Ejemplo n.º 1
JSValue* DebuggerCallFrame::evaluate(const UString& script, JSValue*& exception) const
    if (!m_codeBlock)
        return 0;

    JSObject* thisObject = this->thisObject();

    ExecState newExec(m_scopeChain->globalObject(), thisObject, m_scopeChain);

    int sourceId;
    int errLine;
    UString errMsg;
    RefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider = UStringSourceProvider::create(script);
    RefPtr<EvalNode> evalNode = newExec.parser()->parse<EvalNode>(&newExec, UString(), 1, sourceProvider, &sourceId, &errLine, &errMsg);
    if (!evalNode)
        return Error::create(&newExec, SyntaxError, errMsg, errLine, sourceId, 0);

    return newExec.machine()->execute(evalNode.get(), &newExec, thisObject, m_scopeChain, &exception);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Completion Interpreter::evaluate(const UString& sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, const UChar* code, int codeLength, JSValue* thisV)
    JSLock lock;
    // prevent against infinite recursion
    if (m_recursion >= 20)
        return Completion(Throw, Error::create(&m_globalExec, GeneralError, "Recursion too deep"));
    // parse the source code
    int sid;
    int errLine;
    UString errMsg;
    RefPtr<ProgramNode> progNode = Parser::parse(sourceURL, startingLineNumber, code, codeLength, &sid, &errLine, &errMsg);
    // notify debugger that source has been parsed
    if (m_debugger) {
        bool cont = m_debugger->sourceParsed(&m_globalExec, sid, sourceURL, UString(code, codeLength), startingLineNumber, errLine, errMsg);
        if (!cont)
            return Completion(Break);
    // no program node means a syntax error occurred
    if (!progNode)
        return Completion(Throw, Error::create(&m_globalExec, SyntaxError, errMsg, errLine, sid, sourceURL));
    JSObject* globalObj = m_globalObject;
    JSObject* thisObj = globalObj;
    // "this" must be an object... use same rules as Function.prototype.apply()
    if (thisV && !thisV->isUndefinedOrNull())
        thisObj = thisV->toObject(&m_globalExec);
    Completion res;
    if (m_globalExec.hadException())
        // the thisV->toObject() conversion above might have thrown an exception - if so, propagate it
        res = Completion(Throw, m_globalExec.exception());
    else {
        // execute the code
        Context ctx(globalObj, this, thisObj, progNode.get());
        ExecState newExec(this, &ctx);
        res = progNode->execute(&newExec);
    if (shouldPrintExceptions() && res.complType() == Throw) {
        JSLock lock;
        ExecState* exec = globalExec();
        CString f = sourceURL.UTF8String();
        CString message = res.value()->toObject(exec)->toString(exec).UTF8String();
        int line = res.value()->toObject(exec)->get(exec, "line")->toUInt32(exec);
        printf("%s line %d: %s\n", f.c_str(), line, message.c_str());
        printf("[%d] %s line %d: %s\n", getpid(), f.c_str(), line, message.c_str());

    return res;