Ejemplo n.º 1
bool view3d_get_view_aligned_coordinate(ARegion *ar, float fp[3], const int mval[2], const bool do_fallback)
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;
	float dvec[3];
	int mval_cpy[2];
	eV3DProjStatus ret;

	ret = ED_view3d_project_int_global(ar, fp, mval_cpy, V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);

	if (ret == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
		const float mval_f[2] = {(float)(mval_cpy[0] - mval[0]),
		                         (float)(mval_cpy[1] - mval[1])};
		const float zfac = ED_view3d_calc_zfac(rv3d, fp, NULL);
		ED_view3d_win_to_delta(ar, mval_f, dvec, zfac);
		sub_v3_v3(fp, dvec);

		return true;
	else {
		/* fallback to the view center */
		if (do_fallback) {
			negate_v3_v3(fp, rv3d->ofs);
			return view3d_get_view_aligned_coordinate(ar, fp, mval, false);
		else {
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int object_origin_clear_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
	Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
	float *v1, *v3;
	float mat[3][3];

	CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects)
		if (ob->parent) {
			/* vectors pointed to by v1 and v3 will get modified */
			v1 = ob->loc;
			v3 = ob->parentinv[3];
			copy_m3_m4(mat, ob->parentinv);
			negate_v3_v3(v3, v1);
			mul_m3_v3(mat, v3);

		DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB);

	DAG_ids_flush_update(bmain, 0);
	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void generate_vert_coordinates(
        DerivedMesh *dm, Object *ob, Object *ob_center, const float offset[3],
        const int num_verts, float (*r_cos)[3], float r_size[3])
	float min_co[3], max_co[3];
	float diff[3];
	bool do_diff = false;

	INIT_MINMAX(min_co, max_co);

	dm->getVertCos(dm, r_cos);

	/* Get size (i.e. deformation of the spheroid generating normals), either from target object, or own geometry. */
	if (ob_center) {
		/* Not we are not interested in signs here - they are even troublesome actually, due to security clamping! */
		abs_v3_v3(r_size, ob_center->size);
	else {
		minmax_v3v3_v3_array(min_co, max_co, r_cos, num_verts);
		/* Set size. */
		sub_v3_v3v3(r_size, max_co, min_co);

	/* Error checks - we do not want one or more of our sizes to be null! */
	if (is_zero_v3(r_size)) {
		r_size[0] = r_size[1] = r_size[2] = 1.0f;
	else {
		CLAMP_MIN(r_size[0], FLT_EPSILON);
		CLAMP_MIN(r_size[1], FLT_EPSILON);
		CLAMP_MIN(r_size[2], FLT_EPSILON);

	if (ob_center) {
		float inv_obmat[4][4];

		/* Translate our coordinates so that center of ob_center is at (0, 0, 0). */
		/* Get ob_center (world) coordinates in ob local coordinates.
		 * No need to take into account ob_center's space here, see T44027. */
		invert_m4_m4(inv_obmat, ob->obmat);
		mul_v3_m4v3(diff, inv_obmat, ob_center->obmat[3]);

		do_diff = true;
	else if (!is_zero_v3(offset)) {
		negate_v3_v3(diff, offset);

		do_diff = true;
	/* Else, no need to change coordinates! */

	if (do_diff) {
		int i = num_verts;
		while (i--) {
			add_v3_v3(r_cos[i], diff);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// get visibility of a wind ray
static float eff_calc_visibility(ListBase *colliders, EffectorCache *eff, EffectorData *efd, EffectedPoint *point)
	const int raycast_flag = BVH_RAYCAST_DEFAULT & ~(BVH_RAYCAST_WATERTIGHT);
	ListBase *colls = colliders;
	ColliderCache *col;
	float norm[3], len = 0.0;
	float visibility = 1.0, absorption = 0.0;
	if (!(eff->pd->flag & PFIELD_VISIBILITY))
		return visibility;

	if (!colls)
		colls = get_collider_cache(eff->scene, eff->ob, NULL);

	if (!colls)
		return visibility;

	negate_v3_v3(norm, efd->vec_to_point);
	len = normalize_v3(norm);
	/* check all collision objects */
	for (col = colls->first; col; col = col->next) {
		CollisionModifierData *collmd = col->collmd;

		if (col->ob == eff->ob)

		if (collmd->bvhtree) {
			BVHTreeRayHit hit;

			hit.index = -1;
			hit.dist = len + FLT_EPSILON;

			/* check if the way is blocked */
			if (BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast_ex(
			        collmd->bvhtree, point->loc, norm, 0.0f, &hit,
			        eff_tri_ray_hit, NULL, raycast_flag) != -1)
				absorption= col->ob->pd->absorption;

				/* visibility is only between 0 and 1, calculated from 1-absorption */
				visibility *= CLAMPIS(1.0f-absorption, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				if (visibility <= 0.0f)

	if (!colliders)
	return visibility;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void camera_frame_fit_data_init(
        const Scene *scene, const Object *ob,
        CameraParams *params, CameraViewFrameData *data)
	float camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed[4][4];
	unsigned int i;

	/* setup parameters */
	BKE_camera_params_from_object(params, ob);

	/* compute matrix, viewplane, .. */
	if (scene) {
		BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(params, scene->r.xsch, scene->r.ysch, scene->r.xasp, scene->r.yasp);
	else {
		BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(params, 1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	/* initialize callback data */
	copy_m3_m4(data->camera_rotmat, (float (*)[4])ob->obmat);
	/* To transform a plane which is in its homogeneous representation (4d vector),
	 * we need the inverse of the transpose of the transform matrix... */
	copy_m4_m3(camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed, data->camera_rotmat);

	/* Extract frustum planes from projection matrix. */
	                    /*   left              right                 top              bottom        near  far */
	                    data->plane_tx[2], data->plane_tx[0], data->plane_tx[3], data->plane_tx[1], NULL, NULL);

	/* Rotate planes and get normals from them */
	for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) {
		mul_m4_v4(camera_rotmat_transposed_inversed, data->plane_tx[i]);
		normalize_v3_v3(data->normal_tx[i], data->plane_tx[i]);

	copy_v4_fl(data->dist_vals_sq, FLT_MAX);
	data->tot = 0;
	data->is_ortho = params->is_ortho;
	if (params->is_ortho) {
		/* we want (0, 0, -1) transformed by camera_rotmat, this is a quicker shortcut. */
		negate_v3_v3(data->camera_no, data->camera_rotmat[2]);
		data->dist_to_cam = FLT_MAX;
Ejemplo n.º 6
float angle_normalized_v3v3(const float v1[3], const float v2[3])
	/* double check they are normalized */

	/* this is the same as acos(dot_v3v3(v1, v2)), but more accurate */
	if (dot_v3v3(v1, v2) >= 0.0f) {
		return 2.0f * saasin(len_v3v3(v1, v2) / 2.0f);
	else {
		float v2_n[3];
		negate_v3_v3(v2_n, v2);
		return (float)M_PI - 2.0f * saasin(len_v3v3(v1, v2_n) / 2.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Calculate a 3d direction vector from 2d window coordinates.
 * This direction vector starts and the view in the direction of the 2d window coordinates.
 * In orthographic view all window coordinates yield the same vector.
 * \note doesn't rely on ED_view3d_calc_zfac
 * for perspective view, get the vector direction to
 * the mouse cursor as a normalized vector.
 * \param ar The region (used for the window width and height).
 * \param mval The area relative 2d location (such as event->mval converted to floats).
 * \param out The resulting normalized world-space direction vector.
void ED_view3d_win_to_vector(const ARegion *ar, const float mval[2], float out[3])
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;

	if (rv3d->is_persp) {
		out[0] = 2.0f * (mval[0] / ar->winx) - 1.0f;
		out[1] = 2.0f * (mval[1] / ar->winy) - 1.0f;
		out[2] = -0.5f;
		mul_project_m4_v3(rv3d->persinv, out);
		sub_v3_v3(out, rv3d->viewinv[3]);
	else {
		negate_v3_v3(out, rv3d->viewinv[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static bool object_rand_transverts(
        TransVertStore *tvs,
        const float offset, const float uniform, const float normal_factor,
        const unsigned int seed)
	bool use_normal = (normal_factor != 0.0f);
	struct RNG *rng;
	TransVert *tv;
	int a;

	if (!tvs || !(tvs->transverts)) {
		return false;

	rng = BLI_rng_new(seed);

	tv = tvs->transverts;
	for (a = 0; a < tvs->transverts_tot; a++, tv++) {
		const float t = max_ff(0.0f, uniform + ((1.0f - uniform) * BLI_rng_get_float(rng)));
		float vec[3];
		BLI_rng_get_float_unit_v3(rng, vec);

		if (use_normal && (tv->flag & TX_VERT_USE_NORMAL)) {
			float no[3];

			/* avoid >90d rotation to align with normal */
			if (dot_v3v3(vec, tv->normal) < 0.0f) {
				negate_v3_v3(no, tv->normal);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(no, tv->normal);

			interp_v3_v3v3_slerp_safe(vec, vec, no, normal_factor);

		madd_v3_v3fl(tv->loc, vec, offset * t);


	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int view3d_ruler_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
	bool do_draw = false;
	int exit_code = OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL;
	RulerInfo *ruler_info = op->customdata;
	ScrArea *sa = ruler_info->sa;
	ARegion *ar = ruler_info->ar;
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;

	/* its possible to change  spaces while running the operator [#34894] */
	if (UNLIKELY(ar != CTX_wm_region(C))) {
		exit_code = OPERATOR_FINISHED;
		goto exit;

	switch (event->type) {
			if (event->val == KM_RELEASE) {
				if (ruler_info->state == RULER_STATE_DRAG) {
					/* rubber-band angle removal */
					RulerItem *ruler_item = ruler_item_active_get(ruler_info);
					if (ruler_item && (ruler_item->co_index == 1) && (ruler_item->flag & RULERITEM_USE_ANGLE)) {
						if (!BLI_rcti_isect_pt_v(&ar->winrct, &event->x)) {
							ruler_item->flag &= ~RULERITEM_USE_ANGLE;
							do_draw = true;
					if (ruler_info->snap_flag & RULER_SNAP_OK) {
						ruler_info->snap_flag &= ~RULER_SNAP_OK;
						do_draw = true;
					ruler_info->state = RULER_STATE_NORMAL;
			else {
				if (ruler_info->state == RULER_STATE_NORMAL) {

					if (event->ctrl ||
					    /* weak - but user friendly */
						View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
						const bool use_depth = (v3d->drawtype >= OB_SOLID);

						/* Create new line */
						RulerItem *ruler_item_prev = ruler_item_active_get(ruler_info);
						RulerItem *ruler_item;
						/* check if we want to drag an existing point or add a new one */
						ruler_info->state = RULER_STATE_DRAG;

						ruler_item = ruler_item_add(ruler_info);
						ruler_item_active_set(ruler_info, ruler_item);

						if (use_depth) {
							/* snap the first point added, not essential but handy */
							ruler_item->co_index = 0;
							view3d_ruler_item_mousemove(C, ruler_info, event->mval, false, true);
							copy_v3_v3(ruler_info->drag_start_co, ruler_item->co[ruler_item->co_index]);
						else {
							/* initial depth either previous ruler, view offset */
							if (ruler_item_prev) {
								copy_v3_v3(ruler_info->drag_start_co, ruler_item_prev->co[ruler_item_prev->co_index]);
							else {
								negate_v3_v3(ruler_info->drag_start_co, rv3d->ofs);

							copy_v3_v3(ruler_item->co[0], ruler_info->drag_start_co);
							view3d_ruler_item_project(ruler_info, ruler_item->co[0], event->mval);

						copy_v3_v3(ruler_item->co[2], ruler_item->co[0]);
						ruler_item->co_index = 2;

						do_draw = true;
					else {
						float mval_fl[2] = {UNPACK2(event->mval)};
						RulerItem *ruler_item_pick;
						int co_index;

						/* select and drag */
						if (view3d_ruler_pick(ruler_info, mval_fl, &ruler_item_pick, &co_index)) {
							if (co_index == -1) {
								if ((ruler_item_pick->flag & RULERITEM_USE_ANGLE) == 0) {
									/* Add Center Point */
									ruler_item_active_set(ruler_info, ruler_item_pick);
									ruler_item_pick->flag |= RULERITEM_USE_ANGLE;
									ruler_item_pick->co_index = 1;
									ruler_info->state = RULER_STATE_DRAG;

									/* find the factor */
										float co_ss[2][2];
										float fac;

										ED_view3d_project_float_global(ar, ruler_item_pick->co[0], co_ss[0], V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);
										ED_view3d_project_float_global(ar, ruler_item_pick->co[2], co_ss[1], V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);

										fac = line_point_factor_v2(mval_fl, co_ss[0], co_ss[1]);
										CLAMP(fac, 0.0f, 1.0f);

										               ruler_item_pick->co[2], fac);

									/* update the new location */
									view3d_ruler_item_mousemove(C, ruler_info, event->mval,
									                            event->shift != 0, event->ctrl != 0);
									do_draw = true;
							else {
								ruler_item_active_set(ruler_info, ruler_item_pick);
								ruler_item_pick->co_index = co_index;
								ruler_info->state = RULER_STATE_DRAG;

								/* store the initial depth */
								copy_v3_v3(ruler_info->drag_start_co, ruler_item_pick->co[ruler_item_pick->co_index]);

								do_draw = true;
						else {
							exit_code = OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH;

		case CKEY:
			if (event->ctrl) {
				RulerItem *ruler_item = ruler_item_active_get(ruler_info);
				if (ruler_item) {
					const int prec = 8;
					char numstr[256];
					Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
					UnitSettings *unit = &scene->unit;

					ruler_item_as_string(ruler_item, unit, numstr, sizeof(numstr), prec);
					WM_clipboard_text_set((void *) numstr, false);
			if (ruler_info->state == RULER_STATE_DRAG) {
				if (view3d_ruler_item_mousemove(C, ruler_info, event->mval,
				                                event->shift != 0, event->ctrl != 0))
					do_draw = true;
		case ESCKEY:
			do_draw = true;
			exit_code = OPERATOR_CANCELLED;
		case RETKEY:
			view3d_ruler_to_gpencil(C, ruler_info);
			do_draw = true;
			exit_code = OPERATOR_FINISHED;
		case DELKEY:
			if (event->val == KM_PRESS) {
				if (ruler_info->state == RULER_STATE_NORMAL) {
					RulerItem *ruler_item = ruler_item_active_get(ruler_info);
					if (ruler_item) {
						RulerItem *ruler_item_other = ruler_item->prev ? ruler_item->prev : ruler_item->next;
						ruler_item_remove(ruler_info, ruler_item);
						ruler_item_active_set(ruler_info, ruler_item_other);
						do_draw = true;


	if (do_draw) {

		/* all 3d views draw rulers */
		WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_VIEW3D, NULL);


		view3d_ruler_end(C, ruler_info);
		op->customdata = NULL;

		ED_area_headerprint(sa, NULL);

	return exit_code;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void warpModifier_do(WarpModifierData *wmd,
                            const ModifierEvalContext *ctx,
                            Mesh *mesh,
                            float (*vertexCos)[3],
                            int numVerts)
  Object *ob = ctx->object;
  float obinv[4][4];
  float mat_from[4][4];
  float mat_from_inv[4][4];
  float mat_to[4][4];
  float mat_unit[4][4];
  float mat_final[4][4];

  float tmat[4][4];

  const float falloff_radius_sq = SQUARE(wmd->falloff_radius);
  float strength = wmd->strength;
  float fac = 1.0f, weight;
  int i;
  int defgrp_index;
  MDeformVert *dvert, *dv = NULL;

  float(*tex_co)[3] = NULL;

  if (!(wmd->object_from && wmd->object_to)) {

  MOD_get_vgroup(ob, mesh, wmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);
  if (dvert == NULL) {
    defgrp_index = -1;

  if (wmd->curfalloff == NULL) { /* should never happen, but bad lib linking could cause it */
    wmd->curfalloff = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

  if (wmd->curfalloff) {

  invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);

  mul_m4_m4m4(mat_from, obinv, wmd->object_from->obmat);
  mul_m4_m4m4(mat_to, obinv, wmd->object_to->obmat);

  invert_m4_m4(tmat, mat_from);  // swap?
  mul_m4_m4m4(mat_final, tmat, mat_to);

  invert_m4_m4(mat_from_inv, mat_from);


  if (strength < 0.0f) {
    float loc[3];
    strength = -strength;

    /* inverted location is not useful, just use the negative */
    copy_v3_v3(loc, mat_final[3]);
    negate_v3_v3(mat_final[3], loc);
  weight = strength;

  Tex *tex_target = wmd->texture;
  if (mesh != NULL && tex_target != NULL) {
    tex_co = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(*tex_co), "warpModifier_do tex_co");
    MOD_get_texture_coords((MappingInfoModifierData *)wmd, ctx, ob, mesh, vertexCos, tex_co);

    MOD_init_texture((MappingInfoModifierData *)wmd, ctx);

  for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
    float *co = vertexCos[i];

    if (wmd->falloff_type == eWarp_Falloff_None ||
        ((fac = len_squared_v3v3(co, mat_from[3])) < falloff_radius_sq &&
         (fac = (wmd->falloff_radius - sqrtf(fac)) / wmd->falloff_radius))) {
      /* skip if no vert group found */
      if (defgrp_index != -1) {
        dv = &dvert[i];
        weight = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index) * strength;
        if (weight <= 0.0f) {

      /* closely match PROP_SMOOTH and similar */
      switch (wmd->falloff_type) {
        case eWarp_Falloff_None:
          fac = 1.0f;
        case eWarp_Falloff_Curve:
          fac = curvemapping_evaluateF(wmd->curfalloff, 0, fac);
        case eWarp_Falloff_Sharp:
          fac = fac * fac;
        case eWarp_Falloff_Smooth:
          fac = 3.0f * fac * fac - 2.0f * fac * fac * fac;
        case eWarp_Falloff_Root:
          fac = sqrtf(fac);
        case eWarp_Falloff_Linear:
          /* pass */
        case eWarp_Falloff_Const:
          fac = 1.0f;
        case eWarp_Falloff_Sphere:
          fac = sqrtf(2 * fac - fac * fac);
        case eWarp_Falloff_InvSquare:
          fac = fac * (2.0f - fac);

      fac *= weight;

      if (tex_co) {
        struct Scene *scene = DEG_get_evaluated_scene(ctx->depsgraph);
        TexResult texres;
        texres.nor = NULL;
        BKE_texture_get_value(scene, tex_target, tex_co[i], &texres, false);
        fac *= texres.tin;

      if (fac != 0.0f) {
        /* into the 'from' objects space */
        mul_m4_v3(mat_from_inv, co);

        if (fac == 1.0f) {
          mul_m4_v3(mat_final, co);
        else {
          if (wmd->flag & MOD_WARP_VOLUME_PRESERVE) {
            /* interpolate the matrix for nicer locations */
            blend_m4_m4m4(tmat, mat_unit, mat_final, fac);
            mul_m4_v3(tmat, co);
          else {
            float tvec[3];
            mul_v3_m4v3(tvec, mat_final, co);
            interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, tvec, fac);

        /* out of the 'from' objects space */
        mul_m4_v3(mat_from, co);

  if (tex_co) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
static bool view3d_localview_init(
        wmWindowManager *wm, wmWindow *win,
        Main *bmain, Scene *scene, ScrArea *sa, const int smooth_viewtx,
        ReportList *reports)
	View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first;
	Base *base;
	float min[3], max[3], box[3], mid[3];
	float size = 0.0f;
	unsigned int locallay;
	bool ok = false;

	if (v3d->localvd) {
		return ok;

	INIT_MINMAX(min, max);

	locallay = free_localbit(bmain);

	if (locallay == 0) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No more than 8 local views");
		ok = false;
	else {
		if (scene->obedit) {
			BKE_object_minmax(scene->obedit, min, max, false);
			ok = true;
			BASACT->lay |= locallay;
			scene->obedit->lay = BASACT->lay;
		else {
			for (base = FIRSTBASE; base; base = base->next) {
				if (TESTBASE(v3d, base)) {
					BKE_object_minmax(base->object, min, max, false);
					base->lay |= locallay;
					base->object->lay = base->lay;
					ok = true;

		sub_v3_v3v3(box, max, min);
		size = max_fff(box[0], box[1], box[2]);
	if (ok == true) {
		ARegion *ar;
		v3d->localvd = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(View3D), "localview");
		memcpy(v3d->localvd, v3d, sizeof(View3D));

		mid_v3_v3v3(mid, min, max);

		copy_v3_v3(v3d->cursor, mid);

		for (ar = sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar = ar->next) {
			if (ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_WINDOW) {
				RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;
				bool ok_dist = true;

				/* new view values */
				Object *camera_old = NULL;
				float dist_new, ofs_new[3];

				rv3d->localvd = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(RegionView3D), "localview region");
				memcpy(rv3d->localvd, rv3d, sizeof(RegionView3D));

				negate_v3_v3(ofs_new, mid);

				if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) {
					rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP;
					camera_old = v3d->camera;

				if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO) {
					if (size < 0.0001f) {
						ok_dist = false;

				if (ok_dist) {
					dist_new = ED_view3d_radius_to_dist(v3d, ar, rv3d->persp, true, (size / 2) * VIEW3D_MARGIN);
					if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_PERSP) {
						/* don't zoom closer than the near clipping plane */
						dist_new = max_ff(dist_new, v3d->near * 1.5f);

				        wm, win, sa,
				        v3d, ar, camera_old, NULL,
				        ofs_new, NULL, ok_dist ? &dist_new : NULL, NULL,
		v3d->lay = locallay;
	else {
		/* clear flags */ 
		for (base = FIRSTBASE; base; base = base->next) {
			if (base->lay & locallay) {
				base->lay -= locallay;
				if (base->lay == 0) base->lay = v3d->layact;
				if (base->object != scene->obedit) base->flag |= SELECT;
				base->object->lay = base->lay;

	return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static bool camera_frame_fit_calc_from_data(
        CameraParams *params, CameraViewFrameData *data, float r_co[3], float *r_scale)
	float plane_tx[CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES][3];
	unsigned int i;

	if (data->tot <= 1) {
		return false;

	if (params->is_ortho) {
		const float *cam_axis_x = data->camera_rotmat[0];
		const float *cam_axis_y = data->camera_rotmat[1];
		const float *cam_axis_z = data->camera_rotmat[2];
		float scale_diff;

		/* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */
		for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) {
			dists[i] = sqrtf_signed(data->dist_vals_sq[i]);

		if ((dists[0] + dists[2]) > (dists[1] + dists[3])) {
			scale_diff = (dists[1] + dists[3]) *
			             (BLI_rctf_size_x(&params->viewplane) / BLI_rctf_size_y(&params->viewplane));
		else {
			scale_diff = (dists[0] + dists[2]) *
			             (BLI_rctf_size_y(&params->viewplane) / BLI_rctf_size_x(&params->viewplane));
		*r_scale = params->ortho_scale - scale_diff;

		madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_x, (dists[2] - dists[0]) * 0.5f + params->shiftx * scale_diff);
		madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_y, (dists[1] - dists[3]) * 0.5f + params->shifty * scale_diff);
		madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_z, -(data->dist_to_cam - 1.0f - params->clipsta));

		return true;
	else {
		float plane_isect_1[3], plane_isect_1_no[3], plane_isect_1_other[3];
		float plane_isect_2[3], plane_isect_2_no[3], plane_isect_2_other[3];

		float plane_isect_pt_1[3], plane_isect_pt_2[3];

		/* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */
		for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) {
			mul_v3_v3fl(plane_tx[i], data->normal_tx[i], sqrtf_signed(data->dist_vals_sq[i]));

		if ((!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no,
		                           plane_tx[0], data->normal_tx[0],
		                           plane_tx[2], data->normal_tx[2])) ||
		    (!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no,
		                           plane_tx[1], data->normal_tx[1],
		                           plane_tx[3], data->normal_tx[3])))
			return false;

		add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no);
		add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no);

		if (isect_line_line_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_other,
		                       plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_other,
		                       plane_isect_pt_1, plane_isect_pt_2) != 0)
			float cam_plane_no[3];
			float plane_isect_delta[3];
			float plane_isect_delta_len;

			float shift_fac = BKE_camera_sensor_size(params->sensor_fit, params->sensor_x, params->sensor_y) /

			/* we want (0, 0, -1) transformed by camera_rotmat, this is a quicker shortcut. */
			negate_v3_v3(cam_plane_no, data->camera_rotmat[2]);

			sub_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, plane_isect_pt_2, plane_isect_pt_1);
			plane_isect_delta_len = len_v3(plane_isect_delta);

			if (dot_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, cam_plane_no) > 0.0f) {
				copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_1);

				/* offset shift */
				madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_1_no, params->shifty * plane_isect_delta_len * shift_fac);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_2);

				/* offset shift */
				madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_2_no, params->shiftx * plane_isect_delta_len * shift_fac);

			return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void warpModifier_do(WarpModifierData *wmd, Object *ob,
                            DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts)
	float obinv[4][4];
	float mat_from[4][4];
	float mat_from_inv[4][4];
	float mat_to[4][4];
	float mat_unit[4][4];
	float mat_final[4][4];

	float tmat[4][4];

	float strength = wmd->strength;
	float fac = 1.0f, weight;
	int i;
	int defgrp_index;
	MDeformVert *dvert, *dv = NULL;

	float (*tex_co)[3] = NULL;

	if (!(wmd->object_from && wmd->object_to))

	modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, wmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);

	if (wmd->curfalloff == NULL) /* should never happen, but bad lib linking could cause it */
		wmd->curfalloff = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (wmd->curfalloff) {

	invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);

	mul_m4_m4m4(mat_from, obinv, wmd->object_from->obmat);
	mul_m4_m4m4(mat_to, obinv, wmd->object_to->obmat);

	invert_m4_m4(tmat, mat_from); // swap?
	mul_m4_m4m4(mat_final, tmat, mat_to);

	invert_m4_m4(mat_from_inv, mat_from);


	if (strength < 0.0f) {
		float loc[3];
		strength = -strength;

		/* inverted location is not useful, just use the negative */
		copy_v3_v3(loc, mat_final[3]);
		negate_v3_v3(mat_final[3], loc);

	weight = strength;

	if (wmd->texture) {
		tex_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*tex_co) * numVerts, "warpModifier_do tex_co");
		get_texture_coords((MappingInfoModifierData *)wmd, ob, dm, vertexCos, tex_co, numVerts);

		modifier_init_texture(wmd->modifier.scene, wmd->texture);

	for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
		float *co = vertexCos[i];

		if (wmd->falloff_type == eWarp_Falloff_None ||
		    ((fac = len_v3v3(co, mat_from[3])) < wmd->falloff_radius &&
		     (fac = (wmd->falloff_radius - fac) / wmd->falloff_radius)))
			/* skip if no vert group found */
			if (dvert && defgrp_index != -1) {
				dv = &dvert[i];

				if (dv) {
					weight = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index) * strength;
					if (weight <= 0.0f) /* Should never occure... */

			/* closely match PROP_SMOOTH and similar */
			switch (wmd->falloff_type) {
				case eWarp_Falloff_None:
					fac = 1.0f;
				case eWarp_Falloff_Curve:
					fac = curvemapping_evaluateF(wmd->curfalloff, 0, fac);
				case eWarp_Falloff_Sharp:
					fac = fac * fac;
				case eWarp_Falloff_Smooth:
					fac = 3.0f * fac * fac - 2.0f * fac * fac * fac;
				case eWarp_Falloff_Root:
					fac = (float)sqrt(fac);
				case eWarp_Falloff_Linear:
					/* pass */
				case eWarp_Falloff_Const:
					fac = 1.0f;
				case eWarp_Falloff_Sphere:
					fac = (float)sqrt(2 * fac - fac * fac);

			fac *= weight;

			if (tex_co) {
				TexResult texres;
				texres.nor = NULL;
				get_texture_value(wmd->modifier.scene, wmd->texture, tex_co[i], &texres, false);
				fac *= texres.tin;

			/* into the 'from' objects space */
			mul_m4_v3(mat_from_inv, co);

			if (fac >= 1.0f) {
				mul_m4_v3(mat_final, co);
			else if (fac > 0.0f) {
				if (wmd->flag & MOD_WARP_VOLUME_PRESERVE) {
					/* interpolate the matrix for nicer locations */
					blend_m4_m4m4(tmat, mat_unit, mat_final, fac);
					mul_m4_v3(tmat, co);
				else {
					float tvec[3];
					mul_v3_m4v3(tvec, mat_final, co);
					interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, tvec, fac);

			/* out of the 'from' objects space */
			mul_m4_v3(mat_from, co);

	if (tex_co)

Ejemplo n.º 14
/* tries to realize the wanted velocity taking all constraints into account */
void boid_body(BoidBrainData *bbd, ParticleData *pa)
	BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids;
	BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid;
	BoidValues val;
	EffectedPoint epoint;
	float acc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, tan_acc[3], nor_acc[3];
	float dvec[3], bvec[3];
	float new_dir[3], new_speed;
	float old_dir[3], old_speed;
	float wanted_dir[3];
	float q[4], mat[3][3]; /* rotation */
	float ground_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, ground_nor[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
	float force[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float pa_mass=bbd->part->mass, dtime=bbd->dfra*bbd->timestep;

	set_boid_values(&val, boids, pa);

	/* make sure there's something in new velocity, location & rotation */
	copy_particle_key(&pa->state, &pa->prev_state, 0);

	if (bbd->part->flag & PART_SIZEMASS)

	/* if boids can't fly they fall to the ground */
	if ((boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT)==0 && ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)==0 && psys_uses_gravity(bbd->sim))
		bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;

	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Falling) {
		/* Falling boids are only effected by gravity. */
		acc[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2];
	else {
		/* figure out acceleration */
		float landing_level = 2.0f;
		float level = landing_level + 1.0f;
		float new_vel[3];

		if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Liftoff) {
			bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
		else if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir && boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
			/* auto-leveling & landing if close to ground */

			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* level = how many particle sizes above ground */
			level = (pa->prev_state.co[2] - ground_co[2])/(2.0f * pa->size) - 0.5f;

			landing_level = - boids->landing_smoothness * pa->prev_state.vel[2] * pa_mass;

			if (pa->prev_state.vel[2] < 0.0f) {
				if (level < 1.0f) {
					bbd->wanted_co[0] = bbd->wanted_co[1] = bbd->wanted_co[2] = 0.0f;
					bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
				else if (level < landing_level) {
					bbd->wanted_speed *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;
					bbd->wanted_co[2] *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;

		copy_v3_v3(old_dir, pa->prev_state.ave);
		new_speed = normalize_v3_v3(wanted_dir, bbd->wanted_co);

		/* first check if we have valid direction we want to go towards */
		if (new_speed == 0.0f) {
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
		else {
			float old_dir2[2], wanted_dir2[2], nor[3], angle;
			copy_v2_v2(old_dir2, old_dir);
			copy_v2_v2(wanted_dir2, wanted_dir);

			/* choose random direction to turn if wanted velocity */
			/* is directly behind regardless of z-coordinate */
			if (dot_v2v2(old_dir2, wanted_dir2) < -0.99f) {
				wanted_dir[0] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[1] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[2] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));

			/* constrain direction with maximum angular velocity */
			angle = saacos(dot_v3v3(old_dir, wanted_dir));
			angle = min_ff(angle, val.max_ave);

			cross_v3_v3v3(nor, old_dir, wanted_dir);
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle);
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, new_dir);

			/* save direction in case resulting velocity too small */
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle*dtime);
			copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, pa->state.ave);

		/* constrain speed with maximum acceleration */
		old_speed = len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel);
		if (bbd->wanted_speed < old_speed)
			new_speed = MAX2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed - val.max_acc);
			new_speed = MIN2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed + val.max_acc);

		/* combine direction and speed */
		copy_v3_v3(new_vel, new_dir);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, new_speed);

		/* maintain minimum flying velocity if not landing */
		if (level >= landing_level) {
			float len2 = dot_v2v2(new_vel, new_vel);
			float root;

			len2 = MAX2(len2, val.min_speed*val.min_speed);
			root = sasqrt(new_speed*new_speed - len2);

			new_vel[2] = new_vel[2] < 0.0f ? -root : root;

			mul_v2_fl(new_vel, sasqrt(len2));

		/* finally constrain speed to max speed */
		new_speed = normalize_v3(new_vel);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, MIN2(new_speed, val.max_speed));

		/* get acceleration from difference of velocities */
		sub_v3_v3v3(acc, new_vel, pa->prev_state.vel);

		/* break acceleration to components */
		project_v3_v3v3(tan_acc, acc, pa->prev_state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(nor_acc, acc, tan_acc);

	/* account for effectors */
	pd_point_from_particle(bbd->sim, pa, &pa->state, &epoint);
	pdDoEffectors(bbd->sim->psys->effectors, bbd->sim->colliders, bbd->part->effector_weights, &epoint, force, NULL);

	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)) {
		float length = normalize_v3(force);

		length = MAX2(0.0f, length - boids->land_stick_force);

		mul_v3_fl(force, length);
	add_v3_v3(acc, force);

	/* store smoothed acceleration for nice banking etc. */
	madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->data.acc, acc, dtime);
	mul_v3_fl(bpa->data.acc, 1.0f / (1.0f + dtime));

	/* integrate new location & velocity */

	/* by regarding the acceleration as a force at this stage we*/
	/* can get better control allthough it's a bit unphysical	*/
	mul_v3_fl(acc, 1.0f/pa_mass);

	copy_v3_v3(dvec, acc);
	mul_v3_fl(dvec, dtime*dtime*0.5f);
	copy_v3_v3(bvec, pa->prev_state.vel);
	mul_v3_fl(bvec, dtime);
	add_v3_v3(dvec, bvec);
	add_v3_v3(pa->state.co, dvec);

	madd_v3_v3fl(pa->state.vel, acc, dtime);

	//if (bpa->data.mode != eBoidMode_InAir)
	bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);

	/* change modes, constrain movement & keep track of down vector */
	switch (bpa->data.mode) {
		case eBoidMode_InAir:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* don't take forward acceleration into account (better banking) */
			if (dot_v3v3(bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel) > 0.0f) {
				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc);

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);

			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->state.co, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			else if (pa->state.co[2] <= ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height) {
				/* land boid when below ground */
				if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
					pa->state.co[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* fly above ground */
				else if (bpa->ground) {
					pa->state.co[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
		case eBoidMode_Falling:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dtime);

			if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
				/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
				if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->state.co, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
					bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
					boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
					boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				/* land boid when really near ground */
				else if (pa->state.co[2] <= ground_co[2] + 1.01f * pa->size * boids->height) {
					pa->state.co[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* if we're falling, can fly and want to go upwards lets fly */
				else if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f)
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
		case eBoidMode_Climbing:
			boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			//float nor[3];
			//copy_v3_v3(nor, ground_nor);

			///* gather apparent gravity to r_ve */
			//madd_v3_v3fl(pa->r_ve, ground_nor, -1.0);

			///* raise boid it's size from surface */
			//mul_v3_fl(nor, pa->size * boids->height);
			//add_v3_v3v3(pa->state.co, ground_co, nor);

			///* remove normal component from velocity */
			//project_v3_v3v3(v, pa->state.vel, ground_nor);
			//sub_v3_v3v3(pa->state.vel, pa->state.vel, v);
		case eBoidMode_OnLand:
			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->state.co, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* ground is too far away so boid falls */
			else if (pa->state.co[2]-ground_co[2] > 1.1f * pa->size * boids->height)
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
			else {
				/* constrain to surface */
				pa->state.co[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
				pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;

			if (boids->banking > 0.0f) {
				float grav[3];
				/* Don't take gravity's strength in to account, */
				/* otherwise amount of banking is hard to control. */
				negate_v3_v3(grav, ground_nor);

				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);

				/* gather apparent gravity */
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);
			else {
				/* gather negative surface normal */
				madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, ground_nor, -1.0f);

	/* save direction to state.ave unless the boid is falling */
	/* (boids can't effect their direction when falling) */
	if (bpa->data.mode!=eBoidMode_Falling && len_v3(pa->state.vel) > 0.1f*pa->size) {
		copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, pa->state.vel);
		pa->state.ave[2] *= bbd->part->boids->pitch;

	/* apply damping */
	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing))
		mul_v3_fl(pa->state.vel, 1.0f - 0.2f*bbd->part->dampfac);

	/* calculate rotation matrix based on forward & down vectors */
	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir) {
		copy_v3_v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave);

		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->gravity, pa->state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity, dvec);
	else {
		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, pa->state.ave, bpa->gravity);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave, dvec);

		copy_v3_v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity);
	cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], mat[2], mat[0]);
	/* apply rotation */
	mat3_to_quat_is_ok(q, mat);
	copy_qt_qt(pa->state.rot, q);
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void shrinkwrap_calc_normal_projection(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc, bool for_render)
	int i;

	/* Options about projection direction */
	const float proj_limit_squared = calc->smd->projLimit * calc->smd->projLimit;
	float proj_axis[3]      = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

	/* Raycast and tree stuff */

	/** \note 'hit.dist' is kept in the targets space, this is only used
	 * for finding the best hit, to get the real dist,
	 * measure the len_v3v3() from the input coord to hit.co */
	BVHTreeRayHit hit;
	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;

	/* auxiliary target */
	DerivedMesh *auxMesh    = NULL;
	BVHTreeFromMesh auxData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	SpaceTransform local2aux;

	/* If the user doesn't allows to project in any direction of projection axis
	 * then theres nothing todo. */

	/* Prepare data to retrieve the direction in which we should project each vertex */
	if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
		if (calc->vert == NULL) return;
	else {
		/* The code supports any axis that is a combination of X,Y,Z
		 * although currently UI only allows to set the 3 different axis */
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_X_AXIS) proj_axis[0] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Y_AXIS) proj_axis[1] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Z_AXIS) proj_axis[2] = 1.0f;


		/* Invalid projection direction */
		if (len_squared_v3(proj_axis) < FLT_EPSILON) {

	if (calc->smd->auxTarget) {
		auxMesh = object_get_derived_final(calc->smd->auxTarget, for_render);
		if (!auxMesh)
		SPACE_TRANSFORM_SETUP(&local2aux, calc->ob, calc->smd->auxTarget);

	/* After sucessufuly build the trees, start projection vertexs */
	if (bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 4, 6) &&
	    (auxMesh == NULL || bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&auxData, auxMesh, 0.0, 4, 6)))

#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, hit) schedule(static)
		for (i = 0; i < calc->numVerts; ++i) {
			float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
			float tmp_co[3], tmp_no[3];
			const float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);

			if (weight == 0.0f) {

			if (calc->vert) {
				/* calc->vert contains verts from derivedMesh  */
				/* this coordinated are deformed by vertexCos only for normal projection (to get correct normals) */
				/* for other cases calc->varts contains undeformed coordinates and vertexCos should be used */
				if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
					normal_short_to_float_v3(tmp_no, calc->vert[i].no);
				else {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);

			hit.index = -1;
			hit.dist = 10000.0f; /* TODO: we should use FLT_MAX here, but sweepsphere code isn't prepared for that */

			/* Project over positive direction of axis */
			if (calc->smd->shrinkOpts & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_POS_DIR) {

				if (auxData.tree) {
					BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(0, tmp_co, tmp_no,
					                              &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit,
					                              auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, tmp_no,
				                              &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit,
				                              treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			/* Project over negative direction of axis */
			if (calc->smd->shrinkOpts & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_NEG_DIR) {
				float inv_no[3];
				negate_v3_v3(inv_no, tmp_no);

				if (auxData.tree) {
					BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(0, tmp_co, inv_no,
					                              &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit,
					                              auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, inv_no,
				                              &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit,
				                              treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			/* don't set the initial dist (which is more efficient),
			 * because its calculated in the targets space, we want the dist in our own space */
			if (proj_limit_squared != 0.0f) {
				if (len_squared_v3v3(hit.co, co) > proj_limit_squared) {
					hit.index = -1;

			if (hit.index != -1) {
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(hit.co, hit.co, tmp_no, calc->keepDist);
				interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, hit.co, weight);

	/* free data structures */
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int rule_goal_avoid(BoidRule *rule, BoidBrainData *bbd, BoidValues *val, ParticleData *pa)
	BoidRuleGoalAvoid *gabr = (BoidRuleGoalAvoid*) rule;
	BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids;
	BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid;
	EffectedPoint epoint;
	ListBase *effectors = bbd->sim->psys->effectors;
	EffectorCache *cur, *eff = NULL;
	EffectorCache temp_eff;
	EffectorData efd, cur_efd;
	float mul = (rule->type == eBoidRuleType_Avoid ? 1.0 : -1.0);
	float priority = 0.0f, len = 0.0f;
	int ret = 0;

	pd_point_from_particle(bbd->sim, pa, &pa->state, &epoint);

	/* first find out goal/predator with highest priority */
	if (effectors) for (cur = effectors->first; cur; cur=cur->next) {
		Object *eob = cur->ob;
		PartDeflect *pd = cur->pd;

		if (gabr->ob && (rule->type != eBoidRuleType_Goal || gabr->ob != bpa->ground)) {
			if (gabr->ob == eob) {
				/* TODO: effectors with multiple points */
				if (get_effector_data(cur, &efd, &epoint, 0)) {
					if (cur->pd && cur->pd->forcefield == PFIELD_BOID)
						priority = mul * pd->f_strength * effector_falloff(cur, &efd, &epoint, bbd->part->effector_weights);
						priority = 1.0;

					eff = cur;
		else if (rule->type == eBoidRuleType_Goal && eob == bpa->ground) {
			/* skip current object */
		else if (pd->forcefield == PFIELD_BOID && mul * pd->f_strength > 0.0f && get_effector_data(cur, &cur_efd, &epoint, 0)) {
			float temp = mul * pd->f_strength * effector_falloff(cur, &cur_efd, &epoint, bbd->part->effector_weights);

			if (temp == 0.0f) {
				/* do nothing */
			else if (temp > priority) {
				priority = temp;
				eff = cur;
				efd = cur_efd;
				len = efd.distance;
			/* choose closest object with same priority */
			else if (temp == priority && efd.distance < len) {
				eff = cur;
				efd = cur_efd;
				len = efd.distance;

	/* if the object doesn't have effector data we have to fake it */
	if (eff == NULL && gabr->ob) {
		memset(&temp_eff, 0, sizeof(EffectorCache));
		temp_eff.ob = gabr->ob;
		temp_eff.scene = bbd->sim->scene;
		eff = &temp_eff;
		get_effector_data(eff, &efd, &epoint, 0);
		priority = 1.0f;

	/* then use that effector */
	if (priority > (rule->type==eBoidRuleType_Avoid ? gabr->fear_factor : 0.0f)) { /* with avoid, factor is "fear factor" */
		Object *eob = eff->ob;
		PartDeflect *pd = eff->pd;
		float surface = (pd && pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_SURFACE) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

		if (gabr->options & BRULE_GOAL_AVOID_PREDICT) {
			/* estimate future location of target */
			get_effector_data(eff, &efd, &epoint, 1);

			mul_v3_fl(efd.vel, efd.distance / (val->max_speed * bbd->timestep));
			add_v3_v3(efd.loc, efd.vel);
			sub_v3_v3v3(efd.vec_to_point, pa->prev_state.co, efd.loc);
			efd.distance = len_v3(efd.vec_to_point);

		if (rule->type == eBoidRuleType_Goal && boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_CLIMB && surface!=0.0f) {
			if (!bbd->goal_ob || bbd->goal_priority < priority) {
				bbd->goal_ob = eob;
				copy_v3_v3(bbd->goal_co, efd.loc);
				copy_v3_v3(bbd->goal_nor, efd.nor);
		else if (rule->type == eBoidRuleType_Avoid && bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Climbing &&
			priority > 2.0f * gabr->fear_factor) {
			/* detach from surface and try to fly away from danger */
			negate_v3_v3(efd.vec_to_point, bpa->gravity);

		copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, efd.vec_to_point);
		mul_v3_fl(bbd->wanted_co, mul);

		bbd->wanted_speed = val->max_speed * priority;

		/* with goals factor is approach velocity factor */
		if (rule->type == eBoidRuleType_Goal && boids->landing_smoothness > 0.0f) {
			float len2 = 2.0f*len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel);

			surface *= pa->size * boids->height;

			if (len2 > 0.0f && efd.distance - surface < len2) {
				len2 = (efd.distance - surface)/len2;
				bbd->wanted_speed *= powf(len2, boids->landing_smoothness);

		ret = 1;

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static bool view3d_localview_init(
        wmWindowManager *wm, wmWindow *win,
        Main *bmain, Scene *scene, ScrArea *sa, const int smooth_viewtx,
        ReportList *reports)
	View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first;
	Base *base;
	float min[3], max[3], box[3], mid[3];
	float size = 0.0f, size_persp = 0.0f, size_ortho = 0.0f;
	unsigned int locallay;
	bool ok = false;

	if (v3d->localvd) {
		return ok;

	INIT_MINMAX(min, max);

	locallay = free_localbit(bmain);

	if (locallay == 0) {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "No more than 8 local views");
		ok = false;
	else {
		if (scene->obedit) {
			BKE_object_minmax(scene->obedit, min, max, false);
			ok = true;
			BASACT->lay |= locallay;
			scene->obedit->lay = BASACT->lay;
		else {
			for (base = FIRSTBASE; base; base = base->next) {
				if (TESTBASE(v3d, base)) {
					BKE_object_minmax(base->object, min, max, false);
					base->lay |= locallay;
					base->object->lay = base->lay;
					ok = true;

		sub_v3_v3v3(box, max, min);
		size = max_fff(box[0], box[1], box[2]);

		/* do not zoom closer than the near clipping plane */
		size = max_ff(size, v3d->near * 1.5f);

		/* perspective size (we always switch out of camera view so no need to use its lens size) */
		size_persp = ED_view3d_radius_to_persp_dist(focallength_to_fov(v3d->lens, DEFAULT_SENSOR_WIDTH), size / 2.0f) * VIEW3D_MARGIN;
		size_ortho = ED_view3d_radius_to_ortho_dist(v3d->lens, size / 2.0f) * VIEW3D_MARGIN;
	if (ok == true) {
		ARegion *ar;
		v3d->localvd = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(View3D), "localview");
		memcpy(v3d->localvd, v3d, sizeof(View3D));

		mid_v3_v3v3(mid, min, max);

		copy_v3_v3(v3d->cursor, mid);

		for (ar = sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar = ar->next) {
			if (ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_WINDOW) {
				RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;

				/* new view values */
				Object *camera_old = NULL;
				float dist_new, ofs_new[3];

				rv3d->localvd = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(RegionView3D), "localview region");
				memcpy(rv3d->localvd, rv3d, sizeof(RegionView3D));

				negate_v3_v3(ofs_new, mid);

				if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) {
					rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP;
					camera_old = v3d->camera;

				/* perspective should be a bit farther away to look nice */
				if (rv3d->persp != RV3D_ORTHO) {
					dist_new = size_persp;
				else {
					dist_new = size_ortho;

				/* correction for window aspect ratio */
				if (ar->winy > 2 && ar->winx > 2) {
					float asp = (float)ar->winx / (float)ar->winy;
					if (asp < 1.0f) asp = 1.0f / asp;
					dist_new *= asp;

				        wm, win, sa,
				        v3d, ar, camera_old, NULL,
				        ofs_new, NULL, &dist_new, NULL,
		v3d->lay = locallay;
	else {
		/* clear flags */ 
		for (base = FIRSTBASE; base; base = base->next) {
			if (base->lay & locallay) {
				base->lay -= locallay;
				if (base->lay == 0) base->lay = v3d->layact;
				if (base->object != scene->obedit) base->flag |= SELECT;
				base->object->lay = base->lay;

	return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 18
MALWAYS_INLINE int isec_tri_quad_neighbour(float start[3], float dir[3], RayFace *face)
	float co1[3], co2[3], co3[3], co4[3];
	float t0[3], t1[3], x[3], r[3], m[3], u, v, divdet, det1;
	int quad;

	quad= RE_rayface_isQuad(face);

	copy_v3_v3(co1, face->v1);
	copy_v3_v3(co2, face->v2);
	copy_v3_v3(co3, face->v3);

	negate_v3_v3(r, dir); /* note, different than above function */

	/* intersect triangle */
	sub_v3_v3v3(t0, co3, co2);
	sub_v3_v3v3(t1, co3, co1);

	cross_v3_v3v3(x, r, t1);
	divdet= dot_v3v3(t0, x);

	sub_v3_v3v3(m, start, co3);
	det1= dot_v3v3(m, x);
	if (divdet != 0.0f) {
		divdet= 1.0f/divdet;
		v= det1*divdet;

			float cros[3];

			cross_v3_v3v3(cros, m, t0);
			u= divdet*dot_v3v3(cros, r);

			if (u < RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON && (v + u) > -(1.0f+RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON))
				return 1;

	/* intersect second triangle in quad */
	if (quad) {
		copy_v3_v3(co4, face->v4);
		sub_v3_v3v3(t0, co3, co4);
		divdet= dot_v3v3(t0, x);

		if (divdet != 0.0f) {
			divdet= 1.0f/divdet;
			v = det1*divdet;
			if (v < RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON && v > -(1.0f+RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON)) {
				float cros[3];

				cross_v3_v3v3(cros, m, t0);
				u= divdet*dot_v3v3(cros, r);
				if (u < RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON && (v + u) > -(1.0f+RE_RAYTRACE_EPSILON))
					return 2;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
static bool initFlyInfo(bContext *C, FlyInfo *fly, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
	wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
	float upvec[3]; /* tmp */
	float mat[3][3];

	fly->rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
	fly->v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
	fly->ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
	fly->scene = CTX_data_scene(C);

	puts("\n-- fly begin --");

	/* sanity check: for rare but possible case (if lib-linking the camera fails) */
	if ((fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) && (fly->v3d->camera == NULL)) {
		fly->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP;

	if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && fly->v3d->camera->id.lib) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly a camera from an external library");
		return false;

	if (ED_view3d_offset_lock_check(fly->v3d, fly->rv3d)) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly when the view offset is locked");
		return false;

	if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && fly->v3d->camera->constraints.first) {
		BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly an object with constraints");
		return false;

	fly->state = FLY_RUNNING;
	fly->speed = 0.0f;
	fly->axis = 2;
	fly->pan_view = false;
	fly->xlock_momentum = 0.0f;
	fly->zlock_momentum = 0.0f;
	fly->grid = 1.0f;
	fly->use_precision = false;
	fly->use_freelook = false;

	fly->redraw = 1;

	fly->timer = WM_event_add_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), win, TIMER, 0.01f);

	copy_v2_v2_int(fly->mval, event->mval);
	fly->ndof = NULL;

	fly->time_lastdraw = fly->time_lastwheel = PIL_check_seconds_timer();

	fly->draw_handle_pixel = ED_region_draw_cb_activate(fly->ar->type, drawFlyPixel, fly, REGION_DRAW_POST_PIXEL);

	fly->rv3d->rflag |= RV3D_NAVIGATING; /* so we draw the corner margins */

	/* detect weather to start with Z locking */
	upvec[0] = 1.0f;
	upvec[1] = 0.0f;
	upvec[2] = 0.0f;
	copy_m3_m4(mat, fly->rv3d->viewinv);
	mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec);
	if (fabsf(upvec[2]) < 0.1f) {
	upvec[0] = 0;
	upvec[1] = 0;
	upvec[2] = 0;

	fly->persp_backup = fly->rv3d->persp;
	fly->dist_backup = fly->rv3d->dist;

	/* check for flying ortho camera - which we cant support well
	 * we _could_ also check for an ortho camera but this is easier */
	if ((fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) &&
	    (fly->rv3d->is_persp == false))
		((Camera *)fly->v3d->camera->data)->type = CAM_PERSP;
		fly->is_ortho_cam = true;

	if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) {
		Object *ob_back;
		if ((U.uiflag & USER_CAM_LOCK_NO_PARENT) == 0 && (fly->root_parent = fly->v3d->camera->parent)) {
			while (fly->root_parent->parent)
				fly->root_parent = fly->root_parent->parent;
			ob_back = fly->root_parent;
		else {
			ob_back = fly->v3d->camera;

		/* store the original camera loc and rot */
		fly->obtfm = BKE_object_tfm_backup(ob_back);

		BKE_object_where_is_calc(fly->scene, fly->v3d->camera);
		negate_v3_v3(fly->rv3d->ofs, fly->v3d->camera->obmat[3]);

		fly->rv3d->dist = 0.0;
	else {
		/* perspective or ortho */
		if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO)
			fly->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP;  /* if ortho projection, make perspective */

		copy_qt_qt(fly->rot_backup, fly->rv3d->viewquat);
		copy_v3_v3(fly->ofs_backup, fly->rv3d->ofs);

		/* the dist defines a vector that is infront of the offset
		 * to rotate the view about.
		 * this is no good for fly mode because we
		 * want to rotate about the viewers center.
		 * but to correct the dist removal we must
		 * alter offset so the view doesn't jump. */

		fly->rv3d->dist = 0.0f;

		upvec[2] = fly->dist_backup; /* x and y are 0 */
		mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec);
		sub_v3_v3(fly->rv3d->ofs, upvec);
		/* Done with correcting for the dist */

	/* center the mouse, probably the UI mafia are against this but without its quite annoying */
	WM_cursor_warp(win, fly->ar->winrct.xmin + fly->ar->winx / 2, fly->ar->winrct.ymin + fly->ar->winy / 2);

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Creates a #View3DControl handle and sets up
 * the view for first-person style navigation.
struct View3DCameraControl *ED_view3d_cameracontrol_aquire(
    Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, RegionView3D *rv3d,
    const bool use_parent_root)
    View3DCameraControl *vctrl;

    vctrl = MEM_callocN(sizeof(View3DCameraControl), __func__);

    /* Store context */
    vctrl->ctx_scene = scene;
    vctrl->ctx_v3d = v3d;
    vctrl->ctx_rv3d = rv3d;

    vctrl->use_parent_root = use_parent_root;

    vctrl->persp_backup = rv3d->persp;
    vctrl->dist_backup = rv3d->dist;

    /* check for flying ortho camera - which we cant support well
     * we _could_ also check for an ortho camera but this is easier */
    if ((rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) &&
            (rv3d->is_persp == false))
        ((Camera *)v3d->camera->data)->type = CAM_PERSP;
        vctrl->is_ortho_cam = true;

    if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) {
        Object *ob_back;
        if (use_parent_root && (vctrl->root_parent = v3d->camera->parent)) {
            while (vctrl->root_parent->parent)
                vctrl->root_parent = vctrl->root_parent->parent;
            ob_back = vctrl->root_parent;
        else {
            ob_back = v3d->camera;

        /* store the original camera loc and rot */
        vctrl->obtfm = BKE_object_tfm_backup(ob_back);

        BKE_object_where_is_calc(scene, v3d->camera);
        negate_v3_v3(rv3d->ofs, v3d->camera->obmat[3]);

        rv3d->dist = 0.0;
    else {
        float tvec[3];
        /* perspective or ortho */
        if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO)
            rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP;  /* if ortho projection, make perspective */

        copy_qt_qt(vctrl->rot_backup, rv3d->viewquat);
        copy_v3_v3(vctrl->ofs_backup, rv3d->ofs);

        /* the dist defines a vector that is infront of the offset
         * to rotate the view about.
         * this is no good for fly mode because we
         * want to rotate about the viewers center.
         * but to correct the dist removal we must
         * alter offset so the view doesn't jump. */

        rv3d->dist = 0.0f;

        copy_v3_fl3(tvec, 0.0f, 0.0f, vctrl->dist_backup);
        mul_mat3_m4_v3(rv3d->viewinv, tvec);
        sub_v3_v3(rv3d->ofs, tvec);
        /* Done with correcting for the dist */

    ED_view3d_to_m4(vctrl->view_mat_prev, rv3d->ofs, rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->dist);

    return vctrl;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void shrinkwrap_calc_normal_projection(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc)
	int i;

	//Options about projection direction
	const char use_normal	= calc->smd->shrinkOpts;
	float proj_axis[3]		= {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

	//Raycast and tree stuff
	BVHTreeRayHit hit;
	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData= NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;

	//auxiliary target
	DerivedMesh *auxMesh	= NULL;
	BVHTreeFromMesh auxData	= NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	SpaceTransform local2aux;

	//If the user doesn't allows to project in any direction of projection axis
	//then theres nothing todo.

	//Prepare data to retrieve the direction in which we should project each vertex
	if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
		if (calc->vert == NULL) return;
	else {
		//The code supports any axis that is a combination of X,Y,Z
		//although currently UI only allows to set the 3 different axis
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_X_AXIS) proj_axis[0] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Y_AXIS) proj_axis[1] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Z_AXIS) proj_axis[2] = 1.0f;


		//Invalid projection direction
		if (dot_v3v3(proj_axis, proj_axis) < FLT_EPSILON)

	if (calc->smd->auxTarget) {
		auxMesh = object_get_derived_final(calc->smd->auxTarget);
		if (!auxMesh)
		space_transform_setup(&local2aux, calc->ob, calc->smd->auxTarget);

	//After sucessufuly build the trees, start projection vertexs
	if (bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 4, 6) &&
	    (auxMesh == NULL || bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&auxData, auxMesh, 0.0, 4, 6)))

#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,hit) schedule(static)
		for (i = 0; i<calc->numVerts; ++i) {
			float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
			float tmp_co[3], tmp_no[3];
			float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);

			if (weight == 0.0f) continue;

			if (calc->vert) {
				/* calc->vert contains verts from derivedMesh  */
				/* this coordinated are deformed by vertexCos only for normal projection (to get correct normals) */
				/* for other cases calc->varts contains undeformed coordinates and vertexCos should be used */
				if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
					normal_short_to_float_v3(tmp_no, calc->vert[i].no);
				else {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);

			hit.index = -1;
			hit.dist = 10000.0f; //TODO: we should use FLT_MAX here, but sweepsphere code isn't prepared for that

			//Project over positive direction of axis

				if (auxData.tree)
					normal_projection_project_vertex(0, tmp_co, tmp_no, &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit, auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				normal_projection_project_vertex(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, tmp_no, &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit, treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			//Project over negative direction of axis
			if (use_normal & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_NEG_DIR && hit.index == -1) {
				float inv_no[3];
				negate_v3_v3(inv_no, tmp_no);

				if (auxData.tree)
					normal_projection_project_vertex(0, tmp_co, inv_no, &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit, auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				normal_projection_project_vertex(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, inv_no, &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit, treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			if (hit.index != -1) {
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(hit.co, hit.co, tmp_no, calc->keepDist);
				interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, hit.co, weight);

	//free data structures