Ejemplo n.º 1
material_map material_type::load_materials()
    material_map allMaterials;
    catajson materialsRaw("data/raw/materials.json");

    unsigned int id = 0;
    for (materialsRaw.set_begin(); materialsRaw.has_curr(); materialsRaw.next())
        catajson currMaterial = materialsRaw.curr();
        std::string ident = currMaterial.get("ident").as_string();        
        std::string name = currMaterial.get("name").as_string();
        int bash_resist = currMaterial.get("bash_resist").as_int();
        int cut_resist = currMaterial.get("cut_resist").as_int();
        int acid_resist = currMaterial.get("acid_resist").as_int();
        int elec_resist = currMaterial.get("elec_resist").as_int();
        int fire_resist = currMaterial.get("fire_resist").as_int();

        material_type newMaterial(id, ident, name, bash_resist, cut_resist, acid_resist, elec_resist, fire_resist);

        allMaterials[ident] = newMaterial;
    return allMaterials;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 OSPMaterial ISPCDevice::newMaterial(OSPRenderer _renderer,
                                     const char *material_type)
   auto *renderer = reinterpret_cast<Renderer*>(_renderer);
   auto name = renderer->getParamString("externalNameFromAPI");
   return newMaterial(name.c_str(), material_type);
Ejemplo n.º 3
material_map material_type::load_materials()
    material_map allMaterials;

    catajson materialsRaw("data/raw/materials.json", true);

    unsigned int id = 0;
    for (materialsRaw.set_begin(); materialsRaw.has_curr() && json_good(); materialsRaw.next())
        catajson currMaterial = materialsRaw.curr();
        std::string ident = currMaterial.get("ident").as_string();
        std::string name = currMaterial.get("name").as_string();
        int bash_resist = currMaterial.get("bash_resist").as_int();
        int cut_resist = currMaterial.get("cut_resist").as_int();
        std::string bash_dmg_verb = currMaterial.get("bash_dmg_verb").as_string();
        std::string cut_dmg_verb = currMaterial.get("cut_dmg_verb").as_string();
        int acid_resist = currMaterial.get("acid_resist").as_int();
        int elec_resist = currMaterial.get("elec_resist").as_int();
        int fire_resist = currMaterial.get("fire_resist").as_int();
        int density = currMaterial.get("density").as_int();

        catajson adjList = currMaterial.get("dmg_adj");
        std::string dmg_adj[4];
        dmg_adj[0] = adjList.get(0).as_string();
        dmg_adj[1] = adjList.get(1).as_string();
        dmg_adj[2] = adjList.get(2).as_string();
        dmg_adj[3] = adjList.get(3).as_string();

        name = _(name.c_str());
        bash_dmg_verb = _(bash_dmg_verb.c_str());
        cut_dmg_verb = _(cut_dmg_verb.c_str());
        dmg_adj[0] = _(dmg_adj[0].c_str());
        dmg_adj[1] = _(dmg_adj[1].c_str());
        dmg_adj[2] = _(dmg_adj[2].c_str());
        dmg_adj[3] = _(dmg_adj[3].c_str());

        material_type newMaterial(id, ident, name, bash_resist, cut_resist, bash_dmg_verb,
                                  cut_dmg_verb, dmg_adj, acid_resist, elec_resist, fire_resist, density);

        allMaterials[ident] = newMaterial;


    return allMaterials;
Ejemplo n.º 4
AS3_Val initializeMaterial( void* self, AS3_Val args )
	Material * material;

	AS3_Val ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive;

	double a_a, a_r, a_g, a_b, d_a, d_r, d_g, d_b, s_a, s_r, s_g, s_b, e_a, e_r, e_g, e_b, power;

	AS3_ArrayValue( args, "AS3ValType, AS3ValType, AS3ValType, AS3ValType, DoubleType", &ambient, &diffuse, &specular, &emissive, &power );

	a_r = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( ambient, "redMultiplier" ) );
	a_g = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( ambient, "greenMultiplier" ) );
	a_b = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( ambient, "blueMultiplier" ) );
	a_a = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( ambient, "alphaMultiplier" ) );

	d_r = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( diffuse, "redMultiplier" ) );
	d_g = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( diffuse, "greenMultiplier" ) );
	d_b = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( diffuse, "blueMultiplier" ) );
	d_a = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( diffuse, "alphaMultiplier" ) );

	s_r = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( specular, "redMultiplier" ) );
	s_g = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( specular, "greenMultiplier" ) );
	s_b = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( specular, "blueMultiplier" ) );
	s_a = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( specular, "alphaMultiplier" ) );

	e_r = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( emissive, "redMultiplier" ) );
	e_g = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( emissive, "greenMultiplier" ) );
	e_b = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( emissive, "blueMultiplier" ) );
	e_a = AS3_NumberValue( AS3_GetS( emissive, "alphaMultiplier" ) );

	material = newMaterial( newColor888( (BYTE)(a_r * 255), (BYTE)(a_g * 255), (BYTE)(a_b * 255), (BYTE)(a_a * 255) ),
							newColor888( (BYTE)(d_r * 255), (BYTE)(d_g * 255), (BYTE)(d_b * 255), (BYTE)(d_a * 255) ),
							newColor888( (BYTE)(s_r * 255), (BYTE)(s_g * 255), (BYTE)(s_b * 255), (BYTE)(s_a * 255) ),
							newColor888( (BYTE)(e_r * 255), (BYTE)(e_g * 255), (BYTE)(e_b * 255), (BYTE)(e_a * 255) ),
							power );

	AS3_Release( ambient );
	AS3_Release( diffuse );
	AS3_Release( specular );
	AS3_Release( emissive );

	return AS3_Array( "PtrType, PtrType, PtrType, PtrType, PtrType, PtrType, PtrType", material, material->ambient, material->diffuse, material->specular, material->emissive, &material->power, &material->doubleSide );
const LLMaterialPtr LLMaterialMgr::setMaterial(const LLUUID& region_id, const LLMaterialID& material_id, const LLSD& material_data)
	LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "region " << region_id << " material id " << material_id << LL_ENDL;
	material_map_t::const_iterator itMaterial = mMaterials.find(material_id);
	if (mMaterials.end() == itMaterial)
		LL_DEBUGS("Materials") << "new material" << LL_ENDL;
		LLMaterialPtr newMaterial(new LLMaterial(material_data));
		std::pair<material_map_t::const_iterator, bool> ret = mMaterials.insert(std::pair<LLMaterialID, LLMaterialPtr>(material_id, newMaterial));
		itMaterial = ret.first;

	TEMaterialPair te_mat_pair;
	te_mat_pair.materialID = material_id;

	U32 i = 0;
	while (i < LLTEContents::MAX_TES)
		te_mat_pair.te = i++;
		get_callback_te_map_t::iterator itCallbackTE = mGetTECallbacks.find(te_mat_pair);
		if (itCallbackTE != mGetTECallbacks.end())
			(*itCallbackTE->second)(material_id, itMaterial->second, te_mat_pair.te);
			delete itCallbackTE->second;

	get_callback_map_t::iterator itCallback = mGetCallbacks.find(material_id);
	if (itCallback != mGetCallbacks.end())
		(*itCallback->second)(material_id, itMaterial->second);

		delete itCallback->second;

	mGetPending.erase(pending_material_t(region_id, material_id));

	return itMaterial->second;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void GeometryGather::changeMaterial(const String& material, const ParameterArray& materialOverrideParameters)
    currentQueue_ = nullptr;

    if (materialOverrideParameters.empty())
        // Try and find an existing queue that uses the specified material, the current priority, and has no custom
        // parameters
        for (auto& q : materialQueueInfos_)
            if (q.queue->getPriority() == currentPriority_ && q.material == material && !q.queue->hasCustomParams() &&
                currentQueue_ = &q;
                currentQueue_->isTransformCurrent = false;


    // No existing material queue can be used, so create a new one
    newMaterial(&materials().getMaterial(material), materialOverrideParameters);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Convert a 3DS file into an OBJ file
bool C3dsObjConverter::Convert(CFile* pOtherFile, CFile* pObjFile)
	// Initialize 3DS -> OBJ
	m_p3dsFile = InitConversion<C3dsFile>(pOtherFile, pObjFile);
	OBJ_ASSERT(m_p3dsFile && m_pOptions);
	if(!m_p3dsFile || !m_pOptions)
		return false;

	MSG_INFO("Converting 3DS file format into OBJ file format...");

	// Get the OBJ group vector
	CObjFile::GroupVector& groups = m_pObjFile->GetGroupVector();

	// Get the 3DS object vector
	C3dsFile::ObjectVector& objects = m_p3dsFile->GetObjectVector();
	C3dsFile::ObjectVector::iterator objectIt;
	C3dsFile::ObjectVector::const_iterator objectEnd = objects.end();

	for(objectIt = objects.begin(); objectIt != objectEnd; ++objectIt) // for each 3DS object
		std::string objectName(objectIt->GetObjectName());

		CObjFile::CGroup group(objectName);

		// Get the 3DS mesh vector
		C3dsFile::CObject::MeshVector& meshes = objectIt->GetMeshVector();
		C3dsFile::CObject::MeshVector::iterator meshIt;
		C3dsFile::CObject::MeshVector::const_iterator meshEnd = meshes.end();

		for(meshIt = meshes.begin(); meshIt != meshEnd; ++meshIt) // for each 3DS mesh
			// "Append" Vertex positions
				Vector3DVector& maxVertices = meshIt->GetVertexPositionVector();
				Vector3DVector& objVertices = m_pObjFile->GetVertexPositionVector();
				objVertices.insert(objVertices.end(), maxVertices.begin(), maxVertices.end()); // Insert vertices

			// "Append" Texture coordinates
				Vector3DVector& maxTexCoords = meshIt->GetMapCoordVector();
				Vector3DVector& objTexCoords = m_pObjFile->GetTextureCoordVector();
				objTexCoords.insert(objTexCoords.end(), maxTexCoords.begin(), maxTexCoords.end()); // Insert UVs

			bool bHasUVs = false;
			if(meshIt->MapCoordCount() > 0)
				bHasUVs = true;

			// Generate Normals here ????

			// Faces
				C3dsFile::CObject::CMesh::FaceVector& faces = meshIt->GetFaceVector();
				C3dsFile::CObject::CMesh::FaceVector::iterator faceIt;
				C3dsFile::CObject::CMesh::FaceVector::const_iterator faceEnd = faces.end();


				for(faceIt = faces.begin(); faceIt != faceEnd; ++faceIt) // for each 3DS face (triangle)
					CObjFile::CFace objFace;

					C3dsFile::SmoothingGroupPair sgPair = faceIt->m_smoothingGroup;
					objFace.SetSmoothingGroup(std::make_pair(sgPair.first, sgPair.second));

					for( uint v=0; v < faceIt->VertexCount(); ++v ) // for each vertex in the face
						uint vertexIndex = faceIt->m_vertexIndices[v];
						uint uvIndex = 0;

							uvIndex = vertexIndex;

						objFace.AddVertex( CObjFile::CVertex( vertexIndex + 1, // 3DS is 0-based index -> OBJ is 1-based index  
															  std::make_pair(bHasUVs, uvIndex + 1), 
															  std::make_pair(false, 0) )); // no normals in 3DS
					} // End for each 3DS vertex

					group.AddFace(objFace); // add face in OBJ group

				} // End for each 3DS face



	// Materials
		CMtlFile* pMtlFile = m_pObjFile->GetMaterialFile();

			return false;

		C3dsFile::MaterialMap& materials = m_p3dsFile->GetMaterialMap();
		C3dsFile::MaterialMap::iterator materialIt;
		C3dsFile::MaterialMap::const_iterator materialEnd = materials.end();

		for(materialIt = materials.begin(); materialIt != materialEnd; ++materialIt) // for each 3DS material
			uint materialID(materialIt->first);
			C3dsFile::CMaterial* pMaterial = &materialIt->second;


			std::string materialName(pMaterial->GetMaterialName());

			CMtlFile::CMaterial newMaterial(materialName);

			// TODO : parse other parameter : diffuse, ambient, spec, etc

			if(pMaterial->HasTexMap()) // if there is a texture
				std::string texMapFileName = pMaterial->GetTexMap();

			materialID = m_pObjFile->AddMaterial(newMaterial); // should be done together

	return true;