Ejemplo n.º 1
/* find Host for Metric */
static Host *
findHost(Task *t, Metric *m)
    Host	*h;

    h = t->hosts;
    while (h) {			/* look for existing host */
	if (h->name == m->hname)
	    return h;
	h = h->next;

    h = newHost(t, m->hname);	/* add new host */
    if (t->hosts) {
	h->next = t->hosts;
	t->hosts->prev = h;
    t->hosts = h;
    return h;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ServerInfo::parseURL(const char *theURL, std::size_t len)
    std::size_t offset = 0;
    bool urlUsesSSL;

    // Check that the length of the infoString is at least as long as the
    // shortest permissible URL.  This check allows us to safely execute
    // all of the checks in the following if statement without worrying
    // about running off the end of the buffer.  The comparison string
    // is only significant for being a minimally valid URL.
    if (len - offset < MIN_URL_LEN) {
	invalidURL("URL too short", theURL, len);

    if ((theURL[offset] == 'h' || theURL[offset] == 'H') &&
	(theURL[++offset] == 't' || theURL[offset] == 'T') &&
	(theURL[++offset] == 't' || theURL[offset] == 'T') &&
	(theURL[++offset] == 'p' || theURL[offset] == 'P')) {
	if (theURL[offset + 1] == 's' || theURL[offset + 1] == 'S') {
	    urlUsesSSL = true;
	    offset += 2;
	} else {
	    urlUsesSSL = false;
	    offset += 1;

	if (theURL[offset] == ':' && theURL[offset + 1] == '/' &&
	    theURL[offset + 2] == '/') {
	    offset += 3;

	    std::size_t startOfHost = offset;
	    while (offset < len && ':' != theURL[offset] && '/' != theURL[offset]) {
		offset += 1;

	    std::size_t hostLen = offset - startOfHost;
	    if (hostLen > 0) {
		std::string newHost(&theURL[startOfHost], hostLen);
		unsigned short newPort = urlUsesSSL ? HTTPS_PORT : HTTP_PORT;
		std::string newURI("/");

		if (offset < len) {
		    if (':' == theURL[offset]) {
			offset += 1;

			std::size_t startOfPort = offset;
			while (offset < len && '0' <= theURL[offset] &&
			    '9' >= theURL[offset]) {
			    offset += 1;

			// NOTE: RFC NNNN allows a URL to have the following
			// form: http://host:/, i.e. port separator present
			// but no port number specified.
			if (offset - startOfPort > 0) {
			    unsigned int value = 0;

			    for (std::size_t i = startOfPort; i < offset; ++i){
				value = (value * 10) + (theURL[i] - '0');
			    if (value <= USHRT_MAX) {
				newPort = static_cast<unsigned short>(value);
			    } else {
				invalidURL("invalid port number", theURL, len);

		    if (offset < len) {
			if ('/' == theURL[offset++]) {
			    newURI.append(&theURL[offset], len - offset);
			} else {
			    invalidURL("invalid character in port number",
				       theURL, len);
		// We have successfully parsed the URL, so now we can
		// assign the bits and pieces to the member fields, without
		// worrying about corrupting the object, since none of
		// these operations will generate an exception.
		port = newPort;
		use_ssl = urlUsesSSL;
		this->url.append(theURL, len);
	    } else {
		invalidURL("missing host name", theURL, len);
	} else {
	    invalidURL("unable to parse protocol terminator", theURL, len);
    } else {
	invalidURL("unable to parse protocol", theURL, len);