Ejemplo n.º 1
static void exerper (void) {
    if(!(moves % 10)) {
        /* Hunger Checks */

        int hs = (u.uhunger > 1000) ? SATIATED :
            (u.uhunger > 150) ? NOT_HUNGRY :
            (u.uhunger > 50) ? HUNGRY :
            (u.uhunger > 0) ? WEAK : FAINTING;

        switch (hs) {
            case SATIATED:      exercise(A_DEX, false);
                                if (Role_if(PM_MONK))
                                    exercise(A_WIS, false);
            case NOT_HUNGRY:    exercise(A_CON, true); break;
            case WEAK:          exercise(A_STR, false);
                                if (Role_if(PM_MONK))   /* fasting */
                                    exercise(A_WIS, true);
            case FAINTING:
            case FAINTED:       exercise(A_CON, false); break;

        /* Encumberance Checks */
        switch (near_capacity()) {
            case MOD_ENCUMBER:  exercise(A_STR, true); break;
            case HVY_ENCUMBER:  exercise(A_STR, true);
                                exercise(A_DEX, false); break;
            case EXT_ENCUMBER:  exercise(A_DEX, false);
                                exercise(A_CON, false); break;


    /* status checks */
    if(!(moves % 5)) {
        if ((HClairvoyant & (INTRINSIC|TIMEOUT)) &&
                !BClairvoyant)                      exercise(A_WIS, true);
        if (HRegeneration)                      exercise(A_STR, true);

        if(Sick || Vomiting)     exercise(A_CON, false);
        if(Confusion() || Hallucination())          exercise(A_WIS, false);
        if((Wounded_legs() && !u.usteed) || Fumbling() || get_HStun())
            exercise(A_DEX, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    char buf[BUFSZ];
    gchar *buf1;
    const char *hung;
    const char *enc;
    static int firstTime = TRUE;
    long umoney;

    /* First, fill in the player name and the dungeon level */
    strcpy(buf, plname);
    if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z')
        buf[0] += 'A' - 'a';
    strcat(buf, " the ");
    if (u.mtimedone) {
        char mname[BUFSZ];
        int k = 0;

        strcpy(mname, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
        while (mname[k] != 0) {
            if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mname[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mname[k]
                && mname[k] <= 'z') {
                mname[k] += 'A' - 'a';
        strcat(buf, mname);
    } else {
        strcat(buf, rank_of(u.ulevel, pl_character[0], flags.female));
    gtk_label_get(GTK_LABEL(titleLabel), &buf1);
    if (strcmp(buf1, buf) != 0 && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(titleLabel, bigStyle, bigGreenStyle);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(titleLabel), buf);

    if (In_endgame(&u.uz)) {
        strcpy(buf, (Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane" : "End Game"));
    } else {
        sprintf(buf, "%s, level %d", dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname, depth(&u.uz));
    if (lastDepth > depth(&u.uz) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(dgnLevelLabel, bigStyle, bigRedStyle);
    } else if (lastDepth < depth(&u.uz) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(dgnLevelLabel, bigStyle, bigGreenStyle);
    lastDepth = depth(&u.uz);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(dgnLevelLabel), buf);

    /* Next, fill in the player's stats */
    if (ACURR(A_STR) > 118) {
        sprintf(buf, "STR:%d", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
    } else if (ACURR(A_STR) == 118) {
        sprintf(buf, "STR:18/**");
    } else if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
        sprintf(buf, "STR:18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
    } else {
        sprintf(buf, "STR:%d", ACURR(A_STR));
    if (lastStr < ACURR(A_STR) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(strLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastStr > ACURR(A_STR) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(strLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastStr = ACURR(A_STR);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(strLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "INT:%d", ACURR(A_INT));
    if (lastInt < ACURR(A_INT) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(intLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastInt > ACURR(A_INT) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(intLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastInt = ACURR(A_INT);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(intLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "WIS:%d", ACURR(A_WIS));
    if (lastWis < ACURR(A_WIS) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(wisLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastWis > ACURR(A_WIS) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(wisLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastWis = ACURR(A_WIS);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(wisLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "DEX:%d", ACURR(A_DEX));
    if (lastDex < ACURR(A_DEX) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(dexLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastDex > ACURR(A_DEX) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(dexLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastDex = ACURR(A_DEX);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(dexLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "CON:%d", ACURR(A_CON));
    if (lastCon < ACURR(A_CON) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(conLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastCon > ACURR(A_CON) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(conLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastCon = ACURR(A_CON);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(conLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "CHA:%d", ACURR(A_CHA));
    if (lastCha < ACURR(A_CHA) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(chaLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastCha > ACURR(A_CHA) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(chaLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastCha = ACURR(A_CHA);
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(chaLabel), buf);

    /* Now do the non-pixmaped stats (gold and such) */
    umoney = money_cnt(invent);
    sprintf(buf, "Au:%ld", umoney);
    if (lastAu < umoney && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(goldLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastAu > umoney && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(goldLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastAu = umoney;
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(goldLabel), buf);

    if (u.mtimedone) {
        /* special case: when polymorphed, show "HD", disable exp */
        sprintf(buf, "HP:%d/%d", ((u.mh > 0) ? u.mh : 0), u.mhmax);
        if ((lastHP < u.mh || lastMHP < u.mhmax) && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(hpLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
        } else if ((lastHP > u.mh || lastMHP > u.mhmax)
                   && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(hpLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
        lastHP = u.mh;
        lastMHP = u.mhmax;
    } else {
        sprintf(buf, "HP:%d/%d", ((u.uhp > 0) ? u.uhp : 0), u.uhpmax);
        if ((lastHP < u.uhp || lastMHP < u.uhpmax) && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(hpLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
        } else if ((lastHP > u.uhp || lastMHP > u.uhpmax)
                   && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(hpLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
        lastHP = u.uhp;
        lastMHP = u.uhpmax;
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(hpLabel), buf);

    if (u.mtimedone) {
        /* special case: when polymorphed, show "HD", disable exp */
        sprintf(buf, "HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
        if (lastLevel < mons[u.umonnum].mlevel && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(levlLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
        } else if (lastLevel > mons[u.umonnum].mlevel && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(levlLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
        lastLevel = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
    } else {
        sprintf(buf, "Level:%d", u.ulevel);
        if (lastLevel < u.ulevel && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(levlLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
        } else if (lastLevel > u.ulevel && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(levlLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
        lastLevel = u.ulevel;
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(levlLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "Power:%d/%d", u.uen, u.uenmax);
    if ((lastPOW < u.uen || lastMPOW < u.uenmax) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(powLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    if ((lastPOW > u.uen || lastMPOW > u.uenmax) && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(powLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastPOW = u.uen;
    lastMPOW = u.uenmax;
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(powLabel), buf);

    sprintf(buf, "AC:%d", u.uac);
    if (lastAC > u.uac && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(acLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
    } else if (lastAC < u.uac && firstTime == FALSE) {
        /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
        ghack_highlight_widget(acLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
    lastAC = u.uac;
    gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(acLabel), buf);

    if (flags.showexp) {
        sprintf(buf, "Exp:%ld", u.uexp);
        if (lastExp < u.uexp && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(expLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
        } else if (lastExp > u.uexp && firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(expLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
        lastExp = u.uexp;
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(expLabel), buf);
    } else {
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(expLabel), "");

    if (flags.time) {
        sprintf(buf, "Time:%ld", moves);
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(timeLabel), buf);
    } else
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(timeLabel), "");
    if (flags.showscore) {
        sprintf(buf, "Score:%ld", botl_score());
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(scoreLabel), buf);
    } else
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(scoreLabel), "");
        gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(scoreLabel), "");

    /* See if their alignment has changed */
    if (lastAlignment != u.ualign.type) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(alignLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastAlignment = u.ualign.type;
        /* looks like their alignment has changed -- change out the icon */
        if (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(alignLabel), "Chaotic");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), chaotic_xpm);
        } else if (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(alignLabel), "Neutral");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), neutral_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(alignLabel), "Lawful");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), lawful_xpm);

    hung = hu_stat[u.uhs];
    if (lastHungr != u.uhs) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(hungerLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastHungr = u.uhs;
        if (hung[0] == ' ') {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(hungerLabel), "      ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), nothing_xpm);
        } else if (u.uhs == 0 /* SATIATED */) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(hungerLabel), hung);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), satiated_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(hungerLabel), hung);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), hungry_xpm);

    if (lastConf != Confusion) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(confuLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastConf = Confusion;
        if (Confusion) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(confuLabel), "Confused");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(confuPix), confused_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(confuLabel), "        ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(confuPix), nothing_xpm);

    if (lastBlind != Blind) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(blindLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastBlind = Blind;
        if (Blind) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(blindLabel), "Blind");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(blindPix), blind_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(blindLabel), "     ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(blindPix), nothing_xpm);
    if (lastStun != Stunned) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(stunLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastStun = Stunned;
        if (Stunned) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(stunLabel), "Stun");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(stunPix), stunned_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(stunLabel), "    ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(stunPix), nothing_xpm);

    if (lastHalu != Hallucination) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(halluLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastHalu = Hallucination;
        if (Hallucination) {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(halluLabel), "Hallu");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(halluPix), hallu_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(halluLabel), "     ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(halluPix), nothing_xpm);

    if (lastSick != Sick) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(sickLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastSick = Sick;
        if (Sick) {
            if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE) {
                gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(sickLabel), "FoodPois");
                gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_fp_xpm);
            } else if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE) {
                gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(sickLabel), "Ill");
                gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_il_xpm);
            } else {
                gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(sickLabel), "FoodPois");
                gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_fp_xpm);
        } else {
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(sickLabel), "        ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), nothing_xpm);

    enc = enc_stat[near_capacity()];
    if (lastEncumb != near_capacity()) {
        if (firstTime == FALSE) {
            /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
            ghack_highlight_widget(encumbLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);

        lastEncumb = near_capacity();
        switch (lastEncumb) {
        case 0:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), "        ");
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), nothing_xpm);
        case 1:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), enc);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), slt_enc_xpm);
        case 2:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), enc);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), mod_enc_xpm);
        case 3:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), enc);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), hvy_enc_xpm);
        case 4:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), enc);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), ext_enc_xpm);
        case 5:
            gtk_label_set(GTK_LABEL(encumbLabel), enc);
            gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d(GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), ovr_enc_xpm);
    firstTime = FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /* set height of the status box */
        sz->cy = tm.tmHeight * data->nhstat_format;

        SelectObject(hdc, saveFont);
        ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
extern const char *hu_stat[];  /* defined in eat.c */
extern const char *enc_stat[]; /* define in botl.c */
FormatStatusString(char *text, int format)
    register char *nb;
    int hp, hpmax;
    int cap = near_capacity();

    Strcpy(text, plname);
    if ('a' <= text[0] && text[0] <= 'z')
        text[0] += 'A' - 'a';
    text[10] = 0;
    Sprintf(nb = eos(text), " the ");

    if (Upolyd) {
        char mbot[BUFSZ];
        int k = 0;

        Strcpy(mbot, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
        while (mbot[k] != 0) {
            if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mbot[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mbot[k]
                && mbot[k] <= 'z')
                mbot[k] += 'A' - 'a';
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), mbot);
    } else
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), rank_of(u.ulevel, Role_switch, flags.female));

    if (format == NHSTAT_LINES_4)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "\r\n");

    if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
        if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
            Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%2d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
        else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
            Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/%02d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
            Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/** ");
    } else
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%-1d ", ACURR(A_STR));
    Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "Dx:%-1d Co:%-1d In:%-1d Wi:%-1d Ch:%-1d",
    Sprintf(nb = eos(nb),
            (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC)
                ? "  Chaotic"
                : (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? "  Neutral" : "  Lawful");
    if (flags.showscore)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " S:%ld", botl_score());
    if (format == NHSTAT_LINES_4 || format == NHSTAT_LINES_2)
        strcat(text, "\r\n");

    /* third line */
    hp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
    hpmax = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;

    if (hp < 0)
        hp = 0;
    (void) describe_level(nb = eos(nb));
    Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "%c:%-2ld HP:%d(%d) Pw:%d(%d) AC:%-2d",
            showsyms[COIN_CLASS + SYM_OFF_O], money_cnt(invent), hp, hpmax,
            u.uen, u.uenmax, u.uac);

    if (Upolyd)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
    else if (flags.showexp)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Xp:%u/%-1ld", u.ulevel, u.uexp);
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Exp:%u", u.ulevel);
    if (format == NHSTAT_LINES_4)
        strcat(text, "\r\n");
        strcat(text, " ");

    /* forth line */
    if (flags.time)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "T:%ld ", moves);

    if (strcmp(hu_stat[u.uhs], "        ")) {
        Strcat(text, hu_stat[u.uhs]);
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " ");
    if (Confusion)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "Conf");
    if (Sick) {
        if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
            Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " FoodPois");
        if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
            Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Ill");
    if (Blind)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Blind");
    if (Stunned)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Stun");
    if (Hallucination)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Hallu");
    if (Slimed)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Slime");
    if (cap > UNENCUMBERED)
        Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " %s", enc_stat[cap]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* return TRUE if the caller needs to place the ball and chain down again
 *  Should not be called while swallowed.  Should be called before movement,
 *  because we might want to move the ball or chain to the hero's old position.
 * It is called if we are moving.  It is also called if we are teleporting
 * *if* the ball doesn't move and we thus must drag the chain.  It is not
 * called for ordinary teleportation.
 * allow_drag is only used in the ugly special case where teleporting must
 * drag the chain, while an identical-looking movement must drag both the ball
 * and chain.
drag_ball(xchar x, xchar y, int *bc_control, xchar * ballx, xchar * bally,
          xchar * chainx, xchar * chainy, boolean * cause_delay,
          boolean allow_drag)
    struct trap *t = NULL;
    boolean already_in_rock;

    *ballx = uball->ox;
    *bally = uball->oy;
    *chainx = uchain->ox;
    *chainy = uchain->oy;
    *bc_control = 0;
    *cause_delay = FALSE;

    if (dist2(x, y, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) <= 2) {     /* nothing moved */
        move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
        return TRUE;

    /* only need to move the chain? */
    if (carried(uball) || distmin(x, y, uball->ox, uball->oy) <= 2) {
        xchar oldchainx = uchain->ox, oldchainy = uchain->oy;

        *bc_control = BC_CHAIN;
        move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
        if (carried(uball)) {
            /* move chain only if necessary */
            if (distmin(x, y, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) > 1) {
                *chainx = u.ux;
                *chainy = u.uy;
            return TRUE;
#define CHAIN_IN_MIDDLE(chx, chy) \
    (distmin(x, y, chx, chy) <= 1 && \
     distmin(chx, chy, uball->ox, uball->oy) <= 1)
#define IS_CHAIN_ROCK(x,y) \
    (IS_ROCK(level->locations[x][y].typ) || \
     (IS_DOOR(level->locations[x][y].typ) && \
      (level->locations[x][y].doormask & (D_CLOSED|D_LOCKED))))
/* Don't ever move the chain into solid rock.  If we have to, then instead
 * undo the move_bc() and jump to the drag ball code.  Note that this also
 * means the "cannot carry and drag" message will not appear, since unless we
 * moved at least two squares there is no possibility of the chain position
 * being in solid rock.
#define SKIP_TO_DRAG { *chainx = oldchainx; *chainy = oldchainy; \
    move_bc(0, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy); \
    goto drag; }
        if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(u.ux, u.uy) || IS_CHAIN_ROCK(*chainx, *chainy)
            || IS_CHAIN_ROCK(uball->ox, uball->oy))
            already_in_rock = TRUE;
            already_in_rock = FALSE;

        switch (dist2(x, y, uball->ox, uball->oy)) {
            /* two spaces diagonal from ball, move chain inbetween */
        case 8:
            *chainx = (uball->ox + x) / 2;
            *chainy = (uball->oy + y) / 2;
            if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(*chainx, *chainy) && !already_in_rock)

            /* player is distance 2/1 from ball; move chain to one of the two
               spaces between @ __ 0 */
        case 5:{
                xchar tempx, tempy, tempx2, tempy2;

                /* find position closest to current position of chain */
                /* no effect if current position is already OK */
                if (abs(x - uball->ox) == 1) {
                    tempx = x;
                    tempx2 = uball->ox;
                    tempy = tempy2 = (uball->oy + y) / 2;
                } else {
                    tempx = tempx2 = (uball->ox + x) / 2;
                    tempy = y;
                    tempy2 = uball->oy;
                if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx, tempy) &&
                    !IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx2, tempy2) && !already_in_rock) {
                    if (allow_drag) {
                        /* Avoid pathological case *if* not teleporting: 0 0_
                           _X move northeast -----> X@ @ */
                        if (dist2(u.ux, u.uy, uball->ox, uball->oy) == 5 &&
                            dist2(x, y, tempx, tempy) == 1)
                        /* Avoid pathological case *if* not teleporting: 0 0 _X 
                           move east -----> X_ @ @ */
                        if (dist2(u.ux, u.uy, uball->ox, uball->oy) == 4 &&
                            dist2(x, y, tempx, tempy) == 2)
                    *chainx = tempx2;
                    *chainy = tempy2;
                } else if (!IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx, tempy) &&
                           IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx2, tempy2) && !already_in_rock) {
                    if (allow_drag) {
                        if (dist2(u.ux, u.uy, uball->ox, uball->oy) == 5 &&
                            dist2(x, y, tempx2, tempy2) == 1)
                        if (dist2(u.ux, u.uy, uball->ox, uball->oy) == 4 &&
                            dist2(x, y, tempx2, tempy2) == 2)
                    *chainx = tempx;
                    *chainy = tempy;
                } else if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx, tempy) &&
                           IS_CHAIN_ROCK(tempx2, tempy2) && !already_in_rock) {
                } else if (dist2(tempx, tempy, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) <
                           dist2(tempx2, tempy2, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) ||
                           ((dist2(tempx, tempy, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) ==
                             dist2(tempx2, tempy2, uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) &&
                            rn2(2))) {
                    *chainx = tempx;
                    *chainy = tempy;
                } else {
                    *chainx = tempx2;
                    *chainy = tempy2;

            /* ball is two spaces horizontal or vertical from player; move */
            /* chain inbetween *unless* current chain position is OK */
        case 4:
            if (CHAIN_IN_MIDDLE(uchain->ox, uchain->oy))
            *chainx = (x + uball->ox) / 2;
            *chainy = (y + uball->oy) / 2;
            if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(*chainx, *chainy) && !already_in_rock)

            /* ball is one space diagonal from player.  Check for the following 
               special case: @ _ moving southwest becomes @_ 0 0 (This will
               also catch teleporting that happens to resemble this case, but
               oh well.) Otherwise fall through. */
        case 2:
            if (dist2(x, y, uball->ox, uball->oy) == 2 &&
                dist2(x, y, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) == 4) {
                if (uchain->oy == y)
                    *chainx = uball->ox;
                    *chainy = uball->oy;
                if (IS_CHAIN_ROCK(*chainx, *chainy) && !already_in_rock)
            /* fall through */
        case 1:
        case 0:
            /* do nothing if possible */
            if (CHAIN_IN_MIDDLE(uchain->ox, uchain->oy))
            /* otherwise try to drag chain to player's old position */
            if (CHAIN_IN_MIDDLE(u.ux, u.uy)) {
                *chainx = u.ux;
                *chainy = u.uy;
            /* otherwise use player's new position (they must have teleported,
               for this to happen) */
            *chainx = x;
            *chainy = y;

            impossible("bad chain movement");
        return TRUE;


    if (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER && dist2(x, y, u.ux, u.uy) <= 2) {
        pline("You cannot %sdrag the heavy iron ball.",
              invent ? "carry all that and also " : "");
        return FALSE;

    if ((is_pool(level, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) &&
         /* water not mere continuation of previous water */
         (level->locations[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].typ == POOL ||
          !is_pool(level, uball->ox, uball->oy) ||
          level->locations[uball->ox][uball->oy].typ == POOL))
        || ((t = t_at(level, uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) &&
            (t->ttyp == PIT || t->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT || t->ttyp == HOLE ||
             t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR))) {

        if (Levitation) {
            pline("You feel a tug from the iron ball.");
            if (t)
                t->tseen = 1;
        } else {
            struct monst *victim;

            pline("You are jerked back by the iron ball!");
            if ((victim = m_at(level, uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) != 0) {
                int tmp;

                tmp = -2 + Luck + find_mac(victim);
                tmp += omon_adj(victim, uball, TRUE);
                if (tmp >= rnd(20))
                    hmon(victim, uball, 1);
                    miss(xname(uball), victim);

            }   /* now check again in case mon died */
            if (!m_at(level, uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) {
                u.ux = uchain->ox;
                u.uy = uchain->oy;
                newsym(u.ux0, u.uy0);

            *bc_control = BC_BALL;
            move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
            *ballx = uchain->ox;
            *bally = uchain->oy;
            move_bc(0, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
            return FALSE;

    *bc_control = BC_BALL | BC_CHAIN;

    move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
    if (dist2(x, y, u.ux, u.uy) > 2) {
        /* Awful case: we're still in range of the ball, so we thought we could 
           only move the chain, but it turned out that the target square for
           the chain was rock, so we had to drag it instead. But we can't drag
           it either, because we teleported and are more than one square from
           our old position.  Revert to the teleport behavior. */
        *ballx = *chainx = x;
        *bally = *chainy = y;
    } else {
        *ballx = uchain->ox;
        *bally = uchain->oy;
        *chainx = u.ux;
        *chainy = u.uy;
    *cause_delay = TRUE;
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
make_player_info(struct nh_player_info *pi)
    int cap, advskills, i;

    memset(pi, 0, sizeof (struct nh_player_info));

    pi->moves = moves;
    strncpy(pi->plname, u.uplname, sizeof (pi->plname));
    pi->align = u.ualign.type;

    /* This function could be called before the game is fully inited. Test
       youmonst.data as it is required for near_capacity().
       program_state.game_running is no good, as we need this data before
       game_running is set.

       TODO: Wow this is hacky. */
    if (!youmonst.data)

    pi->x = youmonst.mx;
    pi->y = youmonst.my;
    pi->z = u.uz.dlevel;

    if (Upolyd) {
        strncpy(pi->rank, msgtitlecase(mons[u.umonnum].mname),
                sizeof (pi->rank));
    } else
        strncpy(pi->rank, rank(), sizeof (pi->rank));

    strncpy(pi->rolename, (u.ufemale && urole.name.f) ?
            urole.name.f : urole.name.m, sizeof (pi->rolename));
    strncpy(pi->racename, urace.noun, sizeof (pi->racename));
    strncpy(pi->gendername, genders[u.ufemale].adj,

    pi->max_rank_sz = mrank_sz;

    /* abilities */
    pi->st = ACURR(A_STR);
    pi->st_extra = 0;
    if (pi->st > 118) {
        pi->st = pi->st - 100;
        pi->st_extra = 0;
    } else if (pi->st > 18) {
        pi->st_extra = pi->st - 18;
        pi->st = 18;

    pi->dx = ACURR(A_DEX);
    pi->co = ACURR(A_CON);
    pi->in = ACURR(A_INT);
    pi->wi = ACURR(A_WIS);
    pi->ch = ACURR(A_CHA);

    pi->score = botl_score();

    /* hp and energy */
    pi->hp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
    pi->hpmax = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
    if (pi->hp < 0)
        pi->hp = 0;

    pi->en = u.uen;
    pi->enmax = u.uenmax;
    pi->ac = find_mac(&youmonst);

    pi->gold = money_cnt(invent);
    pi->coinsym = def_oc_syms[COIN_CLASS];

    pi->monnum = u.umonster;
    pi->cur_monnum = u.umonnum;

    /* level and exp points */
    if (Upolyd)
        pi->level = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
        pi->level = youmonst.m_lev;
    pi->xp = youmonst.exp;

    cap = near_capacity();

    /* check if any skills could be anhanced */
    advskills = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < P_NUM_SKILLS; i++) {
        if (P_RESTRICTED(i))
        if (can_advance(i, FALSE))
    pi->can_enhance = advskills > 0;

    /* add status items for various problems there can be at most 24 items here 
       at any one time or we overflow the buffer */
    if (hu_stat[u.uhs]) /* 1 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], hu_stat[u.uhs], ITEMLEN);

    if (Confusion)      /* 2 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Conf", ITEMLEN);

    if (sick(&youmonst)) { /* 3 */
        if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
            strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "FoodPois", ITEMLEN);
        if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
            strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Ill", ITEMLEN);
    if (Blind)  /* 4 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Blind", ITEMLEN);
    if (slippery_fingers(&youmonst))   /* 5 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Greasy", ITEMLEN);
    if (leg_hurt(&youmonst))       /* 6 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Lame", ITEMLEN);
    if (stunned(&youmonst))        /* 7 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Stun", ITEMLEN);
    if (hallucinating(&youmonst))  /* 8 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Hallu", ITEMLEN);
    if (strangled(&youmonst))      /* 9 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Strangle", ITEMLEN);
    if (sliming(&youmonst))        /* 10 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Slime", ITEMLEN);
    if (petrifying(&youmonst))     /* 11 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Petrify", ITEMLEN);
    if (u.ustuck && !Engulfed && !sticks(youmonst.data))      /* 12 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Held", ITEMLEN);
    if (enc_stat[cap]           )  /* 13 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], enc_stat[cap], ITEMLEN);
    if (cancelled(&youmonst))
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Cancelled", ITEMLEN);
    if (slow(&youmonst))
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Slow", ITEMLEN);
    if (Levitation)     /* 14 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Lev", ITEMLEN);
    else if (Flying)
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Fly", ITEMLEN);
    if (uwep && is_pick(uwep)) /* 15 (first case) */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Dig", ITEMLEN);
    else if (uwep && is_launcher(uwep))
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Ranged", ITEMLEN);
    else if (uwep && (uwep->otyp == CORPSE) && (touch_petrifies(&mons[uwep->corpsenm])))
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "cWielded", ITEMLEN);
    else if (!uwep)
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Unarmed", ITEMLEN);
    else if (!is_wep(uwep))
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "NonWeap", ITEMLEN);
    else {
        /* strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], "Melee", ITEMLEN); */
        /* Don't show the default Melee status light, as that's the most common case. */
        /* 15 (last case) */
    if (u.utrap)        /* 16 */
        strncpy(pi->statusitems[pi->nr_items++], trap_stat[u.utraptype],

Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Start riding, with the given monster */
mount_steed(struct monst * mtmp,        /* The animal */
            boolean force)
{   /* Quietly force this animal */
    struct obj *otmp;
    const struct permonst *ptr;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (u.usteed) {
        pline("You are already riding %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
        return FALSE;

    /* Is the player in the right form? */
    if (Hallucination && !force) {
        pline("Maybe you should find a designated driver.");
        return FALSE;
    /* While riding Wounded_legs refers to the steed's, not the hero's legs.
       That opens up a potential abuse where the player can mount a steed, then
       dismount immediately to heal leg damage, because leg damage is always
       healed upon dismount (Wounded_legs context switch). By preventing a hero
       with Wounded_legs from mounting a steed, the potential for abuse is
       minimized, if not eliminated altogether. */
    if (Wounded_legs) {
        pline("Your %s are in no shape for riding.",
        if (force && wizard && yn("Heal your legs?") == 'y')
            LWounded_legs = RWounded_legs = 0;
            return FALSE;

    if (Upolyd &&
            (!humanoid(youmonst.data) || verysmall(youmonst.data) ||
             bigmonst(youmonst.data) || slithy(youmonst.data))) {
        pline("You won't fit on a saddle.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER)) {
        pline("You can't do that while carrying so much stuff.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Can the player reach and see the monster? */
    if (!mtmp ||
            (!force &&
             ((Blind && !Blind_telepat) || mtmp->mundetected ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT))) {
        pline("I see nobody there.");
        return FALSE;

    struct test_move_cache cache;

    if (Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap || Punished ||
            !test_move(u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->mx - u.ux, mtmp->my - u.uy, 0,
                       TEST_MOVE, &cache)) {
        if (Punished || !(Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap))
            pline("You are unable to swing your %s over.", body_part(LEG));
            pline("You are stuck here for now.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Is this a valid monster? */
    otmp = which_armor(mtmp, os_saddle);
    if (!otmp) {
        pline("%s is not saddled.", Monnam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    ptr = mtmp->data;
    if (touch_petrifies(ptr) && !Stone_resistance) {
        pline("You touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
                                msgcat("attempting to ride ", an(mtmp->data->mname))));
    if (!mtmp->mtame || mtmp->isminion) {
        pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (mtmp->mtrapped) {
        struct trap *t = t_at(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);

        pline("You can't mount %s while %s's trapped in %s.", mon_nam(mtmp),
              mhe(mtmp), t ? an(trapexplain[t->ttyp - 1]) : "ice");
        return FALSE;

    if (!force && !Role_if(PM_KNIGHT) && !(--mtmp->mtame)) {
        /* no longer tame */
        newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
        pline("%s resists%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
              mtmp->mleashed ? " and its leash comes off" : "");
        if (mtmp->mleashed)
            m_unleash(mtmp, FALSE);
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && Underwater && !is_swimmer(ptr)) {
        pline("You can't ride that creature while under water.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!can_saddle(mtmp) || !can_ride(mtmp)) {
        pline("You can't ride such a creature.");
        return 0;

    /* Is the player impaired? */
    if (!force && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr) && Levitation &&
            !Lev_at_will) {
        pline("You cannot reach %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && uarm && is_metallic(uarm) && greatest_erosion(uarm)) {
        pline("Your %s armor is too stiff to be able to mount %s.",
              uarm->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force &&
            (Confusion || Fumbling || Glib || Wounded_legs || otmp->cursed ||
             ((u.ulevel + mtmp->mtame < rnd(MAXULEV / 2 + 5)) &&
              (!Role_if(PM_KNIGHT))))) {
        if (Levitation) {
            pline("%s slips away from you.", Monnam(mtmp));
            return FALSE;
        pline("You slip while trying to get on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));

        const char *buf = msgcat(
                              "slipped while mounting ",
                              /* "a saddled mumak" or "a saddled pony called Dobbin" */
                              x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, NULL,
                                       SUPPRESS_IT | SUPPRESS_INVISIBLE |
                                       SUPPRESS_HALLUCINATION, TRUE));
        losehp(rn1(5, 10), buf);
        return FALSE;

    /* Success */
    if (!force) {
        if (Levitation && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr))
            /* Must have Lev_at_will at this point */
            pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(mtmp));
        pline("You mount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
    /* setuwep handles polearms differently when you're mounted */
    if (uwep && is_pole(uwep))
        u.bashmsg = TRUE;
    u.usteed = mtmp;
    remove_monster(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
    teleds(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, TRUE);
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void statuswin::parse_statusline(std::string str)
	int hp, hpmax, nconds;
	long val;
  std::string txt;
	int cap = near_capacity();
	size_t pos;
	char buf[64];

	/* get player name + title */
	pos = str.find("St:", 0);
	if (pos != std::string::npos)
		tokenarray[0][0]->caption = str.substr(0, pos);

	/* strength needs special treatment */
	if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) 
		if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
			sprintf(buf,"St:%2d", ACURR(A_STR)-100);
		else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
			sprintf(buf, "St:18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR)-18);
		sprintf(buf, "St:%-1d", ACURR(A_STR));
	tokenarray[0][1]->caption = buf;

	/* the other stats */
	sprintf(buf, "Dx:%-1d", ACURR(A_DEX));
	tokenarray[0][2]->caption = buf;
	sprintf(buf, "Co:%-1d", ACURR(A_CON));
	tokenarray[0][3]->caption = buf;
	sprintf(buf, "In:%-1d", ACURR(A_INT));
	tokenarray[1][1]->caption = buf;
	sprintf(buf, "Wi:%-1d", ACURR(A_WIS));
	tokenarray[1][2]->caption = buf;
	sprintf(buf, "Ch:%-1d", ACURR(A_CHA));
	tokenarray[1][3]->caption = buf;

	/* alignment */
	tokenarray[4][0]->visible = 1;
	tokenarray[4][0]->caption = (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC) ? "Chaotic" :
			(u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? "Neutral" : "Lawful";

	/* score */
	if (flags.showscore) {
		sprintf(buf, "S:%ld", botl_score());
		tokenarray[3][4]->caption = buf;
	} else

	/* money */
#ifndef GOLDOBJ
		val = u.ugold;
		val = money_cnt(invent);
	if (val >= 100000) {
		sprintf(buf, "%c:%-2ldk", oc_syms[COIN_CLASS], val / 1000);
		tokenarray[3][2]->caption = buf;
	} else {
		sprintf(buf, "%c:%-2ld", oc_syms[COIN_CLASS], val);
		tokenarray[3][2]->caption = buf;

	/* Experience */
	if (Upolyd) {
		sprintf(buf, "HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
		tokenarray[3][0]->caption = buf;
#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
	else if(flags.showexp)
		Sprintf(buf, "Xp:%u/%-1ld", u.ulevel,u.uexp);
		tokenarray[3][0]->caption = buf;
		/* if the exp gets too long, suppress displaying the alignment */
		if (tokenarray[3][0]->caption.length() > 10)
			tokenarray[4][0]->visible = 0;
	else {
		Sprintf(buf, "Exp:%u", u.ulevel);
		tokenarray[3][0]->caption = buf;

	/* HP, energy, armor */
	hp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
	hpmax = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
	sprintf(buf, "HP:%d(%d)", hp, hpmax);
	tokenarray[2][1]->caption = buf;
	if (hp >= ((hpmax * 90) / 100))
		tokenarray[2][1]->textcolor = warn_colors[V_WARN_NONE];
	else if (hp >= ((hpmax * 70) / 100))
		tokenarray[2][1]->textcolor = warn_colors[V_WARN_NORMAL];
	else if (hp >= ((hpmax * 50) / 100))
		tokenarray[2][1]->textcolor = warn_colors[V_WARN_MORE];
	else if (hp >= ((hpmax * 25) / 100))
		tokenarray[2][1]->textcolor = warn_colors[V_WARN_ALERT];
		tokenarray[2][1]->textcolor = warn_colors[V_WARN_CRITICAL];
	sprintf(buf, "Pw:%d(%d)", u.uen, u.uenmax);
	tokenarray[2][2]->caption = buf;
	sprintf(buf, "AC:%-2d", u.uac);
	tokenarray[2][3]->caption = buf;

	/* time */
	if(flags.time) {
		sprintf(buf, "T:%ld", moves);
		tokenarray[3][3]->caption = buf;
	} else

	/* depth again (numeric) */
	sprintf(buf, "Dlvl:%-2d ", depth(&u.uz));
	tokenarray[3][1]->caption = buf;

	/* conditions (hunger, confusion, etc) */
	nconds = 0;

	if (u.uhs > 1) /* hunger */
		add_cond(hu_stat[u.uhs], nconds++, u.uhs-1);
	else if (u.uhs < 1) /* satiated */
		add_cond(hu_stat[u.uhs], nconds++, 0);

		add_cond("Conf", nconds++, V_WARN_MORE);

		if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
			add_cond("FoodPois", nconds++, V_WARN_ALERT);
		if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
			add_cond("Ill", nconds++, V_WARN_ALERT);

	if(Blind)          add_cond("Blind", nconds++, V_WARN_MORE);
	if(Stunned)        add_cond("Stun",  nconds++, V_WARN_MORE);
	if(Hallucination)  add_cond("Hallu", nconds++, V_WARN_MORE);
	if(Slimed)         add_cond("Slime", nconds++, V_WARN_ALERT);

		add_cond(enc_stat[cap], nconds++, cap);

	/* reset the empty positions */
	for ( ;nconds < 8; nconds++)
		add_cond("", nconds, 0);

	if (flags.showweight && !tokenarray[0][4]->caption[0])
    std::stringstream stream;
    stream << "Wt:" << static_cast<long>((inv_weight()+weight_cap())) << "/" << static_cast<long>(weight_cap()) ;
    tokenarray[0][4]->caption = stream.str();

Ejemplo n.º 8
void curses_update_stats()
    char buf[BUFSZ];
    int count, enc, orient, sx_start;
    WINDOW *win = curses_get_nhwin(STATUS_WIN);
    static boolean first = TRUE;
    boolean horiz;
    int sx = 0;
    int sy = 0;
    boolean border = curses_window_has_border(STATUS_WIN);
    if (border)
    sx_start = sx;
    if (first)
        first = FALSE;
    orient = curses_get_window_orientation(STATUS_WIN);

    if ((orient == ALIGN_RIGHT) || (orient == ALIGN_LEFT))
        horiz = FALSE;
        horiz = TRUE;

    /* Line 1 */
    /* Player name and title */
    strcpy(buf, plname);
    if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z') buf[0] += 'A'-'a';
    strcat(buf, " the ");
    if (u.mtimedone) {
        char mname[BUFSZ];
        int k = 0;

        strcpy(mname, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
        while(mname[k] != 0) {
            if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mname[k-1] == ' '))
             && 'a' <= mname[k] && mname[k] <= 'z')
                mname[k] += 'A' - 'a';
        strcat(buf, mname);
    } else {
        strcat(buf, rank_of(u.ulevel, pl_character[0], flags.female));
    if (strcmp(buf, prevname.txt) != 0) /* Title changed */
        prevname.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevname.highlight_color = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
        prevname.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    if (prevname.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevname.label);
        sx += strlen(prevname.label);
    if (prevname.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevname.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevname.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevname.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevname.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevname.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;
    /* Strength */
    if (ACURR(A_STR) != prevstr.value)  /* Strength changed */
        if (ACURR(A_STR) > prevstr.value)
            prevstr.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevstr.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevstr.value = ACURR(A_STR);
        if (ACURR(A_STR) > 118)
            sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
        else if (ACURR(A_STR)==118)
            sprintf(buf, "18/**");
        else if(ACURR(A_STR) > 18)
            sprintf(buf, "18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
            sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_STR));
        prevstr.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevstr.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevstr.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstr.label);
        sx += strlen(prevstr.label);
    if (prevstr.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevstr.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstr.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevstr.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstr.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevstr.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Intelligence */
    if (ACURR(A_INT) != prevint.value)  /* Intelligence changed */
        if (ACURR(A_INT) > prevint.value)
            prevint.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevint.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevint.value = ACURR(A_INT);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_INT)); 
        prevint.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevint.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevint.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevint.label);
        sx += strlen(prevint.label);
    if (prevint.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevint.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevint.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevint.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevint.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevint.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Wisdom */
    if (ACURR(A_WIS) != prevwis.value)  /* Wisdom changed */
        if (ACURR(A_WIS) > prevwis.value)
            prevwis.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevwis.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevwis.value = ACURR(A_WIS);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_WIS)); 
        prevwis.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevwis.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevwis.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevwis.label);
        sx += strlen(prevwis.label);
    if (prevwis.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevwis.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevwis.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevwis.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevwis.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevwis.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Dexterity */
    if (ACURR(A_DEX) != prevdex.value)  /* Dexterity changed */
        if (ACURR(A_DEX) > prevdex.value)
            prevdex.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevdex.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevdex.value = ACURR(A_DEX);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_DEX));
        prevdex.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevdex.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevdex.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdex.label);
        sx += strlen(prevdex.label);
    if (prevdex.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevdex.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdex.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevdex.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdex.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevdex.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Constitution */
    if (ACURR(A_CON) != prevcon.value)  /* Constitution changed */
        if (ACURR(A_CON) > prevcon.value)
            prevcon.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevcon.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevcon.value = ACURR(A_CON);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_CON));
        prevcon.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevcon.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevcon.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcon.label);
        sx += strlen(prevcon.label);
    if (prevcon.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevcon.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcon.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevcon.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcon.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevcon.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Charisma */
    if (ACURR(A_CHA) != prevcha.value)  /* Charisma changed */
        if (ACURR(A_CHA) > prevcha.value)
            prevcha.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevcha.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevcha.value = ACURR(A_CHA);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_CHA));
        prevcha.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevcha.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevcha.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcha.label);
        sx += strlen(prevcha.label);
    if (prevcha.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevcha.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcha.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevcha.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevcha.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevcha.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;
    /* Alignment */
    if (prevalign.alignment != u.ualign.type)   /* Alignment changed */
        prevalign.highlight_color = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
        prevalign.highlight_turns = 10; /* This is a major change! */
        prevalign.alignment = u.ualign.type;
        switch (u.ualign.type)
            case A_LAWFUL:
                prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Lawful");
            case A_NEUTRAL:
                prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Neutral");
            case A_CHAOTIC:
                prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Chaotic");

    if (prevalign.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevalign.label);
        sx += strlen(prevalign.label);
    if (prevalign.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevalign.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevalign.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevalign.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevalign.txt);
    /* Line 2 */
    sx = sx_start;
    /* Dungeon Level */
    if (depth(&u.uz) != prevdepth.value)    /* Dungeon level changed */
        prevdepth.highlight_color = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
        prevdepth.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevdepth.value = depth(&u.uz);
        if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
            strcpy(buf, (Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane":"End Game"));
            sprintf(buf, "%d", depth(&u.uz));
        prevdepth.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    if (prevdepth.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdepth.label);
        sx += strlen(prevdepth.label);
    if (prevdepth.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevdepth.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdepth.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevdepth.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevdepth.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevdepth.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;
    /* Gold */
#ifndef GOLDOBJ
    if (prevau.value != u.ugold)    /* Gold changed */
        if (u.ugold > prevau.value)
    if (prevau.value != money_cnt(invent))  /* Gold changed */
        if (money_cnt(invent) > prevau.value)
            prevau.highlight_color = HI_GOLD;
            prevau.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
#ifndef GOLDOBJ
        prevau.value = u.ugold;
        sprintf(buf,"%ld", u.ugold);
        prevau.value = money_cnt(invent);
        sprintf(buf,"%ld", money_cnt(invent));
        prevau.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevau.highlight_turns = 5;
    if (prevau.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevau.label);
        sx += strlen(prevau.label);
    if (prevau.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevau.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevau.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevau.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevau.txt);

    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevau.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;
    /* Hit Points */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HP */
	    if (u.mh != prevhp.value)
	        if (u.mh > prevhp.value)
	            prevhp.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
	            prevhp.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevhp.highlight_turns = 3;
            prevhp.value = u.mh;
            sprintf(buf, "%d", u.mh);
            prevhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	else if (u.uhp != prevhp.value)  /* Not polymorphed */
	    if (u.uhp > prevhp.value)
	        prevhp.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevhp.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevhp.value = u.uhp;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uhp);
        prevhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevhp.highlight_turns = 3;

    if (prevhp.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhp.label);
        sx += strlen(prevhp.label);

    if (prevhp.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhp.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhp.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhp.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhp.txt);
    sx += strlen(prevhp.txt);

    /* Max Hit Points */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HP */
	    if (u.mhmax != prevmhp.value)
	        if (u.mhmax > prevmhp.value)
	            prevmhp.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
	            prevmhp.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevmhp.value = u.mhmax;
            sprintf(buf, "%d", u.mhmax);
            prevmhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
            prevmhp.highlight_turns = 3;
	else if (u.uhpmax != prevmhp.value)  /* Not polymorphed */
	    if (u.uhpmax > prevmhp.value)
	        prevmhp.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevmhp.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevmhp.value = u.uhpmax;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uhpmax);
        prevmhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevmhp.highlight_turns = 3;

    if (prevmhp.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmhp.label);
        sx += strlen(prevmhp.label);

    if (prevmhp.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevmhp.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmhp.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevmhp.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmhp.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevmhp.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Power */
    if (u.uen != prevpow.value)
	    if (u.uen > prevpow.value)
	        prevpow.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevpow.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevpow.value = u.uen;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uen);
        prevpow.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevpow.highlight_turns = 3;

    if (prevpow.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevpow.label);
        sx += strlen(prevpow.label);

    if (prevpow.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevpow.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevpow.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevpow.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevpow.txt);
    sx += strlen(prevpow.txt);

    /* Max Power */
    if (u.uenmax != prevmpow.value)
	    if (u.uenmax > prevmpow.value)
	        prevmpow.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevmpow.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        prevmpow.value = u.uenmax;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uenmax);
        prevmpow.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevmpow.highlight_turns = 3;

    if (prevmpow.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmpow.label);
        sx += strlen(prevmpow.label);

    if (prevmpow.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevmpow.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmpow.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevmpow.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevmpow.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevmpow.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Armor Class */
    if (u.uac != prevac.value)
	    if (u.uac > prevac.value)   /* Lower is better for AC */
	        prevac.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevac.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
        prevac.value = u.uac;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uac);
        prevac.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevac.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevac.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevac.label);
        sx += strlen(prevac.label);

    if (prevac.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevac.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevac.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevac.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevac.txt);
    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevac.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Experience */
#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
    if (prevexp.display != flags.showexp)   /* Setting has changed */
        prevexp.display = flags.showexp;
        if (prevexp.display)
            prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("/");
            prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("Lvl:");

    if (prevexp.display && !u.mtimedone)
        if (u.uexp != prevexp.value)
	        if (u.uexp > prevexp.value)
	            prevexp.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
                prevexp.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uexp);
            prevexp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
            prevexp.highlight_turns = 3;

        if (prevexp.label != NULL)
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevexp.label);
            sx += strlen(prevexp.label);

        if (prevexp.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevexp.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevexp.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevexp.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevexp.txt);

        sx += strlen(prevexp.txt);
    prevexp.value = u.uexp; /* Track it even when it's not displayed */
#endif  /* EXP_ON_BOTL */

    /* Level */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HD */
        if (strncmp(prevlevel.label, "HD:", 3) != 0)
            prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("HD:");
        if (mons[u.umonnum].mlevel != prevlevel.value)
            if (mons[u.umonnum].mlevel > prevlevel.value)
                prevlevel.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
                prevlevel.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevlevel.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevlevel.value = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
        prevlevel.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    else    /* Not polymorphed */
        if (strncmp(prevlevel.label, "HD:", 3) == 0)
            if (prevexp.display)
                prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("/");
                prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("Lvl:");
        if (u.ulevel > prevlevel.value)
            prevlevel.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
            prevlevel.highlight_turns = 5;
        else if (u.ulevel < prevlevel.value)
            prevlevel.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevlevel.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevlevel.value = u.ulevel;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.ulevel);
        prevlevel.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);

    if (prevlevel.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevlevel.label);
        sx += strlen(prevlevel.label);

    if (prevlevel.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevlevel.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevlevel.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevlevel.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevlevel.txt);

    if (horiz)
        sx += strlen(prevlevel.txt) + 1;
        sx = sx_start;

    /* Time */
    if (prevtime.display != flags.time)   /* Setting has changed */
        prevtime.display = flags.time;
    if (prevtime.display)
        if (moves != prevtime.value)
            sprintf(buf, "%ld", moves);
            prevtime.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);

        if (prevtime.label != NULL)
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevtime.label);
            sx += strlen(prevtime.label);

        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevtime.txt);

        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevtime.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;
    /* Score */
    if (prevscore.display != flags.showscore)   /* Setting has changed */
        prevscore.display = flags.showscore;
    if (prevscore.display)
        if (botl_score() != prevscore.value)
	        if (botl_score() > prevscore.value)
	            prevscore.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
	        else    /* Not sure this is possible */
                prevscore.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            sprintf(buf, "%ld", botl_score());
            prevscore.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
            prevscore.highlight_turns = 3;

        if (prevscore.label != NULL)
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevscore.label);
            sx += strlen(prevscore.label);

        if (prevscore.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevscore.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevscore.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevscore.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevscore.txt);

        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevscore.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;
    prevscore.value = botl_score(); /* Track it even when it's not displayed */
#endif  /* SCORE_ON_BOTL */

    /* Hunger */
    if (u.uhs != prevhunger.value)
	    if ((u.uhs > prevhunger.value) || (u.uhs > 3))
	        prevhunger.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
            prevhunger.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
        prevhunger.value = u.uhs;
        for (count = 0; count < strlen(hu_stat[u.uhs]); count++)
            if ((hu_stat[u.uhs][count]) == ' ')
            buf[count] = hu_stat[u.uhs][count];

        buf[count] = '\0';
        prevhunger.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevhunger.highlight_turns = 5;

    if (prevhunger.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhunger.label);
        sx += strlen(prevhunger.label);

    if (prevhunger.highlight_turns > 0)
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhunger.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhunger.txt);
        curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhunger.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhunger.txt);
    if (strlen(prevhunger.txt) > 0)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevhunger.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Confusion */
    if (Confusion != prevconf.value)
	    prevconf.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevconf.txt != NULL)
        if (Confusion)
            prevconf.txt = curses_copy_of("Conf");
            prevconf.txt = NULL;
        if (prevconf.value == 0)
            prevconf.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevconf.value = Confusion;

    if (prevconf.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevconf.label);
        sx += strlen(prevconf.label);

    if (prevconf.txt != NULL)
        if (prevconf.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevconf.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevconf.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevconf.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevconf.txt);

    if (prevconf.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevconf.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Blindness */
    if (Blind != prevblind.value)
	    prevblind.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevblind.txt != NULL)
        if (Blind)
            prevblind.txt = curses_copy_of("Blind");
            prevblind.txt = NULL;
        if (prevblind.value == 0)
            prevblind.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevblind.value = Blind;

    if (prevblind.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevblind.label);
        sx += strlen(prevblind.label);

    if (prevblind.txt != NULL)
        if (prevblind.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevblind.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevblind.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevblind.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevblind.txt);

    if (prevblind.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevblind.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Stun */
    if (Stunned != prevstun.value)
	    prevstun.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevstun.txt != NULL)
        if (Stunned)
            prevstun.txt = curses_copy_of("Stun");
            prevstun.txt = NULL;
        if (prevstun.value == 0)
            prevstun.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevstun.value = Stunned;

    if (prevstun.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstun.label);
        sx += strlen(prevstun.label);

    if (prevstun.txt != NULL)
        if (prevstun.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevstun.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstun.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevstun.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevstun.txt);

    if (prevstun.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevstun.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Hallucination */
    if (Hallucination != prevhallu.value)
	    prevhallu.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevhallu.txt != NULL)
        if (Hallucination)
            prevhallu.txt = curses_copy_of("Hallu");
            prevhallu.txt = NULL;
        if (prevhallu.value == 0)
            prevhallu.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevhallu.value = Hallucination;

    if (prevhallu.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhallu.label);
        sx += strlen(prevhallu.label);

    if (prevhallu.txt != NULL)
        if (prevhallu.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhallu.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhallu.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevhallu.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevhallu.txt);

    if (prevhallu.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevhallu.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Sick */
    if (Sick != prevsick.value)
	    prevsick.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevsick.txt != NULL)
        if (Sick)
            if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
                prevsick.txt = curses_copy_of("FoodPois");
                prevsick.txt = curses_copy_of("Ill");
            prevsick.txt = NULL;
        if (prevsick.value == 0)
            prevsick.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevsick.value = Sick;

    if (prevsick.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevsick.label);
        sx += strlen(prevsick.label);

    if (prevsick.txt != NULL)
        if (prevsick.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevsick.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevsick.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevsick.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevsick.txt);

    if (prevsick.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevsick.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Slime */
    if (Slimed != prevslime.value)
	    prevslime.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevslime.txt != NULL)
        if (Slimed)
            prevslime.txt = curses_copy_of("Slime");
            prevslime.txt = NULL;
        if (prevslime.value == 0)
            prevslime.highlight_turns = 5;
        prevslime.value = Slimed;

    if (prevslime.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevslime.label);
        sx += strlen(prevslime.label);

    if (prevslime.txt != NULL)
        if (prevslime.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevslime.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevslime.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevslime.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevslime.txt);

    if (prevslime.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevslime.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;

    /* Encumberance */
    enc = near_capacity();
    if (enc != prevencumb.value)
	    if (enc < prevencumb.value)
	        prevencumb.highlight_color = STAT_UP_COLOR;
	        prevencumb.highlight_color = STAT_DOWN_COLOR;
        if (prevencumb.txt != NULL)
        if (enc > UNENCUMBERED)
            sprintf(buf, "%s", enc_stat[enc]);
            prevencumb.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
            prevencumb.highlight_turns = 5;
            prevencumb.txt = NULL;
        prevencumb.value = enc;

    if (prevencumb.label != NULL)
        mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevencumb.label);
        sx += strlen(prevencumb.label);

    if (prevencumb.txt != NULL)
        if (prevencumb.highlight_turns > 0)
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevencumb.highlight_color, NONE, ON);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevencumb.txt);
            curses_toggle_color_attr(win, prevencumb.highlight_color, NONE, OFF);
            mvwaddstr(win, sy, sx, prevencumb.txt);

    if (prevencumb.txt != NULL)
        if (horiz)
            sx += strlen(prevencumb.txt) + 1;
            sx = sx_start;


/* Decrement the highlight_turns for all stats.  Call curses_update_stats
if needed to unhighlight a stat */

void curses_decrement_highlight()
    boolean unhighlight = FALSE;
    if (prevname.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevname.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevdepth.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevdepth.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevstr.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevstr.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevint.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevint.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevwis.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevwis.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevdex.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevdex.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevcon.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevcon.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevcha.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevcha.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevalign.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevalign.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevau.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevau.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevhp.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevhp.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevmhp.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevmhp.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevlevel.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevlevel.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevpow.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevpow.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevmpow.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevmpow.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevac.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevac.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
    if (prevexp.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevexp.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevtime.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevtime.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevscore.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevscore.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevhunger.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevhunger.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevconf.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevconf.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevblind.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevblind.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevstun.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevstun.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevhallu.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevhallu.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevsick.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevsick.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevslime.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevslime.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (prevencumb.highlight_turns > 0)
        if (prevencumb.highlight_turns == 0)
            unhighlight = TRUE;
    if (unhighlight)

/* Initialize the stats with beginning values. */

static void init_stats()
    char buf[BUFSZ];
    int count;

    /* Player name and title */
    strcpy(buf, plname);
    if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z') buf[0] += 'A'-'a';
    strcat(buf, " the ");
    if (u.mtimedone) {
        char mname[BUFSZ];
        int k = 0;

        strcpy(mname, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
        while(mname[k] != 0) {
            if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mname[k-1] == ' '))
             && 'a' <= mname[k] && mname[k] <= 'z')
                mname[k] += 'A' - 'a';
        strcat(buf, mname);
    } else {
        strcat(buf, rank_of(u.ulevel, pl_character[0], flags.female));

    prevname.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevname.display = TRUE;
    prevname.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevname.label = NULL;
    /* Strength */
    if (ACURR(A_STR) > 118)
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
    else if (ACURR(A_STR)==118)
        sprintf(buf, "18/**");
    else if(ACURR(A_STR) > 18)
        sprintf(buf, "18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
        sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_STR));

    prevstr.value = ACURR(A_STR);
    prevstr.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevstr.display = TRUE;
    prevstr.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevstr.label = curses_copy_of("Str:");

    /* Intelligence */
    sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_INT));
    prevint.value = ACURR(A_INT);
    prevint.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevint.display = TRUE;
    prevint.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevint.label = curses_copy_of("Int:");

    /* Wisdom */
    sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_WIS));
    prevwis.value = ACURR(A_WIS);
    prevwis.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevwis.display = TRUE;
    prevwis.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevwis.label = curses_copy_of("Wis:");

    /* Dexterity */
    sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_DEX));
    prevdex.value = ACURR(A_DEX);
    prevdex.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevdex.display = TRUE;
    prevdex.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevdex.label = curses_copy_of("Dex:");

    /* Constitution */
    sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_CON));
    prevcon.value = ACURR(A_CON);
    prevcon.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevcon.display = TRUE;
    prevcon.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevcon.label = curses_copy_of("Con:");

    /* Charisma */
    sprintf(buf, "%d", ACURR(A_CHA));
    prevcha.value = ACURR(A_CHA);
    prevcha.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevcha.display = TRUE;
    prevcha.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevcha.label = curses_copy_of("Cha:");

    /* Alignment */
    switch (u.ualign.type)
        case A_LAWFUL:
            prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Lawful");
        case A_NEUTRAL:
            prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Neutral");
        case A_CHAOTIC:
            prevalign.txt = curses_copy_of("Chaotic");
    prevalign.alignment = u.ualign.type;
    prevalign.display = TRUE;
    prevalign.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevalign.label = NULL;
    /* Dungeon level */
    if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
        strcpy(buf, (Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane":"End Game"));
        sprintf(buf, "%d", depth(&u.uz));

    prevdepth.value = depth(&u.uz);
    prevdepth.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevdepth.display = TRUE;
    prevdepth.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevdepth.label = curses_copy_of("Dlvl:");
    /* Gold */
#ifndef GOLDOBJ
    sprintf(buf,"%ld", u.ugold);
    prevau.value = u.ugold;
    sprintf(buf,"%ld", money_cnt(invent));
    prevau.value = money_cnt(invent);
    prevau.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevau.display = TRUE;
    prevau.highlight_turns = 0;
    sprintf(buf, "%c:", GOLD_SYM);
    prevau.label = curses_copy_of(buf);

    /* Hit Points */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HP */
        prevhp.value = u.mh;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.mh);
        prevhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	else if (u.uhp != prevhp.value)  /* Not polymorphed */
	    prevhp.value = u.uhp;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uhp);
        prevhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevhp.display = TRUE;
	prevhp.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevhp.label = curses_copy_of("HP:");

    /* Max Hit Points */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HP */
        prevmhp.value = u.mhmax;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.mhmax);
        prevmhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	else    /* Not polymorphed */
	    prevmhp.value = u.uhpmax;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uhpmax);
        prevmhp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevmhp.display = TRUE;
	prevmhp.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevmhp.label = curses_copy_of("/");

    /* Power */
    prevpow.value = u.uen;
    sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uen);
    prevpow.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevpow.display = TRUE;
	prevpow.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevpow.label = curses_copy_of("Pw:");

    /* Max Power */
    prevmpow.value = u.uenmax;
    sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uenmax);
    prevmpow.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevmpow.display = TRUE;
	prevmpow.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevmpow.label = curses_copy_of("/");

    /* Armor Class */
    prevac.value = u.uac;
    sprintf(buf, "%d", u.uac);
    prevac.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevac.display = TRUE;
	prevac.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevac.label = curses_copy_of("AC:");

    /* Experience */
#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
    prevexp.value = u.uexp;
    sprintf(buf, "%ld", u.uexp);
    prevexp.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevexp.display = flags.showexp;
	prevexp.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevexp.label = curses_copy_of("Xp:");

    /* Level */
    if (u.mtimedone)    /* Currently polymorphed - show monster HP */
        prevlevel.value = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
        prevlevel.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("HD:");
	else if (u.ulevel != prevlevel.value)  /* Not polymorphed */
	    prevlevel.value = u.ulevel;
        sprintf(buf, "%d", u.ulevel);
        prevlevel.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        if (prevexp.display)
            prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("/");
            prevlevel.label = curses_copy_of("Lvl:");
	prevlevel.display = TRUE;
	prevlevel.highlight_turns = 0;

    /* Time */
    prevtime.value = moves;
    sprintf(buf, "%ld", moves);
    prevtime.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevtime.display = flags.time;
	prevtime.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevtime.label = curses_copy_of("T:");

    /* Score */
    prevscore.value = botl_score();
    sprintf(buf, "%ld", botl_score());
    prevscore.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
	prevscore.display = flags.showscore;
	prevscore.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevscore.label = curses_copy_of("S:");

    /* Hunger */
    prevhunger.value = u.uhs;
    for (count = 0; count < strlen(hu_stat[u.uhs]); count++)
        if ((hu_stat[u.uhs][count]) == ' ')
        buf[count] = hu_stat[u.uhs][count];

    buf[count] = '\0';
    prevhunger.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
    prevhunger.display = TRUE;
    prevhunger.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevhunger.label = NULL;

    /* Confusion */
    prevconf.value = Confusion;
    if (Confusion)
        prevconf.txt = curses_copy_of("Conf");
        prevconf.txt = NULL;
    prevconf.display = TRUE;
    prevconf.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevconf.label = NULL;

    /* Blindness */
    prevblind.value = Blind;
    if (Blind)
        prevblind.txt = curses_copy_of("Blind");
        prevblind.txt = NULL;
    prevblind.display = TRUE;
    prevblind.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevblind.label = NULL;

    /* Stun */
    prevstun.value = Stunned;
    if (Stunned)
        prevstun.txt = curses_copy_of("Stun");
        prevstun.txt = NULL;
    prevstun.display = TRUE;
    prevstun.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevstun.label = NULL;

    /* Hallucination */
    prevhallu.value = Hallucination;
    if (Hallucination)
        prevhallu.txt = curses_copy_of("Hallu");
        prevhallu.txt = NULL;
    prevhallu.display = TRUE;
    prevhallu.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevhallu.label = NULL;

    /* Sick */
    prevsick.value = Sick;
    if (Sick)
        if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
            prevsick.txt = curses_copy_of("Sick");
            prevsick.txt = curses_copy_of("Ill");
        prevsick.txt = NULL;
    prevsick.display = TRUE;
    prevsick.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevsick.label = NULL;

    /* Slimed */
    prevslime.value = Slimed;
    if (Slimed)
        prevslime.txt = curses_copy_of("Slime");
        prevslime.txt = NULL;
    prevslime.display = TRUE;
    prevslime.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevslime.label = NULL;

    /* Encumberance */
    prevencumb.value = near_capacity();
    if (prevencumb.value > UNENCUMBERED)
        sprintf(buf, "%s", enc_stat[prevencumb.value]);
        prevencumb.txt = curses_copy_of(buf);
        prevencumb.txt = NULL;
    prevencumb.display = TRUE;
    prevencumb.highlight_turns = 0;
    prevencumb.label = NULL;