBUG_PRINT("cmd: %s\n", command);
    sprintf(buf, "Mapped %s to %s x%s.", nds_key_to_string(key), cmd.name, command);
  } else {
    sprintf(buf, "Mapped %s to %s.", nds_key_to_string(key), cmd.name);

  nds_add_keymap_entry(key, command);

  putstr(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_NONE, buf);


Ejemplo n.º 2
 *   Generic yes/no function. 'def' is the default (returned by space or
 *   return; 'esc' returns 'q', or 'n', or the default, depending on
 *   what's in the string. The 'query' string is printed before the user
 *   is asked about the string.
 *   If resp is NULL, any single character is accepted and returned.
 *   If not-NULL, only characters in it are allowed (exceptions:  the
 *   quitchars are always allowed, and if it contains '#' then digits
 *   are allowed); if it includes an <esc>, anything beyond that won't
 *   be shown in the prompt to the user but will be acceptable as input.
char nds_yn_function(const char *ques, const char *cstr, CHAR_P def)
  char buffer[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];

  char *choices;
  ANY_P header_id;
  ANY_P *ids;
  winid win;
  menu_item *sel = NULL;
  int ret;
  int yn = 0;
  int ynaq = 0;
  char *direction_keys = nds_get_direction_keys();

  if ((strstr(ques, "In what direction") != NULL) ||
      (strstr(ques, "in what direction") != NULL)) {
     * We're going to use nh_poskey to get a command from the user.  However,
     * we must handle clicks specially.  Unlike normal movement, you can't
     * just click anywhere to pick a direction.  Instead, the user will be
     * expected to click in one of the adjacent squares around the player,
     * and the click will then be translated into a movement character.
    while (1) {
      int x, y, mod;
      int sym;

      nds_draw_prompt("Tap an adjacent square or press a direction key.");
      sym = nds_get_input(&x, &y, &mod);

      if (mod == CLICK_1) {
        if ((x == u.ux - 1) && (y == u.uy - 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_UP_LEFT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux) && (y == u.uy - 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_UP];
        } else if ((x == u.ux + 1) && (y == u.uy - 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_UP_RIGHT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux - 1) && (y == u.uy)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_LEFT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux) && (y == u.uy)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_WAIT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux + 1) && (y == u.uy)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_RIGHT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux - 1) && (y == u.uy + 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_DOWN_LEFT];
        } else if ((x == u.ux) && (y == u.uy + 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_DOWN];
        } else if ((x == u.ux + 1) && (y == u.uy + 1)) {
          return direction_keys[DIR_DOWN_RIGHT];
      } else if (mod == CLICK_2) {
        if ((x == u.ux) && (y == u.uy)) {
          return '>';
      } else {
        return sym;
  } else if (! iflags.cmdwindow) {
    return nds_prompt_char(ques, cstr, 0);
  } else if (strstr(ques, "Adjust letter to what") != NULL) {
    return nds_prompt_char(ques, cstr, 0);
  } else if (strstr(ques, "What command?") != NULL) {
    nds_cmd_t cmd;
    nds_draw_prompt("Select a command.");
    cmd = nds_cmd_loop(CMDLOOP_WHATDOES);

    return cmd.f_char;
  } else if (strstr(ques, "What do you look for?") != NULL) {
    return nds_prompt_char(ques, cstr, 0);
  } else if (strstr(ques, "adjust?") != NULL) {
    cstr = ynchars;

  if ((index(ques, '[') == NULL) && (cstr == NULL)) {
    return '*';

  win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);

  if ((cstr != NULL) && 
      ((strcasecmp(cstr, ynchars) == 0) ||
       (strcasecmp(cstr, ynqchars) == 0) ||
       ((ynaq = strcasecmp(cstr, ynaqchars)) == 0))) {

    ids = (ANY_P *)malloc(sizeof(ANY_P) * 2);

    yn = 1;

    ids[0].a_int = 'y';
    ids[1].a_int = 'n';

    add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[0]), 0, 0, 0, "Yes", 0);
    add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[1]), 0, 0, 0, "No", 0);

    if (ynaq) {
      ids[2].a_int = 'a';

      add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[2]), 0, 0, 0, "All", 0);
  } else if ((cstr != NULL) && (strcasecmp(cstr, "rl") == 0)) {

    ids = (ANY_P *)malloc(sizeof(ANY_P) * 2);

    ids[0].a_int = 'r';
    ids[1].a_int = 'l';

    add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[0]), 0, 0, 0, "Right Hand", 0);
    add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[1]), 0, 0, 0, "Left Hand", 0);
  } else {
    int i;
    char curclass = -1;

    choices = _nds_parse_choices(ques);

    ids = (ANY_P *)malloc(sizeof(ANY_P) * strlen(choices));
    header_id.a_int = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(choices); i++) {

      ids[i].a_int = choices[i];

      if (choices[i] == ' ') {
        add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(header_id), 0, 0, 0, "Other", 0);
      } else if (choices[i] == '*') {
        add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[i]), 0, 0, 0, "Something from your inventory", 0);
      } else if ((choices[i] == '-') || (choices[i] == '.')) {
        add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[i]), 0, 0, 0, "Nothing/your finger", 0);
      } else if (choices[i] == '?') {
      } else {
        int oclass;
        char oname[BUFSZ];

        if (choices[i] == '$') {
          oclass = COIN_CLASS;
          sprintf(oname, "%ld gold piece%s", u.ugold, plur(u.ugold));
        } else {
          struct obj *otmp = obj_for_let(choices[i]);

          oclass = otmp->oclass;
          strcpy(oname, doname(otmp));

        if (oclass != curclass) {
          add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(header_id), 0, 0, 0, let_to_name(oclass, FALSE), 0);

          curclass = oclass;

        add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[i]), 0, 0, 0, oname, 0);

  end_menu(win, ques);

  int mode = ((cstr == NULL) || (index(cstr, '#') != NULL)) ? PICK_ONE_TYPE : PICK_ONE;
  int cnt = select_menu(win, mode, &sel);

  if (cnt <= 0) {
    ret = yn ? 'n' : '\033';
  } else if ((mode == PICK_ONE) || (sel->count < 0)) {
    ret = sel->item.a_int;
  } else if (mode == PICK_ONE_TYPE) {
    sprintf(buffer, "%d%c", sel->count, sel->item.a_int);

    nds_input_buffer_append(buffer + 1);
    ret = *buffer;

  if (sel != NULL) {



  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
nds_cmd_t nds_get_config_cmd(u16 key)
  winid win;
  menu_item *sel;
  ANY_P ids[15];
  nds_cmd_t cmd;
  char tmp[BUFSZ];
  int res;

  win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);

  ids[0].a_int = 1;
  ids[1].a_int = 2;
  ids[2].a_int = 3;
  ids[3].a_int = 4;
  ids[4].a_int = 5;

  add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[0]), 0, 0, 0, "Movement", 0);
  add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[1]), 0, 0, 0, "Game Command", 0);
  add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[2]), 0, 0, 0, "Toggle Option", 0);
  add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[3]), 0, 0, 0, "Map Panning", 0);
  add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &(ids[4]), 0, 0, 0, "No Command", 0);

  sprintf(tmp, "What do you want to assign to %s?", nds_key_to_string(key));
  end_menu(win, tmp);
  res = select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &sel);

  if (res <= 0) {
    cmd.f_char = -1;
    cmd.name = NULL;
  } else {
    switch (sel->item.a_int) {
      case 1:
        cmd = nds_get_direction();

      case 2:
        cmd = nds_cmd_loop(CMDLOOP_CONFIG);

      case 3:
          const char *tmp = nds_get_bool_option();

          if (tmp != NULL) {
            cmd.f_char = CMD_OPT_TOGGLE;
            cmd.name = "Toggle Option";

            nds_input_buffer_append((char *)tmp);
          } else {
            cmd.f_char = -1;
            cmd.name = NULL;


      case 4:
        cmd = nds_get_pan_direction();

      case 5:

        cmd.f_char = 0;
        cmd.name = NULL;


  return cmd;