Ejemplo n.º 1
void Particle::update(float timeSinceLastUpdate)
    const Point &position = getPosition();
    const Vector3D &velocity = getVelocity();

    // decrease lifetime
    _lifetime -= timeSinceLastUpdate;

    // compute new position
    float speed = sqrt( velocity.x*velocity.x + velocity.y*velocity.y + velocity.z*velocity.z );
    if ( speed < 0.1 )
        setVelocity( Vector3D( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
    Point newPosition( position.x + velocity.x * timeSinceLastUpdate,
                      position.y + velocity.y * timeSinceLastUpdate + 0.5 * GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELARATION * timeSinceLastUpdate * timeSinceLastUpdate,
                      position.z + velocity.z * timeSinceLastUpdate );
    Vector3D newVelocity( velocity.x, velocity.y + GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELARATION * timeSinceLastUpdate, velocity.z );

    // reflect and slow down the particle, if it hits the ground
    if( newPosition.y < _radius)
        newVelocity = Vector3D(newVelocity.x * 0.4, -newVelocity.y * 0.4, newVelocity.z * 0.4);
        newPosition = Point(newPosition.x, 0.0 + _radius, newPosition.z);

    // update configuration
    setPosition( newPosition );
    setVelocity( newVelocity );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void HRVOAgent::updateDesideredVelocity()
   CVector2 newVelocity(_HRVOAgent->newVelocity_.x(),_HRVOAgent->newVelocity_.y());
void PlatformsCharacterRbDemo::moveVerticalPlatform()
	const hkReal velAplitude = 3.0f; 
	const hkReal velOmega = 1.0f;

	hkVector4 newVelocity; newVelocity = m_verPlatform->getLinearVelocity();
	newVelocity(2) = velAplitude*cos(velOmega*m_time);
DOUBLE2 MassProjList::HandleCircularCollision(DOUBLE2 otherCirclePos,DOUBLE2 otherCircleVelocity, double radius, double mass)
	DOUBLE2 velocity(0,0), newVelocity(0,0);
	for (int count=0; count < MAX_MASSPROJECTILES; ++count)
		if (m_MassProjectilePtrArr[count] != nullptr)
			newVelocity=m_MassProjectilePtrArr[count]->HandleCircularCollision(otherCirclePos,velocity ,radius, mass );
			if (newVelocity!=DOUBLE2(0,0))
				velocity= newVelocity;


	return velocity;

 *	This function builds up a matrix describing the movement of the
 *	camera over dTime seconds.
Matrix& CameraControl::calculateDeltaMatrix( float dTime )
    Matrix	m;


    strafeRate_ += strafeRateVel_;

    strafeRate_ = strafeRate_ > 0.0f ? strafeRate_ : 0.0f;

    if (0)	// turning left
        m.setRotateY( DEG_TO_RAD(60.f*dTime));

    if (0)	// turning right
        m.setRotateY( -DEG_TO_RAD(60.f*dTime));

    if (0)	// rolling left
        m.setRotateZ( -DEG_TO_RAD(60.f*dTime));

    if (0)	// rolling right
        m.setRotateZ( DEG_TO_RAD(60.f*dTime));

    Vector3 newNudge( xNudge_ + xVel_, yNudge_ + yVel_, zNudge_ + zVel_ );
    newNudge *= strafeRate_;
    CameraControl::nudge( newNudge );

    // Update nudge and velocity.

    float halfLife = cameraMass() * 0.1f;
    if ( halfLife > 0.0 )
        float x = nudge().x == 0.0f ?
                  Math::decay( velocity().x, nudge().x, halfLife * 0.3f, dTime ) :
                  Math::decay( velocity().x, nudge().x, halfLife, dTime );
        float y = nudge().y == 0.0f ?
                  Math::decay( velocity().y, nudge().y, halfLife * 0.3f, dTime ) :
                  Math::decay( velocity().y, nudge().y, halfLife, dTime );
        float z = nudge().z == 0.0f ?
                  Math::decay( velocity().z, nudge().z, halfLife * 0.3f, dTime ) :
                  Math::decay( velocity().z, nudge().z, halfLife, dTime );
        Vector3 newVelocity( x, y, z );
        CameraControl::velocity( newVelocity );
        CameraControl::velocity( nudge() );

    // CameraControl::velocity( nudge() );

    // Update position.
    m.setTranslate( velocity() * dTime );
    deltaMatrix_.postMultiply( m );

    return deltaMatrix_;
void SteeringVehicle::update(const float currentTime, const float elapsedTime)
    SimpleVehicle::update(currentTime, elapsedTime);

    Vector3 pos = mCreature->getPosition();
    OgreNewt::Body* body = mCreature->getActor()->getPhysicalThing()->_getBody();
    //  Get the velocity vector
	mCurrentVelocity = body->getVelocity();
	//  enforce speed limit
	//  newVelocity = newVelocity.truncateLength(maxSpeed());
	//  update speed
	Vector3 newVelocity(mCurrentVelocity);

    //  regenerate local space(by default: align vehicle's forward axis with
    //  new velocity, but this behavior may be overridden by derived classes.)
    // use future orientation or not??
    Quaternion orientation(mController->getYaw(), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);
    Vector3 newUnitForward = orientation*Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z;

    // only process if mMovingCreature not NULL
    if (mController == NULL || mCreature->getQueryFlags() & QUERYFLAG_PLAYER)
        mCurrentForce = Vector3::ZERO;
    // calculate the result of the force    
    Vector3 result = mCurrentForce;// + mCurrentVelocity;
    mDebugSteer = mCurrentForce;

    // @todo remove this
    if (mCreature->getAu() <= 6)

    AbstractMovement* mov_drehen = mController->getMovementFromId(CreatureController::MT_DREHEN);
    Real vel_drehen(0);
    Radian max_drehen = Degree(0);
    if (mov_drehen->calculateBaseVelocity(vel_drehen))
        max_drehen = Degree(vel_drehen * 360 * elapsedTime);

    Ogre::Quaternion future_orientation(mController->getYaw(), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);
    Ogre::Vector3 creatureDirection = future_orientation * Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z;
    Radian yaw(0);
    creatureDirection.y = result.y = 0;
    yaw = creatureDirection.getRotationTo(result, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y).getYaw();
    if (yaw > Radian(0) && yaw > max_drehen)
        yaw = max_drehen;
    if (yaw < Radian(0) && yaw < -max_drehen)
        yaw = -max_drehen;

    Ogre::Vector3 direction(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO);
    Ogre::Vector3 rotation(0,yaw.valueRadians(),0);
    CreatureController::MovementType movement = CreatureController::MT_STEHEN;
    if (result != Ogre::Vector3::ZERO)
        direction.z = -1;
        movement = CreatureController::MT_GEHEN;

    mController->setMovement(movement, direction, rotation);
    LOG_DEBUG(Logger::AI, "SteeringVehicle: mController->setMovement " + 
        Ogre::StringConverter::toString(movement) + ", "
        + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(direction) + ", "
        + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(rotation));

	mCurrentForce = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;