Ejemplo n.º 1
//#define DEBUG
void SymList::compute_subgroup()
    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> I(4, 4);
    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> L1(4, 4), R1(4, 4), L2(4, 4), R2(4, 4), newL(4, 4), newR(4, 4);
    Matrix2D<int>    tried(true_symNo, true_symNo);
    int i, j;
    int new_chain_length;
    while (found_not_tried(tried, i, j, true_symNo))
        tried(i, j) = 1;

        get_matrices(i, L1, R1);
        get_matrices(j, L2, R2);
        newL = L1 * L2;
        newR = R1 * R2;
        new_chain_length = __chain_length(i) + __chain_length(j);
        Matrix2D<DOUBLE> newR3 = newR;
        if (newL.isIdentity() && newR3.isIdentity()) continue;

        // Try to find it in current ones
        bool found;
        found = false;
        for (int l = 0; l < SymsNo(); l++)
        	get_matrices(l, L1, R1);
            if (newL.equal(L1) && newR.equal(R1))
                found = true;

        if (!found)
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
           std::cout << "Matrix size " << tried.Xdim() << " "
            << "trying " << i << " " << j << " "
            << "chain length=" << new_chain_length << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Result R Sh\n" << newR;
#undef DEBUG
            add_matrices(newL, newR, new_chain_length);
            tried.resize(MAT_YSIZE(tried) + 1, MAT_XSIZE(tried) + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Label::adjustzWindowRect()

	zRect r( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.x + rectangle.cx,
		rectangle.y + rectangle.cy );

//	struct Rectangle border = getFormWindow()->getFormArea();
	r += zPoint( 10, 25 );

	zDialogUnit duA( r.left(), r.top() );
	zDialogUnit duB( r.right(), r.bottom() );

	zRect newR( duA.physical().x(), duA.physical().y(),
					duB.physical().x(), duB.physical().y() );

	window->move( newR );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * In most cases it returns only single element list because subtracting can be resolved with only one rhythm value.
void Trhythm::sub(const Trhythm& r, TrhythmList& remained) const {
  if (r.rhythm() == e_none) {
      remained << *this;
      qDebug() << "[Trhythm] subtracting null rhythm! IS IT REALLY NECESSARY?";
  } else {
      if (r.isTriplet() != isTriplet()) { // TODO: It has to be solved by changing main note
        qDebug() << "[Trhythm] Subtracting triplets and no triplets unsupported";

      int baseDur = duration();
      int subDur = r.duration();

      if (subDur > baseDur) {
        qDebug() << "[Trhythm] Subtracting rhythm" << r.duration() << "is greater than" << duration();
      if (baseDur - subDur == 0) { // Return empty (null) rhythm when rhythms are the same
        remained << Trhythm(e_none);
      Trhythm newR(baseDur - subDur, isRest());
      if (newR.rhythm() != e_none) { // In most cases subtracting returns single rhythm
        remained << newR;

      if (r.isTriplet() || isTriplet()) // There is no support for subtracting triplets into multiple notes
      if (baseDur == 4) // 16th triplet - nothing to subtract from

      // For the rest cases list will contain two Trhythm elements
      if (baseDur == 36 && subDur == 6) // quarter with dot (4.) minus 16th = 4 and 16th
          remained << Trhythm(e_quarter, isRest()) << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest(), true);
      else if (baseDur == 48) { // subtracting form half note
          remained << Trhythm(e_quarter, isRest());
          if (subDur == 6) // 2 - 16th = 4 and 8.
              remained << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest(), true);
          else if (subDur == 18) // 2 - 8. = 4 and 16th
              remained << Trhythm(e_sixteenth, isRest());
      } else if (baseDur == 72) { // subtracting from half with dot
          remained << Trhythm(e_whole, isRest()); // whole is always first
          if (baseDur == 6) // 2. - 16th = 2 and 8.
              remained << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest(), true);
          else if (baseDur == 12) // 2. - 8 = 2 and 8
              remained << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest());
          else if (baseDur == 18) // 2. - 8. = 2 and 16th
              remained << Trhythm(e_sixteenth, isRest());
      } else if (baseDur == 96) { // subtracting from whole note
          remained << Trhythm(e_whole, isRest(), true); // whole wit dot is always first
          if (subDur == 6) // 1 - 16 = 2. and 8.
            remained << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest(), true);
          else if (baseDur == 12) // 1 - 8 = 2. and 8
              remained << Trhythm(e_eighth, isRest());
          else if (baseDur == 18) // 1 - 8. = 2. and 16th
              remained << Trhythm(e_sixteenth, isRest());
          else if (baseDur == 36) { // 1 - 4. = 2 and 16th
              remained[0].setDot(false); // revert a dot set above
              remained << Trhythm(e_sixteenth, isRest());
      } else if (baseDur == 144) { // subtracting from whole and dot
          if (subDur <= 48) {
              Trhythm half(e_half, isRest());
              half.sub(r, remained);
              remained.prepend(Trhythm(e_whole, isRest()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
Bool DLinie :: AddGeoObj (DGeoObj *pDGO, AppMode AM) {

	if (pDGO == NULL) 
		return TRUE;	// falls leeres Objekt dazukommen soll

	switch (pDGO -> isA()) {
	case DGT_Punkt:
		// erster bzw. letzter Punkt
		DPunkt *pPt = (DPunkt *)pDGO;
			if (pPt -> X() == -1 && pPt -> Y() == -1)
			// wenn ung�ltiger Punkt einfach wieder raus
				return TRUE;
			return _pDPL -> AddDPunkt (*(DPunkt *)pDGO);

	case DGT_Linie:
	if (Count() && ((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL -> Count()) {
		// wenn alte/neue Linien nicht leer sind

	// evtl. Relation weitergeben
		if (RelSatz() == 0) {
			_RelSatz = pDGO -> RelSatz();

	// die Linie mu� ggf. gedreht werden, um einen Anschlu� zu
	// gew�hrleisten
	DPunkt *oldFirst = _pDPL -> FirstDPunkt();
	DPunkt *oldLast = _pDPL -> LastDPunkt();
	DPunkt *newFirst = ((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL -> FirstDPunkt();
	DPunkt *newLast = ((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL -> LastDPunkt();
	CRing newR(*(((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL)); 	// neue PunktListe
	Bool RetVal = FALSE;

		if (!oldFirst || !oldLast || !newFirst || !newLast) {
			yyerror ("Kein Speicherplatz.");
			RetVal = FALSE;
		} else switch (AM) {
		case AM_Reverse:
		// Zwischenpunkte eines Polygones gedreht anh�ngen
			RetVal = AppendReverse (*_pDPL, newR, FALSE);

		case AM_NoReverse:
		// Zwischenpunkte eines Polygones direkt anh�ngen
			RetVal = Append (*_pDPL, newR, FALSE);

		case AM_NoSense:
		// sonstige F�lle, erzeugen zusammenh�ngender Polygone
			if (*oldLast == *newFirst) {
			// St�tzpunktfolge in richtiger Reihenfolge anh�ngen
				RetVal = Append (*_pDPL, newR);
			} else if (*oldLast == *newLast) {
			// St�tzpunktfolge in umgekehrter Reihenfolge anh�ngen
				RetVal = AppendReverse (*_pDPL, newR);
			} else if (*oldFirst == *newFirst) {
			// 1. Linie umdrehen, dann 2. rankopieren
			DPunktListe *newpDPL = new DPunktListe();

				CRing oldR (*_pDPL);	// alte PunktListe

					AppendReverse (*newpDPL, oldR, FALSE);
					RetVal = Append (*newpDPL, newR);
				if (_pDPL) delete _pDPL;
				_pDPL = newpDPL;
			} else if (*oldFirst == *newLast) {
			// 1. Linie umdrehen, dann 2. umgedreht rankopieren
			DPunktListe *newpDPL = new DPunktListe ();

				CRing oldR (*_pDPL);	// alte PunktListe

					AppendReverse (*newpDPL, oldR, FALSE);
					RetVal = AppendReverse (*newpDPL, newR);
				if (_pDPL) delete _pDPL;
				_pDPL = newpDPL;
			} else {
			// es beginnt ein Loch: ersten Punkt noch mal anh�ngen,
			// dann einfach weitermachen
//				yyerror ("Kann keine geschlossene Linie bilden.");
				RetVal = FALSE;

	// Speicherbereiche wieder freigeben und raus
		if (oldFirst) delete oldFirst;
		if (oldLast) delete oldLast;
		if (newFirst) delete newFirst;
		if (newLast) delete newLast;
		return RetVal;
	} else if (Count() == 0) {
	// Linie umh�ngen, da alte Linie noch leer ist
		_pDPL = ((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL;
		((DLinie *)pDGO) -> _pDPL = NULL;
		return TRUE;
	// wenn lediglich die neue Linie leer ist, dann nichts machen

	case DGT_Text:
		// als BegleitObjekt anh�ngen
			_RelSatz = pDGO -> Enum();
		return TRUE;

	case DGT_Flaeche:
	case DGT_Unknown:
	// Fehler, kann nicht Objekt h�herer Ordnung anh�ngen
		yyerror ("Fragw�rdige Objektreihenfolge.");
		return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CanvasMode_EditArc::applyValues(double start, double end, double height, double width)
	PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
	QRectF oldR = currItem->getBoundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
	PageItem_Arc *item = currItem->asArc();
	QTransform bb;
	bb.scale(height / width, 1.0);
	QLineF inp = QLineF(QPointF(width / 2.0, height / 2.0), QPointF(width, height / 2.0));
	QLineF res = bb.map(inp);
	QLineF ena = bb.map(inp);
	m_startAngle = res.angle();
	m_endAngle = ena.angle();
	double nSweep = m_endAngle - m_startAngle;
	if (nSweep < 0)
		nSweep += 360;
	double oldX = currItem->xPos();
	double oldY = currItem->yPos();
	double newX = oldX + m_centerPoint.x() - (width / 2.0);
	double newY = oldY + m_centerPoint.y() - (height / 2.0);
	item->setXYPos(newX, newY, true);
	FPointArray old = item->PoLine;
	QPainterPath pp;
	pp.moveTo(width / 2.0, height / 2.0);
	pp.arcTo(QRectF(0, 0, width, height), m_startAngle, nSweep);
	currItem->PoLine.fromQPainterPath(pp, true);
	FPoint wh = getMaxClipF(&currItem->PoLine);
	currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width();
	currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height();
	if (UndoManager::undoEnabled())
		ScItemState<QPair<FPointArray, FPointArray> > *ss = new ScItemState<QPair<FPointArray, FPointArray> >(Um::EditArc,"",Um::IPolygon);
	item->arcStartAngle = m_startAngle;
	item->arcSweepAngle = nSweep;
	item->arcWidth = width;
	item->arcHeight = height;
	m_startPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(2);
	m_endPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(currItem->PoLine.size() - 4);
	m_centerPoint = currItem->PoLine.pointQF(0);
	m_widthPoint = QPointF(m_centerPoint.x() - item->arcWidth / 2.0, m_centerPoint.y());
	m_heightPoint = QPointF(m_centerPoint.x(), m_centerPoint.y() - item->arcHeight / 2.0);
	QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());

//	QTransform itemMatrix = currItem->getTransform();
//	m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(itemMatrix.mapRect(QRectF(0, 0, currItem->width(), currItem->height())).adjusted(-currItem->width() / 2.0, -currItem->height() / 2.0, currItem->width(), currItem->height()));