Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: list.c Proyecto: bensisko69/42
void			ft_link(t_list **list, char *str)
	t_list	*it;

	if (*list == NULL)
		*list = new_link(str);
		it = *list;
		while (it->next != NULL)
			it = it->next;
		it->next = new_link(str);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void default_args(t_args *args)
	t_item *file;
	file = new_link(".", NULL, args);
	args->items = file;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void URDFProperty::addLink()
    QString name = getValidName("link_", link_names_);
    boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Link> new_link(new urdf::Link());
    new_link->name = name.toStdString();
    model_->links_.insert(std::make_pair(name.toStdString(), new_link));

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(void) {
	int i;
	link head, x;
	// Population
	head = new_link(0);
	x = head;
	for (i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
		x = insert_after(x, new_link(i));
	// Traversal
	for (x = head; x != NULL; x = x->next) {
		printf("%i\n", x->item);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int		main(int ac, char **av)
	t_file	*myfile;
	t_file	*next;
	t_file	*before;
	DIR		*directory;
	char	*dirname;
	t_dir	*dirstruct;
	ssize_t	ret;
	int block;
	block = 0;

	before = init_list(before);
	myfile = init_list(myfile);
	myfile = myfile;
	myfile->next = before;

	dirname = ".";
	if (ac > 1)
		dirname = ft_strdup(av[1]);
	directory = opendir(dirname);
	if (errno != 0)
		if (errno == ENOTDIR)
			ft_putinfo(myfile, dirname, "", 0);
		return (-1);
	if ((ret = readlink(av[1], dirname, 256)) != -1)
		dirname[ret] = '\0';
		return (0);
	while ((dirstruct = readdir(directory)))
		before = ft_putinfo(before, dirstruct->d_name, dirname, 0);
		block += before->blocks; 
		before = new_link(next, before);
	printf("total %d\n", block);
	myfile = myfile->next;
	myfile = sort_time(myfile);
	while (myfile->next != NULL)
		myfile = myfile->next;
	return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void from_args(t_args *args, char *str)
	t_item *file;

	file = NULL;
	file = new_link(str, NULL, args);
	if (args->items)
		add_link(&(args->items), file, args->options->U);
		args->items = file;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void		broadcast(int npc)
	t_npc	*p;
	t_anim	*a;
	t_item	*item;
	t_list	**anims;

	p = g_env->npc + npc;
	a = new_anim(0, T_BROADCAST * FPS / g_env->time, anim_rock);
	item = new_item(g_env->lists[_init_talk], _mod_talk, a, display_any);
	anims = &g_env->sq[p->x + p->y * g_env->mapw].anims;
	*anims = new_link(*anims, item);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	void ItemSetBuilder::build_successors(const ItemSet& set) {
		// reset
		for (auto& item : set.m_closure) item.complete = false;

		for (auto& item : set.m_closure) {
			if (item.complete) continue;
			auto& production = m_grammar.get_production(item.production_id());
			auto dot = item.dot();
			// skip item whose dot is at right end
			if (dot >= production.rhs_count()) {
				item.complete = true;
			auto& symbol = production[dot + 1];		// symbol after dot
			// for each item which has 'symbol' after its dot
			for (auto& item2 : set.m_closure) {
				if (item2.complete) continue;
				auto& production2 = m_grammar.get_production(item2.production_id());
				auto dot2 = item2.dot();
				if (dot2 >= production2.rhs_count()) {
					// 'item2' has no successor
					item2.complete = true;
				auto& symbol2 = production2[dot2 + 1];			// symbol after dot
				if (symbol == symbol2) {
					// each item becomes complete after contibuting a successor
					item2.complete = true;
					auto& add = m_curr_item_set.add_kernel(production2, dot2 + 1);
					// add backward propagation link
					auto& new_node = new_link();
					new_node->next = add.backward_plink();
					add.backward_plink() = new_node;
					new_node->item = &item2;
			// build set from new kernels
			auto& new_set = build_item_set();
			if (symbol.type() == SymbolType::NONTERMINAL) {
				auto& act = set.add_action(symbol, ActionType::GOTO, new_set.id());
			else {
				auto& act = set.add_action(symbol, ActionType::SHIFT, new_set.id());
				assert(act.type != ActionType::SSCONFLICT);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void		add_mob(int npc, int x, int y, enum e_dir direc)
	static GLfloat	dir[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	static GLfloat	vec[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
	GLfloat			pos[3];
	t_move			*move;
	t_rot			*rot;
	t_anim			*anim;
	t_square		*sq;
	t_mob			*mob;

	set_vecf(pos, (float)x * 2, 0.0, (float)y * 2);
	anim = new_anim(rand() % 360, 360, anim_mob);
	move = new_move(0, 0, pos, dir);
	rot = new_rot(0, vec, 90 * direc, 0);
	mob = new_mob(anim, move, rot, npc);
	sq = g_env->sq + x + y * g_env->mapw;
	g_env->npc[npc].sq = sq;
	sq->mobs = new_link(sq->mobs, mob);
void AISUpdate::parseLink(const LLSD& link_map)
	LLUUID item_id = link_map["item_id"].asUUID();
	LLPointer<LLViewerInventoryItem> new_link(new LLViewerInventoryItem);
	LLViewerInventoryItem *curr_link = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
	if (curr_link)
		// Default to current values where not provided.
	BOOL rv = new_link->unpackMessage(link_map);
	if (rv)
		const LLUUID& parent_id = new_link->getParentUUID();
		if (curr_link)
			mItemsUpdated[item_id] = new_link;
			// This statement is here to cause a new entry with 0
			// delta to be created if it does not already exist;
			// otherwise has no effect.
			LLPermissions default_perms;
			LLSaleInfo default_sale_info;
			//LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "creating link from llsd: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(link_map) << LL_ENDL;
			mItemsCreated[item_id] = new_link;
		// *TODO: Wow, harsh.  Should we just complain and get out?
		LL_ERRS() << "unpack failed" << LL_ENDL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	void ItemSetBuilder::fill_lookaheads() {
		// convert all backward links into forward links
		for (auto& set : m_item_sets) {
			for (auto& item : set.m_closure) {
				for (auto bpl = item.backward_plink(); bpl != nullptr; bpl = bpl->next) {
					auto& fpl = bpl->item->forward_plink();
					auto& new_node = new_link();
					new_node->next = fpl;
					fpl = new_node;
					new_node->item = &item;

		// reset
		for (auto& set : m_item_sets) {
			for (auto& item : set.m_closure) {
				item.complete = false;

		bool not_fin = false;
		do {
			not_fin = false;
			for (auto& set : m_item_sets) {
				for (auto& item : set.m_closure) {
					if (item.complete) continue;
					for (auto fpl = item.forward_plink(); fpl != nullptr; fpl = fpl->next) {
						bool change = fpl->item->lookaheads().union_with(item.lookaheads());
						if (change) {
							fpl->item->complete = false;
							not_fin = true;
					item.complete = true;
		} while (not_fin);
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: Erwanito/42sh
void	start(char *line, char ***env)
	int		i;
	t_line	*tree;
	char	**split;

	if (line && line[0])
		i = 0;
		split = ft_strsplit(line, ';');
		while (split[i])
			tree = new_link(0, NULL);
			manage_line(split[i], tree, env);
	if (line)
Ejemplo n.º 13
int		insert_in_list(t_list **list, void *data)
  t_link	*link;
  t_link	*tmp;

  if ((*list) == NULL || data == NULL)
    return (-1);
  if ((link = new_link(data)) == NULL)
    return (-1);
  if ((*list)->first == NULL)
    (*list)->first = link;
    tmp = (*list)->first;
    while (tmp->next != NULL)
      tmp = tmp->next;
    tmp->next = link;
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
update_links(Block* b, const diy::ReduceProxy& srp, int dim, int round, int rounds, bool wrap, const Bounds& domain) const
    auto        log  = get_logger();
    int         gid  = srp.gid();
    int         lid  = srp.master()->lid(gid);
    RCLink*     link = static_cast<RCLink*>(srp.master()->link(lid));

    // (gid, dir) -> i
    std::map<std::pair<int,diy::Direction>, int> link_map;
    for (int i = 0; i < link->size(); ++i)
        link_map[std::make_pair(link->target(i).gid, link->direction(i))] = i;

    // NB: srp.enqueue(..., ...) should match the link
    std::vector<float>  splits(link->size());
    for (int i = 0; i < link->size(); ++i)
        float split; diy::Direction dir;

        int in_gid = link->target(i).gid;
            srp.dequeue(in_gid, split);
            srp.dequeue(in_gid, dir);

            // reverse dir
            for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j)
                dir[j] = -dir[j];

            int k = link_map[std::make_pair(in_gid, dir)];
            log->trace("{} {} {} -> {}", in_gid, dir, split, k);
            splits[k] = split;

    RCLink      new_link(dim_, link->core(), link->core());

    bool lower = !(gid & (1 << (rounds - 1 - round)));

    // fill out the new link
    for (int i = 0; i < link->size(); ++i)
        diy::Direction  dir = link->direction(i);
        //diy::Direction  wrap_dir = link->wrap(i);     // we don't use existing wrap, but restore it from scratch
        if (dir[dim] != 0)
            if ((dir[dim] < 0 && lower) || (dir[dim] > 0 && !lower))
                int nbr_gid = divide_gid(link->target(i).gid, !lower, round, rounds);
                diy::BlockID nbr = { nbr_gid, srp.assigner().rank(nbr_gid) };


                Bounds bounds = link->bounds(i);
                update_neighbor_bounds(bounds, splits[i], dim, !lower);

                if (wrap)
                    new_link.add_wrap(find_wrap(new_link.bounds(), bounds, domain));
        } else // non-aligned side
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                int nbr_gid = divide_gid(link->target(i).gid, j == 0, round, rounds);

                Bounds  bounds  = link->bounds(i);
                update_neighbor_bounds(bounds, splits[i], dim, j == 0);

                if (intersects(bounds, new_link.bounds(), dim, wrap, domain))
                    diy::BlockID nbr = { nbr_gid, srp.assigner().rank(nbr_gid) };

                    if (wrap)
                        new_link.add_wrap(find_wrap(new_link.bounds(), bounds, domain));

    // add link to the dual block
    int dual_gid = divide_gid(gid, !lower, round, rounds);
    diy::BlockID dual = { dual_gid, srp.assigner().rank(dual_gid) };

    Bounds nbr_bounds = link->bounds();     // old block bounds
    update_neighbor_bounds(nbr_bounds, find_split(new_link.bounds(), nbr_bounds), dim, !lower);

    new_link.add_wrap(diy::Direction());    // dual block cannot be wrapped

    if (lower)
        diy::Direction right;
        right[dim] = 1;
    } else
        diy::Direction left;
        left[dim] = -1;

    // update the link; notice that this won't conflict with anything since
    // reduce is using its own notion of the link constructed through the
    // partners
Ejemplo n.º 15
void put_chars(struct part *p, unsigned char *c, int l)
	static struct text_attrib_beginning ta_cache = { -1, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
	static int bg_cache;
	static int fg_cache;

	int bg, fg;
	int i;
	struct link *link;
	struct point *pt;
	if (l < 0) overalloc();
	/*printf("%d-", p->cx);for (i=0; i<l; i++) printf("%c", c[i]); printf("-\n");sleep(1);*/
	while (par_format.align != AL_NO && p->cx == -1 && l && *c == ' ') c++, l--;
	if (!l) return;
	if (c[0] != ' ' || (c[1] && c[1] != ' ')) {
		last_tag_for_newline = (void *)&p->data->tags;
	if (p->cx < par_format.leftmargin) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin;
	if (last_link || last_image || last_form || format.link || format.image || format.form) goto process_link;
	/*printf("%d %d\n",p->cx, p->cy);*/
	if (memcmp(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning))) goto format_change;
	bg = bg_cache, fg = fg_cache;
	if (p->cx == par_format.leftmargin && *c == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) c++, l--;
	if (p->y < p->cy + 1) p->y = p->cy + 1;
	if (nowrap && p->cx + l > rm(par_format)) return;
	set_hline(p, p->cx, p->cy, l, c, (((fg&0x08)<<3)|(bg<<3)|(fg&0x07))<<8, 1);
	p->cx += l;
	nobreak = 0;
	if (par_format.align != AL_NO)
		while (p->cx > rm(par_format) && p->cx > par_format.leftmargin) {
			int x;
			/*if (p->cx > p->x) {
				p->x = p->cx + par_format.rightmargin;
				if (c[l - 1] == ' ') p->x--;
			if (!(x = split_line(p))) break;
			/*if (LEN(p->cy-1) > p->x) p->x = LEN(p->cy-1);*/
			align_line(p, p->cy - 1);
			nobreak = x - 1;
	if ((p->xa += l) - (c[l-1] == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->xmax) p->xmax = p->xa - (c[l-1] == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin;
	if ((last_link /*|| last_target*/ || last_image || last_form) &&
	    !xstrcmp(format.link, last_link) && !xstrcmp(format.target, last_target) &&
	    !xstrcmp(format.image, last_image) && format.form == last_form) {
		if (!p->data) goto x;
		link = &p->data->links[p->data->nlinks - 1];
		if (!p->data->nlinks) {
			internal("no link");
			goto no_l;
		goto set_link;
	} else {
		if (last_link) mem_free(last_link);	/* !!! FIXME: optimize */
		if (last_target) mem_free(last_target);
		if (last_image) mem_free(last_image);
		last_link = last_target = last_image = NULL;
		last_form = NULL;
		if (!(format.link || format.image || format.form)) goto no_l;
		if (d_opt->num_links) {
			unsigned char s[64];
			unsigned char *fl = format.link, *ft = format.target, *fi = format.image;
			struct form_control *ff = format.form;
			format.link = format.target = format.image = NULL;
			format.form = NULL;
			s[0] = '[';
			snzprint(s + 1, 62, p->link_num);
			strcat(s, "]");
			put_chars(p, s, strlen(s));
			if (ff && ff->type == FC_TEXTAREA) line_break(p);
			if (p->cx == -1) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin;
			format.link = fl, format.target = ft, format.image = fi;
			format.form = ff;
		last_link = stracpy(format.link);
		last_target = stracpy(format.target);
		last_image = stracpy(format.image);
		last_form = format.form;
		if (!p->data) goto no_l;
		if (!(link = new_link(p->data))) goto no_l;
		link->num = p->link_num - 1;
		link->pos = DUMMY;
		if (!last_form) {
			link->type = L_LINK;
			link->where = stracpy(last_link);
			link->target = stracpy(last_target);
		} else {
			link->type = last_form->type == FC_TEXT || last_form->type == FC_PASSWORD || last_form->type == FC_FILE ? L_FIELD : last_form->type == FC_TEXTAREA ? L_AREA : last_form->type == FC_CHECKBOX || last_form->type == FC_RADIO ? L_CHECKBOX : last_form->type == FC_SELECT ? L_SELECT : L_BUTTON;
			link->form = last_form;
			link->target = stracpy(last_form->target);
		link->where_img = stracpy(last_image);
		if (link->type != L_FIELD && link->type != L_AREA) {
			bg = find_nearest_color(&format.clink, 8);
			fg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8);
			fg = fg_color(fg, bg);
		} else {
			fg = find_nearest_color(&format.fg, 8);
			bg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8);
			fg = fg_color(fg, bg);
		link->sel_color = ((fg & 8) << 3) | (fg & 7) | (bg << 3);
		link->n = 0;
		if ((unsigned)link->n + (unsigned)l > MAXINT / sizeof(struct point)) overalloc();
		pt = mem_realloc(link->pos, (link->n + l) * sizeof(struct point));
		link->pos = pt;
		for (i = 0; i < l; i++) pt[link->n + i].x = X(p->cx) + i,
					pt[link->n + i].y = Y(p->cy);
		link->n += l;
	goto no_l;

		bg = find_nearest_color(&format.bg, 8);
		fg = find_nearest_color(&format.fg, 16);
		fg = fg_color(fg, bg);
		if (format.attr & AT_ITALIC) fg = fg ^ 0x01;
		if (format.attr & AT_UNDERLINE) fg = (fg ^ 0x04) | 0x08;
		if (format.attr & AT_BOLD) fg = fg | 0x08;
		fg = fg_color(fg, bg);
		if (format.attr & AT_GRAPHICS) bg = bg | 0x10;
		memcpy(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning));
		fg_cache = fg; bg_cache = bg;
		goto end_format_change;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void g_put_chars(struct g_part *p, unsigned char *s, int l)
	struct g_object_text *t = NULL;
	struct link *link;
	if (putchars_link_ptr) {
		link = NULL;
		goto check_link;
	while (par_format.align != AL_NO && p->cx == -1 && l && *s == ' ') s++, l--;
	if (!l) return;
	g_nobreak = 0;
	if (p->cx < par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN;
	if (html_format_changed) {
		if (memcmp(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning)) || xstrcmp(cached_font_face, format.fontface) || cached_font_face == to_je_ale_prasarna ||
	xstrcmp(format.link, last_link) || xstrcmp(format.target, last_target) ||
	    xstrcmp(format.image, last_image) || format.form != last_form
	    || ((format.js_event || last_js_event) && compare_js_event_spec(format.js_event, last_js_event))	) {
			/*if (!html_format_changed) internal("html_format_changed not set");*/
			if (xstrcmp(cached_font_face, format.fontface) || cached_font_face == to_je_ale_prasarna) {
				if (cached_font_face && cached_font_face != to_je_ale_prasarna) mem_free(cached_font_face);
				cached_font_face = stracpy(format.fontface);
			memcpy(&ta_cache, &format, sizeof(struct text_attrib_beginning));
			if (p->current_style) g_free_style(p->current_style);
			p->current_style = get_style_by_ta(&format);
		html_format_changed = 0;
	/*if (p->cx <= par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN && *s == ' ' && par_format.align != AL_NO) s++, l--;*/
	if (!p->text) {
		link = NULL;
		t = mem_calloc(sizeof(struct g_object_text) + ALLOC_GR);
		t->mouse_event = g_text_mouse;
		t->draw = g_text_draw;
		t->destruct = g_text_destruct;
		t->get_list = NULL;
		/*t->style = get_style_by_ta(format);*/
		t->style = g_clone_style(p->current_style);
		t->bg = NULL; /* FIXME!!! */
		t->yw = t->style->height;
		/*t->xw = 0;
		t->y = 0;*/
		if (format.baseline) {
			if (format.baseline < 0) t->y = -(t->style->height / 3);
			if (format.baseline > 0) t->y = get_real_font_size(format.baseline) - (t->style->height / 2);
		if (last_link || last_image || last_form || format.link || format.image || format.form 
		|| format.js_event || last_js_event
		) goto process_link;
		if (putchars_link_ptr) {
			*putchars_link_ptr = link;

		if (!link) t->link_num = -1;
		else {
			t->link_num = link - p->data->links;
			t->link_order = link->obj_order++;

		t->text[0] = 0;
		p->pending_text_len = 0;
		p->text = t;
	if (p->pending_text_len == -1) {
		p->pending_text_len = strlen(p->text->text);
		goto a1;
	if ((p->pending_text_len & ~(ALLOC_GR - 1)) != ((p->pending_text_len + l) & ~(ALLOC_GR - 1))) a1:{
		struct g_object_text *t;
		if ((unsigned)l > MAXINT) overalloc();
		if ((unsigned)p->pending_text_len + (unsigned)l > MAXINT - ALLOC_GR) overalloc();
		t = mem_realloc(p->text, sizeof(struct g_object_text) + ((p->pending_text_len + l + ALLOC_GR) & ~(ALLOC_GR - 1)));
		if (p->w.last_wrap >= p->text->text && p->w.last_wrap < p->text->text + p->pending_text_len) p->w.last_wrap += (unsigned char *)t - (unsigned char *)p->text;
		if (p->w.last_wrap_obj == p->text) p->w.last_wrap_obj = t;
		p->text = t;
	memcpy(p->text->text + p->pending_text_len, s, l), p->text->text[p->pending_text_len += l] = 0;
	p->text->xw += g_text_width(p->text->style, p->text->text + p->pending_text_len - l); /* !!! FIXME: move to g_wrap_text */
	if (par_format.align != AL_NO) {
		p->w.text = p->text->text + p->pending_text_len - l;
		p->w.style = p->text->style;
		p->w.obj = p->text;
		p->w.width = rm(par_format) - par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN;
		if (p->w.width < 0) p->w.width = 0;
		if (!g_wrap_text(&p->w)) {
			split_line_object(p, p->w.last_wrap_obj, p->w.last_wrap);


	if ((last_link /*|| last_target*/ || last_image || last_form) &&
	    !putchars_link_ptr &&
	    !xstrcmp(format.link, last_link) && !xstrcmp(format.target, last_target) &&
	    !xstrcmp(format.image, last_image) && format.form == last_form
	    && ((!format.js_event && !last_js_event) || !compare_js_event_spec(format.js_event, last_js_event))) {
		if (!p->data) goto back_link;
		if (!p->data->nlinks) {
			internal("no link");
			goto back_link;
		link = &p->data->links[p->data->nlinks - 1];
		goto back_link;
	} else {
		if (last_link) mem_free(last_link);
		if (last_target) mem_free(last_target);
		if (last_image) mem_free(last_image);
		last_link = last_target = last_image = NULL;
		last_form = NULL;
		last_js_event = NULL;
		if (!(format.link || format.image || format.form || format.js_event)) goto back_link;
		/*if (d_opt->num_links) {
			unsigned char s[64];
			unsigned char *fl = format.link, *ft = format.target, *fi = format.image;
			struct form_control *ff = format.form;
			struct js_event_spec *js = format.js_event;
			format.link = format.target = format.image = NULL;
			format.form = NULL;
			format.js_event = NULL;
			s[0] = '[';
			snzprint(s + 1, 62, p->link_num);
			strcat(s, "]");
			g_put_chars(p, s, strlen(s));
			if (ff && ff->type == FC_TEXTAREA) g_line_break(p);
			if (p->cx < par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN) p->cx = par_format.leftmargin * G_HTML_MARGIN;
			format.link = fl, format.target = ft, format.image = fi;
			format.form = ff;
			format.js_event = js;
		last_link = stracpy(format.link);
		last_target = stracpy(format.target);
		last_image = stracpy(format.image);
		last_form = format.form;
		copy_js_event_spec(&last_js_event, format.js_event);
		if (!p->data) goto back_link;
		if (!(link = new_link(p->data))) goto back_link;
		link->num = p->link_num - 1;
		link->pos = DUMMY;
		copy_js_event_spec(&link->js_event, format.js_event);
		if (!last_form) {
			link->type = L_LINK;
			link->where = stracpy(last_link);
			link->target = stracpy(last_target);
		} else {
			link->type = last_form->type == FC_TEXT || last_form->type == FC_PASSWORD || last_form->type == FC_FILE ? L_FIELD : last_form->type == FC_TEXTAREA ? L_AREA : last_form->type == FC_CHECKBOX || last_form->type == FC_RADIO ? L_CHECKBOX : last_form->type == FC_SELECT ? L_SELECT : L_BUTTON;
			link->form = last_form;
			link->target = stracpy(last_form->target);
		link->where_img = stracpy(last_image);
		link->sel_color = 0;
		link->n = 0;
	goto back_link;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void do_image(struct g_part *p, struct image_description *im)
	struct g_object_image *io;
	struct link *link;
	link = NULL;
	putchars_link_ptr = &link;
	g_put_chars(p, NULL, 0);
	putchars_link_ptr = NULL;
	if (!link) im->link_num = -1;
	else {
		im->link_num = link - p->data->links;
		im->link_order = link->obj_order++;
		if (link->img_alt) mem_free(link->img_alt);
		link->img_alt = stracpy(im->alt);
	io = insert_image(p, im);
	if (!io) goto ab;
	io->ismap = im->ismap;
	add_object(p, (struct g_object *)io);
	if (im->usemap && p->data) {
		unsigned char *tag = extract_position(im->usemap);
		struct additional_file *af = request_additional_file(current_f_data, im->usemap);
		af->need_reparse = 1;
		if (af->rq && (af->rq->state == O_LOADING || af->rq->state == O_INCOMPLETE || af->rq->state == O_OK) && af->rq->ce) {
			struct memory_list *ml;
			struct menu_item *menu;
			struct cache_entry *ce = af->rq->ce;
			unsigned char *start, *end;
			int i;
			struct image_map *map;
			get_file(af->rq, &start, &end);
			if (start == end) goto ft;
			if (get_image_map(ce->head, start, end, tag, &menu, &ml, format.href_base, format.target_base, 0, 0, 0, 1)) goto ft;
			map = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct image_map));
			map->n_areas = 0;
			for (i = 0; menu[i].text; i++) {
				struct link_def *ld = menu[i].data;
				struct map_area *a;
				struct link *link;
				int shape = !ld->shape || !*ld->shape ? SHAPE_RECT : !strcasecmp(ld->shape, "default") ? SHAPE_DEFAULT : !strcasecmp(ld->shape, "rect") ? SHAPE_RECT : !strcasecmp(ld->shape, "circle") ? SHAPE_CIRCLE : !strcasecmp(ld->shape, "poly") || !strcasecmp(ld->shape, "polygon") ? SHAPE_POLY : -1;
				if (shape == -1) continue;
				if ((unsigned)map->n_areas > (MAXINT - sizeof(struct image_map)) / sizeof(struct map_area) - 1) overalloc();
				map = mem_realloc(map, sizeof(struct image_map) + (map->n_areas + 1) * sizeof(struct map_area));
				a = &map->area[map->n_areas++];
				a->shape = shape;
				a->coords = DUMMY;
				a->ncoords = 0;
				if (ld->coords) {
					unsigned char *p = ld->coords;
					int num;
					num = 0;
					while (*p && (*p < '0' || *p > '9')) p++;
					if (!*p) goto noc;
					while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9' && num < 10000000) num = num * 10 + *p - '0', p++;
					if (*p == '.') {
						while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') p++;
					if (*p == '%' && num < 1000) {
						int m = io->xw < io->yw ? io->xw : io->yw;
						num = num * m / 100;
					} else num = num * d_opt->image_scale / 100;
					if ((unsigned)a->ncoords > MAXINT / sizeof(int) - 1) overalloc();
					a->coords = mem_realloc(a->coords, (a->ncoords + 1) * sizeof(int));
					a->coords[a->ncoords++] = num;
					goto next_coord;
				if (!(link = new_link(p->data))) a->link_num = -1;
				else {
					link->pos = DUMMY;
					link->type = L_LINK;
					link->where = stracpy(ld->link);
					link->target = stracpy(ld->target);
					link->img_alt = stracpy(ld->label);
					link->where_img = stracpy(im->url);
#ifdef JS
					if (ld->onclick || ld->ondblclick || ld->onmousedown || ld->onmouseup || ld->onmouseover || ld->onmouseout || ld->onmousemove) {
						link->js_event->click_code = stracpy(ld->onclick);
						link->js_event->dbl_code = stracpy(ld->ondblclick);
						link->js_event->down_code = stracpy(ld->onmousedown);
						link->js_event->up_code = stracpy(ld->onmouseup);
						link->js_event->over_code = stracpy(ld->onmouseover);
						link->js_event->out_code = stracpy(ld->onmouseout);
						link->js_event->move_code = stracpy(ld->onmousemove);
					a->link_num = link - p->data->links;
				if (last_link) mem_free(last_link), last_link = NULL;
			io->map = map;
		if (tag) mem_free(tag);
	if (im->usemap) mem_free(im->usemap);