Ejemplo n.º 1
   10nov94 wmt: initialize n_used_list
   05jan95 wmt: upgrade calculations to ac-x code
   17may95 wmt: Convert from srand/rand to srand48/lrand48

   This resets the classification 'clsf to size n-classes and uses
   choose-random-prototype to randomly initializes any added classes, or all
   classes with 'random-start.  Classes are initialized by choosing one class
   as a prototype and adding 1% from two others for variance.  The function
   modifies the classification and returns the number of classes and the
   marginal probability.
int random_set_clsf( clsf_DS clsf, int n_classes, int delete_duplicates,
                    int  display_wts, unsigned int initial_cycles_p,
                    FILE *log_file_fp, FILE *stream)
  int n, i, n_data, index_0, *used_list, n_used_list = 0, num_atts = 0, n_others;
  int index_1, *used_cls_list, n_used_cls_list = 0, m;
  class_DS *classes, class;
  float proto_wt, wt_0, wt_1;

  n_classes =
    max(1, min((int) ceil((double) n_classes), clsf_DS_max_n_classes(clsf)));

  adjust_clsf_DS_classes(clsf, n_classes);

  n_data = clsf->database->n_data;
  for (i=0; i<clsf->database->n_atts; i++)
    if (eqstring( clsf->database->att_info[i]->type, "dummy") != TRUE)
  classes = clsf->classes;
  proto_wt = (float) n_data / n_classes;
  wt_0 = 0.95 * proto_wt;
  n_others = min( num_atts, (int) ceil( (double) (n_data / 2)));
  wt_1 = (0.05 * proto_wt) / n_others;
  used_list = (int *) malloc( n_classes * sizeof(int));
  used_cls_list = (int *) malloc( (n_others + 1) * sizeof(int));
  for (i=0; i<n_classes; i++)
    used_list[i] = 0;                                   /* primary cases for all classes */
  srand48( (long) (get_universal_time()));              /* re-init random number generator */
  for (n=0; n<n_classes; n++) {
    class = classes[n];
    index_0 = new_random( n_data, used_list, n_used_list);
    used_list[n_used_list] = index_0;
    for (i=0; i<n_others; i++)
      used_cls_list[i] = 0;                               /* secondary cases for each class */
    used_cls_list[0] = index_0;
/*  printf("\nclass-index %d index_0 %d\n", n, index_0); */
    n_used_cls_list = 1;
    class->wts = fill( class->wts, 0.0, class->num_wts, n_data);
    class->wts[index_0] = wt_0;
    for (m=0; m<n_others; m++) {
      index_1 = new_random( n_data, used_cls_list, n_used_cls_list);
/*  printf("index_1 %d  ", index_1); */
      used_cls_list[n_used_cls_list] = index_1;
      class->wts[index_1] = wt_1;
/*  printf("\n"); */
/*  for (i=0; i<class->num_wts; i++) */
/*    printf("%f  ", class->wts[i]); */
    class->w_j = max( proto_wt, clsf->min_class_wt);
  return(initialize_parameters(clsf, display_wts, delete_duplicates, initial_cycles_p,
                               log_file_fp, stream));
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void 
_proc_brd_isreg(struct msg_ac_brd_t *msg, int len, int proto)
	if(!__uuid_equ(&msg->header.acuuid[0], &sysstat.acuuid[0])) {
		if(__uuid_equ(&msg->takeover[0], &sysstat.acuuid[0])) {
			if(sysstat.sock >= 0) {
				sysstat.sock = -1;
			_proc_brd(msg, len, proto);
		} else {
			/* tell the broadcast ac, ap have reg in other ac */
			struct msg_ap_resp_t *resp = 
				malloc(sizeof(struct msg_ap_resp_t));
			if(resp == NULL) {
				sys_warn("Malloc for response failed:%s\n", 
			fill_msg_header(resp, MSG_AP_RESP, 

			/* calculate chap */
			chap_fill_msg_md5(resp, sizeof(*resp), 
			net_send(proto, -1, &msg->header.mac[0], 
				(void *)resp, sizeof(struct msg_ap_resp_t));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void test_random_rand(){
    Random* r = new_random();
    setSeed(r, 1);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
        printf("nextRand = %d\n", nextRand(r));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void populate_random(particle** p_array, int particles, int x, int y, int z,
	float dx, float dy, float dz) {
	 * This populates the given array with particles, determining their
	 * positions using the standard rand() function.
	assert(particles > 0);
	assert(x > 0);
	assert(y > 0);
	assert(z > 0);
	assert(dx > 0);
	assert(dy > 0);
	assert(dz > 0);
	assert(p_array != NULL);
	// Store the total size of the space
	float x_space, y_space, z_space;
	x_space = ((float) x) * dx;
	y_space = ((float) y) * dy;
	z_space = ((float) z) * dz;
	// Loop through the particle memory
	int particle_index;
	for (particle_index = 0;
		particle_index < particles;
		particle_index++) {
		// Assign the position
		p_array[0][particle_index].x =
		p_array[0][particle_index].y =
		p_array[0][particle_index].z =
	//assert(check_particles(the_grid, particles) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
vertex_t* create_vertices(int nsym2, int nvertex, int maxsucc, int nactive, bool print_input){
	vertex_t* vertices;
    nsym = nsym2;
    bitset_size = 50*(nsym / (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8)) + 1;

	Random* r = new_random();
	setSeed(r, 1);

    void* tmp;
    posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) sizeof(vertex_t) * nvertex);
    vertices = tmp;

    for(int i = 0; i < nvertex; ++i){
	    vertices[i].index = i;
	    vertices[i].listed = false;
        //posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) maxsucc);
        vertices[i].pred_list = NULL;
        vertices[i].pred_count = 0;
        //posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) maxsucc);
        vertices[i].succ_list = NULL;
        vertices[i].succ_count = 0;
	    //vertices[i].pred_list = create_node(NULL); //First element = NULL
	    //vertices[i].succ_list = create_node(NULL); //First element = NULL
        posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) bitset_size);
        vertices[i].in = tmp;
        posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) bitset_size);
        vertices[i].out = tmp;
        posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) bitset_size);
        vertices[i].use = tmp;
        posix_memalign(&tmp, (size_t) ALIGN_CONSTANT, (size_t) bitset_size);
        vertices[i].def = tmp;

        // Instead of using a homegrown calloc_align..
        for(int j = 0; j < (int)(nsym / (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8)+1 ); ++j){
            vertices[i].in[j] = 0;
            vertices[i].out[j] = 0;
            vertices[i].use[j] = 0;
            vertices[i].def[j] = 0;

	generateCFG(vertices, nvertex, maxsucc, r, print_input);
	generateUseDef(vertices, nvertex, nsym, nactive, r, print_input);

	return vertices;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void _proc_brd(struct msg_ac_brd_t *msg, int len, int proto)
	/* send current ipv4 */
	struct msg_ap_reg_t *resp = 
		malloc(sizeof(struct msg_ap_reg_t));
	if(resp == NULL) {
		sys_warn("Malloc for response failed:%s\n", 

	/* generate random1 */
	fill_msg_header((void *)resp, MSG_AP_REG, 
		msg->header.acuuid, new_random(msg->header.mac));
	resp->ipv4 = argument.addr;

	/* calculate chap: md5sum1 = packet + random0 + password */
	chap_fill_msg_md5((void *)resp, sizeof(*resp), msg->header.random);
	net_send(proto, -1, &msg->header.mac[0], 
		(void *)resp, sizeof(struct msg_ap_reg_t));
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main() {
	// These are the dimensions of our volume elements
	float particle_size = (float)1.0;
	// These are the dimensions of our space as multiples of dx, dy & dz
	int x = 10;
	int y = 10;
	int z = 50;
	// This is the total number of particles to simulate
	int particle_number = 100000;
	// Make the space we are simulating
	grid the_grid;

	// Make the particles we're testing with (could be read from a file)
	particle* p_array = (particle*) malloc( ((unsigned int)particle_number) *
	// Fill the array with random particles
	populate_random(&p_array, particle_number, x, y, z,
		particle_size, particle_size, particle_size);
	// Allocate memory and assign neighbourhoods
	grid_particles(&the_grid, p_array, particle_number, particle_size);
	assert(the_grid.particles != NULL);

	// Choose a particle randomly from the group
	particle* test_particle = NULL;
	int test_probe;
	while (test_particle == NULL) {
		test_probe = (int)( ((float)particle_number) * new_random());
		if (the_grid.particles[test_probe].id > 0) {
			test_particle = &(the_grid.particles[test_probe]);

	// DEBUGGING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	int test_x, test_y, test_z;
	get_index_from_position(&the_grid, test_particle,
		&test_x, &test_y, &test_z);
	assert(test_x >= 0);
	assert(test_y >= 0);
	assert(test_z >= 0);
	assert(test_x < the_grid.x_size);
	assert(test_y < the_grid.y_size);
	assert(test_z < the_grid.z_size);

	assert(test_particle != NULL);
	assert(test_particle->id != -1);

	// Find its neighbours through the grid
	// This will point to an array of neighbours
	particle* neighbour_array;
	// This will tell us how long the array is
	int neighbour_number = -1;
	get_potential_neighbours_for_particle(&the_grid, test_particle,
		&neighbour_array, &neighbour_number);

	assert(neighbour_number >= 0);

	fprintf(stderr, "Potentials found: %i\n", neighbour_number);
	// Now find which of those are true neighbours
	particle* true_neighbour_array;
	int true_neighbour_number = -1;
	get_true_neighbours_for_particle(&the_grid, test_particle,
		&true_neighbour_array, &true_neighbour_number);
	fprintf(stderr, "True neighhbours: %i\n", true_neighbour_number);

	particle* brute_force_neighbours;
	int total_neighbours = -1;
	get_neighbours_brute_force(&the_grid, test_particle,
	&(brute_force_neighbours), &total_neighbours);
	fprintf(stderr, "True neighbours from all: %i\n", total_neighbours);

	assert(total_neighbours == true_neighbour_number);
	assert(total_neighbours < neighbour_number);

	// Check every particle found
	float delta_x, delta_y, delta_z;
	// Check that all of the "true neighbours" were found during 
	// brute force
	int index1;		// Used for indexing the "true" array
	int index2;		// Used for indexing the "brute" array
	int found;		// 0 means no match yet, 1 means match found
	for (index1 = 0; index1 < true_neighbour_number; index1++) {
		found = 0;
		delta_x = true_neighbour_array[index1].x
			- test_particle->x;
		delta_y = true_neighbour_array[index1].y
			- test_particle->y;
		delta_z = true_neighbour_array[index1].z
			- test_particle->z;

		// Check that the particle is a true neighbour
		assert((delta_x*delta_x)+(delta_y*delta_y)+(delta_z*delta_z) <=
			(the_grid.dx * the_grid.dx));
		for (index2 = 0; index2 < total_neighbours; index2++) {
			if (found == 0) {
				if (true_neighbour_array[index1].id ==
					brute_force_neighbours[index2].id) {
					found = 1;

		// Ensure the grid particle was found in the brute force
		assert(found == 1);

	// Now do the same but the other way around
	for (index2 = 0; index2 < total_neighbours; index2++) {
		found = 0;
		delta_x = brute_force_neighbours[index2].x
			- test_particle->x;
		delta_y = brute_force_neighbours[index2].y
			- test_particle->y;
		delta_z = brute_force_neighbours[index2].z
			- test_particle->z;
		for (index1 = 0; index1 < true_neighbour_number; index1++) {
			if (found == 0) {
				if (true_neighbour_array[index1].id ==
					brute_force_neighbours[index2].id) {
					found = 1;

		// Ensure everything found through brute force was found by the grid
		assert(found == 1);

	// Success
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void test_w_z_seed(){
    Random* r = new_random();
    setSeed(r, 1);
    printf("r.w = %d\nr.z = %d\n", r->w, r->z);